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Estos son los más altos del au
Son comics pendejos que se me ocurren ajsjs

Referencias hijo
Este es el diseño de púrpura y rojo del au de mi amiga que me pidió que hiciera

Dibujos pendejos de el au ajsjs

Unos dibujos pendejos de la idea que los altos llegarán a la tierra con zim (se hacen pasar por sus padres)

Marital dispute

Lazy serotonin delivery 4 myself

Prolly didnt clean his hands enough after a doughnut n needed some help

Nonbinary irkens eff yea

Spooky month
Completely tongue-in-cheek but every time someone tries to manufacture a kind of discourse-lite out of shipping Irkens with whatever other specific Irken because THEY headcanon them as siblings or similar, that one stupidass joke from the Bee Movie violently claws its way out of my memories and tells me someone needs to redraw this

An Almighty Red bored out of his mind with no one to rib or jest with besides an orbiting staff of pissant brown nosers.
An Almighty Purple adjusting (poorly) to becoming the sole icon responsible for the morale/leadership of a population he’s unable to choke down his pettiness towards.
An Almighty Red fulfilling a higher purpose to the Empire with the numb diligence of a proper drone creeping over his demeanor in the passing years. A fledgling despot maturing into a focused, serious general, infamous across the dying cosmos.
An Almighty Purple reconciling himself within a gilded cage- overwhelmed and frustrated with the pressure of managing himself, let alone an Empire of subjects, let alone both as well as the logistics of a full scale invasion of a thousand worlds….. yet also neither able nor willing to forfeit his place in the greater machine. The crown he wears is heavy, but his consolation will be the power he can still wield over the inferiors below him. Already once a cruel bully and a punching bag in the same vein, now an uncontested tyrant whose whims will have his servants living on eggshells.
An Almighty Red becoming more obsessively attentive toward, paranoid of, and appeasing to Zim than ever before out of recognizing a clear pattern for what it is and desperately trying to mitigate further harm to the armada. All to assuage the hidden terror that is gnawing at his circuits. Impending Doom II, and all that is left, must endure.
An Almighty Purple that, even if he wanted to uphold the ruse, has no one beside him to save face and cover for the countless times the truth would slip straight through his teeth anyway. Even more so, now that all he can think of with Zim’s abhorrent face in his sight are the countless ways in which his retribution will be formidable and agonizing. Impending Doom II can stand to wait. Even if it bleeds their military dry, seeing this specific Irken get what’s coming to him is what now matters, the decree of the control brains be damned.
An Almighty tallest who lost the one organism in the universe that could relate to him in the way only a friend who he knew from childhood could. He hasn’t laughed at the greatest joke ever played since the day he found out who was really the butt of the punchline.
An Almighty tallest who lost the one organism in the universe that could relate to him in the only way any member of his species ever would. He hasn’t laughed at the greatest joke ever played since the day it stopped being funny.
Ok but imagine if there was ever a scenario where a Zim antic that resulted in the death of just ONE of the two Almighty Tallests- Rather than the Florpus double kill or them both surviving ala “Backseat Drivers”

real footage of the tallests rubbing their balls together