Rick Grimes X Reader Platonic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Random person in Alexandria: Wow, your group is so strong. What’s it like being with them?

Y/N: Well, imagine being with some completely mature, civilized, and responsible people

Random person: Oh, wow! That’s great-

Y/N: *having flashbacks to every chaotic moment that has ever gone on with everyone* Now throw that image out the window

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1 year ago

Y/N: *knocks on door*

Rick: *opens the door* Hey, N/N, what can I do for-

Y/N: *grinning, wearing a witch hat* Trick or treat!

Rick: *confused* Trick or-? Y/N, you’re trick or treating in the middle of the apocalypse?

Y/N: *more serious now* Trick or treat

Rick: *sighs* You can’t just-

Carl: *appears next to Y/N out of nowhere, wearing a pirate hat and his eyepatch* Trick or treat!

Rick: Not you too-

Daryl: *appears out of nowhere behind them, wearing a blanket tied around his shoulders as a cape, excited* Did he choose trick?!

Rick: *scared now* Wh-what? N-no-

Michonne: *walking in with her sword and pointing it at Rick* Trick or treat?

Rick: *almost crying because he’s so confused* What are you even supposed to be?! You’re not even dressed up!

Y/N: She’s a ninja. Duh. Now, answer her question

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