Rexreviewsblogs - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Blog reviews! [DC RP blogs]

Hi everyone, the boopening got me thinking about old school Tumblr things we all did to give each other a little boost and interactions back in the day. One of those things being blog rates/reviews. I haven't seen them in forever and this might flop but I thought it might be a fun thing to do to inject a bit of activity into the community.

This is for DC Role Play blogs only at the moment. I may do others in the future, but I'm not casting a super wide net to start with. So if you have DC muses or OC's based in that universe then: 1. Send me in an ask asking for a blog review 2. Reblog this post to spread the word There will be no call outs and the focus will be positivity. Posts will be tagged as #rexreviewsblogs and the blog name. Feel free to blacklist the tag if you follow me and don't want to see it on your dash.

Please consider giving these blogs a follow and going through their rules and page to consider interacting with them. It could be the boost we all need! While you're at it, feel free to take a look at my pinned post and see if any of my muses take your fancy.


What if my main blog isn't my RP blog? - No worries, just include the blog you want me to review in the ask. 1 blog per ask for my sanity's sake please. Multiple blogs? Send in multiple asks. Anon is on, but pls be kind.

What if I don't want people to interact, I just want a review? - No problem, just include a note in your ask about it.

Do we have to be mutuals for me to join in? - Nope!

The template for the review is under the cut!

URL: It's okay | IYKYK | Nice and clear | I see what you did there | Fancy | Inspired | Comment:

Browser theme: Standard works | A little tricky to navigate | Looking good | So organised | You put a lot of work in | Wow did you make this yourself? | Comment:

Mobile app theme: Are you a bot? | Sorry I can't find your info | Nice header | Excellent pinned post | Tumblr Wizard | Comment:

Posts: RP only | Starters and memes | Aesthetics too | face claims galore | OOC posts too | Cringe is dead they post whatever fits Comment:

Rules: DNI listed | No rules only chaos | Open to anything | Straight to the point | Read the terms and conditions before applying | Comment:

Muse(s): Unclear at time of review | Canon muse | Cannon muses | OC muse | OC muses | multi-muse madness | Comment:

Writing style: One liners | Short replies | 3-4 para replies | Long replies | No formatting | Minimal formatting | Heavy formatting we live for aesthetics | Comment:

Accessibility: Easy peasy | Simple enough | A little complicated | Art is not always accessible | Comment:

Please give this blog a look see, they are looking for more interactions! / This blog just wanted a review, please respect their preferences.

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10 months ago

Hi there, Rex, I hope this finds you well. Apologies for asking on anon (Tumblr’s side blog functions are weird, and I don’t want to broadcast my personal blog) and if I’m intruding, but I came across your blog review post, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to take a look at mine? Your url for Leslie Thompkins caught my eye, and I’m pretty much a newbie to the RP side of things, but I love to chat and hang out with fellow DC fans. You can find me at “divingdownthehole”. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. :)

Rex reviews blogs | Accepting | @divingdownthehole Of course! Thanks for asking.

URL: It's okay | IYKYK | Nice and clear | I see what you did there | Fancy | Inspired | Comment: A cool yet subtle Alice in Wonderland reference!

Browser theme: Standard works | A little tricky to navigate | Looking good | So organised | You put a lot of work in | Wow did you make this yourself? | Comment: A nice and straightforward dash theme. Does the job!

Mobile app theme: Are you a bot? | Sorry I can't find your info | Nice header | Excellent pinned post | Tumblr Wizard | Comment: Your google doc is so detailed. I love the aesthetics of it all.

Posts: RP only | Starters and memes | Aesthetics too | face claims galore | OOC posts too | Cringe is dead they post whatever fits Comment: Comes across as a well curated blog! The aesthetic posts give across some vibes about what Jervis is about.

Rules: DNI listed | No rules only chaos | Open to anything | Straight to the point | Read the terms and conditions before applying | Comment: All the usual rules I'd expect to see clearly available on the pinned post.

Muse(s): Unclear at time of review | Canon muse | Cannon muses | OC muse | OC muses | multi-muse madness | Comment: A canon divergent (to my knowledge) Jervis Tetch! Folks should read the google doc ideally to get an idea of your interpretation of him. Continuing your work on headcanons might help this too!

Writing style: One liners | Short replies | 3-4 para replies | Long replies | No formatting | Minimal formatting | Heavy formatting we live for aesthetics | Comment: Minimal use of bold and italics from what I could see. You write introspectively with a lot of description!

Accessibility: Easy peasy | Simple enough | A little complicated | Art is not always accessible | Comment: You've gone to a lot of effort to make things as clear as you can! The sheer amount of information might be intimidating to some folks, but everything is easily found in your pinned post. If you're on mobile, as you've identified, the google doc might not be so easy to read, but otherwise it's great, well done!

Please give this blog a look see, they are looking for more interactions!

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10 months ago

I'd be interested in a review of my blog ^^; I'm always curious about things like this >w>

Rex reviews blogs | Accepting | @dramatisperscnae Totally, thanks for playing!

URL: It's okay | IYKYK | Nice and clear | I see what you did there | Fancy | Inspired | Comment: Google translate tells me this is Latin for 'characters'. Very fitting!

Browser theme: Standard works | A little tricky to navigate | Looking good | So organised | You put a lot of work in | Wow did you make this yourself? | Comment: The key to multimuse blogs IMO is good organisation and you've got it. The tagging system you've implemented keeps things in order well. I like the muse pages you've made to keep the information as streamlined as you can.

Mobile app theme: Are you a bot? | Sorry I can't find your info | Nice header | Pinned post | Tumblr Wizard | Comment: You've got all the important info there! The links all work and mostly take you to a web browser which works for the rules page but for the muses it gets very small which isn't the easiest on mobile unfortunately. Your header looks cool but it gets cut off at the edges on mobile so loses a bit of the effect.

Posts: RP mostly | Starters and memes | Aesthetics too | face claims galore | OOC posts too | Cringe is dead they post whatever fits Comment: Lots of great threads going on here!

Rules: DNI listed | No rules only chaos | Open to anything | Straight to the point | Read the terms and conditions before applying | Comment: Nothing outlandish, rules wise, but it's important to have a read through before interacting with you, there's some muse specific rules as well folks should pay attention to.

Muse(s): Unclear at time of review | Canon muse | Cannon muses | OC muse | OC muses | multi-muse madness | Comment: So many muses! I'm in awe of them being so well contained and organised, I could never. You have info pages and headcanon tags for all the main players which helps people find what they need to interact.

Writing style: One liners | Short replies | 3-4 para replies | Long replies | No formatting | Minimal formatting | Heavy formatting we live for aesthetics | Comment: The occasional reply that's a fair bit longer, but mostly around 4 paragraphs or so. You write introspectively and seem to use dialogue to move the stories forward.

Accessibility: Easy peasy | Simple enough | A little complicated | Art is not always accessible | Comment: You've done a great job to streamline the amount of muses and information on your blog. It might be a little intimidating for some folks, but it works well. Your desktop theme has been worked on a lot and looks great, but is low contrast and with the writing in the background may be a little difficult for some folks to read. The lack of heavy formatting really helps with this though!

Please give this blog a look see, they are looking for more interactions!

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10 months ago

Could I perhaps get a blog review, if you’re up for it? I really only have Jason as a DC muse, and he’s still fairly new, but I’m curious to see what people think when they see my blog :)

Rex reviews blogs | Accepting | @normaltothemax No problem! Welcome :)

URL: It's okay | IYKYK | Nice and clear | I see what you did there | Fancy | Inspired | Comment: Pretty straight forward, I might be missing a reference, but of course this is tumblr, we're all incredibly normal.

Browser theme: Standard works | A little tricky to navigate | Looking good | So organised | You put a lot of work in | Wow did you make this yourself? | Comment: Really organised as all good multimuse blogs are. Your info and muse pages are built into your theme code which on browser is really great, accessibly and prevent folks from opening a million tabs. Your caard is also one of the best I've seen in terms of navigation and sectioning. It makes muse info really easy to find which I think is important.

Mobile app theme: Are you a bot? | Sorry I can't find your info | Nice header | Excellent pinned post | Tumblr Wizard | Comment: Short sweet and to the point. So long as folks don't mind navigating away from the app to your caard, everything you need is easily accessible from your pinned post. The caard scales nicely on mobile too and is intuitive to navigate.

Posts: RP only | Starters and memes | Aesthetics too | face claims galore | OOC posts too | Cringe is dead they post whatever fits Comment: a cool mix of inpsiration from different muses and some cool threads. You've got a effective tagging system in place to keep things organised.

Rules: DNI listed | No rules only chaos | Open to anything | Straight to the point | Read the terms and conditions before applying | Comment: Your typical set of rules I think! A few muse specific things so people should be sure to check them out before playing, but it's all straight forward in my opinion.

Muse(s): Unclear at time of review | Canon muse | Cannon muses | OC muse | OC muses | multi-muse madness | Comment: A mixture of canon and OC muses from various fandoms. It must be a pain to keep track of, but you have a system that works by the looks of things! They look fun to RP with.

Writing style: One liners | Short replies | 3-4 para replies | Long replies | No formatting | Minimal formatting | Heavy formatting we live for aesthetics | Comment: Some use of italics and the odd bit of bold for emphasis! On the desktop theme, the coding makes the italics look almost like cursive which is a cool effect. The threads I've seen show an emotive writing style that moves the threads along well.

Accessibility: Easy peasy | Simple enough | A little complicated | Art is not always accessible | Comment: Everything is streamlined, organised and accessible from what I can see. Some people may have issue with the desktop theme fonts, but it's high contrast and is only the occasional word. I think it looks cool.

Please give this blog a look see, they are looking for more interactions!

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10 months ago

Y'know what? Sure. I'd love a review for my blog @arobinwithoutbatman

Rex reviews blogs | Accepting | @arobinwithoutbatman Sorry for the wait Wic!

URL: It's okay | IYKYK | Nice and clear | I see what you did there | Fancy | Inspired | Comment: Super clear for your canon muse and the specific default verse too, very clever!

Browser theme: Standard works | A little tricky to navigate | Looking good | So organised | You put a lot of work in | Wow did you make this yourself? | Comment: Nice and clear custom theme, easy to read, easy to navigate!

Mobile app theme: Are you a bot? | Sorry I can't find your info | Nice header | Excellent pinned post | Tumblr Wizard | Comment: Everything is easily accessible, all the information in one place.

Posts: RP only | Starters and memes | Aesthetics too | face claims galore | OOC posts too | Cringe is dead they post whatever fits Comment: A little bit of everything and it's all good and its all relevant!

Rules: DNI listed | No rules only chaos | Open to anything | Straight to the point | Read the terms and conditions before applying | Comment: A pretty straight forward list of rules, a couple of specific things so folks should make sure they take a look see.

Muse(s): Unclear at time of review | Canon muse | Cannon muses | OC muse | OC muses | multi-muse madness | Comment: Tim Drake AKA Robin specifically from Gotham Knights though verses may vary.

Writing style: One liners | Short replies | 3-4 para replies | Long replies | No formatting | Minimal formatting | Heavy formatting we live for aesthetics | Comment: A mix of replies to suit whatever's needed. You're versatile!

Accessibility: Easy peasy | Simple enough | A little complicated | Art is not always accessible | Comment: No notes! I find it all highly accessible.

Please give this blog a look see, they are looking for more interactions!

Want one?

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