Rip Hunters Face - Tumblr Posts
As always:
Willow flirting, but like, nonstop, Hubter it's about to explode
“Ah!” The blonde nearly jumped out of his clothes at the sudden intruder. He thought he had been alone. That everyone was out with Camila.
He turned around from his place on the couch and looked at the very pretty, confused Willow Park.
“Are you the only one here? I looked around the house but couldn’t find anyone? Did they go somewhere?” She asked, voice laced with concern and something else he couldn’t put a finger on.
“Yeah. But I thought you were with them. They went to the store.”
The two stared awkwardly at eachother for a few long seconds. Hunter felt his face heat up as the plant witch slowly started smirking. He gulped.
Willow moved one hand down the beam she had been leaning on and tapped the wood. “That couch looks kind of lonely. Care if I join?”
“Uh- yeah! Of course! Why- it’s a couch. It looks… lonely.” He tried.
She smiled and skipped down the stairs before plopping right next to him.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Oh I was reading. Nothing special. Just a book called Grim. Well it’s actually pretty interesting. It’s human fiction but like it’s about this girl who’s cursed and has to collect witches and fairies in this book to create fairytales to end it. I don’t know. But there is a really cool guy in it. I think hes actually a prince but I’m not sure yet.”
“Interesting. I’ll have to borrow that once you’re done with it.” She prompted as she leaned in a little. Bumping his arm with hers playfully.
“Heh. Yeah! Im almost-st done.” He stuttered. She scooted closer. Titan he thought he was gonna burn up. Her thigh was against his now. She was touching him. They were touching. Oh titan.
“You’re really cute when you’re bashful, you know that?”
“Oh yeah.” She smirked. She tilted her head as of to get a better look and placed a hand on his arm.
“Well.. I think you’re pretty cute too. But you’re not bashful as me of course!” He squeaked.
“Oh you do?” She asked not so innocently. Eyes widening and lips pouty.
“Well yeah. That’s a dumb question- no offense. Have you looked in a mirror? Your gorgeous.”
She gasped a little and then the smirk took its place again. Eyes softened a little though.
“So. What we’re you doing? How come you didn’t go with the others?”
“oh would you have rather me go?”
“What! No! I was- just wondering! Of course I like you with me!” He yelled defensively and she started giggling.
“I’m just kidding. I was sleeping. I like to be with you too.” She prompted.
“Oh… that’s cool.”
“Yes it is. It’s cool we feel the same way.” She prompted farther.
He looked at her confused. “What- wait. Sort of? I don’t think so though. I like you with me a lot more than just that.”
“what do you mean?” She asked with a teasing smile.
Hunter finally realized what he had said he looked away. “N-nothing.”
“Hehe. Uhm. Is the chicken ready?”
“The what?” She asked, a hand covered her mouth to keep her laughter at bay.
“I- I don’t know. Do you wanna watch a movie?”
“I wanna know what you mean, Hunter.”
“I said nothing! I mean I didn’t but you- you wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand it. It’s complicated.” He felt like his face was on fire. How could he have let this slip. How??? And why was she getting closer??? He could barely breath now. Too close.
“Oh is it? Maybe I’ll just have to tickle it out of you!” Then the witch jumped the blonde, nocking him down on the couch and her fingers attacked his sides.
Hunter thought he couldn’t breath before. Now he thought he was gonna die! “HAHAHAHA! STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?? Haha!” He had never felt so… wired before. But he couldn’t stop laughing. He tried fighting her but he couldn’t help it. It just brought her that much closer to him.
She had joined in the laughing. Bursting out into laughter when the ex guard let out a snort. Tears running down his face as he announced, “Stop! I think I’m gonna pee on myself!”
She finally stopped and smiled down at him. His high laughter coming down to shorter quieter giggles as he smiled back at her. “What were you doing to me?” He laughed.
“The oldest note in the book. Tickling.” She answered proudly. Somehow there faces were merely inches away now. Her eyes looking at his lips now.
He gasped. Not just at how close their faces were. But she was laying on top of him right now. How in titans name did they get here. He kicked her several times at least! She didn’t feel heavy at all. Just warm and cozy. But titan he had never been this close to anyone before. He felt like he could’ve stopped working- nope too late. Already did. All thoughts on her now.
“What did you mean, Hunter?” She asked softly. Voice low, sounding so soothing and compelling. Perfect just like she was. He loved hearing her say that name. HIS name.
Titan this girl would be the death of him.
“I… I really feel strongly about you. Romantically.” He said honestly. He didn’t know how but the words came out his mouth. Something lifted off his chest. Something freeing.
She smiled softly. “I know. I just wanted to hear you say it. I like you too.”
She then leaned down and closed the gap between their lips. It felt electric. Perfect. Amazing. Sweet. He didn’t know how to describe it with one word. He felt himself lean up into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her subconsciously, whining as she pulled her lips away from his. She smiled and kissed his nose.
“I liked that.” He stated.
She giggled. “Oh really?”
He nodded. “Can we… do that again?”