Pushing Daisies - Tumblr Posts
pushing daisies is really a show like no other. the plot is about death and murder, but the themes are about love and beauty in the mundane. its a surreal & absurd & comical fairytale… and also a crime show. it’s sweet & beautiful & almost reminds you of childhood movies, until you get hit with some double entendre out of left field lol. the sets & backdrops somehow contain the bright colours that only existed when you were a kid. the concept is amazing & unique, and will make you ugly cry while thinking about the meaning of life. it’s so gorgeous.

The Facts Were These…
by @petpluto
Logan can wake the dead. He hates it.
cover art would not have been possible without @troublescout. Thank you friend!
If I had infinite money I would make a last movie for every TV Series that got cancelled with a cliffhanger. Just so that fans finally have an ending to that. No matter if I watched or liked the series, just for the fans the last thing so that they would not have to suffer through never knowing how it would have ended.

'We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed Were just seasons out of time'
My favorite serie by far ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤♥️

Scripts for the first 7 episodes of Pushing Daisies are available to read here.
Rui & the PC
Every time I imagine a romantic interaction between Rui and the PC this scene comes to mind:
Not quite the same but if they touch each other she dies
The show was Pushing Daisies. I saw a trailer a few years back and immediately grabbed the 2 seasons. It was weird and lovely.

Happy National Pie Day

Why are they kissing through plastic wrap? o:

oh my god you dont know what pushing daisies is!!!! people dont know what pushing daisies is!!!!! oh my GOD anon strap in
okay picture this
Brian Fuller’s original 2007 magical realism romantic comedy with a dash of morbidity (after all, this is Brian Fuller we’re talking abt) & fairytale elements
as this review describes: “Characters & plot like Lemony Snicket, sets like Tim Burton, shots like Wes Anderson, rapid witty dialogue like Gilmore Girls, and costumes like uh, frickin’ magic.”
everything is Super Saturated All The Time and the costume design is literally flawless

starring: asexual bakery man, very tall very kind and himbo-adjacent, has low-level necromantic powers named Ned

Ned is, for convoluted reasons, the accomplice of a film noir detective named after a fish (Emerson Cod) who looks like a hardass but secretly loves pop-up books and knitting
Ned the bakery man is a Piemaker and works in and owns a building that looks like this

(there are novelty cherry lighting fixtures)
he has a dog, who is undead, bc aforementioned necromantic bakery boy has the unique skill of being able to touch dead things and bring them back to life
he and Emerson Cod touch murder victims, ask them who killed them, and then collect the reward. easy get-money-quick-scheme, UNTIL
Ned’s childhood crush and my life’s icon, Charlotte “Chuck” Charles, gets murdered on a cruise
he touches her once (ONCE) and is never able to touch her again, lest his necromantic powers zap her back to death. hence:
contact-free romance ensues.
I highly recommend the show for: asexuals, demisexuals, dog people, people who like pie, fashion & costume design enthusiasts, anyone who’s a fan of film noir, people who like pie and dogs and mermaids
literally this show is my absolute all time favorite PLEASE watch it
you can watch both seasons for free here
literally if you’ve ever cared for my opinion at all please watch at least the first episode i beg of u
I hate the term “unalive” unless we’re talking about the thing Ned the Piemaker does after alive againing someone
There’s a serial killer in your town. Unfortunately for them you are a necromancer and you have fun driving that maniac insane.