Iz Plothooks - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

And ngl, with Virooz and the Hobo guy still in my head this is not nearly encompassing enough still. Zim fills up private prison complexes with his past enemies. The guy has about as many targets on his back as Rick fuckin’ Sanchez, and at this point the ONLY way to start tying up a feasible fraction of these loose ends is probably gonna be one of the smarter ones with a grudge- hell, maybe even Zib- taking strategic advantage of that fact, and we get a big jumbo pack of returns a la “Ball of Revenge”

And Ngl, With Virooz And The Hobo Guy Still In My Head This Is Not Nearly Encompassing Enough Still.
Yeah, These Threats Come Off As Desperate Raving On Zib's Part, And Largely They Are, But Also? Given

Yeah, these threats come off as desperate raving on Zib's part, and largely they are, but also? Given the two guys he's a combination of, I actually don't doubt for a minute that Zib will eventually carve a way out, even if he has to tear a million different realities to ribbons to do it. All involved parties ought to be very, very concerned

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1 year ago

Ngl I had a Vortian OC concept rattling around in my head since summer of last year that was basically this

Yeah, These Threats Come Off As Desperate Raving On Zib's Part, And Largely They Are, But Also? Given

Yeah, these threats come off as desperate raving on Zib's part, and largely they are, but also? Given the two guys he's a combination of, I actually don't doubt for a minute that Zib will eventually carve a way out, even if he has to tear a million different realities to ribbons to do it. All involved parties ought to be very, very concerned

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1 year ago

Hold up you are so freaking onto something that is equal parts funny, genius, and absolutely horrifying

ms-scarletwings - Of Carmine Carnations

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1 year ago

Another horrible IZ Prompt: Zim’s base becomes the host of a small infestation of Earth vermin. Maybe some test subjects expected from the lab. Maybe some just burrowed in from the surface. Honestly, my money’s on GIR smuggling them through and they set up a nest near the pantry area.

Anyway, Skoodge sees them and starts flipping the fuck out because what else is he to assume but that a lucky handful of Blorch orphans have miraculously survived and now they have come to reap vengeance.

ALTERNATIVELY: that is exactly what has in fact happened, Blorch pups just happen to look exactly like Earth rodents (like the Plague of Babies incident) and are equally as good at stowing away on ships. They hide this fact from anyone encountering them except Skoodge, progressively making him look crazier and crazier even to the other wingnuts living in Zim’s base.

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1 year ago

Invader Zim episode where the president of the HOA controlling Zim’s neighborhood starts forcing everyone to change their houses to conform to their standards. Zim initially complies by making his house Neutral For Real Estate Purposes in order to not stand out, but can’t stand how boring it is after the makeover and decides to overthrow the HOA president so that he can rule the neighborhood with an iron first.

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1 year ago

Ok but imagine if there was ever a scenario where a Zim antic that resulted in the death of just ONE of the two Almighty Tallests- Rather than the Florpus double kill or them both surviving ala “Backseat Drivers”

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1 year ago

An Almighty Red bored out of his mind with no one to rib or jest with besides an orbiting staff of pissant brown nosers.


An Almighty Purple adjusting (poorly) to becoming the sole icon responsible for the morale/leadership of a population he’s unable to choke down his pettiness towards.

An Almighty Red fulfilling a higher purpose to the Empire with the numb diligence of a proper drone creeping over his demeanor in the passing years. A fledgling despot maturing into a focused, serious general, infamous across the dying cosmos.


An Almighty Purple reconciling himself within a gilded cage- overwhelmed and frustrated with the pressure of managing himself, let alone an Empire of subjects, let alone both as well as the logistics of a full scale invasion of a thousand worlds….. yet also neither able nor willing to forfeit his place in the greater machine. The crown he wears is heavy, but his consolation will be the power he can still wield over the inferiors below him. Already once a cruel bully and a punching bag in the same vein, now an uncontested tyrant whose whims will have his servants living on eggshells.

An Almighty Red becoming more obsessively attentive toward, paranoid of, and appeasing to Zim than ever before out of recognizing a clear pattern for what it is and desperately trying to mitigate further harm to the armada. All to assuage the hidden terror that is gnawing at his circuits. Impending Doom II, and all that is left, must endure.


An Almighty Purple that, even if he wanted to uphold the ruse, has no one beside him to save face and cover for the countless times the truth would slip straight through his teeth anyway. Even more so, now that all he can think of with Zim’s abhorrent face in his sight are the countless ways in which his retribution will be formidable and agonizing. Impending Doom II can stand to wait. Even if it bleeds their military dry, seeing this specific Irken get what’s coming to him is what now matters, the decree of the control brains be damned.

An Almighty tallest who lost the one organism in the universe that could relate to him in the way only a friend who he knew from childhood could. He hasn’t laughed at the greatest joke ever played since the day he found out who was really the butt of the punchline.


An Almighty tallest who lost the one organism in the universe that could relate to him in the only way any member of his species ever would. He hasn’t laughed at the greatest joke ever played since the day it stopped being funny.

Ok but imagine if there was ever a scenario where a Zim antic that resulted in the death of just ONE of the two Almighty Tallests- Rather than the Florpus double kill or them both surviving ala “Backseat Drivers”

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1 year ago

Invader Zim AU but the Tallests send that pipsqueak to Planet 4546B instead of Earth lol

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1 year ago

Ok but what if ZiM faking his own death, as a little impulsive experiment… and giddily watching his leaders and society put on the most fucking grandiose and hype celebration public funeral on of all time. It got Conventia seats booked out and broadcasted to like 2/3rds of the Armada’s galactic range. I’m talking lightshows and gluttonous revelry every other invader got to take a day off to come join in on. It’s everything and beyond he was hoping for. When he finally concludes his little “test” and very destructively crashes the party, he (of course) mistakes Red and Purple’s reaction for tears of joy.

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8 months ago

You know even if Zim ever gets a lucky shot and actually kills Dib legit dead, I don’t think it’s gonna feel like much of a victory for him if it turns out the kid was right all along about the existence of ghosts

I’m not sure if Invaders have any solutions on hand for vengeful obsessive hauntings

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8 months ago

Seriously though if ghosts DO exist in the IZ universe this almost certainly would happen following any logic that they work like any handful of stereotypical ghost tropes

We can likely check off for a gruesome demise, and the whole unfulfilled major goals thing. Already down for general turmoiled time on this side of the veil and some very strong personal connections related to the whole unfinished business thing. Even barring this I just feel like that kid has been meddling way too much into worlds men were not meant to explore and entities that wish not to be harassed to also not be cursed in some way by this point. A smorgasbord of setup is there.

I think there’s a wild amount of potential we can work with given the premise of facing an enemy that will always be the most destructive, annoying, and/or dangerous thorn in your side they possibly can be, and the ONLY way to proceed from there is either acceptance to an unwinnable and bothersome struggle until the end of your days, or to go out of your way to vindicate the reputation of your greatest opponent.

You know even if Zim ever gets a lucky shot and actually kills Dib legit dead, I don’t think it’s gonna feel like much of a victory for him if it turns out the kid was right all along about the existence of ghosts

I’m not sure if Invaders have any solutions on hand for vengeful obsessive hauntings

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8 months ago

Additional things I haven’t yet stopped thinking about in regards to this idea:

• @patchworkpoltergeist brought up the subject of possession vulnerability which, fuck yeah, that’s a rad trail someone can walk down if they’d like to. Sounds kinda reverse-Zib if you ask me but I kinda like it. Also, knee-slappingly appropriate username there.

@zombified-queer : I don’t think Irkens have any sort of of spirituality beyond the machine

• The fact that I can’t agree more. The “Day of Da Spookies” transcript very straight forwardly confirms that Zim sees the majority of Dib’s paranormal other beliefs as complete hogwash the same as the classmates. Sure, he’s fought a ham demon and seen Mortos before, but he doesn’t buy hauntings. Him and Skoodge both set out on a whole mission to try and destroy Dib’s belief in ghosts and demonstrate pretty well that they’ve only done a very small amount of what might be called research on the subject. I heavily doubt Irkens widely have any conception of afterlife that is not an ascension/reincarnation path through technology rather than an innate spiritual essence. Something like the Martians’ hologram manuals are about as close to talking to disembodied spirits as he’s ever gotten. Which…. Brings up some interesting springboard to ponder if/how humans can become ghosts but not the off-worlders, or more specifically, the question about the existence of Irken souls.

• All of us knowing that at least for the first several minutes to days, Zim’s initial response to new obstacles/threats has often been obstinate aggression or basically a paranoid breakdown, and how fun either option would be to play around with until he comes to terms with the fact that this is not a problem you can just violence away, fend off, OR hide from.

• The horribly dark comedic value of picturing that damn apparition in some corner of the base giving the stink eye of the century intentionally from Zim’s periphery. End of his rope and frustrated Zim asks him if he doesn’t have something better to be doing and, no, actually, no. He genuinely, literally, furiously doesn’t.

You know even if Zim ever gets a lucky shot and actually kills Dib legit dead, I don’t think it’s gonna feel like much of a victory for him if it turns out the kid was right all along about the existence of ghosts

I’m not sure if Invaders have any solutions on hand for vengeful obsessive hauntings

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