Reddit Is A Cesspool - Tumblr Posts
I don’t know how many of you use Reddit (I try to avoid it nowadays) but r/politcalcompassmemes is a fucking cesspit and should be avoided at all costs, it’s literally just blatant lies and people who have done 0 research (so basically far right wing people) in an echo chamber of lies and propaganda. There is nothing good to come out of that sub. Idk how long it’s been like that but there’s some warning to avoid it. Like it’s not even political compass memes, it’s just political but also just specifically right wing? Like K get Tumblr is heavily left wing in nature but you can find the odd right wing person and they’re often accepted, but I have yet to see a single left wing person who wasn’t sitting at -1K likes or something, it’s like a hivemind lmao…oh, right, Reddit is a literal hivemind.