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8 years ago

Multiple Allusions to Christ in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Researched by Eli of Kittim

The translation is derived from The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered by Robert H. Eisenman and Michael Owen Wise (1992, Element Books).

The Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521) (Plate 1)

Fragment 1

Column 2 (1)[… The Hea]vens and the earth will obey His Messiah, (2) [… and all th]at is in them. He will not turn aside from the Commandments of the Holy Ones. (3) Take strength in His service, (you) who seek the Lord. (4) Shall you not find the Lord in this, all you who wait patiently in your hearts? (5) For the Lord will visit the Pious Ones (Hassidim) and the Righteous (Zaddikim) will He call by name. (6) Over the Meek will His Spirit hover, and the Faithful will He restore by His power. (7) He shall glorify the Pious Ones (Hassidim) on the Throne of the Eternal Kingdom. (8) He shall release the captives, make the blind see, raise up the do[wntrodden.] (9) For[ev]er will I cling [to Him …], and [I will trust] in His Piety (Hesed, also ‘Grace’), (10) and [His] Goo[dness…] of Holiness will not delay … (11) And as for the wonders that are not the work of the Lord, when He … (12) then He will heal the sick, resurrect the dead, and to the Meek announce glad tidings. (13) … He will lead the [Holly Ones; He will shepherd [th]em; He will do (14) … and all of it …

Fragment l

Column 3 (1) and the Law will be pursued. I will free them … (2) Among men the fathers are honored above the sons … (3) I will sing (?) the blessing of the Lord with his favor … (4) The 1[an]d went into exile (possibly, rejoiced) every-wh[ere…] (5) And all Israel in exil[e (possibly ‘rejoicing’) …] (6) … (7) …

The Son Of God Text (4Q246) (Plate 4)

 Column 2

(1) He will be called the son of God; they will call him son of the Most High. Like the shooting stars (2) that you saw, thus will be their Kingdom. They will rule for a given period of year[s] upon (3) the earth, and crush everyone. People will crush people, and nation (will crush) nation, (4) until the people of God arises and causes everyone to rest from the sword. (5) His Kingdom will be an Eternal Kingdom, and he will be Righteous in all his Ways. He [will jud]ge (6) the earth in Righteousness, and everyone will make peace. The sword shall cease from the earth, (7) and every nation will bow down to him. As for the Great God, with His help (8) he will make war, and He will give all the peoples into his power; all of them (9) He will throw down before him. His rule will be an Eternal rule, and all the boundaries …

Multiple Allusions To Christ In The Dead Sea Scrolls

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