Pagan Witch - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Not a kinne blog post but I have a second account @unsuresblog that I just created for people to ask me questions about the Wiccan religion, I had decided to take up Wicca a few months ago and have done a shit ton of research and fact checking. I want to educate others and myself more on this religion so if you'd please make your way to that blog and ask me something I'd be super appreciative! Blessed be🌸

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7 months ago

Too relatable 😭

Cats Are Sacred To Dionysus, So I Don't Mind Being A Good Kitty

Cats are sacred to Dionysus, so I don't mind being a good kitty 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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1 year ago

Natures of Celestials 1/2

I realized while working on this story that the character profiles are going to take a lot more research and time than I originally thought. Because many of these people are inspired by real religion and myth I want to be as careful as possible in their descriptions.

For now I’ll keep you all updated on some more concepts that will help you gain a better understanding of the characters and world. In particular, I wanted to speak more on the natures of the celestial entities in the story as they may differ from the traditional understanding of angels and daemons most are familiar with. 

Within the story “You Are Sheol”, we will be operating under the philosophy that energy in all forms is conscious and thus can harbor information, can remember that information, can forget that information, and most importantly, can have intentions. 

Energy is trans-dimensional and is the only thing in creation capable of fitting between The Veil. Humans can do magick with entities by sharing energy with them through intentions and worship. 

Death cleans the information of all energy, resulting in energy with no intention or identity.  There are multiple stages of Death.

Natures Of Celestials 1/2

The ethereal world makes work with dark matter. There are materials and elements composed of Dark matter in the 4th dimension that are unknowable to us due to our dimension’s inability to interact with it and our inability to detect it. We cannot comprehend it. If a human consciousness finds itself in the psychedelic world, it will likely be unable to understand the material even if it does interact with visible matter. This makes the ethereal world and higher dimensions mysterious in nature.

Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Examples of material and machines made from dark matter.

All celestial entities are composed of Energy in waves or forms that exist on spectrums and vibrate at a certain frequency. This energy is generated by feeding on Dark Matter in the form of different Primordial Elements. The result of this energy feeding on these elements is Primordial Fire, the result of an entity’s energy. The result of this interaction becomes a consciousness in varying degrees of complexity. All of these entities have names but very few have been discovered by humanity. 

Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Primordial Fire

Within these higher dimensions these beings have unfathomable mass and gravitational fields. Instead of a material body, a celestial will have a melam, which can be considered their ethereal body, a projection of the energy emitted from their Primordial Fire. While symbolism often relates angels to looking like birds, the rapid fluttering of their colorful wings are closer to that of moths. Celestials do not rest. Energy is collected through various means depending on the entity. Celestials have precise control over their own matter and energy.

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Natures Of Celestials 1/2

A visualization of what celestials may "look like" in higher dimensions

Because celestials do not have physical bodies, it is easier to think of them as ideas of people and concepts rather than “people” themselves. A collection of energy in a closed system that has developed an identity, and in the case of Collective Angels, may have roles and natural intentions (to blow the wind, to grow the trees etc.) 

Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2

This means they can be considered many ideas at once, and can be in many places at once. Many versions of a celestial can exist from our perspective whilst still being considered the same entity. Celestials can simultaneously be classified as both damon and angel, but Collective Angels cannot be considered Daemon. Collective Angels can however, be Lower Gods, as can Higher Daemons.

Because these entities are thought forms, they can be accessed via specific correspondences that align with the entity's energy. These correspondences, in the form of colors, scents, sounds, elements, timing, planetary alignments, animals etc, all contribute to the energy of a specific individual entity.

Some entities reside on Earth, most do not. Entities exist in all parts of creation, and creation is incomprehensibly big. These entities may or may not have motives that interact with Earth or Humanity, and it should be noted that there are many entities that have never and will never interact with humanity at all. 

(Living creatures in other solar systems (which would be aliens to us, I suppose) worship the Gods of their creation just as we do, and those Gods have domain over those sections of space. Our story is mainly focused around the Gods of the Milky Way Galaxy who obey our laws of physics.)

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Knowable Creation

Celestials (Gods, gods, Angels, angels, Daemons, and daemons)  can manifest themselves in the material plane as different forms of energy. There are entities that exist in high forms of energy, and there are entities that exist in low forms of energy. It takes a gargantuan amount of energy for a celestial to manifest in the material world without a material body. Our material plane simply cannot handle the complexity of their being, and their mysterious dark matter cannot pass between dimensions. So celestials often opt to manifest as one of these lesser forms of energy to make contact with the material realm. 

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Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Energy is recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light.  Energy is transdimensional. 

For our purposes, we will say there are 7 main types of energy that a celestial may manifest as. 

Nuclear energy, gravitational energy, light energy (in all forms), mechanical energy, electrical energy,  sound energy, and chemical energy.  

(I’m sure through some technicalities we could identify more)

The spectrum that an entity exists on will fundamentally affect the forms that they present or manifest as. More importantly, the spectrum that an entity exists on outlines the limitations of their power both in the material world (our world, 3), the ethereal world (4), the psychedelic world (5), and onwards. 

It should be noted that an entity can exist across multiple spectrums, and may present in our world in one or more spectrum at a time. This requires more energy. Therefore, it is typical to see less powerful entities (spirits) manifest in only one spectrum at a time; ex: a lesser spirit may manifest as a whisper or a light, but usually not both at the same time. 

Higher entities can utilize the use of multiple spectrums to become more vivid in ways that lower spirits cannot. The spectrums that entities exist on also corresponds to the five senses, the elements, and by extension to the abilities that a psychic can develop (this will make more sense later). 

Manifestation through Nuclear Energy

Many Lower Gods and Higher Angels manifest as stars in the material plane, which is truly a testament to their overwhelming gargantuan energy and provides a mental scale as to why these impossibly powerful entities must stay so far away from us. Like a chemical reaction, the reactor within stars is the means to manifest the energy of the celestial (the angel is not literally the star but the energy conjured from the star). Practitioners can utilize the energy of stars through Astrology.

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Natures Of Celestials 1/2

In the dawn of Earth’s creation there were more instances of natural self-sustaining nuclear reactions, I suppose it could be theorized that entities may have presented in this way on Earth in the past- but save for the most obvious examples, this form of manifestation is generally unobtainable through any means beyond Astrology. In our world this can more or less be disregarded except in the unique situation of Angels and Gods of War and Destruction manifesting in the form of nuclear warfare.

Whatever the case, this phenomenon shouldn’t occupy too much of your mind but provides an additional context to Astrology and deity worship.

Manifestation through Gravitational Energy 

Like Nuclear Energy, consider this irrelevant except in the context of gargantuan masses like planets and stars. This is more or less unobtainable from a practitioner’s standpoint, but holds more significance in the ethereal plane and how entities interact with each other. Higher Angels and Daemons are extremely massive in their own dimension, so much so that they affect other living creatures around them. For this reason it is incredibly rare to find an angel hanging around a lesser spirit like a fairy. Angels are able to control this pull to a degree through reducing their density by dispersing their matter or increasing their density by gathering their matter to a single point. Angels know how to navigate each other's gravity and lower angels often orbit their Archangel. If not for the dimensional separation, the gravitational pull of a single angel would likely be powerful enough to decimate the Earth in an instant. 

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Manifestation through “Light” in all forms

This would be referring to the Electromagnetic Spectrum, or “light” spectrum across all frequencies. This is one of the most common ways a celestial entity or spirit will manifest, but this can mean many different things. With the right tools some forms of EM energy can be converted into other forms of energy like sound. Entities that manifest on the electromagnetic spectrum move at the speed of light and are the fastest entities in creation. This is more or less irrelevant to us here on Earth but is extremely significant in the hugeness of space. Keep in mind that just because you may not be able to see the entity, does not mean that it is not incredibly bright.

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Manifestation through Radio and Microwaves

The lowest wavelengths on the EM spectrum and the easiest to manifest as. 

Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2

The age of technological advancement has truly been fruitful for Daemons. Entities will sometimes manifest in radio waves that can then be picked up by devices like a conventional radio, a television, or Spirit Box and converted into sound or images. This also means that Daemons can easily and efficiently manifest via the internet and television, and Higher Daemons can use tvs as portals. This has often been used to disrupt communication between and decisive humans or to plant the seeds of ideas in them.

Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Daemons manipulating television

The Seal of Solomon, also known as the Sigil of Solomon or the Seal of Suleiman bin Daoud, was a deal created by Suleiman that made it so that Daemons who were bound by it could not harm innocents wantonly. In exchange it provided them with protections as well. The Kings Pact binds them so that they cannot show themselves or speak to us, meaning that it revoked their ability to manifest as visible light or audible sound waves. This was a good solution for many years, however, the development of the internet and television made it so that Daemons could be seen without being seen through monitors, and heard without being heard through speakers and applications like social media. This is a massive loophole in the seal that was then wickedly exploited. 

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Natures Of Celestials 1/2

The King's Pact, A Daemon using television as a portal

Manipulation and intersection of radio waves is a common and reliable way that entities communicate with humans. Nearly every single celestial in creation emits radio waves and uses them to communicate with humanity as well as each other due to their efficiency in penetrating most materials and their ability to travel indefinitely in the vacuum of space. In the ethereal realm, the psychic link between Collective Angels that is used for vast communication is most usually carried in high frequency radio waves, hence the appropriate name “Angel Radio”. It is worth noting that while humans may not be able to hear or see radio waves, the brain is sometimes capable of observing them. 

Manifestation through Infrared Waves

With the correct tools, Infrared light shows us how hot things are. Like radio and microwaves, most every celestial entity in creation emits immense levels of infrared rays in their own dimension because they burn so incredibly hot, but these rays can usually only be observed by us in extremely unique circumstances like summoning and in the case of spirits, in hauntings.

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Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Some angels employ the use of Infrared Energy in healing. Fluctuations in temperature during magical operations is a way that entities may make their presence known. Likewise, entities that absorb IF radiation may manifest during hauntings as unnatural cold spots. 

Natures Of Celestials 1/2
Natures Of Celestials 1/2

Pls stay tuned for part two posting soon I reached the image limit lol. If this is your first time seeing one of my posts pls read the other ones bc it probably won't make any sense if you don't. ::))) Thxx

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5 months ago


Its a little late (I forgot Abt it and was aggressively reminded by my Dionysus tarot reading today. sry dio) but happy mabon!! wishing you all a wonderful autumn equinox! Be it your first one or if you've been celebrating for a while like I have, whichever it is happy mabon! Blessed be my lovelies <33

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8 months ago

Loki: god of foreshadowing

Bold can be skipped if you know me from my main since you likely already know this: My mom and I are both witches. We work with Loki, amongst other deities, and most of our deities prefer what I call "direct communication." AKA we get thoughts that aren't our own, words, images, that sort of thing, and we know it's them. This is important context.

So, Loki has been emphasizing a theme of shapeshifting in my + my mother's life lately. Like, we'll be talking about something, and whenever they can one of us will get this quiet "shapeshiftiiiiiiiing" stage whisper in our heads. Sometimes we'll both pick it up, but usually it's whoever it's relevant to most at the moment.

The thing about this is... uh... we figured out why.

Long story short, turns out my mom is otherkin too. She's a polymorph, but specifically a gryphon. (Not sure if she's more of a gryphon who shapeshifts, or a polymorph who's got a few favorite forms and one of them is a gryphon. I keep forgetting to clarify.)

But wait, there's more! /ref I don't have a single draconic form. In fact, whereas I thought I had one and then maybe two (one for land and one for the ocean) I... probably basically had a bunch of traits to pick and choose from as I so pleased. Mix and match. Also, mimicry. Like a cuddlefish or octopus. The reason that I have (privately, I haven't posted about it) been struggling to figure out what my draconic form looked like is because... well, there's no one answer. It looked like whatever the fuck I wanted it to look like.

So yeah. UPG, Loki is now the god of foreshadowing to me.

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Trying to get into divination but being in the broom closet

Trying To Get Into Divination But Being In The Broom Closet
Trying To Get Into Divination But Being In The Broom Closet
Trying To Get Into Divination But Being In The Broom Closet

How to Read Playing Cards: Suits, Jokers & Numerology

For the standard French-suited playing cards there are typically 54 total cards in one deck. These cards are split between four suits (spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts) and then the two jokers (the red joker and the black joker). In this post I will be going over the general meanings of the four suits, discussing why I prefer to use the joker cards and how numerology can play a part in your interpretations.

The Suits

There are four suits in playing cards: spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts. Spades and clubs are considered black suits. Diamonds and hearts are considered red suits. This may be different depending on the deck you get, but this is how standard decks work. Each suit is represented by a symbol and has some general topics associated with them.

♤ Spades: Challenges, Struggles, Obstacles, Conflicts, Setbacks

♢ Diamonds: Finances, Material Value, Success, Rewards, Growth

♧ Clubs: Accomplishments, Luck, Social Status, Communication, Transactions

♡ Hearts: Emotions, Love, Relationships, Partnerships, Family

One method of reading playing cards that can help you with your interpretations is by paying attention to the suits and what order they're pulled. Paying attention to this can help you get a better idea on what the reading is talking about. So, let's say you're doing a three card reading. Here are a few ways to interpret the general topic of the reading based on the suits.

[ ♤ ♤ ♤ ] - Three spades being pulled means there is trouble ahead, and it may not be getting better any time soon.

[ ♤ ♡ ♤ ] - A heart surrounded by two spades can indicate trouble in relationships or with the self, depending on the reading.

[ ♢ ♤ ♢ ] - A spade surrounded by two diamonds can indicate that a financial problem will eventually improve.

[ ♢ ♧ ♢ ] - A club surrounded by two diamonds can indicate that new business opportunities will be presented.

[ ♧ ♢ ♤ ] - A club followed by a diamond and then a spade can indicate that the person is heading towards a financial problem.

Onto the topic of reversals... Some people read them, some don't. That's your choice to make. Personally, I read reversals with all cards except the kings, queens and jacks.

My reason for this is because the kings, queens and jacks all represent people. My way of interpreting these cards describes their physical appearances more than who they are, although each are also associated with a general description of that person's essence for that reading. A person is not simply one thing or the other. Humans are complex beings, and we can show multiple faces depending on who we're with. You'll understand this better once we get to discussing each card's individual meanings.

The Jokers

Some people choose not to use the jokers in their readings. Some do, but describe the jokers as being the equivalent the the fool in tarot. I've even seen some try to fill in the entire major arcana of tarot into the jokers. My opinions here are that not using the jokers leaves out important cards that can help further clarify a reading, and that trying to use the jokers as a "fill in" for tarot's major arcana cards is inefficient.

You can choose to not use joker cards in your reading. That is your decision to make. I use them, though, and therefore I will be talking about their meanings here. I use Jake Richard's (an Appalachian practitioner and author of multiple books about Appalachian folk magic) interpretations of the jokers, which is described as the following.

🃏 Red Joker: The red joker is a witch or other conjurer, a person working against you in some way whether supernatural or not. Enemies can be tricky. But the cards know almost all, and it is hard to hide from them. If this card shows upright there is a threat from such a one, whether supernatural or not. Other cards can determine that, such as the nine of spades showing witchcraft. If reversed, there is either no threat or the threat doesn't walk this earth.

🃏 Black Joker: This card shows the presence of evil spirits, demons, haints, whatever you want to call them. Their intentions ain't good. If it shows with the red joker behind it, the spirit has been employed by another to do their bidding. If the red joker shows before it, someone is knowingly or unknowingly doing the spirit's work. Ghosts and spirits can work your mind to do, say or think things you've never thought of. Nothing good comes of this card unless it is reversed. Then there is no direct threat. The devil's not about.


Numerology is used in a variety of different divination systems, including playing cards. It can help you begin to develop a general idea of the individual card's meaning. Here is a list of numerology meanings in playing card divination so that you can refer to it later, if you must.

Ace: Beginning, Independence, Individuality

Two: Pairings, Balance, Exchanges

Three: Growth, Improvement, Connection

Four: Stability, Security, Practicality

Five: Flexibility, Adaptability, Change

Six: Responsibility, Support, Leadership

Seven: Luck, Intuition, Analyzing

Eight: Ambition, Power, Endurance

Nine: Resolution, Release, Awakening

Ten: Cycles, Transitions, Shifts

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5 months ago


I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:

Not having deities is okay.

Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.

Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.

Playing games with your deities is okay.

Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.

Doing fun things with your deities is okay.

Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.

Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.

Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.

Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.

Not having an altar for your deities is okay.

Laughing with your deities is okay.

Crying with your deities is okay.

Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.

Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.

Being able to hear/see deities is okay.

Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.

Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.

Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.

Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.

Asking deities for help in general is okay.

This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶

It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!

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5 months ago


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙣 𝙀𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙭 🌾🍎🕯

godess-dolli - ⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ
godess-dolli - ⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ
godess-dolli - ⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ
godess-dolli - ⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ


What is Mabon?

Mabon, celebrated around September 21 to September 29, marks the autumnal equinox and the second harvest of the year. It’s a time of balance, as the hours of light and dark stand equal, symbolizing the transition between summer and winter. It's a time when witches and practitioners honor the changing seasons, express gratitude for the Earth's abundance, and connect with the energies of balance and transition. The term "Mabon" for this celebration is named after Mabon ap Modron, a character from Welsh mythology. It is often associated with the mythological theme of the abducted and imprisoned child who later becomes a hero, which parallels the changing seasons.


Who is Mabon Ap Modron?

Mabon ap Modron, also known as Maponus, is a character from Welsh mythology. In some versions of the myth, Mabon is portrayed as a divine hero or a child who was abducted from his mother, Modron, and imprisoned. He is rescued after 3 years and plays a significant role in Welsh mythological tales. The name "Mabon" itself means "son" or "young man" in Welsh, and it is connected to the theme of rebirth and the return of the light.


Hades × Persephone and the Autumn Equinox

Legend has it that on the last day of summer, Hades, the god of the Underworld, saw Persephone picking flowers in a field. He immediately fell in love with her and abducted her, wanting to keep her by his side as the queen of the dead. Upon discovering the disappearance of her daughter, Demeter, the goddess of harvest, set out to find her. Unable to locate Persephone, Demeter’s sorrow and despair were so overwhelming that the flowers, trees, and all vegetation withered, bringing all growth on Earth to a halt. The gods of Olympus, who were powerless to ignore the prayers of humans, reached a compromise with Hades regarding Persephone’s return. She would spend only six months each year with Hades in the Underworld. To avenge herself, Demeter decreed that during those six months, nature would mourn, and nothing would grow on Earth until Persephone ascended again from the Underworld.


Magical Correspondences

Planets: Sun, Mercury

Season: Autumn 

Element: Water 

Time of Day: Dusk

Tarot: The Hermit 

Colors: Brown, Maroon, Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Gold

Herbs: Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Juniper, Mugwort, Dried Apple

Fruits: Grapes, Apples, Pears, Plums, Blackberry, Pomegranates

Vegetables: Carrots, Corn, Onions, Pumpkin, Squash

Runes: Dagaz, Inguz, Eihwaz, Jera

Crystals: Amethyst, Agate, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Amber, Yellow Topaz

Trees: Apple, Oak, Aspen, Cedar

Goddesses: Pomona, Demeter, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Modron, the Morrigan, Persephone, Banbha, Autumnus, Hestia

Gods: Dionysus, Mabon ap Modron, Hades, Dumuzi, the Green Man, Hermes, Thoth, Cernunnos, Osiris, Freyr

Flowers: Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Aster

Animals: Deer, Dog, Wolf, Blackbird, Squirrel, Salmon, Swan

Magical uses: Abundance, Accomplishment, Agriculture, Balance, Goals, Gratitude, Grounding, Harvest, New Beginnings, Reflection


Activities to do:

🍎 create your own Cornucopia

🍎 make a special Mabon jar

🍎 bake an autumn recipe

🍎 eat apple pie

🍎 harvest your garden

🍎 light a bonfire and dance or tell stories with your loved ones around it

🍎 do a guided meditation to welcome the new season

🍎 clean your garden

🍎 listen to Mabon music on Youtube or Spotify(there are plenty of playlist you can find!)

🍎 spend time with your deity/deities

🍎 grab some autumn flowers and bring them into your home

🍎 rest and relax♡

🍎 read about Mabon

🍎 clean your house to prepare for the season

🍎 take a walk outside to connect with nature and be grateful for the summer that has passed and warmly welcome the beauty of autumn


Food and Drinks:

apple pie, apple cider, wine, grapes, root vegetables, apples, cornbread, baked good made from wheat or grains, cakes with cinnamon or nutmeg, roasted meat, pork chops, mashed potatoes, peach jams, fruit tarts, apples in all forms, pumpkin pie


useful sources: Magie Blanche by Eric Pier Sperandio

gifs credit: Pinterest

Tip jar🍎🌾

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5 months ago

Things that have helped me feel closer to my deities:

Praying before their altars (bonus points if you write your own)

Read books other than their myths (books you think they’d enjoy themselves)

Meditating with them

Learn about magickal subjects related to them

Dedicate a journal for notes and document experiences you have with that deity (including moments where they’ve assisted you and any divination conversations you’ve had with them)

Listen to their messages and follow through with them

Light incense that reminds you of them

Find artwork that feels like that deity and hang, print or save them

Divination Methods (Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Bone Throwing, etc.)

Watch content on different subjects they’re related to (documentaries on death, relationships, crime, etc.)

Dedicate, care, and/or name pets, plants, plushies, etc to them

Learn not just their pantheon and myths but the culture that influenced them

Wear jewelry dedicated to them (bonus if you have that deity enchant them with protection)

Share meals with them

Thinking of them in passing (like “hey that thing reminds me of *insert deity*”)

Talk casually at their altars and give them an itinerary of your day

Define your relationship with that deity and refer to them accordingly (if its a more formal/in reverence, use a formal title. if it’s warm/personal, use an affectionate name.)

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5 months ago

10 Simple Ways to Worship Mother Nature

These could apply to any earthly god or goddess really, so feel free to borrow any ideas that speak to you! And please tell me about how you worship your deity, I'd love to know 💚🪲

Going for daily, mindful walks. Sometimes I'll listen to music, other times I'll just listen to the world around me.

Wear a lot of greens and browns, as well as recycled and more sustainable fabrics (a lot of my clothes are also thrifted, and I try to avoid overconsumption)

Decorate my space with earthy colours, posters and pieces of the earth - I have crystals, bones, pressed flowers and even rocks and twigs in my room

Learn about nature and the world around me - I am a zoology student so my academic career is also a devotion to Mother Nature but I also learn about what animals I can see locally, I study when and where flowers bloom and how to tell when rain is coming etc

Reconnect with my more primal side - a significant part of my work with Mother Nature is reognising and accepting that humans are animals, and we behave as such; we cannot allow ourselves to become seperate from wilderness. To me, this involves connecting with my intuition and gut feelings, recognising my emotions and desires and working with them

Making and wearing daisy chains or flower crowns

Creating art inspired by the world around me and myself

Caring for animals (that includes other humans) when I can and it's safe: from helping a snail move across the path, to making sure a dying bird can rest peacefully, to giving food and money to the homeless

Loving myself, though it isn't always easy

Spending time outside with my hands in the dirt or streams, speaking with the trees and birds and listening to their replies

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5 months ago

Beginner Witch's Guide: Crystals

Today's witchy lesson is on crystals! Specifically, crystal shapes and their meanings, types of crystals and their meanings, and what you can use crystals for in your practice!


Basic Crystals and Their Meanings:

Clear Quartz -> Clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify intention and magnify the energy of other stones around it

Selenite -> Selenite is good for cleansing and purifying the area and objects around it

Amethyst -> Amethyst provides a peaceful and relaxing energy

Carnelian -> Carnelian is known for boosting creative energy and allowing for better creative flow

Rose Quartz -> Rose quartz is known for supporting and amplifying love of all kinds (self love, romantic love, platonic love, etc.)

Pyrite -> Pyrite (also known as 'Fool's Gold') is known for drawing in success and fortune

Obsidian -> Obsidian sucks in negative energy from the surrounding space providing protection from unwanted energies and negativity


Crystal Shapes and Meanings:

Cube -> Cube shaped crystals are often tied to grounding and would be good to use during meditation or meditative spellwork.

Sphere -> Sphere shaped crystals are thought to be more balanced with the energy they emit, splitting it evenly in all directions. They are good to use in grounding work (like meditation) or for protective spells/energy.

Pyramids -> Pyramid shaped crystals are most commonly associated with the idea of communing with celestial bodies or with the universe. Pyramid shaped crystals would be beneficial to use in deity worship or working with deities for spellwork.

Tower/Point -> Tower and point shaped crystals are known to amplify intention and point it in a certain direction. In my opinion, they are the most universally helpful shape and so can be used for a variety of spells.

Palm Stones -> Palm Stones are flat disks of stone that can be placed in one's palm and are often used to provide soothing energy. When placed in the palm they can be rubbed to provide therapeutic relief in moments of anxiety.

Cluster -> A cluster is a mix between a sphere and a point. The energy is emitted in all directions, but not evenly. They are most beneficial for spells and powers you want amplified, but don't need to be even or concentrated in one particular area.


General Crystal Tips:

When purchasing crystals, make sure the ones you are buying are coming from reputable, ethical sources and are actual crystals!

Before letting any crystal come in contact with the sun or with water, make sure it is safe to do. Some crystals are known to leech harmful chemicals or elements into water when submerged while some will just erode away in minutes. Some crystals can also fade if left in direct sunlight for a long time (amethyst is one of these so keep that in mind!)

If you do not like working with crystals, think something works better for you than crystals, or simply are just not interested in working with crystals, they are not necessary for the craft! Crystals (like any other witchy tool) are optional but can not only provide useful energies or attributes, but also just look super cool and are great to put on altars or in spaces around your home!


Well, that's all for my beginners guide to crystals! There are so many more crystals out there with their own unique shapes, attributes and energies that I suggest going and doing more research as you start to collect crystals! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out, I love talking to people and love making new friends <3

Valete my friends! :3

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5 months ago

worshipping the chthonic gods

first, a note on cthonic vs ouranic: the line between these gods is one that is not really as stark as it can be portrayed. many gods have both ouranic and chthonic aspects, and neither make them any more "good" or "bad" than the other. chthonic gods are not evil gods, at least no more than any ouranic god. all deities have the capability of doing good and evil, but are largely ambivalent in nature. the advice listed below is not set in stone, simply provided as gentle guidance. if you have suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments/reblogs! :)

Worshipping The Chthonic Gods


In Ancient Greece it was very common for offerings to the chthonic gods to be given in the form of libation--a drink (or any liquid) poured into the ground. Solid offerings, like food, were often burned in their entirety to ash or left to rot, instead of being partially shared by the offeror. Incense was not as commonly used since the smoke travels upwards, towards the heavens.

I suggest disposing of/keeping ashes and rotted food outside or burying them, seeing as chthonic sometimes refers to "-of the earth." This would be similar to how curse tablets were treated in Ancient Greece, as Hermes, messenger of the gods, would deliver them unto their underworld-ly receiver from there.

If you can't do that, consider pouring your libations down the sink or flushing them down the toilet (ONLY do this with water-based liquids, oil and honey will clog up your sink in no time flat). It's not ideal, but it gets the job done.

Common libations include: coffee, blood (animal or your own, we'll get to that at the end), honey (instead of wine), milk

Common offerings include: meat, barley/grain, oil, cheese


In many cases, prayers to ouranic deities are directed upwards, into the sky or delivered unto the wind by voice, song, or some sort of poem. In the case of the chthonic gods, we should be directing them downwards, towards the underworld where they reside. This may include extending your hands with palms facing down, putting your head down, or just imagining your prayers being sent below. The only exceptions to this may be Persephone, who resides in the heavens for half of the year, and Hermes, who can be considered both ouranic and chthonic.

Other recommendations I can make are: light a candle, even if you're not going to use it for pyromancy; light some incense (I do this for focus and cleansing, not so much for the deity); and perform it at night. It's not mandatory, of course, to perform your prayers at night, it's just that in antiquity ouranic activities (festivals, prayer, etc.) were done during the day and often directly enshrouded in sunlight. We can assume, therefore, that a chthonic prayer or festival should occur during the night, especially if being directed towards Hekate or Nyx.


In Ancient Greece, temples to the ouranic gods were constructed so that their doorways would directly face the sun, thus illuminating the inside (and often the main statue(s), too). We can assume, then, that our chthonic altars/shrines should be located somewhere out of the direct sunlight. This can be in a dark spot, like a closet or isolated room--or it can just simply be in a corner furthest from the sun's rays.

Again, there may be some exceptions to this: Hermes, under his ouranic epithet(s), Persephone, for her time in the heavens, and Hekate, for her association with the moon.


For the most part divination with the chthonic gods is conducted in much the same way as with the ouranic. Of course, when calling upon these deities you'll want to face towards the ground, and perhaps even conduct these sessions in partial darkness. Again, maybe you could light a candle or even pour a libation before a really big reading.

I mostly use pendulums and tarot, but I've been experimenting with meditation and have had some luck. What works for ouranic deities should work just as good for chthonic, you just might have to shift your approach a little.

Some good tarot spreads for working with chthonic deities:

"Fork in the Road" spread-- for Hermes or Hekate

"The Tower" spread-- for Hermes or Hades

"The Self Exploration" spread-- for any

"The Bat" spread-- for Hades or Persephone or Nyx

Worshipping The Chthonic Gods


--Consider offering blood if you're able! Animal blood that is sourced from ethical farms is neither morally reprehensible or illegal and can be sourced from a variety of places. Offering your own blood is also a possibility, but for this I would not recommend more than a pinprick. There are limits to how much pain you should be incurring on yourself for your deities. If you have to check your blood sugar often, maybe you can soak up excess blood with some cotton and bury it outside. Make sure to always clean your wounds properly and do not engage in this behavior for the purpose of self-mutilation. That, I can assure you, your deities would not appreciate. Don't be stupid.

--Snakes are commonly associated with almost all chthonic deities, or just the Underworld in general. We see this the most with Hermes, who is pictured with two snakes wrapped around his caduceus. The god Asclepius is also pictured with a staff with a single snake on it. Asclepius is the god of medicine, and (before being deified) was killed by Zeus for making people practically immortal.

--Chthonic deities are the best places to turn to for spirit work, protective, and baneful magic. You're looking to contact a spirit? Turn to Hades. You're looking for protection against spirits/demons? Turn to Hekate or Hermes. You're looking to cast a curse? Turn to Persephone or Hekate.

dividers by @vibeswithrenai

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5 months ago

some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee!

always using rose-scented body soap

showering every single day to honor my body, even when i have no spoons left (i always feel better after, anyway)

lighting Her candle and facing Her altar as I do my nightly skin care routine

writing romantic scenes or poetry dedicated to Her (hear me out, writing is my comfort and coping method, it's not for everyone but i've been writing every night since i was 10)

wearing subtle makeup from Her altar that draws attention to my natural features (it's sparkly blush and eyeshadow bought from a local apothecary)

painting my nails a gentle sparkly nude color (Her favorite color nail polish sitting on Her altar!) and looking at them in the sunlight every day

paying attention to my body's needs throughout the day, being kind to myself by drinking enough water and eating even when i'm not hungry to keep my body healthy and happy

noticing romance in strangers, like a girl on the phone with her boyfriend on the bus after a long day; finding love and its energy in all that surrounds me

trying hard to fight my excoriation disorder and not pick at my face or head and each time i pull my hands away from myself, i thank Her!

avoiding putting labels on myself and letting myself be open to changes in my sexuality or romantic preferences—love knows no bounds and is constantly changing

may Mother Aphrodite bless everyone who reads this posts with her kindness and warmth 💗

Some Simple Subtle Every-day Worship I Do As An Aphrodite Devotee!

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5 months ago

My witchy hot takes (deity work edition)

There's no age or experience barriers to worshipping deities (not working with them). Young children have been worshipping the Gods for millennia in several different cultures. It's safe for anyone to worship the Gods, at any age, at any experience level.

Worshipping or working with multiple deities doesn't make you a clout chaser or a fake witch. I think as long as you have the time and resources to maintain multiple divine relationships, it's ok to do so. If your practice looks like worshipping many deities, that's valid! It's YOUR practice, and as long as you're being respectful to those deities, and you aren't hurting anyone (including yourself), then go for it! Ancient societies, that many of our Pagan religions are based off of, have worshipped dozens of gods at a time. You're doing just fine, I promise.

You don't need to wait for a sign or wait for a deity to reach out to you first Deities don't give signs nearly as much as Witchtok would lead you to believe. It's perfectly fine, and much more common, to reach out to a God or Goddess first and ask to work with or worship them. You don't need to wait and hope they notice you. It's alright to take the initiative and be the first to reach out.

We shouldn't put an expectation that deities always communicate through psychic senses (clairvoyance) Witchtok and Witchblr make it seem like everyone is physically hearing or seeing their deities, or are interacting with them all the time in the astral plane. In reality, this is an experience some people have, but it isn't the "norm". Most people don't have clair senses. Most people have a hard time doing astral projection, or don't have astral projection in their craft. Most people need divination tools to communicate with the Divine. And that is perfectly ok.

Everyones relationship with the Divine is different Some people have a more relaxed relationship with the Gods than others do. Some people may have a parental-ish connection with their gods, some might have a strict mentor/student relationship, others might be very relaxed and comfortable with their relationships. Heck, some people might not believe in the Gods existence at all. Whatever the relationship is, it's valid. As long as you aren't disrespecting the Gods themselves (no, not believing in deities isn't disrespect), I think your relationship with them is amazing.

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5 months ago

I just appreciate my deities so much. I have been so exhausted recently, and they are so gentle and understanding with me. It's interesting, as someone who grew up feeling intensely lonely, and now realizing as I am older that I am never alone when my deities are with me. They are ever-loving, unconditionally caring. I don't need to worry about upsetting them, or losing them, or being abandoned by them; they are forces and presences that I can always look up to and know that they are there for me. I am protected, loved, and I am so grateful for my deities in my life for reaching out to me and guiding me. Their lessons mean so much to me and I'm so happy to be able to spread their love and stories through my own writing.

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5 months ago

Little Ways to Worship

In our current day and age, it can be hard to find time and/or energy to devote to the deities you worship or look upon for guidance. So here are some small ways to worship in your day-to-day that don't take too much effort!


1.) Carry around crystals, stones, or other objects you think your deity would like --> An example from my pracitce is carrying around rose quartz (a crystal known for its love related properties, such as increasing one's self confidence, attracting love and compassion, and healing relationships) for Aphrodite, a goddess associated with love, both from other people and towards yourself

2.) Incorporate worship into day-to-day activties --> An example from my practice is one again tied to rose quartz and Aphrodite. I love placing rose quartz crystals in my shower while I bathe to infuse the shower and steam with self-love while showing myself care and compassion as I bathe. (NOTE: Be careful with putting crystals or stones into water! Some cannot touch water as they will either dissolve or leech harmful chemicals or elements into the water they touch. Make sure to do your research and make sure your crystals are water safe!)

3.) Research your deities! Read their stories! Research the religions and peoples that originally worshipped them! --> This might be easier for some (for example I read a lot of Greek myths and legends as I'm a classics major and that's like, more than half of my degree) but it can still be as simple as purchasing a book of myths or watching YouTube videos about them! (If you want a good channel for hellenic deities and their myths, check out OverlySarcasticProductions! They do a wonderful job speaking about and animating the stories and both creators are LGBTQ+ and have a very inclusive community!)


Well, there's my list of simple ways to worship your deities in day-to-day life! I hope something from this post was helpful or interesting and if you want more informaiton, more ideas, or just want to chat, feel free to message me! I always love making new online friends!

Valete, friends! <3

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5 months ago


hi! i’m aurora, but you can call me rora — actually proud af of my name because it is a roman deity name too! i’m 15, soon-to-be 16

i’m a pagan witch, kind of a omnist, i believe all gods exist and i recognize their existence but i just worship and work with just a few.

i mostly work with: Queen Lilith, Lady Aphrodite and Queen Persephone.

but i also work with: Lord Apollo, Lord Loki and Lord Lucifer.

i’m Duchess Astaroth’s, Lord Apollo’s and Lady Artemis’ child, as they’re my soulparents.

i have interest towards sirens and demons, but also strong interest towards Duchess Astaroth, Lady Nyx, Lady Selene, Lady Freyja, Lord Thanatos, Lady Hecate, Lady Eris, The Morrigan and King Asmodeus, so i kind of worship them but i do not work with them right now, but some interactions might happen. I’m actually interested overall in all greek deities and norse deities.

i’m a baby witch and i’m new to paganism and deity work, i started just a few months ago, but i kind of study spells and tarots since 2 years ago (i actually had an “accident” with Lady Aphrodite 2 years ago which i — maybe — will talk about here)

i have a really strong attraction with underworlds and chthonic deities. my interactions might be really unserious sometimes because i really like to joke around with deities :) please do not take it at heart, most of the times i am REALLY serious with them, i do recognize they’re gods and i do pay respect to them.

sometimes i astral project during my sleep and i might will want to share things i see that can be shared sometimes!

i’m not a expert, but if you want tips or have questions i might be open to answer them, but PLEASE take everything with a grain of salt, i’m new too, i’ll just try to help.

dni if you are MDNI, as i’m a minor, and basic dni criteria. zionists do not even TRY to enter this space bc i will make sure to wreck you 💕 thanks.

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5 months ago



⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m mortale/morte/liraz, i’m 15, almost 16, i use she/they, mostly they. genderfluid and a lesbian.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i speak italian and english, some spanish and some latin.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i study human sciences in high school, especially the psychological side, which i like to mix with my witch studies.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ my interests are witchcraft, tarot readings, paganism, poetry and mythology. (for now, i’m focusing on protection spells)

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ this blog will be about my practice, my e-offerings. my dreams, divination questions and experiences, tips, and possible collective readings.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i currently work with lilith, lucifer, aphrodite, apollo, loki and persephone. i’m starting to practice also with isis/aset, freyja and hermes.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m interested also in hypnos, thanatos, nyx, circe, selene, helios, eos, sekhmet, anubis/anpu, eros, the morrigan, asmodeus, naamah, baphomet and astaroth. this could mean i could start to worship them, and maybe have interactions with them. a lot, yes, but that’s because it’s easy for me to appreciate the gods.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i consider myself a eclectic witch, but i’m focused more on death and chaos witchery.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m a soulchild of astaroth, apollo and artemis.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ apart from witchy stuff, i am a fan of BOZ, dostoevskij, hades (1st aphrodite and nyx simp), you, if we were villains, but currently NOT a fan of pjo. i have a passion for uquiz quizzes because they give me the identity i don’t have.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i can do free readings! esp deity channeled messages. just dm me.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ dms are totally open to not only tarot reading reqs but also to make friends! <33

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ since i’m a minor, “MDNI” accounts DNI! terfs dni, homophobes dni, racists dni, white supremacists dni. basically basic dni criteria — -13 DNI, godspouses and pop culture witches CAN interact.


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8 months ago

。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚

by luo li rong

an offering to the glorious aphrodite on this venus day. may this day bless our hearts & allow us to show beauty & kindess to all. so mote it be <3

。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚

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