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1 year ago

RF au story: Experiment with feelings

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I don't own welcome home nor do I own the rainbow factory welcome home au. That au was made by dodzoi on Tiktok. I only own this story and my own character and that's it.

RF Au Story: Experiment With Feelings


Feelings can be a very complicated thing. They can make you do and think things that you usually wouldn’t. However, sometimes your feelings may go away and make you numb and desensitised to pretty much everything around you. This can be caused by a number of different things.  In this universe normally when you lose your feelings you normally lose your colour too. This is called greyscaling. There’s no confirmed ethical cure to it hence why when that happens you pretty much will never feel anything again. But what if someone lost their feelings and didn’t greyscale? That is very rare. Why? Because 99% of the time the positive feelings are just hidden deep down because of the negative feelings that may look like the person is numb and emotionless. However with  some good help and then the positive  feelings are able to resurface slowly but surely. That’s the case most of the time. This time we’re dealing with a case where the person actually has lost their emotions fully because of a lot of trauma and is very much robotic in nature but they didn’t experience greyscaling. We’ll just have to wait and see if they can be helped. Shall you join this journey as the observer? 

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1 year ago

Experiment with feelings

Chapter 1

Throughout most of the factory you could hear the screams and please of the experiments no matter where you went. Only a few areas had the luxury of being soundproof; those areas being the break room, the dorm rooms, the experiment rooms and the office rooms. For the rest of the factory you just had to get used to the screams. Most workers still have a moment here and there where they shudder because of the screams. But one worker in the whole factory hasn’t even shown a slight bit of emotion regarding those screams. Hasn’t shown any emotions at all actually. And that’s Walden Darling’s assistant Lunaria. No one knows her surname and no one bothers to ask her. Actually, no one bothers her at all unless it has something to do with work. She acts weird to them and many people stay away whenever she is nearby. They don’t want anything to do with her but Lunaria doesn’t care about that. She’s just here to get her job done and that’s it.

Speaking of work, Lunaria is currently walking down the hallway with a cup of fresh hot coffee in her right hand and a pile of documents in her left. She walks at a fast pace with a blank expression on her face. She knows where she’s going and for what and she’s not going to waste any time. Seeing the door to her boss’s office, she knocked to signal that she’s here. A sharp “Come here” was heard from the other side causing her to open the door with her elbow. 

“I got you your coffee boss. As well as the documents about the colour extraction experiment that happened yesterday that you asked for” Lunaria said in her usual monotone voice as she put down the coffee and the documents next to him. Walden nodded and took a sip of his coffee without looking at her or thanking her. This was normal between them, they only talked to each other when needed and they were both fine with that. Walden did occasionally wonder why Lunaria acted so emotionless but he didn’t question it. He just thought that she was being tough and seeing as they kill people in the factory, it was a good skill to have. Walden took a look at the documents and only hummed here and there in acknowledgment of the results.  

Walden put down the documents after reading them and finally turned to face his assistant.”I want you to take part in the experiment in room 180 today. It’s an aggressive subject that we will be testing and I want you to be there and make sure that nothing gets out of hand.” Walden said in a serious tone and the look in his eyes showed that there will be consequences if this experiment is screwed up. Lunaria nodded understanding his order and wasn’t planning on messing it up. “Yes sir” she said before leaving his office and heading to room 180. 

When she got there, she put on her gloves and read the file about the subject. The subject was a male in his late 30s and was frequently aggressive in his cell and during all of the tests and had to frequently be sedated because of that. A crash and the sound of chains caught Lunaria’s attention. As she looked up she could see at least 5 guards plus the rest of the workers bringing in the test subject and strapping him onto the chair. 

“Let go of me you dirty fucking bastard! I will kill you all!” the male yelled causing some of the workers to flinch and move away from him. Lunaria wasn’t affected by it and got the sedative ready as well as the syringe with the colour formula that they’re testing. The main point of this experiment is to see how injecting someone with multiple colours would affect them. “Hold him down whilst I inject him” Lunaria ordered the guards and that’s what they did without any hesitation. This only angered the subject more but now he had more movement restriction. 

“Don’t you fucking dare come close to me with that needle!” The subject yelled out even louder but as always Lunaria wasn’t affected. That was the thing that probably made her scarier than Walden- she didn’t show any emotion so no one knew what she was thinking or what she would do next. “Scream all you want but you’ll just be wasting your breath and voice and we’re not going to nurse your voice back into health” Lunaria replied as she approached the subject. The way she acted scared him but he wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of seeing him scared because of a girl that was playing tough. Lunaria injected the colour formula into his right arm without any hesitation causing the subject to scream in pain. “What the fuck did you inject me with you bitch?!” the subject yelled, feeling a burning sensation on his arm and inside of it.

“Now we just wait and write down the results,” Lunaria told the workers in the room. Every worker in the room nodded and made sure to note down every single thing, even if it was just a slight change. They all knew just how much information their boss wanted for each experiment and his assistant wasn’t any different. And none of them wanted to end up in the grinder or the next test subject. They may have chosen to work here but they sure as hell didn’t want to die here. 

The subject experienced things such as extreme pain, vomitting, burning sensation as well as sudden waves of calm and sadness before passing out from exhaustion. The guards unstrapped him from the chair and took him back to his cell where he would stay until his next experiment or until it was time for him to die. No one knows their fate once they enter this factory and that includes the workers. “Get one of the janitors to clean this mess up” Lunaria said to no one in particular before leaving the room. 

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1 year ago

Experiment with feelings

Chapter 2

Lunaria was currently sitting down on a chair in the break room sipping on some coffee and eating some crisps whilst reading through some files on the next couple of experiments that will be taking place. After the experiment in room 180 she helped out with 5 more similar experiments, only one resulted in death. The subject’s guts bursted inside of them causing them to bleed out from the inside and for the blood to spill out of their mouth and eyes. This wasn’t the bloodiest death that Lunaria had seen but it freaked out the other employees. Lunaria just ordered the body to be thrown in the grinder seeing as the only use it had now was to be shredded and have its colours extracted. The colours that they gathered were orange, indigo and red. Pretty good colours especially indigo since it’s so hard to come by. 

As Lunaria continued to read she noticed someone walking in her direction but she ignored them thinking that they were just passing by. She noticed that the person had yellow skin, blond hair and looked like they had a headband in the shape of a sun. They were wearing a clean lab coat which meant that they either changed clothes or that they work in one of the less bloody parts of the factory. Either way it didn’t matter to Lunaria so she went back to reading the files. That was until she heard a chair being pulled up in front of her. 

“Hi! I heard that you’re Wally’s assistant! I’m Sally!” Lunaria heard the girl that she saw say sitting down in front of her. Sally spoke with a cheerful tone which was unusual in the factory, she must be working in either the security area or the production area where the colours are put into packages and sent off. “Yes I am Walden’s assistant. Name’s Lunaria” she said, making sure to add some emphasis on Walden since she has never heard him being called Wally by anyone. “Lunaria huh? That’s a pretty name!” Sally complimented not paying any mind to how monotone Lunaria’s voice was. She felt bad that everyone kept constantly ignoring her and telling others to stay away so she decided to try and get close to her. Maybe she just needed some friends and was lonely which is why she always acted so emotionless.

Lunaria just nodded in acknowledgment of the compliment but didn’t say anything else before going back to looking at the files. Sally continued to talk about how pretty Lunaria looked, especially her hair and eyes before she started to ramble on about some other topic like drama and performing. Lunaria only spoke when Sally asked her a question and even then she didn’t seem at all interested. Sally expected that and this didn’t discourage her to keep on trying. Even if it took her a hundred attempts, she would make Lunaria at least crack a small smile. 

After a couple more minutes of Sally rambling she finally stopped and looked at the time. “Oh my, my break is over. I’ll see you next time Luna. I work in Production so come by there to see me any time!” Sally said before running off to Production making Lunaria sigh. “Finally she’s gone” she muttered to herself before getting up and walking back to her office. At least there she wouldn’t be bothered by anyone unless it was important. Though Lunaria did wonder why Sally kept talking to her despite her clearly not being interested and rarely talking back. Maybe she’s just one of those happy go lucky people that will talk to anyone and try to be their friend. That makes another person that she will have to avoid in the future just so that she can get her work done without interruptions. Though something about Sally reminded her of something but she couldn’t wrap her finger around it. It probably wasn’t important anyway. 

Upon arriving at her office, Lunaria made sure to lock the door and sit down in her chair getting on with her paperwork immedietely. Though she still couldn’t stop thinking about Sally and who or what she reminded her of. It was getting in the way of her work and Lunaria didn’t want that at all. She didn’t have time for stuff like this nor did she see any importance in it. It was like her brain was trying to grasp at a string of a distant memory that she had locked away but just couldn’t quite reach. It made Lunaria’s chest feel tight, which she has never experienced before. Maybe she was getting sick or something like that but because of her DNA she highly doubted it. She just took some painkillers thinking it was something physical that’s wrong with her and continued to get on with her work.

She was very wrong about that. 

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1 year ago

Experiment with feelings

Chapter 3


A young girl that looked like a younger version of Lunaria was currently sitting down on the floor of a small room. The room had an uncomfortable bed and had doors and walls made from an unbreakable glass so that the people inside could be seen clearly at all times. It was her cell. Lunaria was sitting down motionless, her back full of dried up and slightly wet blood and ripped flesh. In the cell next to her was a girl that was drawing on the floor with her blood smiling and humming happily. Despite being in such a shit situation, she tried to stay optimistic by finding something to do. Lunaria didn’t look at the girl but listened to her humming. It soothed her and made her forget about what she had just gone through. It also helped her feel a bit more hopeful, a bit optimistic that one day she will be able to get out of this situation and hopefully justice will be served to her and everyone else that has gone through this. 

*Flashback end*

Lunaria woke up having fallen asleep on her desk. Her paperwork was done and she had nothing more to do which made her realise that she probably worked herself beyond exhaustion again. She rarely ever fell asleep on her desk because she was able to keep going even when she’s tired. Her dream bothered her though. It was a memory of her past, a past that she didn’t want to remember or think about ever again. Though compared to her previous memory dreams, this one was actually one of the more pleasant ones to have. Most of the time she always dreamt about the worst part of her life before the factory so this was a pleasant change. Not that Lunaria knew that it was pleasant anyway. After what happened she doesn’t know how to feel again and if anything happens she just lets it happen. She has tried to make herself feel emotions but so far nothing has worked. She has been considering experimenting on herself with colours to see if that will help. She hasn’t done it yet because she needs to figure out a way to do it without acting suspicious or potentially getting caught. The colours are heavily guarded just in case a loose experiment happens and tries to steal the colours and use it against them. Also some colours mixed together can cause a lot of damage so the factory wants to avoid that at all costs.

Lunaria sighed and gathered her stuff before heading to her room in the dormitory. She didn’t want to get nagged by Walden again about her sleeping habits and her overworking herself. Despite being the boss of such a factory, Walden definitely cared about most of his workers and Lunaria was one of them. Although he could just be making sure that his workers aren’t being idiots. It’s hard to find people that would actually want to work here and stay here pretty much anyway. Once you came here you didn’t come out. People had to have a very specific reason to be able to even go outside of the factory let alone go further away from it. And if you quit...then you were killed. So finding workers was hard, meaning that Walden may not actually care for them but the fact that something may happen to them and he will have to find new workers. Lunaria didn’t really care about which one it was. She wasn’t an idiot and it was very unlikely for anything to happen to her anyway. 

As she was walking by she noticed Jeremy on the way. He looked to be flirting with one of the female workers that was clearly uncomfortable in this situation. It wasn’t surprising to be honest. Jeremy would flirt left and right with anyone he found remotely attractive and he rarely ever took no for an answer. He was an egoistic prick that would never learn his lesson and fuck off. Lunaria had too many encounters like this with him and every time she had turned him down he would just come back again. Working with him on group work was also a struggle since he would always fuck something up. Or do nothing at all and just flirt. The latter was honestly a better option but was still annoying as fuck. At least than they knew that he wouldn’t fuck up the experiment. 

“Jeremy leave her alone. Walden had already talked to you multiple times about this type of behaviour” Lunaria said, making Jeremy turn to face her. “Oh hey Luns! What is a lady like you doing at this time of night?” He asked with a cocky smirk on his face. Lunaria gave a quick look to the woman he was bothering before and she left immediately after taking the hint that Lunaria was helping her. “That’s none of your business. You should either be working or going to bed Jeremy since you're not on the night shift. I know that you’re not, so don't even try to lie to me Jeremy. I know your tricks and if I have to I will throw you into the grinder or make an experiment out of you.” Lunaria said before walking away from him not wanting to be anywhere near him for much longer. “Oh you know that deep down you like me Luns~ You may act emotionless but I know that you’re not” Jeremy said grabbing her arm as she was walking. This caused Lunaria to out of instinct to twist his arm and potentially break his bones if she twisted hard enough. This caused Jeremy to yell out in pain not expecting that reaction from her. “What the fuck?!” He yelled at her before pausing as he noticed the death look in her eyes. “Do not touch me” Lunaria said sharply before letting go of his arm and walking back to her dorm. She ignored him yelling after her and as soon as she arrived at her room she locked the door. 

Lunaria sighed in relief as she leaned against the door to her room. She didn’t mean to hurt Jeremy. Yes he was annoying as fuck but she didn’t mean to actually do anything to him. She just did it because she was so used to having to do so. It was like it was wired into her and she couldn’t stop that from happening. At least the worst that she had done to him was broke a bone. She didn’t hear a bone crack so she thought that she didn’t but guess she’ll find out soon enough. All she could do now was rest and hope that she didn’t get into too much trouble after this incident. 

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1 year ago

Experiment with feelings story parts

Experiment With Feelings Story Parts


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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1 year ago

Rainbow factory masterlist

Rainbow Factory Masterlist

Experiment with feelings story

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