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Urotsuki experiences road rage

not sayin violence is the answer but being someone that drives, fuckin get em Uro ◠⸜⸝◠
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you as well!! Hope you had a good one~
what are your age hcs for tatsuki and soutarou? and misc hcs for urotsuki?

Gonna be blunt, head is a cluttered junkyard and I'm a rambler with zero self control when right conditions are met [you ask about Special Interests]. plus am tired and really out of it from work cause we had inventory and i ordered too many lunchables [oscar mayer can go to hell]. Will do best to make this coherent, or at least intelligible, but apologies if it's a bit of a mess.
Age Headcanons [If we're going for what they are in game]
Short answer: Soutarou is late 20s-early 30s, Tatsuki ranges between 15-18. [tho ofc when I draw shippy stuff it's an AU and they're both early 20s]
Long answer: Actually thought about this on and off a decent bit and could never really get more than a vague, "Somewhere around this area" for them.
Soutarou is somewhere between late 20s and early 30s. He's old enough to have experienced some shit, try to get clean and back on his feet and get some manual labor experience, and have that ripped from him. Plus some time to isolate and have those thoughts wreck havoc on his mental state.
Tatsuki on the other hand is messier and harder to really give an age to. They could be a kid escaping into fairy tales to avoid reality, or a young adult [18-20] that was forced to grow up too fast and is now suffering from dealing with their fractured identity [have thought about Debris endings occurring around Tats 18th birthday, because they have the "You're not a child, so why do you hold onto such stupid childish fantasies?" thoughts to go on top of everything else and it sorta just breaks them.]
Misc Uro Headcanons
Big Deep angsty Uro hc/kinda what shapes her core for me
You might've heard the quote, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that." by Robin Williams. This more or less summarizes my view of Urotsuki at the core. She may not be weighed down by what other dreamers have gone through, but she knows what it's like to be trapped in darkness and though it may not show, she is doing her best to make others happy because she doesn't want others to go through that. [side note: this is huge part of reason for shipping her with Tatsuki. Feel like they'd be the same, tho Tats is way more introverted. That angsty, "You see through the smiles or notice the little things and softly nudge me to say you understand and are there." sorta thing].
Going off that; for the longest time have hc'd that Uro has struggled with an ED and self image issues in the past and a big part of why she loves food and is okay with being herself, and is so supportive of others doing the same, is because she had to fight to get to where she is and is doing her best to make sure others can simply see the joy in life without experiencing the hell she went through.
More lighthearted/Uro's a goofball hcs
Uro is somewhat lactose intolerant but keeps getting sick because she won't. fucking. stop. eating cheese. Or questionable foods in general. "It smells alright so it's probably fine." [narrator voice: It wasn't fine] sorta things.
Probs mentioned this one before but eh, Uro and Sou are one of few dreamers with a drivers license, and Uro's driving doesn't exactly leave most passengers feeling safe so Sou is constantly stepping in when she offers people a ride. The two bicker at each other like an old couple a surprisingly good bit when eyes aren't on them. This paired with them both being older and able to get drunk makes for quite a scene. [Sabi's laughing, Tats is on the floor trying and failing to hide it.]

She did have a dedicated dream diary at some point, but during a depressive period would start to fill and decorate it with random stuff [silly doodles, poems, stickers , ect], and it's now more like a thought scrapbook or therapeutic outlet for her. Pages that are just her jotting down memories that make her happy have little sticky note bookmarks so she can flip through them when feeling down.
Her head is a mess and all over the place, and her counting sheep is like a ritual she semi-depends on to fall asleep since it gets her to focus on one thing and relax [its a sorta behavioral dependency that if she was somehow barred from doing, she'd probs stress out and not be able to sleep.]
Hope you enjoyed or were at least satisfied with rambling anon ◠⸜⸝◠~
your ynfg music post is super nice! to add to the list, have you heard of Poniko's House by DO:KO? vixenvy (.) bandcamp (.) com /album/ponikos-house
i haven't seen a lot of people talking about it, but it's stuck with me ever since i first listened though the album. it really feels like music you'd overhear in a dream.
oh, there's also this .flow fansong i know of that came out literally a month ago, but i'll send that in a different ask to reduce the risk of this ask getting eaten
Gladja like it!
Oooh never heard of that one before [Link so anyone interested doesn't have to copy pasta]. All the bandcamp albums listed were found via youtube or soundcloud so have yet to actually search bandcamp itself, wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of hidden gems on there.
This is absolutely wonderful, can see what you mean about having a dreamlike feel to it. It's hard to put into words but it's almost like it sounds distant/muffled despite the sound itself being perfectly clear, kinda like how it feels to be on Nitrous oxide. Might be the choppyness but it also somewhat reminds me of Baths as well which is neat! Definitely captures the surreal atmosphere of Yume Nikki perfectly.
Interesting note; I always felt low sounding drone/ambient has a dream-like feeling to it and wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with how brainwaves slow down for first few stages of sleep and deeper sounds have a lower frequency, or if slower noises just tend to make us more relaxed in general.
here i am with the second ask like i said. name of the .flow fansong is OUT OF SORTS by OrgansDotOrg on youtube (.) com /watch?v=FFMt_ACOUdM
short but sweet! seeing people in the comments talking about .flow filled me with life, ngl. and i will admit this might be my own bias but it kinda feels like a spiritual successor to ghost and pals's oxidation and dream monsters? definitely not intentionally one, but something about the rhythm, and the way the lyrics use imagery to try and get things about .flow across... idk food for thought.
AYE NICE! [Clickable link for those that don't wanna copy pasta]
This is really cool! God feel you there, seeing yn/fg content and other fans out in the wild is such a joyous experience. Think it's cause it's such a niche it's always a surprise to find out someone else has heard of it. That sorta, "YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! I'M SO HAPPY THERE ARE OTHERS" thing. Especially considering a lot of these games haven't seen any new material for years and probably never will, it's nice knowing there's others that were affected as much as you and still care for it. seeing how many people get excited for lolrust's anniversary streams is like that too heh
Hmmm, can see why you'd say that. Know nothing of either artist but it wouldn't be surprising if Ghost was an inspiration for Organs. Will throw out there, this sorta theater/carnival vibe seems to be fairly common in English Vocaloid songs [though i have next to no knowledge so it could just be me happening to get these songs a lot or something]. Plus writing lyrics that reference things in a way that isn't too literal or vague while fitting to a rhyme/rhythm is difficult, and you only have so much to work with in a game like .flow [esp since it has such a strong central theme, if that's the right wording for it]
I'm no lyricist by any means but have messed around with writing some and tho it'd be an entirely different genre [its me, if I ever make a .flow fansong song it's gonna sound like MIW] I could see how trying to get them to reference the game would result in it sounding similar-ish. Ex:
Hell is my home, my own room will be my tomb Chained to machinery meant to save me, yet all it does is keep the nightmare going. - Cut off my limbs and let this rotten blood stain the concrete The white hospital walls are just an illusion [can't you see the flowers cover graves?] The demon I fought down so long takes its grip and starts to seethe I'm no longer a person, just a fucking disease
As said, tis hard to make references without being too literal while still making sure you have enough there for people to be able to figure out what you're talking about heh.
buuuut yeah, really cool song and could absolutely see it at least being an indirect/accidental spiritual successor to Oxidation. Also huge thank you for sharing both song and album!! There's so much incredible fanwork out there that slips under the radar I am more than happy to try to get stuff more attention, plus I honestly love hearing other people talk about or sharing things they like ◠⸜⸝◠
What art program and brushes do you use?
Krita! Got into it back when using Linux. I like how customizable the UI is and the fact it costs 0 dollars hehe
Use a bunch of different brushes but these are main ones

Bristle and Block- Concept And Illustration Pack
Screentones - Deevad's Pack [krita comes with one but I prefer this]
RM Jama Flat - Jama Jurabaev pack
Concept Marker - Zer0coil pack [Although I believe they updated the pack and this is no longer in it, you could add a texture to a similar brush and it is still a really good pack]
Not pictured but I also use Enjerune's pixel pack [link] for doodles sometimes [it's where the chonky pixel brush comes from, the glitch brushes are also really fun to play with]

Hope that helps!
thank you for singlehandedly carrying my totally normal obsession with urotsuki 💖💖💖💖
genuinely love the way you draw her and all the ynfg characters! (you should totally draw wormiko btw)
KJHEDLFKJLFHBJKASFB Considering how many incredible artists are in the YNFG fandom that is such an honor, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also glad to be helping with Uro obsession, she's such a wonderful floofy menace and absolutely love her and her sillyness
Aaaaaah I'm glad you like them! I STILL NEED TO PLAY YUME TSUSHIN, KEEP SEEING PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HOW GOOD IT IS AND THE ART FOR IT IS ADORABLE. Tis just a little scribble but here's Wormiko enjoying an egg tart [I have never had one but they sound good.]

also dev has one of those things where you can send doodles so I did this for em [anonymously ofc, i think everyone's aware of how shy i am by now ;ω;]

What’s your life story?
Welllllll. Once upon a time I was a wee lad, then a bunch of shit happened, and now I'm a depressed 30 year old man [nonbinary].
i canNOT remember why i followed you but your art is very cool its always cool to see you on my dash
haha it be like that sometimes, pretty sure if I followed myself I'd have forgotten why by now too with all the fandom hops in the past and stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm glad you enjoy all the doodles and rambling! ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩

i don’t know if you’ve posted something like this before, but what are your general headcanons about ynfg protags? like their ages, personalities, etcetera. i really like hearing about other people’s interpretations ^^

thank you for giving me an excuse to use this again hehe
I've probably posted something like this in the past but honestly memory is so bad these days I've completely forgotten and as you said, it's fun hearing others interpretations and stuff!
Sorta umbrella generalization is I think most are quiet, shy, soft spoken people. Outside of a few exceptions [Uro for example, she just comes off as a more loud and vibrant kind of character]. Maybe it's the ambience or lack of dialogue but a lot of the games make me feel like the character has a more somber/quiet personality.
A lot also feel like the outcast, always in their head and not really paying much attention to the world around them [either something happened that made them want to shut outside out or they suffer from ostracization and it's a coping mechanism for loneliness]
More for individual characters under cause long
Mado's kinda the poster child for this. Think she's around 16 or so and she became a shut in due to a mix of depression in general and it being exacerbated by experiencing trauma that caused her to snap or distance herself from her remaining friends [Car accident, loss of a friend, something like that.] She grew up playing weird little collectathon/pixel games and she's more interested in funky sorta characters than usual normie stuff her peers prefer, so she doesn't really connect much to those around her and focuses on fantasy more than reality.
Urotsuki [really young adult, maybe around 23-25?] feels like the, "I don't have much in real life but I can be myself and have lots of friends online." sorta character. People aren't intentionally mean to her per say, but she's weird and often doesn't feel like she fits in. Parents are sort of the same in that their main problem is they were distant and not there for her when she needed them.
Admit I am a sucker for this sorta stuff, but adore the idea that she went through a rough patch of self-value issues [was put off from being herself due to being weird, doesn't fall into the conventionally attractive type and had issues with image due to it, ect] but eventually overcame them and is now one of those loud and proud to be herself and very aggressively supports other weirdos around her because she doesn't want others to go through that type of people. She still has her skeletons, having an on-off issue with substance abuse and tendency to get excited and overstep boundaries.
Fluorette [Young adult?] comes across as a sort of lost child that just wants to feel like she belong somewhere. She has personality and such but doesn't fit in with those around her, and her humor can sometimes make her come off as a delinquent which results in her feeling more out of place.
Sometsuki [16-ish?] feels really similar to Mado in that she doesn't really connect much to those around her and prefers to spend her time alone. Can't explain why but feel like she has a bit more of a pessimistic outlook stemming from anxiety [she's afraid of messing up and being looked down on so she's reluctant to try things due to feeling like she's already failed kinda deal.]
NEVER SEE HER MENTIONED ENOUGH BUT I feel like Yayoi from Nobetsu Maku Nashi would be one of the more chill, sort of calm happy dreamers. [i am so heartbroken that the dev deleted because god i wanted to learn more about her so bad.] Sonoko from -1 is similar, though with a bit more of a depressed undertone. Both also young adults.
In one cake, what make flavor make your day more happy? :3
You mean what flavors of cake do I like? I'm a bit of a weirdo so Tiramisu or Carrot. Not exactly cake but I also love zucchini bread.
Also one time I tried making cake with Monster energy. It ended up kind of like a tres leche but with monster instead of milk. I was the only one that ate it haha

Hiii Rayn!!!! I hope you're doing okay and taking care of yourself!!! Your art is so pretty as always T^T 🤍
Hello!! It's rough with health issues but I'm trying! Though will say, saw primary care doc again and got meds for head pain + she seemed really intent on getting me to see a specialist sooner so there's a positive.
Thank you!! I'm gladja like it!
Hey! You're post about YNFGs was spot on! Interesting I read a philosophy article on a similar topic (earthbound-likes and pokemon-likes) and some indie person who was seething about Omori. TL:DR: games have a ontology leading back to a part of experience. Eventually you get a point where your ontology is 5 frames of other people's subjective experience layered on top with no "real" at the point. Pokemon, for example, was based on a guy's childhood memory of catching bugs vs rapid urbanisation. Then 20 years later you get a pokemon clone that's someone's experience of smogon battles, on top of someone's experience for playing pokemon, ontop of whatever the current layer is. You end up getting a hollow "shell" of layered improvements but "self-expression" is lost in a hall of mirrors of repeated frames of an experience. I hope this sort of makes sense, I'm not a philosopher but this has been a growing concern in a wider gaming philosophy not just YNFG. P.S. I've found a lot of good music through your blog. Probably wasn't the intention but .flow still lives rent free and now so does a playlist of songs Keep drawing and look after yourself!!!
THANK YOU! I was worried I was throwing out incomprehensible word salad and the point wouldn't be clear so I'm glad to hear it came across. The way you worded it makes perfect sense, and was more or less what I was trying to say in post.
Not pointing fingers or trying to make them look bad, but I think YNO and large collaborative games like 2kki really expedited this issue. Some people get into ynfg through online 2kki and so their experience is more of a weird/pretty dream exploration game with friends instead of something with loneliness at heart. It's a completely different experience that lacks a lot of what made people so fond of the original [dealing with loneliness and being withdrawn, indirect story telling and theory crafting, stuff like that.]
Like it's great that new players have such an easy way to play the games now and I'm happy more people are finding out about them via YNO and such, it's just you gotta be aware of how different it is from the original if you're gonna make a fangame.
AYE good to hear! Music is a big passion and I tend to listen to non-mainstream stuff so it's cool getting other people into it. Hell yeah!
I will do my best, life can be a struggle sometimes heh. Hope you take care as well~
feed the Yon Goh / Tatsuki fans please

Wifi still in horny jail, please accept this phone snapshot of my screen for the time being heh.
I've never played Witoru [heard its really good tho] so sorz if this is out of character.