Kpop Tarot - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Pick a pile their feelings for you!

Please read energy first to see if this is the right pile for you and figure which person you are A or B based on the energy!šŸ„°

Happy reading! Lmk which pile and which person you have pickedšŸ˜™

If you would like to book a personal reading please check my services on my pinned post.

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Pile 1 - Apology

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - fire ant energy

You might feel in this connection the need to be ā€œcoolā€ and ā€œchilled outā€ however thereā€™s a fire inside you thatā€™s slowly but surely spreading in your feelings for this person, thereā€™s undeniable love thatā€™s coming to the point you canā€™t ignore it anymore, you seem to have a sort of childlike personality when it comes to your person and canā€™t help but feel giggly around them, which at times finding yourself doing so you could be thinking ā€œwth this isnā€™t me lemme stopā€ but thereā€™s definitely a call for you to swoon this person, or open up your feelings towards them for once and for all, feeling the need to go all in without a strategic plan at hand, you could be told a lot of times that you do things impulsively and for some people this isnā€™t their cup of tea, you couldā€™ve grown up being told often to settle down or to ā€œthink before you speak!ā€

A lot of fire energy in this pile , you could have Aries Leo or Sagittarius placements, definitely giving the vibes of ā€œdo it now think laterā€, along with this a little bit of water signs energy came up, person A you could have Fire and Water in your chart/big three.

Person B - Buffalo energy

You usually would like to describe yourself as someone thatā€™s quite grounded, reliable, knowledgeable and i feel your family and friends can vouch this for you as well on this, however recently you couldā€™ve hit a bump on the road where itā€™s quite hard for you to be as productive as once was, being scared of jumping head first into things and new challenges due to the anxiety of things splurging out of control or going through another tower moment unexpectedly, in turn found a routine, youā€™ve been sticking to it and even though it might seem quite too repetitive for you, it is your safe haven, itā€™s where you know what to expect, at times might even find yourself not as sociable either, feeling like you canā€™t give out to someone else right now when barely being able to give yourself the experience and fun you deserve, thereā€™s the energy of exhaustion here.

A lot of Earth energy here Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn with a little bit of fire. These could be present in your placements.

Fire ants feelings towards person B

In your feelings currently and how you see your connection, you could be seeing them as someone that you want to rile up or start a conflict with them to at least get something out of them, to see what limits you could push until they open up more , person A I can tell youā€™re feeling left out by your person, feeling that youā€™re not being heard about certain things or that theyā€™re way too nonchalant for you, feeling at times that theyā€™re like a robot, just doing the bare minimum not only for this connection but in their life as well, doing just enough, being on a strict routine of a eat, sleep, work or school and repeat and this is something that could be out of your normal usually or you could be the type of person thatā€™s more open but feeling the need to be restrictive in case you chase them away if you push too much.

How person B ( Buffalo) feels towards their person - you feel yourself drifting away from your person, and not only just them but to others too, and finding solitude in isolation, finding being at peace is being by yourself and learning how to love yourself, I do see you putting a lot of work into yourself which is progressing into the right direction, however when it comes to your person you feel that perhaps they donā€™t understand why you canā€™t just ā€œsnapā€ out of this rut, as it requires intensive inner work, but at the same time you understand you shouldnā€™t leave everyone in the dark making you feel more guilty, worried itā€™ll cause arguments or conflicts or being forced to be something you canā€™t be right now and neither are truly.

Overall for both -

I do see person B coming towards person A with some sort of explanation with why they drifted away and for some of you they even went ghost, Person A I promise you will get the apology that youā€™re eager for, Person A itā€™s time to let Person B know how you feel about them, I feel they do need that boost from you, try to let them know the struggles you have also previously gone through and try to let them know that there is a lending hand when they need it as they feel theyā€™ll bother you by coming clean of their situation, ultimately I see you both coming to a understanding of how each of you can contribute towards each others needs but it will take some time, thatā€™s a factor here, but working slowly will get everything on track.

Pile 2- self love

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A- Nightingale energy

Person A you as the energy of nightingale, you usually are someone that usually can be upfront, not being afraid of speaking up, telling people whatā€™s on your mind when itā€™s in the right times and even when it can be at the most wrongful times šŸ˜…, but there is something about your voice that makes people listen, either you can be someone thatā€™s very convincing/ persuasive, you could even be one to sing and others love to hear it, you are giving the energy of someone that doesnā€™t usually stand out or you might feel it so, but people are attracted towards you either way, you couldā€™ve been told before you have this alluring energy about yourself.

Person B - Energy of the stingray

Person B, coming up as the energy of the stingray you are someone that usually likes to take on a challenge, you can be eager around wanting to grow and very adaptable to your environment and schedules, however youā€™ve been stuck in your ego recently and I know , I know I donā€™t want to call you out but I have to, your using your ego to protect yourself, perhaps you feel that you have put in a lot of word in yourself prior and now you donā€™t feel the need to change all over again to make someone else happy, and thatā€™s all within your rights, but thereā€™s w need for you to escape from the mental trap you have put yourself in, the external is not as bad as your mind is playing it to be, and itā€™s okay to come back to reality.

Persons A feelings towards person B

You couldā€™ve started off as friends with person B, starting things slowly and then all of a sudden coming to surprise that the both of you have been hiding feelings this whole time, thereā€™s an unexpected energy here between the two of you, this couldā€™ve come from you being shocked that the two of you even ended up together, but Iā€™m also seeing a state of shock around some kind of ending when it comes to the two of you, for a big part of pile 2 and person A I would be surprised if you havenā€™t lost Person B and are currently going through a breakup or no contact, person A seems to feel a lot of regret and pain when it comes to their person , and they feel guilt around something here, Person A couldā€™ve been the one that possibly walked away from Person B but that wonā€™t be for everyone of this pile, reverse it as it resonates, but heavy energy around Person A walking away from something here and not being sure if that was the best decision to make, thereā€™s a stagnant energy around Person A where they canā€™t move forwards from a person B but at the same time it doesnā€™t look like they want to, they wouldā€™ve rather work things out than have to come to that for some of you if you are person A I can definitely tell that you didnā€™t want to have it come to that.

How person B feels towards Person A

Person B is coming up as someone thatā€™s very stuck mentally, emotionally quite unstable when it comes to their feelings for A, they currently donā€™t feel comfortable being around Person A due to not feeling like themselves unfortunately around Person A, they feel that the both of you have changed tremendously since the two of you have known each other and theyā€™re not sure on how to fix things, theyā€™re currently focusing on self care and loving on themselves, and it seems that as off right now they feel the need of taking a step back from this connection and bring distance into it.

Overall energy- it looks like the both of you will be prioritising your own selves at this time, and quite significantly unfortunately drifting away from each other, trying to build routines and growth separately.

Pile 3- Justice

Pick A Pile Their Feelings For You!

Person A - golden egg energy

Person A is giving the energy of an old friend, someone that you have known for a very long time, and you find comfort in them, either this is you to and for person B or you have been told often that you give off a sense of familiarity to everyone you meet, you bring a sense of comfort and quietness, you could yourself person A be quite a timid person or someone that doesnā€™t usually budge into peoples business or you wait for others to talk to you first before you approach anyone, you are definitely someone that has a lot of layers to themselves and it takes a lot for you to ā€œcrackā€šŸ˜… or open up to others, you can only be who you truly are around the ones you love most and thatā€™s when you find it easiest to let loose.

Libra energy, water energy, you could have these in your placements.

Person B - Snake energy

Person B you are someone that could at times be described as someone thatā€™s creative, ambitious perhaps you work in a creative role, such as art, landscape, architecture, design, etc, perhaps you are someone that finds themselves expressing themselves through actions rather than their words or perhaps writing it down, or poetry, you could be someone that has a lot of passion and love towards someone but when it comes to voicing it, you could be finding it hard and choose other ways to show them rather by talking, at times out of balance you might find yourself being quite a flighty person, showing up and going as you please, starting out new things but never finishing them before you start something new.

Earth energy for Person B, along with water.

How person A feels towards person b

Person A - thereā€™s a lot of emotion from them when it comes to person B, almost like they see Person B the snake for who they truly are and not who they try to show the world, person A is definitely the one that notices all the small things about person B such as how they act when they are nervous or how theyā€™ll perhaps blink Weirdly when uncomfortable, very little things that at times person B never even noticed, Person A is definitely giving provider type of vibes towards B and they look out for them alot, even though at times they donā€™t fully feel this being reciprocated, either way they feel balanced in this connection.

How person B feels towards person A

The snake person B is a charmerrr, they know how to work in ways to surprise person A, and they feel the need of wanting to try new things to come out with, there is definitely heavy feelings between the both of these energies, which are very equal and person B really feels in Union with person A at times, they even feel like theyā€™re looking at a mirror when they see Person A, the snake energy wants to come through and show person A new opportunities, new adventures and they are also very logical they go about things, they feel the need to have everything ready and Perfect around them, the snake person sees the golden egg as someone that will always have a soft space in their heart and has plans on keeping it that way if they can.

Overall energy for both - you both feel like this is a match made in heaven, and both are mirroring each other in ways you thought could never be possible, this connection is very promising, you both balance each other amazingly.

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1 year ago

Iā€™m back with a new PAC!

Went away for a little while but Iā€™m here with the hopes to stay and be more consistent!šŸ’“


Pile 1 to 3 , left to right ā˜”ļøšŸ’šŸ‰šŸ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ± as always remember to only take what resonates and leave the rest šŸ’“

Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!
Im Back With A New PAC!

Pile 1ā˜”ļøā˜‚ļøšŸŒ‚

ā€œI hadnā€™t healed from my previous relationship before I met you, I let my fears get the better of meā€

ā€œOn the outside I might look that I have moved on or that Iā€™m having the best time of my life, but believe me behind closed doors I always think about youā€

Find a message from me in the song ā€œa different wayā€ by Lauv

ā€œNo there wasnā€™t and there isnā€™t anyone elseā€

ā€œ I know you donā€™t trust me anymore, but I want to try again?ā€

ā€œI always stalk your social mediaā€

ā€œMy friends and family are still asking me about youā€

ā€œI have heard some gossip about you, not sure how to feel about itā€

ā€œI have the ring stillā€ message from a fire sign placement

ā€œYou was right all along, I just hated to admit it to youā€

Pile 2 šŸ’šŸ“šŸ‰

ā€œ I know I said I wasted my time but I didnā€™t mean it, I just wanted to hurt you backā€

ā€œIā€™m afraid youā€™re getting over usā€ message from a water placement

ā€œI miss you in my bed first thing in the morning, youā€™re sleepy eyes are the cutestā€

ā€œDonā€™t give up on meā€ Earth sign placement

ā€œI wasnā€™t in it just for the sexā€

ā€œno matter how much I try, I know your love canā€™t be replaceable, I know that nowā€

ā€œI want you to be one that staysā€

ā€œYouā€™re so scary when you get madšŸ˜…ā€

ā€œIā€™m falling even deeper than beforeā€

Pile 3 šŸŖ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ±

ā€œI think about you all the time, itā€™s draining meā€

ā€œI still have and listen to the playlist youā€™ve made me to this dayā€

ā€œYour words cut deeppppā€ message from a air sign

ā€œYou had me feel something that nobody did beforeā€

ā€œWhen I close my eyes all I see is youā€

ā€œNo you wasnā€™t a rebound, I actually think I fell for you even more than I ever did for my exā€

ā€œI know I gave you mixed signals, I didnā€™t know what I wanted back then but now I do, will you give me another chance?ā€ Message from a Aries smrv

ā€œIā€™m thinking about reaching out to you, letā€™s not rush things this time aroundā€

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2 years ago

Hey yā€™all lovelies so Iā€™ve decided to create a new blog talking about tarot, astrology and the occult in general. I will be opening up free readings soon and posting my very first Astro observations just need to get some followers to see them first lol. If yā€™all can Iā€™d sincerely appreciate any shares. Thank youuuuu : )

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hello yā€™all, so Iā€™m taking asks for any astro notes/tarot readings yall would like to see. Submission box is open ask away : )

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hello everyone, thank you so much for sending your asks in, I will do them one at a time. Iā€™m just a bit tired from all the travelling but will start as soon as I can! I would like to add, pls try to avoid posting through anon it helps me connect with you better or you can leave your initials or your sign. Iā€™m also almost done with my first Astro observations so I will be posting that very soon! ā˜ŗļø

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Heeseung as jealous boyfriend?

Congrats youā€™re my first ever ask lmao šŸ˜­

Anyways I have an idea in mind for kpop readings, for those I will make a separate master list and will take requests and post on there! Yā€™all can make requests Iā€™ll just add those on my list as they come. This will be the first one on my list. Let me know what you guys think.

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

EDIT- 28/07/22

I just thought Iā€™d do these readings as they come lol. Iā€™ll add them to the master list later on when I have time.



Note- I am not familiar with him or the group because I donā€™t look them up and not really a fan this is just what I pick up on.

So what I pick up on is he definitely is the jealous type lol. I know thatā€™s what you asked for but in real life he seems like heā€™d get jealous pretty quick. Firstly him as a jealous boyfriend, he wonā€™t be that good at hiding heā€™s jealous lol youā€™d be able to really tell if heā€™s jealous. He would be the one to give a cold shoulder to his partner, like act cold and just completely ignore them. Or he could be completely defensive. Heā€™s one extreme or the other. Itā€™s not wrong to be jealous, itā€™s a human tendency but when the jealousy leads to unnecessary arguments thatā€™s where it becomes a problem. Partners should be able to trust each other enough to sit down and have a rational conversation. His blunt nature could start verbal conflicts because he could say things that might end up hurting his partner. But once he learns how to control this heā€™d be great when it comes to talking things out with his partner. He could be a great conversationalist. Just needs to manage his outbursts.

Hope this answered your question!

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

Heeseung as jealous boyfriend?

Congrats youā€™re my first ever ask lmao šŸ˜­

Anyways I have an idea in mind for kpop readings, for those I will make a separate master list and will take requests and post on there! Yā€™all can make requests Iā€™ll just add those on my list as they come. This will be the first one on my list. Let me know what you guys think.

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hey yā€™all

Just realised my tumblr DMs was set to only let people I follow message me, Iā€™ve changed it so if yā€™all want to DM itā€™s open. If I get any silly DMs I will close it. Iā€™m not ignoring your asks Iā€™ll reply to all of them donā€™t worry ā˜ŗļø.

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hello! Baekhyun as protective and jeaolus boyfriend?

Hey there!


Note Iā€™m not familiar with him this is just what I pick up on

So seems like heā€™d be more on the emotional side and could act on impulse sometimes depending on the situation. He does seem like an overprotective bf but also not very extreme, itā€™s subtle because he wants his partner to not feel caged in. He doesnā€™t like being caged either so he would treat them like how heā€™d want to be treated in a relationship. He also seems like a good negotiator like heā€™d prefer to talk it out with his partner than to let things escalate.

Hope this answers your question!

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

hiii ! <3 could you please do reading on what minhee (cravity) and sunghoon (enhypen) think of each other if they know each other? thank you so much and have a nice day<3

Hey there! ā˜ŗļø


Note Iā€™m not a fan neither am I familiar with them. This is just what I pick up on

Minhee- Thereā€™s no hard feelings for Sunghoon, he actually thinks pretty positively of him and sees him as very expressive and creative could be a little impatient for his liking though. Side note, Minhee seems like heā€™s very scatter brained his energy is very flighty.

Sunghoon- Sees Minhee as someone whoā€™s very joyful or at least thatā€™s what he shows out to the world, pretty fun to be around. Can be a bit stubborn though.

Hope this answered your question

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Kim garam energy check up

Hi to you too šŸ„² please be a bit nicer to others when you request for readings. They can be doing other things too but they choose to take their time out for you.


Note Iā€™m not really a fan of her or the group. This is just the energy I pick up on.

Stagnant, she feels like her career isnā€™t going anywhere and her efforts werenā€™t worth it. She isnā€™t in the best place emotionally and career wise so everything is just taking a toll on her. Sheā€™s not really taking care of herself much either and sheā€™s desperate for some sort of commitment to come her way, career related commitment. Sheā€™s only focusing on the negatives and as of now she believes this whole scandal practically ruined her career. I just looked her up and apparently her contracts been terminated? Not surprised in the least.

Hope this answered your question

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Niki and sunno dynamics?

Hey, again please try to be a bit more polite when asking for readings from people.


Note- Iā€™m not a fan neither am I familiar this is just what I pick up on

Overall itā€™s pretty good, they see each other as passionate and charismatic i donā€™t pick up on any negative feelings really, just friends that are there for each other. Someone here could be an over thinker though and fall into a negative mindset quickly or is dealing with something thatā€™s bothering them? Also very fickle minded. The other person can see that and is maybe trying to push them out of this mindset. Also someone here or even both of them are more focussed on how others see them. They could have a desperate need to remain a certain way in front of the public.

Hope this answers your question

Love, Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

What about Jackson Wang ideal type?

Hey there!


Note- Iā€™m not a fan this is just what I pick up.

So he loves someone whoā€™s a bit cunning and very intelligent itā€™s good to be mature but he also loves a bit of recklessness too. The type of person to keep you on your feet. That way theres always some type of spark in the relationship. Someone whoā€™s cheerful and looks effortlessly cute. Wants someone whoā€™s able to see the bigger picture of things instead of nitpicking every detail and just being a control freak. He doesnā€™t like too much drama and would prefer his partner to be the same. He prefers someone whoā€™s very grounded and doesnā€™t have their head in the clouds, someone who gets what they want and works hard for it.

Hope this answers your question

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hey yā€™all

Trying my best to get through the asks thank you for being so patient! šŸ’•

Not going to do anymore at the moment till I catch up at least.

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

Hi! Can you do reading on up10tion's xiao and dia's eunchae please? Are they have feeling each other? and are they dating now or dated in the past?

Thank you!!

Hey there!


Note Iā€™m not a fan and donā€™t really know them this is just what I pick up on

Yes lol and a big yes but there are some fears and concerns, was there some sort of rumour about them? I also see them being reluctant on opening up and theyā€™re scared and I donā€™t blame them. Netizens can be literal bullies most of the times.

Hope this answers your question

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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2 years ago

hi, i hope this message finds you well! and thank you so much for being open to doing free tarot readings ā™” mine could be a bit of a silly question, and please feel free to ignore if you donā€™t do these type of readings.

but i have the biggest crush on jake from enhypen. so if youā€™re alright doing so, i was wondering if you could possibly do a reading on what our hypothetical dynamic in a romantic relationship could be and how it could play out? if it helps my initials are f.l. and some emojis to help channel energy šŸŒæšŸ¤šŸššŸŒ»

thank you in advance for the reading!

Hey lol sure letā€™s find out!


What I see is you guys will push each other career wise to do well, youā€™ll provide for each other I see a good balance. But I also see a lot of fears and worries surrounding something. Maybe a third party that might want to ruin your relationship. But yā€™all eventually wonā€™t let that get to you. It wonā€™t be the best marriage ever, there could be barriers of some sort but it will be something memorable. I also see one person or the other moving away from home to live with the other person or just travelling a lot so yā€™all could meet up. There will be mutual respect.

I hope this answered your question!

Love Luna āœØšŸŒ™

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1 year ago

ƗWhat are Other's Assumptions of you ?

General reading take what resonates leave what doesn't ,dont stress about it

A short reading -Jisoo Kim inspired PAC

LGBTQ+friendly (can apply to any gender)

Intuitive Reading

Note-i'm just here to deliver what you need to know not what you want to hear so please respect my space+tarot is not to be replaced with legal or medical advice its upto you how you take decisions and use it for your highest goods .

Decision is always yours i'm not responsible for it ,see ya at your pile!!


Pile l. Pile ll. Pile lll.

What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?
What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?
What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?
What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?
What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?
What Are Other's Assumptions Of You ?

Pile IV. Pile V. Pile Vl.


>Pile l.

Key words:realiable ,sweet.

Angel number:545,616,882

ƗI believe you are on a shorter side ,you might wear bright colours or colours that stands out ? people feel you are short tempered, quick to make decisions they think you are stubborn and wont follow the leads they believe you are free spirited and prefer to do things your own way ,they feel like you are always on the go ,they feel like you are lucky they feel like you hustle a lot . B?

people generally see you as hard working and mischievous,like its easier to be friends with someone who you can call anytime,a friend that would suggest you places to be, i feel like others like your smile or they way you talk ,others believe you have admirers it leans more towards platonic sense where others want to work or engage with you like you are the person who can cheer them up .

I was getting this group thing maybe they feel like you dont talk to others "easily" like you have a specific type of people you follow or wants to be associated with... yeah,if you wear glass they like your glasses .


>Pile ll.

Key word: family-oriented, hush hush

Angel number:000,919,524

Others tend to assume you are in a elite position in some way ,like you are leader , everyone will choose you above them you may come across as very gentle and wise with your words ,they assume you create things for yourself like you are never on one project you have different projects going on which will make big among others .

I feel like others tend to spy on you *sorry if you're uncomfortable* ,i dont see the general lets follow them its more like who are they? What kind of work they do?whats their family background? ,I think this groups has people basing them off of *mainly* assumptions rather than facts .

People like to assume you are on your own like you wouldn't mind being left out of the group its like you are comfortable or nonchalant enough to not focus on it ,i feel like others feel like you have a structure or something you do daily there's this timeplay involved or others may not even know you they just see you at places and assume "i dont think so this person is all over someone's face they prefer to observe first and then approach". Generally others are curious about you .


>Pile lll.

Key words:cool, responsible

Angel number:98 ,5,33

I fel like this pile is judged a lot based on their looks or the things they do or others related to them ,ah you guys my fighters lets buckle up .

I feel like you wont take L you will throw it back much stronger that it hits on their self esteem,others feel like you're picky and more on the outspoken side they feel like you take risks generally that they wouldn't dare to try it,they feel like you do big things like you wouldn't just sit back and relax you will speak the shit and let them know what they are doing is wrong idk where this is coming from but i like it .

You guys others cant mess up with you its like you will read them for eg:your friend is upset and instead of telling her/him to stop being on edge you are more like i know what happened with jason yesterday and its like a shock to everyone because how tf do you know? *That was a cliche example dont judge me* ,this group say things and do them lol. Its quite shocking to others ,you may be unpredictable or keep things private.


>Pile lV.

Key words: sensitive, quite

Angel number:1, 659 ,994

Others assume that you read the room very well ,you wont ask any sensitive questions you know the unseen social rules well ,others feel like you are very helpful and friendly,they feel like your love language is words of affirmations ,they feel like you are an animal lover or you are good with others energies.

Others feel like you are compatible with them ,its like a sense of protectiveness they feel with you ,i feel like others are dependent on you energy wise and it could be too much for you at times but you try ,you could be a lightworker .

Aww look i gotta say it they feel like you have a big beautiful heart its cute honestly,you could be a therapist friend to many *pls its not a good thing for you* anyways i felt like the need to help you out so you could attract more dominant individuals,others assume you know you're beautiful like you do acknowledge it ,others feel like you are shy? Or just not interested in their talks sometimes,but generally others do value your presence more than you think .


>Pile V.

Key words:Debunker , peaceful.

Angel number:66,819,444

Others assume that you know their secrets*lmao* now idk where's that coming from or you guys are analytical or aware of your surrounding a lil too much ,others feel like they cant outsmart you or that you are very confident under your skin ,its like the feeling of oh i cant knock you off ,you could be more adaptive to different kinds of people or things .

I have a feeling this group minds their own business but somehow others dont feel like you do ,i feel like you could be popular or talked about or your aura could be responsible for attracting others .

+18 ahead

Others are really attracted to you sexually they feel like you could be a good match as a partner or you are experienced than them .

Anyways others assume you have a lott of options or thst you are a highly pursaded by your options believe it or not ,others are more romantically attracted to you than platonic i feel like people will stare at you for no reason but its more of their curiosity in your work or the things you are doing ,they could like the way you sit the movies you watch,the colour you wear .

Pile Vl.

Key words:perfect , Talented

Angel number:33,62,89

People feel like you are a cool person a person they cant control they feel like they cant provoke you , because you'll have no reaction to their b.s ,others feel like you are very content and enjoys one's own company , people may react dryly to your interests don't take any offense tho i feel like you are naturally very intriguing the things you do others may or may not get it, people find you cute ? Yeah

They feel like you have great connections they might feel intimidated like they wouldn't approach you directly but through a friend,they feel like you are a great team worker someone who's active , Caring and easy to deal with , people feel like you are others first pick for coffee or tea because you have a calm presence to you ,you may be very comforting towards others ,i feel like you are well liked and has a Charming presence,you could be very pretty too .

Others feel like you are quick on your feet like you have quick reflexes ,they think you take things seriously? You are careful in public places ,i feel like people in this pile are remembered for a long time for their behaviour or how they made others feel,others see you as a nurturing presence in their life .

I wont lie i was picking up on fetishes and day dreaming too .

Thanks for reading (:

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