Psych2go - Tumblr Posts
1. Some store bought waffles, and I’d sit in peace and eat them at my leisure.
2. My best friend, I’d sit and have dinner with her again. If nothing else, just to see her once more.
3. No, largely because i think rehearsing will screw it up even more.
4. Do the people I care about now, stay my friends?
5. I would like to read it.
6. I’d stop fretting about the future and spend as much of my time making memories and helping my friends.
7. Not even slightly.
8. 12. Again. I never grew up.
9. Writing stories, and making things. That or making people happy (rich) too.
10. I push buttons more than once, fully aware it does nothing.
11. Never.
12. Yup, never look back. I’d try to make my money make itself.
13. Nope, I try to make each day different enough.
14. Not at all.
15. All the pictures I’ve taken. They’re few, and the memories serve me better.
16. Horrible short term, my long term memories are important.
17. Live now with everything I’ll ever learn.
18. Destruction
19. Strength, Blindness, Intentions
20. A year is worth nearly nothing. It goes by fast and too much happens to quantify it. But days are priceless. and entire day can mean devotion to one thing that is special.
21. They aren’t. They impede our survival. But it makes surviving worth doing.
22. TL;DR- Things went wrong, but we’re making the best of it!
23. How conduct oneself in public.
24. “I just didn’t have the heart.”
25. “Live your life! Chase what you desire! Nothing else matters!”
26. “Why did you let us go?” asked to former best friend from question 2
27. Honor is courage to stand up for what you think, and the will to follow through for the people and things that matter. It is wholly important.
28. I’m the villain of my story.
29. Open-mindedness is always a virtue, to avoid destruction we must perceive it.
30. “Is this all there is to us?”
30 Questions to Test Your Personality:
If you could have one breakfast for tomorrow knowing it’s the last day you will live, what would that be?
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you like as a dinner guest? (E)
Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why? (E)
If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? (E)
If there’s a book that shows you your ending, would you want to read it?
If you knew in one year you would die suddenly, what would you change about the way you are living your life now? (E)
Do you think your name affects your personality or choice of career? (E)
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? (E)
If happiness was the national currency, what job would make you rich? (E) (sorry, I’m having way too much fun with this ;D -E)
Do you push buttons more than once and do you believe that makes it work faster? (E)
Would you want to be friends with yourself? (E)
If you won a million dollars (or some large sum of money) would you quit your job? (E)
Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? (E)
Are you really wasting time if you’re enjoying it? (E)
Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or all the pictures you’ve taken? (E)
Would you rather have a horrible short-term memory or a long-term memory? (E)
Would you rather go back to age five with everything you’ve learned or live now with everything you’ll learn in the future? (E)
Are humans better at construction or destruction? (E)
If you could sum up all of human nature in three words, what would they be? (E)
What is a year of life worth? What about a day? (E)
Are emotions necessary for human survival? (E)
What is the TLDR version of your life? (E)
What should they teach in high school but don’t? (E)
What inscription do you want on your gravestone? (E)
If you had thirty seconds to send a message to the entire world, what would you say? (E)
If you could ask a single person a question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would it be? (E)
What is honor and does it matter? (E)
Do you see yourself as the hero or the villain in your story? (E)
Is being open-minded a virtue if it allows destructive ideas to spread through society? (E)
What questions would you ask your future self? (E)
Thank you E for coming up with these questions! We were originally going to use these for Psych2Go’s questions of the day series, but figured maybe having it all posted like this would be good. So here ya go! :) Feel free to message us your response to these as well!
Am I the only one that gets this icky feeling about Psych2Go?
I barely watched some of their videos but the information they use is either vague or just plain wrong.
I really don't want to end up like a whole lot of people I see at my place of work. Their lives are so regimented, and the shadow of dead dreams and caged ideas hangs around them like a cloak that can't be shrugged off, ever.
I am tired, really tired. Not just physically tired, but I am even more tired, mentally. I seem to be stuck. Although, I know that things tend to open up and become clear if you keep seeking positive growth, but, I am tired. Must I really strain and labour like this on a daily basis, for so long???
I am broke, in debt, and much of what I earn goes to other people and almost none to funding a better future for myself.
I wish to quit and pursue what will give my life more meaning, what will return a spark to my eyes, blow alive the dying ember of LIVING in my heart, and re-instill in me a love for LIVING, and a joy that overflows from deep within. But, I have the weight of my family to carry, the burden of certain responsibilities, and a raging need to be disciplined in other to be good enough to open the way forward for my people.
But, I am tired, almost frustrated.