Rio 2011 - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!
Ive Made Some Gifs With Nigel From Rio. Because I Love That Parrot Sooo Much!

I’ve made some gifs with Nigel from Rio. Because I love that parrot sooo much!  ♥

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6 years ago

Me: Just stop it, I haven't even watched Moana and I like Shiny mostly because of Jemaine Clement's voice.

My brain:

My brain: Lights. Camera. Action.

Me: Hell no.


me: shut the fuck up stop fucking singing moana songs


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6 years ago

Rio cinnamon roll meme

Looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you: Jewel.

Looks like they could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll: Luiz.

Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Blu.

Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you: Nigel.


Sinnamon roll: also Nigel.

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6 years ago

Well… There is one thing I need to confess. It is very hard to do, and you may think I’m a pervent. Guess you would be kind of right… But I just can’t hide it anymore. So…

I ship Nigel x Jewel.

I mean, this:


And this:

Well There Is One Thing I Need To Confess. It Is Very Hard To Do, And You May Think Im A Pervent. Guess
Well There Is One Thing I Need To Confess. It Is Very Hard To Do, And You May Think Im A Pervent. Guess
Well There Is One Thing I Need To Confess. It Is Very Hard To Do, And You May Think Im A Pervent. Guess


Well There Is One Thing I Need To Confess. It Is Very Hard To Do, And You May Think Im A Pervent. Guess
Well There Is One Thing I Need To Confess. It Is Very Hard To Do, And You May Think Im A Pervent. Guess

I can’t stop thinking about this as lovehate, at least from Nigel’s side.

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6 years ago

Some facts and theories about Rio

Okay, I'm really disappointed, because I see a lot of things like that about Disney movies, but almost nothing about Rio. So I decided to do it myself.

I hope somebody will find it interesting. Sorry for my English and tell me, if I made any mistakes.

1. Both Nigel and Marcel use French every now and then. Marcel said "Au revoir" at the end of conversation with his customer, and Nigel said "So kind of you to join our little soirée". I think it's a way to show that Nigel is attached to his owner.

(I can't say the same thing about Marcel, though)

2. Blu and Jewel are right-hand— right-winged? right-legged?.. How to say that about a bird? I have no idea. Well, anyway, they use right legs to operate things. Nigel obviously is an ambidexter, but he prefers left leg to lock the cage, for example. In real life the majority of parrots are left-handed.

3. Patricious, the bird who caused ending of Nigel's actor career, and the spinning "Who's a pretty bird? I'm a pretty bird!" are the same species: peach-fronted parakeet. It provides a fertile ground for some headcanons...

(Mine is it's just a coincidence which is really annoying for Nigel; he hasn't done anything special to drive her insane)

4. During the cartoon (except the very end, of course) Nigel has lost around 45 of his feathers. Don't ask why I decided to count them. =_=

5. Rafael somehow knows that his eighteenth child is a boy, despite the fact that this child hasn't hatched yet. Or maybe he said it just at random.

6. I believe it wasn't only me who noticed that Pretty Bird is pretty (badum-tss!) much different from the whole movie and even from another songs. I mean all these background, lights, TV, newspaper, globe, etc. I have an idea. The whole song except the end is showed by Nigel's perspective. Then the perspective changes back to Blu and Jewel's... and everything is normal again, it's just a dark dirty room full of cages with the dim light from the window. So maybe Nigel had a hallucination because of that chloroform rag or just because he is insane. If so, I feel sorry for him even more.

7. What. Happened. With. The Russian-accent bat? Seriously. He was afraid of sunlight and we never see him again. So he just stayed in the falling plane?! Poor little thing...

8. When Nigel catches Jewel, she hits him with her claws, and it seemed to be rather painful. But Nigel didn't seem angry at all. He even didn't become less polite to Jewel. Well, except kidnapping, of course.

(This fact is here not because I ship them. Definitely not because of it)

9. Nico wears a bottlecap as a hat, because he was a pet. Canaries aren't native for Brazil. Also there is a line in Hot Wings: "I've been around the world and I wanna life my live in Rio". I don't think Nico was able to do it himself, so maybe he was travelling with his owners, and then something happened to them or Nico was lost. And now he use bottlecap because he is closer to humans than any other of wild birds in the movie.

10. Why Jewel couldn't carry Blu when they were chained together? Male and female Spix's macaws weigh almost the same, and she seems to be rather strong bird. Maybe the weight of the chain was too much for her.

11. Was Marcel Nigel's first owner or not? Maybe he became a smuggler when he lost the ability to make money from Nigel's acting. The argument against it is the fact that Nigel speaks with New Zealand accent — so maybe his first owner was New Zealander.

(And yes, I know that Jemaine Clement is New Zealander, but this explanation is not so interesting)

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6 years ago
Jemaine Clement As Nigel From Rio By The Green Hedgehog (arter's Page Is Available By The Link Below).

Jemaine Clement as Nigel from Rio by The Green Hedgehog (arter's page is available by the link below).

And now I want a live version of Pretty Bird in this image. *_*

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2 years ago

Rio 2011 is a masterpiece, firstly it was made to help conserve the sphinx macaw. Secondly, it touches on the poverty in Rio and Brasil in general, third it has amazing music and visuals.

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