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Quilla (Kwil-lah) Goddess of the Spring season. She is the daughter of Morrighynn and Herne, sister of Kora, Myliea and Tarna and the consort to the god Lyan. Her name literally means "Spring."
Few tales are told of Quilla and her sisters. She is the youngest of her sisters, born in the first day of spring. She and her sisters were always bickering and contesting against each other over various things since their birth. Quilla contested with her sisters for which season they would rule over. Quilla created colorful flowers up from the ground. This and because of her love for pastel colored clothing, her folks granted her the season of spring to govern over. Thus, on the first day of winter, Quilla's sister Myliea, goddess of the Winter, departs the land, while Quilla appears on the first day of spring on a magnificent roan-red horse; bringing the defrosting of the land, growing of the flowers and birthing of animals. The other grand sacred story tells of Quilla’s sacred marriage to Lyan, god of the East.
Quilla is seen as a young female figure refined with strawberry-blond hair laced with spring flowers. She is clad in pastel colors of green and pinks, with pastel color trim. Her hlad is of the same tones. Sometimes she is said to have a Daddalo [himation] or Stola of pastel yellows. In her hand is often seen a staff of willow with ribbons wrapped on it. Other times she is seen with a basket of spring flowers. Sometimes she is said to be winged with white feathers. When about mortals she will take the image of a horse or a sparrow, her totem animals.
Sacred gifts to Quilla are Milk, Springtime flowers, votive images of red horses, sparrows, rabbits and of course incense. Most common gifts are wreathes of spring flowers.
Quilla and her sisters the seasons