Reverse Tropes - Tumblr Posts
Too Many Beds
(Reverse Trope: Too many beds, as seen on @out-of-jams )
Context: Hero and Villain forced to work together and need a place to stay for the night
Hero had been sent back to the car to gather their things while Villain booked them rooms for the night. Refusing to use a readily available luggage cart, Hero pridefully piled several bags across their body. They held two in each hand, two more were strapped crossbody–one resting on each hip for balance–making them so wide they would have had to step through the lobby door sideways. That is, if they could open the door in the first place, considering their hands were full and this hotel was sketchy enough to be skirting the ADA.
When Villain came back outside with only one room key, Hero could only hope that there would be two beds awaiting them behind shoddy wooden door.
Image their surprise when they unlocked the door to find not one, not two, but three beds clad in all-white linens.
Villain, ignoring the gobsmacked hero, pushed all the way into the room and made a bee-line for the bathroom. In a rather fittingly-villainous move, Villain had refused to relieve Hero of any of their cumbersome stuff during the trek up to their second-story room. The hero finally gathered themselves and their bags enough to step into the room, throwing villain’s bags on the far bed, placing their own bags on the bed closest to the wall, and sitting themselves on the bed in the middle. Immediately feeling their aching joints relax, hero fell back into the plush dramatically. They contemplated the merits of stealing some of the extra pillows to transfer to their bed before a light bulb lit up over their head. After a moment’s consideration, they stood up and started pushing the center mattress towards the one on the wall.
Mega Bed. First come, first serve.
“Hey! I got that one for me,” yelled an incredulous voice behind them. Apparently, Villain was back from the bathroom, and they were very very jealous of Mega Bed.
“You don’t need two beds!”
“Neither do you!”
“Sure I do!”
To punctuation their point, hero belly-flopped dramatically onto their claimed, enlarged sleeping arrangement.
“If you wanted more room to sleep, then you should have booked a room yourself!”
“What kind of motel has rooms with three beds anyway?!” Hero’s question was muffled by the comforter as they held their ground starfished face down over the blankets.
“This one does,” stated the villain from what sounded suspiciously far from his allocated regular-sized bed on the other side of the room.
“Obvishushlee,” the hero mumbled in reply.
The hero recognized this as a dangerous silence. The silence of plotting.
“Look, we can be adults about this-“ Hero was cut off with a yelp as they were dragged by the ankle out of Mega Bed and onto the questionably-clean carpeted motel floor. Villain attempted to step over them, presumably to claim Mega Bed for themselves, but Hero caught onto their ankle in a grand feat of revenge, thus preventing Villain from crawling into the rumpled sheets.
Hero would not give up Mega Bed without a fight.
As Hero and Villain tumbled on the ground, knocking over the lamp and accidentally turning the TV to the Spanish channel in the process, a stroke of genius hit. Hero grabbed Villain by the back of the shirt, stalling their scramble for the bedpost, playground-king-of-the-hill style.
“Stop! Stop-,” Hero shouted, then added placatingly, “I have an idea.”
And thus the Super Mega Bed was born.
Dialogue and Scenario Prompts - Miscellaneous
I think...I'm in love with you
Protective Prompts
Oblivious Idiots to Lovers
Reverse Tropes
One Liner Prompt List #12
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Now there's some things to think about... 😄
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au