Republican Hypocrisy - Tumblr Posts
Blast this I'm so tired of the lies and hypocrisy.

Dogs that smell each other's bollocks get more information based on facts than you will ever get on fox news.
Dog Men

The best thing about fox news is that whether consciously or unconsciously through the division they create for their ratings, they are causing the disintegration of the United States of America. And by doing so, they strengthen Russia and China. America will ultimately fall as a superpower and watch as China rises to become a superpower. The completely twisted idea that America should be first is like a big fish believing that its part of the lake is not affected by the changes in the whole pond.
Fox is ultimately anti-American and pro-China and pro-Russia without being paid by them.
That's cool for the Chinese Communist Party!
As someone with a little wisdom once said: harmony makes small things great, discord makes great things small.
thanks to fox news on behalf of the communist party of china

Yes, the legal system is unfair when it comes to Trump, but the same system is so fair when it comes to the hunter....?¡
How is that supposed to work both trials had the same setting just different indictments but the same book of law.
Somehow a bit shisophrenic when it comes to the political opponent justice was done and when it comes to your own man then not.

Any of the morally rotten so far from real journalism populistrn mouthpieces of trumpes grace are ethically bankrupt.
The network has claimed the voting machines didn't work properly: openly on the air without any evidence!
In court they retracted the statement and had to pay 700 million US dollars in compensation.
the last instance for truth on verification of the facts are still the courts!
If the facts say you broke the law and even the most expensive legal team can't save your ass, justice has been done regardless of gender, skin color, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
It still works, smug truth-tellers on the dark side of non-journalism.

Stop creating two realities, there is only one. The shitty game of the eternal victim no longer works either. The victim card stack is empty.
Trump is a perpetrator and has proven that enough, only the punishment follows as with every perpetrator, so also with hunter, only there is a difference the accusation points that should never be ignored.

CNN has a side by side comparison of Fox host reactions after the Donald Trump verdict vs after the Hunter Biden verdict:
In a nutshell, but what about the perceived truth or alternative facts? I say bullshit to that.
There are metrics that show who benefits when the Trump cult is in power, and these numbers and facts show that nothing has happened to the prosperity of the entire nation when the Republicans are in power, whether as president or in the states.
It is also a fact that education helps against professional propaganda and the creation of fear scenarios.
Those who can read simply have an advantage.
Top 10 U.S. Literacy Rate Statistics
Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022.
54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level.
21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022.
Low literacy rates end up costing Americans up to $2.2 trillion every year.
34% of the people 18 and older with low literacy proficiency weren't born in the United States.
The state with the highest rate of child literacy is Massachusetts, with over 80% of kids there having good proficiency in reading.
New Mexico has the lowest literacy rate for children, with over 30% of the state's children being illiterate.
New Hampshire has the most people 18 and older that are literate, with over 90% of them knowing how to read and write.
California has the lowest literacy rate in the country, with 23% of them having little to no proficiency in reading skills.
Throughout the US, there were 66% of children in the fourth grade couldn't read well in 2013.
Steven Zauderer
Only the uneducated can be sold hate for politics, division for equality and perceived facts for truths.
Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end.
George Orwell