Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild DND

Link: fairly obvious, fighter. I could also see ranger, but he has the solder background so…

Zelda: sorcerer, but after she loses her powers I see her as a wizard or rouge

Mipha: cleric for sure, probably a more water style tempest, life, or light. She can use a trident because of a racial trait or something.

Revali: umm… fighter I guess?? I don’t know we what else would work. Plus it adds to his and Link’s rivallry (revalink go brr)

Daruk: I’m gonna go with barbarian, cause he just gives those vibes. He reminds me of Karlach in Baldur Gate 3.

Urbosa: I could see barbarian, but I’m gonna go with a pact of the blade warlock. A strength based warlock. Cause of the seven warriors that the gerudo worship. She has no bad stats. Just a fact.

Rhoam: he’s a paladin. (He’s a evil paladin, abusive bastard)

Ganon: warlock cause of demise

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