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8 months ago

It always surprises me when Alicent is seen as a feminist icon

I'm sorry her? From all the female characters you chose the religion-obsessed character who shames other women for their promiscuity? The woman who instead of punishing her rapist son (I'm not saying she had to send him to the wall cause even I can tell that's ridiculous) enables his behaviour as long as he's discreet with it? The one who married Helaena off when she was a tween, freshly menstruated to Aegon knowing full well how awful he is to women?

Being conventionally attractive and looking at everyone with her sad teary eyes while asking "why's no one in my side?:(" doesn't make her a feminist icon

"uh rhaenyra isn't a feminist icon either cause she just cares about being queen and doesn't care for other women" what the fuck do you expect? For her to, as soon as she got named heir, say that women will be the first one's in line to inherit from now on? To illegalize arranged marriages? Her becoming queen is a big of a deal, her ruling successfully would've opened so many doors to other women, but Alicent decided her rapist of a son should be king and closed all doors and windows to other women

Most of this flavour of greenies tend to call themselves feminists for supporting Alicent but yell that Rhaenyra is a whore (she slept with 4 men, she was married to 2 of them, had a serious relationship with one of them and offered to maintain a relationship with the other who btw refused because she didn't want to give up a life of comfort and luxury after one quick fuck) and Baela is a spawn from hell because she's not afraid to throw punches when people offend her family

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8 months ago

I haven't watched the new episode yet, I think it was out yesterday? So take this as my opinion of the leaks. Anyways, 2 things because i just woke up and i don't feel like writing something long:

1. Calling Criston Cole a reward for Alicent because she did her duty and was a "good" wife is objectifying and a disgusting take (and it's also something I've heard many rape victims say they were called before getting raped so)

2. Alicent rawdogging while B&C happens is gross and a wasted opportunity of once again, showing what an amazing actress Olivia Cooke is. Imagine if B&C occurred the same way as in the book, the dispair on Alicent's eyes as she is forced to wait for her daughter knowing that she can't do anything to warn her of the dangers on her chambers. We already know how amazing Olivia is at eye-acting, I'm mourning that loss

*ends up writing something long*

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8 months ago

If daemyra is creepy, rhaenycole (or however it's called), should be equally, if not twice as creepy

Because on one hand we have a man who spent most of his time out of kings landing, kissed his teenage niece (who was of marriable age) on one of the scarce times he visited, who he didn't sleep with until she was an adult woman with already grown children (not saying they were adults)

And on the other we have a man, of the same age as her uncle, who was 24/7 with her, or at least was supposed to, since she was like 14 and ended up sleeping with her (when she was of marriable age) while she was drunk and then 20 years later still holds a grudge against her because she didn't run away with him after that

Let's be honest here, if Cole was interpreted by an actor who isn't considered attractive by beauty standards and was older, a lot of more people would call him creepy, but no, the role of the "creepy man" was given to Matt Smith, who is 11 years older than Fabien and isn't considered attractive by beauty standards (I find him attractive)

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8 months ago

Me when people say that Rhaenyra is a bad ruler because when she was 15-16 she said ONCE that the small folk don't matter after leaving the red keep and being around them for the FIRST time

Me When People Say That Rhaenyra Is A Bad Ruler Because When She Was 15-16 She Said ONCE That The Small

And then they say that Aegon is such a good ruler because he cares for his people and it's like, I would fucking hope so? He's a 20-something-year-old who spent half his life surrounded by them, I would fucking hope he had learned to care for them after he spent a shit ton of time getting blacked out drunk with them

Edit because someone reminded me this: Nyra was only dismissive of the small folk wishes after witnessing a mocking play about her while aegon was kind to the small folk because they were stroking his ego

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8 months ago

It always amuses me when TG acts like Alicent's life would've been better if she hadn't married Viserys, like no, if she had failed in seducing Viserys her father wouldn't have allowed her to marry someone of her choosing, he probably would've married her to the best buyer and given her status it wouldn't have been someone very important and as we were able to see, Otto doesn't care about the age of the suitor

And no, don't say "But but but house Hightower was important bla bla bla" because though that's true, her father is the second son, so unless her uncle died with no heirs, her marriage prospects weren't very good, the only thing that would've saved her a little would be the fact that she was friends with the heir, and someone would've married her in the hopes of getting close to Rhaenyra and striking an alliance, but that's me trying to find something positive about a marriage with Alicent (in the political sense). Like, there's a reason why Otto didn't publicly present Alicent as an option, because he knew he would be laughed at, who would think that the king was going to choose the worst out of his 2 options?

Viserys married her because he thought she was interested in him (in s1 ep 2 she tells him she had been enjoying his company), or at the very least that they got along, she visited him in her best clothes looking better than she ever had (cause let's be honest here, she looked great), which showed more skin than normal, she ate with him, gave him gifts, etc. Like that's shit you do in Westeros if you are interested in someone. He also married her not because he was looking for a male heir, but because he needed that little reassurance that if something happened to Rhaenyra before she had children there would be someone who could take the throne, like there's a reason why back then people had many children, not because they were the product of love but because they had titles to lend and they needed to ensure that they would pass to someone in their lineage, after all, Corlys said it himself "History does not remember BLOOD, It remembers NAMES"

Viserys isn't some sort of pervert for marrying someone younger than him, that was normal in Westeros, women were considered old and barren as soon as they turned 24 (exaggeration), do you really think lords married young girls to prey on their beauty and youth? No! They married 15-year-olds because they were fertile and because of the advantages the marriage would bring to them, a marriage was never simply because "they are beautiful"

People need to stop putting so much blame on Viserys, does he deserve it? probably, but greenies often forget that Otto was the one who pimped out his daughter, and put all the blame on Viserys as if he had requested the guards to bring Alicent to his chambers as if he had made the first move.

"oh but he told her not to tell Rhaenyra" Wrong, he ASKED If she had told Rhaenyra, why would he ask her not to tell Rhaenyra, what, 6 months after they started seeing each other?

One last thing, Alicent did have a choice, she could've told Viserys "My dad sent me to comfort you" and then acted like she misunderstood what Otto meant by it and if she didn't do that and went with her fathers plan she could've told Rhaenyra, that way she could've at least saved her relationship with her. After all, if Alicent had a right to get mad at Rhaenyra for not telling her she had gotten stuffed by Criston, Rhaenyra surely has a right to get mad that her best friend had been seeing HER dad behind her back for MONTHS

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8 months ago

like seriously, he felt like her status was a sword of Damocles the first time she asked to have sex with him while she was drunk but didn't while she was completely sober and offered again?

If Criston Cole was able to say no to Rhaenyra to become his regular lover without fearing that she would do anything to him, then no, he didn't sleep with her out of fear that she would do something bad to him if he refused. We have to stop this bullshit after a while. The character's actions do not fit your abuse / rape scenario. The scene is not written as such, nor shot or performed as such. It's written, filmed and performed as a completely consensual sex scene.

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8 months ago

TG needs to decide if Viserys is a passive idiot who doesn't know how to to anything and is easily manipulated or an abusive manipulative asshole who made alicent and their kids lives hell just for the fun of it

Cause the amount of posts of people saying that he's an idiot with no agency I've seen is crazy, just to scroll and see that the next post is some rant about how Viserys strung alicent and aegon along by making them think that aegon would be king

Which by the way I think it's ridiculous, if he wanted Aegon to think he was going to be king he would've I don't know let him have a seat in the council meetings? Or make him cupbearer? Oh no wait, he made Rhanenyra do those things

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8 months ago

I would also like to mention Criston and Criston

List of characters I hate in HoTD:









Anyone and everyone on the side of the greens


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7 months ago

"but Rhaenyra lied to Alicent-" let's be real for a second, what would you be more mad about?

Finding out your former best friend, someone you aren't in good terms anymore lied to you about her virginity and slept with a guy you had a crush on before you married? (you are pregnant with your second child)


Finding out your best friend, someone you had gone to for comfort, someone you had told about your fears of your father remarrying and being pushed to the side, had been seeing your father behind your back and now they are going to get married? (It's been less than a year of your mother's death)

One of them deserves to hold a grudge and it's not the one you think

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7 months ago

saw your post on Rhaenyra and Aegon and thank you for summing it up so well.

Rhaenyra is held to such a dumb standard and if she says one thing wrong in her entire life, that makes her a bad person and ruler.

Aegon does the barest minimum that any monarch is expected to do and he’s someone the real Azor Ahai.

Yeah, sure guys, you’re absolutely not sexist.

I just got so tired of all the posts praising him for what a good king he is after doing the bare fucking minimum

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7 months ago

Alicent being surprised that Criston's loyalty falters as soon as he 1. Gains a little more power and 2. They're not fucking (aka he doesn't need her anymore) is the equivalent of Cassie being surprised Nate is an abusive asshole towards her after watching him be an abusive asshole towards Maddie

Like babe

It happened before, right in front of your eyes, what did you expect?

Also, did anybody else notice she started questioning his loyalty as soon as he stopped agreeing with her? And he, at the same time, stopped being a loyal dog as soon as he got a little bit of power...?

Kinda like the knightly "love" (or however the fuck alicole fans were calling it) they share for each other is conditional to what they can get from the other and not true sweet innocent love <3

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7 months ago

Me watching the same people who infantilize young!Alicent to the point where it feels like she's 3 years old, adultify young!Lucerys to the point where it feels like he was 27 slashing the eye of 12 year old Aemond for his own enjoyment

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6 months ago

Rhaenyra doesn't want to be a man because she feels like one, she isn't trans

She wants to be a man because if she was her mother probably wouldn't have died, if she was there wouldn't have been a war, her claim wouldn't have been questioned, if she was a man she wouldn't need to earn the respect of the lords or the smallfolk, if she was a man they would've handed her their respect on a silver platter with a side of caviar

She wants to be a man because her whole life she's been told she wasn't enough because she isn't a man

If she was a man she could sleep around and her claim wouldn't be questioned, if she was a man and had bastards her claim wouldn't be questioned

If she was a man the fandom wouldn't hate her so much, and wouldn't consider her a spoilt whore for doing something men do x5

I mean you've seen it, Aegon raped several servants and the fandom still loves him, even saying that Dyana was exaggerating or that it was "normal" back then, Rhaenyra had consensual sex with her knight and they consider it "rape" because of their power imbalance (and only after she rejected the idea of running away with him and abandoning her duties)

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6 months ago

Idk why but one day I was very sleep deprived and I started thinking (off to a bad start, I know) and I was like

"the modern equivalent to the dance of dragons is not wanting to go to college and your dad is like "if you go to college and graduate with good grades I'll give you a car" and so you go to college to another state and graduate with good grades and when you go back to your dad's house you find out your step mom gave your car to your 16th year old brother who is constantly drunk and has repeated 2 years of highschool and when you complain because that's your car everyone is like "omg if you truly wanted the car you wouldn't have left for college, you are so selfish"

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6 months ago

Hate this shit

Hate This Shit

If Rhaenyra was anything like Cersei the dance wouldn't have happened because she would've gotten rid of Alicent as soon as Viserys announced her as his new bride

At the latest she would've killed her half-siblings days after being born, like "oopsie woopsie they all seem to have suffered from SIDS

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6 months ago

as someone who was adopted i HATEEE the conversation surrounding the velaryon kids because i never felt like I really fit in (through no fault of my adoptive family, I just had issues after being shuttled around the foster system), I always felt like I wasn't as good as my mums "real" (biological) family, I never felt like I was truly her daughter, I was genuinely surprised to see i was given an equal share in her will as my sisters, the idea these kids aren't really laenors and not really rhaenys and corlys' family and have no right to family echoes so much of how I felt. and it's not even my own feelings anymore. People have been saying it for 2 years. I cant enjoy this fandom without seeing people questioning whether or not they should be considered part of the targ family.

and yeah I know its fiction but this series isn't made as an escape, its a commentary. which is why so much is based off current politics and historical conflicts. its made to reflect the real world. and all I see is my own feelings of inadequacy reflected.

(on anon because I don't want to be attacked by rabid TG fans)

It took me a while to organize my thoughts to answer and I still don't think this is a good enough answer

But I think this all comes from that believe that an adopted child can't be as loved as a biological one

That's why they think that Daemon hates the Velaryon boys or that Laenor's side of the family has no right to mourn Lucerys

Add a sprinkle of resentment to that mix because TG (who are the picture of a nuclear family) are constantly betraying each other, and TB (who are messy as fuck ngl) are a united front

And you have bastardphobia at its finest

The Velaryon boys are all amazing and very loved, so those who hate them can only use their parentage as justification for their hatred towards them, using bastard as an insult

They forget that this shit affects real people, that their "uh they are not a real family because they are not related 😵‍💫" affects real people who "unluckily" don't have a nuclear family with a biological mom and a biological dad

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6 months ago

"Excuse a prince" - not true, because I initially don't think that he has done anything wrong. Nothing to excuse.

So you don't think rape is wrong? Oh okay

"Excuse A Prince" - Not True, Because I Initially Don't Think That He Has Done Anything Wrong. Nothing

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