Pura Pathvine - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Elemin Dariana On Young Pura Pathvine
Elemin Dariana On Young Pura Pathvine
Elemin Dariana On Young Pura Pathvine
Elemin Dariana On Young Pura Pathvine

Elemin Dariana on Young Pura Pathvine

A creeping, flowering vine that can be found sparsely throughout JI. Though it has a preference for dry weather, it is a tenacious vine that can thrive in just about anything. That said, grass tends to out-compete it, so it's rarely found in the wild, much less without support. It is thought to have originated on a northern Fuline Ah island or perhaps a south Reline Ah one, but it is best known for its presence on the Reline Ah continent as a domestic vine. Despite its hardy nature, it takes careful pruning and care to thrive.

The Elemin Dariana is the namesake of one of the first Flower Buddys, Elderflower, and for that reason, Elemin Darias are often called Elderflowers in Reline Ah.

In their early phases, the flower buds have a nutty, almondy flavor. When they bloom, their flavor changes to more of a sweet, faint licorice taste. The stems have a much stronger licorice taste and texture, though since the flower is rather rare, tea and candy made from parts of the plant are rarely served outside of Reline Ah.

A fully mature Pura Pathvine has yet to be discovered. There is even some question as to whether or not they are Pathvines at all or simply a different kind of megaflora, or perhaps even a dwarf species of Pathvine. Still others say that Pura Pathvines are very special, and when fully grown, connect to a dimension that has never before been discovered. Some proponents of the dwarf theory agree that Pura Pathvines have a connection to other dimensions, but instead merely act as gateposts or landmarks, growing near the gate to one, or even acting as the gate itself. Which ever theory is correct, there is still much to be discovered about Pura Pathvines. Known specimens include one in Reline Ah, featured here, and two others, one found between Furheart Iiah, Reline Ah and Batulia Songlianne out at sea, and another between the south coast of Crescent Minoria and Warminia Songlianne. As more specimens are discovered, researchers expect to have a better grasp on the nature of these Pura Pathvines.

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