Riize Park Wonbin - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


based on astrology/tarot


Authors Note: In this reading I will be reading and making prediction about the current/future state of Riize as well as mentioning seunghan and his situation in this reading in order to give insight to those who requested it, in the astrological area of the reading I will be using whole sign.

Let's get the elephant out of the room and discuss Seunghan. There are a couple of transits that firmly show this situation regarding him. Mars associated with conflict, harm, fighting, arguments and in hellenistic astrology separation is transiting Riize's 6th house which is associated with coworkers and the work environment. This transit within itself eludes to Seunghan's severance and departure of the group and the possible conflicts and damage control regarding it. Mars is also sextile Uranus which shows the sudden and quick impact and deciding factors of this. Mercury aspecting Saturn can be associated with difficult news and decisions and currently these planets are transiting their 10th house of career and reputation as well as the 2nd house of income..there's definitely money and company semantics as well as an attempt to preserve something involved with the situation.


Mercury transiting the 10th house in scorpio, there could be a lot of talk about the group in itself within the next month as well as people trying to “investigate” what the company could possibly be doing behind the scenes due to a lack of explanation and communication, tabloids + rumors + exposed info could be prevalent

Saturn will be direct and leave their 2nd house of income finances soon and transit through their 3rd house of communication, immediate environment, familiar spaces, minor travel and friends. The members might not travel as much as they previously did or their travels may be limited to certain areas as well. There might be a change in the groups social media presence/activity

Pluto is currently direct and will be transiting into their 1st house of identity, self and how they project their image soon. the group might do a complete change in aesthetics, look and style or deconstruct and rebuild their gimmick/concept and it might cause a ripple effect

Jupiter is currently retrograde in their 5th house of creations/creativity, artistic pursuits, fun, entertainment and is aspecting Saturn. the group might have to rethink or redo the creative direction they’ll take and their events or comebacks might take longer or are delayed. they also may gain attention and have to base their creations on what is bringing them the most attention

Jupiter will also soon transit their 6th house of work environment, coworkers, responsibilities, service/servitude, health and routine in 2025. We may hear about them getting new staff or workers, they may be in better working conditions/schedules, they could be very booked and busy and have a lot to do or take care of, their overall group health will be favorable but there might be some minor injuries

Mars will soon transit their 7th house and retrograde back into their 6th so there might be changes in contracts (for example cutting off a contract w/ a certain brand) or changes in power within them, as well as maybe cutting ties w/ certain staff and employees


Do I have consent for this reading: Ace Of Cups & The Moon; Yes ! but I must keep the members anonymous.


( The Emperor, KoS, 7oW, 4oS, The Hanged Man, AoS Rx, Death, and 4oP)

Stoicism stoicism stoicism. This member just wants to hold things together until all this chaos passes. They feel as though there’s no point in trying to control what they can’t and that they should only control what they can which is their self and their feelings. I’m hearing “I know that things won’t be the same”. He really just wants to keep his mental in check and surrender to the changes around him. However it’s not giving a “defeated energy”; this member refuses to let his mental health drown too bad and even if he can’t be the happiest atm he knows he shouldn’t let himself wear himself out with the possible stress and upset


( Justice Rx, 2oP Rx, 5oC, Judgement Rx, 4oC, 7oS, 10oC Rx, 9oC Rx, AoC Rx, 2oS)

He feels blindsighted and deceived and as if things genuinely didn’t go as planned. He might have been convinced by someone or convinced himself that things would be smooth sailing for the rest of the year and that the past issues and problems wouldn’t be something to deal with anymore. There’s a big contemplation and thinking about the “unfairness” of everything. He feels like everyone involved and being impacted has been done wrong and there wasn’t unfiltered honesty about everything. I’m hearing the phrase “stand up” he wants there to be accountability taken by someone specific..rather than a team of people ? A staff or manager maybe ? I pulled another card and the King of Pentacles came out so ???


( 8oC, 8oW, 9oS, Wheel of Fortune, The High Priestess, 4oC, The Hermit, 2oW/ Channeled Song: She Knows - Jcole)

This person feels like they saw this chaos coming. It’s as if this was a “worst case scenario/nightmare” idea that they’d always come back to in the back of their mind that’s finally came to fruition. Similar to Member A they mainly want to keep themselves level headed and let things play out whether if it’s for better or worse. He’s in a very observant energy. He may have a “deeper”understanding of the situation than the others so he might seem like he’s “ok” and “moving forward” when really he’s extremely in his head..as if he’s on the “outside looking in”, he’s detached himself almost so he won’t get stuck “like he did before” im hearing


(5oS, 8oS, 2oC Rx, The Empress Rx, QoC Rx, 10oS, The Lovers Rx, 5oP/ Channeled song: Afraid - The Neighborhood)

They feel on edge and uncomfortable right now. It’s like they’re anticipating on what’s gonna happen next and how it’s going to happen. I’m hearing the channeled song and the phrase “im so over it”. The best thing I can compare this energy to is when you have a terrible day at school/work but when you get home there’s more things to deal with, or when you’re constantly arguing or bumping heads with someone and don’t care anymore. There’s also a negative critical feminine energy that this member feels turned their back on him or this female energy keeps doing things that goes against his wants/wishes. There isn’t a romantic tie to this feminine energy tho..but the member is making it seem that’s it’s obvious who it is but I don’t really know and they won’t elaborate so I’ll just close off here.


(The Sun, The Chariot, 8oP, 10oW, The Devil, 2oP, KnoC)

This member is giving me the least info and im hearing “you already know the deal” so I guess the assumptions I have towards how he feels atm is good enough. This member feels overwhelmed and definitely is trying to manage and keep himself emotionally and mentally above water . But, it’s as though he’s bound by a responsibility..he’s being the most optimistic as he can be and just wants to move forward. It’s like he’s trying to keep himself happy and busy while also dealing with the motions of everything. He may also be putting his feelings aside for how and is more busy comforting everyone around him who’s feeling more upset and frustrated.


(The Moon, The Star Rx, 6oW Rx, 7oP, 6oP, Strength Rx, 7oC, AoP)

This member feels pretty unstable and similar to Member B they feel disillusioned. They hate how up and down everything has been. They’re very disappointed on how things are turning out because they were just so much more optimistic about everything after a long period of being unsure just to be unsure and feeling a lack of security again. They’re very aware or mostly thinking about the financial aspect of things too and are feeling a lack of security there as well. Just a very disappointed and melancholic energy..similar to when you get bad news you don’t have any say over. They’re trying not to be pessimistic but they can’t help it


( The Fool Rx, 3oS, 5oW, 3oP Rx, 3oC Rx, 9oW, Justice, 8oW, 6oC, 10oP Channeled Song: Are We Still Friends- Tyler the Creator & Sorry Not Sorry - Tyler the Creator)

Member G lowkey wants to go home or wants to go somewhere or be in a place mentally where they can feel more relaxed again. Im hearing the phrase “things were much more simpler”. They might also be in disagreement with a lot of people or people might have a lot of misconceptions about everything and he doesn’t like the fact that people are getting the wrong idea about how everything is. He might also feel a bit disconnected from everyone and that includes coworkers and people in his inner circle. For the channeled songs it’s making me feel as if this member feels almost guilty and so apologetic but not apologetic at the same time ? like he knows he doesn’t need to feel all this pressure and guilt but does

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