Rainbow 6 - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

rainbow 6 Ukrainian operator

i kinda want a deference R6 operator from the Ukraine that hard counters 1 of the Russian attack R6 operators... this has no connections to any IRL events. Just wanna operator from the country who's flag is a picture of a golden wheat field

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2 years ago

Ye know what would be cool in rainbow 6? an attacking operator with an EMP-pulse generator backpack, with only 2 charges... and maybe have it tern off near-by drones. or how about a defender that can use some sort of sound making device to fake footsteps and gunshots? or how about an opperator that can place a device that when an enemy walks by it the adversary gets sticked with a trackering chip that every 1.5s relays where the sticked foe is? or how 'bout an operator that can "borrow" fallen teammate's gadgets? or an operator with x-ray Polaroid, only pics not track. just ping of where were not now, but then

rainbow 6 Ukrainian operator

i kinda want a deference R6 operator from the Ukraine that hard counters 1 of the Russian attack R6 operators… this has no connections to any IRL events. Just wanna operator from the country who’s flag is a picture of a golden wheat field

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