Rammstein Backstage - Tumblr Posts
2005 Rammstein tour - some pics i hadn't seen..
Olli warming up

Richard's dressing room

Olli and Schneider going to the stage

Till conducting the audience

Flake and his keyboard

Olli crowd surfing

Take a bow, take it now

Band performing

After the show

Olli at a busstop

Rammstein Europe Stadium Tour 2019 (part 2) © Jens Koch
Boys ❤
📽 credit to owner
Don't forget this picture of Schneider casually patting Olli's butt

Could you grace us with more of your favorite schnollie pics? Because those two are adorable and that ship needs more love -tree anon
YES TREE ANON YES I love my tall mans

schneider checking ollie’s ass out is one of my favorite moments ever, like,

I posted this pic already but it’s a different angle YEET HAHA

I like the contrast between ollie “casually” laying his arm around schneider but putting his other hand stiffly and accurately on his leg

they look super cute in this photo, young and y’know

dem cool men posing in front of an truck that looks like it’s used for marriages

the birthday hug ofc

continuation of love truck photo AJHDDHJA ollie’s jump is so sweet

this little gesture is super adorable ok


idk why I tend to comment on every photo but you can just ignore my writing and look at the pictures y’know also big thanks for the ask my dear ♥

Liebe Ist Für Alle Da photobook part 2 © Frédéric Batier
Just wanted to slip into your dash and remind you that THIS happened:
All of this

Thank you that was all I had to say!