bioluminescentbladeschild - Bioluminescent Bladeschild
Bioluminescent Bladeschild

Hmu if all u want in life is some good queer rep and swords 🏳️‍🌈🗡️

25 posts

Bioluminescentbladeschild - Bioluminescent Bladeschild - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

“But I didn’t consent to see kink” yes you did by coming to pride,

a place you know and have repeatedly said you know kink is at, a place built by kinky people, the mother of pride Brenda Howard was a queer kinky polyamorous sex positive anti war bisexual Jew and to try and remove its history or sanitise it is is spitting on her grave, you are consenting by choosing to go there

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1 year ago

"adult who logs on and works themself into a furor over teenagers not having perfectly articulated opinions and thoughts on the world" is quickly becoming my least favorite genre of Poster Du Jour

1 year ago

Say whatever you want about how dumb you/your friends were to have not realized you own identities despite mounting evidence, but:

Speculating about random people’s gender/sexuality/identity is a dick move (especially if it involves pressuring them to identify a certain way or invalidating their current identity)

Everyone deserves to figure themselves out and come out (or not) in their own time

Your right to make silly jokes will never supersede anyone else’s right to have their identity respected

You can’t disagree with someone’s own identity just because their expression doesn’t align with how you interpret that label

Say Whatever You Want About How Dumb You/your Friends Were To Have Not Realized You Own Identities Despite
Say Whatever You Want About How Dumb You/your Friends Were To Have Not Realized You Own Identities Despite
Say Whatever You Want About How Dumb You/your Friends Were To Have Not Realized You Own Identities Despite

my dad sent me to conversion therapy as a teen and some of the things the christian “therapist” said to me there were indistinguishable from what people on here say surrounding the egg discourse. men can be feminine, men can wear dresses sometimes, men can be sensitive, men can use makeup, men can like traditionally feminine things, but they must remain men. remaining a man is more important than anything else. your maleness is immutable and will follow you everywhere you go, so stay in your assigned seat and learn to be okay with it. to say what everyone else has said, ask yourself why you’re so invested in keeping people this way. why do you employ the same tactics as a conversion therapist? what do you stand to gain by insisting there mustn’t be any more trannies in the world?

1 year ago

The hardest, but most important, part of my transition has been untangling what my personal dysphoria is, and what is more a result of cissexism.

What I mean by this is that I learned that I am not dysphoric about certain aspects of myself, my body, and my life, but my discomfort in these aspects was influenced by the cissexist culture I live in which told me I couldn't exist as myself.

It's definitely a slow process, but I have found that it helps me self-actualize and actually see myself instead of what others demand of me.

1 year ago

“you don’t like the proliferation of terms like Unalive outside of TikTok because you realize that you’re aging out of youth culture and it makes you uncomfortable!”

no I don’t like it because there’s something INCREDIBLY dystopian about being forced to soften terms for basic parts of the human experience like death and sex (and even more so terms for oppressed minorities- call me a “le-dollar sign-bian” and I will bite you) purely because advertisers and corporations demand it

1 year ago

Every now and then I see hashtag discourse about supporting kids who are black sheep in their communities. Occasionally, these posts will also mention atheist kids, and OP will get dragged across the coals because atheists are not an oppressed group.

Which is easy to say if you don’t live in a fundamentalist community or come from a religious family. Not all atheists or agnostics are Richard Dawkins, “euphoric”, and militantly hostile towards other people’s religious beliefs. I’m originally from a small, rural town in Mike Pence’s home state, where local churches often exercise a cultish level of influence over the community. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a left-leaning household with agnostic parents who embraced multiculturalism, so I only had to worry about religious abuse outside of the home. Almost all the bullying I experienced at school was because everyone knew I didn’t go to church… kids mocked me, called me names, and kicked me around a bit, while public school teachers told me I was going to Hell. On my first day of kindergarten, my teacher had us raise our hands if we went to church. As the only child who didn’t raise his hand, she interrogated me and then informed me that I needed to find Jesus. I had classmates tell me that they weren’t allowed to be friends with me because I wasn’t Christian and their parents were afraid I’d infect them with my sinfulness.

So, here’s to anyone who grew up in suffocating religious environments, at home or in your larger community. Spiritual abuse is real, regardless of your background, and if your beliefs, behaviors, or identity have made you a target of it, I’m sorry. Just try not to let your experiences poison your tolerance of the healthy religious beliefs of others.

1 year ago

I'm starting to find evidence on twitter of antis encouraging each other to shun friends and family for not being one of them and I am deeply concerned. This is some cult shit.

I'm Starting To Find Evidence On Twitter Of Antis Encouraging Each Other To Shun Friends And Family For

"should I shun my friend for being proship even though they're my only irl friend?"

I'm Starting To Find Evidence On Twitter Of Antis Encouraging Each Other To Shun Friends And Family For
I'm Starting To Find Evidence On Twitter Of Antis Encouraging Each Other To Shun Friends And Family For
I'm Starting To Find Evidence On Twitter Of Antis Encouraging Each Other To Shun Friends And Family For

"Should I shun my mother for being proship?"

The answer to both of these is GET HELP. You are being brainwashed into thinking that your friends and family are dangerous when you know that they wouldn't hurt anyone. See a therapist, take some time off the internet, reevaluate your situation. Fiction does not take precedence over your loved ones.

I'm tagging this with "antis please interact" because I think they need to see this too, and hopefully it helps someone. Your loved ones are not dangerous because of their taste in fiction.

1 year ago
bioluminescentbladeschild - Bioluminescent Bladeschild
1 year ago

"dni if you engage with irredeemable media! dni to kill a mockingbird stans" ok well CLEARLY you have never read to kill a mockingbird if you think it's irredeemable media and also having a book that was published in 1960 on your dni stan list is kinda ridiculous actually

1 year ago

I keep ace bandages, butterfly and zip stitches, gauze, disinfectant, wrist/ankle/knee braces, every kind of otc medicine you might regularly need (and prescription level lidocaine and pain meds I’ve gotten), a bite kit (w/ rattlesnake anti venom, venom extractor for snakes/wasps/etc, and potassium iodide tablets), a bug kit for ticks/mosquitoes, a few other anti venoms and poison salves, and a general trauma kit. Ofc I have stuff around the house available to address dehydration, heat stroke, and mild hypothermia. I even have a few surgical tools that I’ve used before to extract things that have punctured my skin in a minor enough way that taking it out and stopping the bleeding is enough.

To be fair tho, I do a lot of outdoor activities, I’m an idiot who gets myself injured a lot, and I’m extremely hospital avoidant, so I get pretty good use out of all that stuff. I probably wouldn’t recommend all that to people who don’t have at least a little first aid knowledge (most of mine was learned on myself as it came up, but I have also taken courses and learned stuff from working as an outdoor adventure guide/lifeguard/etc) Patching yourself up like that isn’t ideal, it’s just the reality for me with my outdoor/risky lifestyle, financial situation (shoutout to privatized healthcare for this), and emotional trauma from being abused and neglected by doctors as a chronically ill afab young person. And if you’re going to be like me, you need to know when to call it and go to the hospital. Infections, secondary drowning, and internal bleeding are all things that can turn your condition quickly and quietly, so I don’t fuck around when it comes to those types of situations. I also have a pulse oximeter, thermometer, and blood pressure cuff and know what readings are out of my wheelhouse for home monitoring for me personally. And I’ve got stuff like a breathing nebulizer and as needed antibiotics at home (that were prescribed) that you get as an award once your body is fucked up enough, so I can deal with a lot of situations on my own that most people wouldn’t have the knowledge or materials/equipment for

Anyway, if my enemy showed up at my door shivering, weak, and bleeding out, I would 100% be able to sit them on the edge of the tub and gently and lovingly patch them up and nurse them back to health

The biggest lie in fanfiction is that everyone has a first aid kit in their house. I have never owned one in my life

1 year ago
Sorry, Im Also Going To Drag These Two Comments Into This Because Ive Seen A Lot Of This Type Of Rhetoric
Sorry, Im Also Going To Drag These Two Comments Into This Because Ive Seen A Lot Of This Type Of Rhetoric

Sorry, I’m also going to drag these two comments into this because I’ve seen a lot of this type of rhetoric on both TikTok and tumblr, so it’s another thing to be consciously and deliberately aware of when critiquing online trends/their meanings and origins. We need to remember that prejudice (purposeful or not) is prejudice, even if you tack on that you’re only referring to the white queer/disabled/poor/etc people. This isn’t coming after the op specifically, because they’re far from the only one guilty of this, but it is definitely something for anyone who finds themselves specifying that they’re talking about the white (or cis or male or whatever) sub-sect of any demographic to really look internally as to why you’re doing that.

White people as a whole have become a very popular scapegoat in online and irl social justice discourse, and regardless of historical roles, that’s always a very dicey path to head down. It’s always easy to blame someone else for a social issue, and no demographic is immune to that urge or to being the perpetrators of shifting responsibility for their own comfort and absolvement of guilt

I think it needs to be said cause currently I'm not seeing anybody mentioning it or providing context, but the whole 'girl dinner' meme was created by a black woman on tiktok and the joke was that within her video she's just finding a random assortment of lunch meat and crackers and shit. the joke was about like being broke and having to scrounge up a meal in the same vein as the ice soup meme. but then in typical fashion, white women stole it and co-opted, particularly the coquette dollete girl interrupted female hysteria types and mutated it into a gender essentialism ed thing. it was never meant to be about disordered eating.

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1 year ago
So We All Agree That Hunter Volunteers At Camila's Vet Clinic Right
So We All Agree That Hunter Volunteers At Camila's Vet Clinic Right

so we all agree that hunter volunteers at camila's vet clinic right

1 year ago
bioluminescentbladeschild - Bioluminescent Bladeschild

Friendly reminder to "outdoor cat" proponents that the common housecat (felis catus) is on the list of top 100 most dangerous invasive alien species and are listed as a worldwide threat.

Friendly reminder that the common housecat (felis catus) are credited with the extinction of at least 33 species of wildlife globally, primarily birds, small reptiles, and rodents.

Friendly reminder of all the hazards that exist out in the world including diseases, other animals, humans, cars, environmental dangers, and so on.

Friendly reminder that domesticated species are not suited to natural environments and can not support or defend themselves.

Friendly reminder that negligence is a form of animal cruelty.

Keep your cats indoors. I don't care that you think your cat is so much happier outside. I don't care that you think he's living a fuller life by being able to massacre local fauna. Either keep him inside and enrich him properly like a good pet owner, or rehome him to someone who can and never own an animal again. This is non-negotiable.

1 year ago

My ao3:
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Btw, all fics are currently only visible if you’re logged in, but feel free to request that I post any on tumblr if you prefer reading it here :)

1 year ago

luz losing her dad to a terminal illness makes her relationship with eda, who basically has the magical equivalent of that, so much more significant.

2 years ago

I’m going to be honest: Nothing in the MCU is THAT bad.

I hear people screaming and raving about how awful the MCU is getting and how it’s all falling apart, but it’s NOT that bad.

Thor: Love and Thunder? NOT the worst movie in the world.

Captain Marvel? Couldn’t be farther.

ANY Ant-Man movie? Nope.

If you think the MCU honestly has some of the worst content of all time…Do what you tell me and watch more movies. They’re NOT that bad.

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2 years ago

The link is only for registered users as an act of malicious discrimination against artificial intelligence. I’ll keep putting it on tumblr tho for any real human people who just don’t have ao3

The Link Is Only For Registered Users As An Act Of Malicious Discrimination Against Artificial Intelligence.

Chapter 1 (Date): Darius helps Hunter sort out his feelings and plan a perfect date with Willow

Hunter was a fantastic researcher. He found out all kinds of stuff about wild magic (which was banned-banned. Like illegal with a sentence of petrification banned) while under Belo’s direct supervision.

And yet, he could not figure out for the life of him what on the titan’s sweet isles was going on with him when he was around Willow.

Finally, he decided he needed to bring in some assistance. Darius seemed trustworthy enough. Someone who wouldn’t snitch on him if for some reason whatever was wrong with him wasn’t allowed.

To be fair, Darius hadn’t snitched (at least to Willow, he definitely called up his catts/ratts friends to share what was apparently incredible gossip amongst legal guardians). He did tease Hunter mercilessly, though, which was so embarrassing that Hunter almost wished he could be petrified instead.

That said, he did at least get his answer. Once Darius had finished exploiting Hunter’s naïveté to ask a bunch of questions that Hunter hadn’t realized were even embarrassing until after the fact, he was informed that he was “down bad” and “head over heels” with a “crush.”

Hunter was vaguely aware of the concept of romantic feelings and relationships, but he didn’t know anything about the specifics.

So, he dove into his research.

Without even getting into how difficult it was to read about this stuff and not accidentally waste the day away daydreaming about how it all related to Willow, it was a tedious process. It seemed sources helping teens figure out what their feelings meant were kept under lock and key even more than wild magic or any other illicit reading material from his golden guard days.

All Hunter really was able to gather for sure was that sometimes people who like-like each other go on dates. Which are like hanging out but different somehow.

And then they could somehow bond to each other??? He wasn’t exactly sure what made a girlfriend different from any other friend who was a girl, but it was apparently special and he couldn’t help longing for it.

And then there was stuff they could do together. Stuff that made Hunter blush just to think about.

Hunter had already held Willow’s hand before (it was life changing. The nerves in his hand had gone haywire but in a way that somehow felt good).

There was more stuff than just hand holding that one could do with a girlfriend, though, according to his research. Stuff that you had to be bonded in a “couple” to be allowed to do.

Hunter had seen people kiss before. He knew it existed. He just honestly… never really got it. It seemed a little gross, but honestly he hadn’t given it much thought.

Until now. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He didn’t quite get the mechanics of it, but that didn’t stop him from daydreaming about it constantly.

Hunter was practically drooling over the idea of having Willow so close to him. Touching him. He would probably combust, but what a way to go.

How he understood it was that he had to somehow arrange this special hangout-but-different in order to be allowed to kiss her (KISS HER??? WILLOW??? OMT OMT HE CANT DO THAT HES FLYING WAY TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN but imagine Willow sitting sosososo close to him, her gentle lips and soft skin and strong grip STRONG MUSCLES SHJBDTDJDD she’s so pretty and cute and ahhhhhhhh Hunter’s so out of his depth here)

He hung out with Willow all the time, though, and none of the books gave straightforward instructions on how to initiate this second, elevated type of interaction.

So he went back to Darius, this time for help constructing the perfect date.

Darius was unreasonably thrilled to be asked.

Apparently they were meant to do something Willow would enjoy, preferably in a place where they were somewhat alone, and it was meant to be “romantic.”

1v1 flyer derby evidently didn’t count as adequately romantic.

But flying itself wasn’t completely out of the question…

Hunter was pretty familiar with the natural features of the Boiling Isles. Maybe Willow would appreciate flitting around collecting various rare and remote plants?

Darius thought it was the perfect idea. However, he insisted that he would under no circumstances be allowing “two hormone addled teenagers to be unsupervised together that far off the grid.”

Hunter tried to explain that he’d been to these places alone before and managed to escape death. And Willow was like the strongest witch ever, she could handle anything the isles could throw at her!

Darius would not hear it, and said that the two would be chaperoned by his tiny abomination, and that was final.

The next order of business would be determining what Hunter would wear. Darius insisted upon being allowed to make Hunter a brand new outfit, promising that it would make his little plant witch swoon.

Hunter was overwhelmed by the gesture. He’d never had a handmade ensemble tailored specifically for him, and it felt like too much. Darius, however, seemed very into it, and truthfully like he wasn’t going to budge regardless of how much Hunter insisted it wasn’t necessary.

“Oh, you’re going to be so handsome for your first date, my little prince! I can hardly believe how far you’ve come.”

The clothes planning portion ended with tears and hugs from all involved parties. Hunter had never had his cheeks squished so much in his life.

For the final step of the planning process, apparently it was considered good etiquette to bring a gift for your date.

Since the weather was subject to be unpredictable with how many different climates they’d be visiting, Hunter decided that he would make Willow some warm layers with a personalized touch. He’d accidentally been collecting Willow related patches for months now. He’d be shopping, see something that reminded him of her, and black out until the next thing he knew he’d already completed the purchase.

He was happily dreaming about how to accessorize a green scarf just right so she would absolutely love it, when Darius burst his bubble again.

“So how are you going to ask her?”

Truthfully, the fact that he HAD to ask her had slipped his mind. And now that he thought about it, it felt so unfathomably nerve racking.

“Um-“ was all he could get out before he became too flustered to speak.

“You have nothing to worry about, this girl’s clearly infatuated with you.”

That only made Hunter’s blush warmer and his thoughts mushier.

Darius tried to regain his attention, but Hunter was too far gone. He’d make real plans after he got all his giggling, blushing daydreaming and romance zooming, and pillow squeezing, squealing, tingly tummy feeling out of his system.

Darius just watched fondly as his ward acted every bit the silly teen he was meant to be. He couldn’t wait to tell the catts about this.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

My contribution to Huntlow Week

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

My contribution to Huntlow Week

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2 years ago


So we’ve established that Philip wears Caleb’s jacket, right??? (I couldn’t find the original post, but here’s a ss)


What if THAT was why he was so offended when Luz said he had no fashion sense???? She was actually insulting CALEB’S drip

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2 years ago

As always:

Willow flirting, but like, nonstop, Hubter it's about to explode


“Ah!” The blonde nearly jumped out of his clothes at the sudden intruder. He thought he had been alone. That everyone was out with Camila.

He turned around from his place on the couch and looked at the very pretty, confused Willow Park.

“Are you the only one here? I looked around the house but couldn’t find anyone? Did they go somewhere?” She asked, voice laced with concern and something else he couldn’t put a finger on.

“Yeah. But I thought you were with them. They went to the store.”



The two stared awkwardly at eachother for a few long seconds. Hunter felt his face heat up as the plant witch slowly started smirking. He gulped.

Willow moved one hand down the beam she had been leaning on and tapped the wood. “That couch looks kind of lonely. Care if I join?”

“Uh- yeah! Of course! Why- it’s a couch. It looks… lonely.” He tried.

She smiled and skipped down the stairs before plopping right next to him.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Oh I was reading. Nothing special. Just a book called Grim. Well it’s actually pretty interesting. It’s human fiction but like it’s about this girl who’s cursed and has to collect witches and fairies in this book to create fairytales to end it. I don’t know. But there is a really cool guy in it. I think hes actually a prince but I’m not sure yet.”

“Interesting. I’ll have to borrow that once you’re done with it.” She prompted as she leaned in a little. Bumping his arm with hers playfully.

“Heh. Yeah! Im almost-st done.” He stuttered. She scooted closer. Titan he thought he was gonna burn up. Her thigh was against his now. She was touching him. They were touching. Oh titan.

“You’re really cute when you’re bashful, you know that?”


“Oh yeah.” She smirked. She tilted her head as of to get a better look and placed a hand on his arm.

“Well.. I think you’re pretty cute too. But you’re not bashful as me of course!” He squeaked.

“Oh you do?” She asked not so innocently. Eyes widening and lips pouty.

“Well yeah. That’s a dumb question- no offense. Have you looked in a mirror? Your gorgeous.”

She gasped a little and then the smirk took its place again. Eyes softened a little though.

“So. What we’re you doing? How come you didn’t go with the others?”

“oh would you have rather me go?”

“What! No! I was- just wondering! Of course I like you with me!” He yelled defensively and she started giggling.

“I’m just kidding. I was sleeping. I like to be with you too.” She prompted.

“Oh… that’s cool.”

“Yes it is. It’s cool we feel the same way.” She prompted farther.

He looked at her confused. “What- wait. Sort of? I don’t think so though. I like you with me a lot more than just that.”

“what do you mean?” She asked with a teasing smile.

Hunter finally realized what he had said he looked away. “N-nothing.”


“Hehe. Uhm. Is the chicken ready?”

“The what?” She asked, a hand covered her mouth to keep her laughter at bay.

“I- I don’t know. Do you wanna watch a movie?”

“I wanna know what you mean, Hunter.”

“I said nothing! I mean I didn’t but you- you wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand it. It’s complicated.” He felt like his face was on fire. How could he have let this slip. How??? And why was she getting closer??? He could barely breath now. Too close.

“Oh is it? Maybe I’ll just have to tickle it out of you!” Then the witch jumped the blonde, nocking him down on the couch and her fingers attacked his sides.

Hunter thought he couldn’t breath before. Now he thought he was gonna die! “HAHAHAHA! STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?? Haha!” He had never felt so… wired before. But he couldn’t stop laughing. He tried fighting her but he couldn’t help it. It just brought her that much closer to him.

She had joined in the laughing. Bursting out into laughter when the ex guard let out a snort. Tears running down his face as he announced, “Stop! I think I’m gonna pee on myself!”

She finally stopped and smiled down at him. His high laughter coming down to shorter quieter giggles as he smiled back at her. “What were you doing to me?” He laughed.

“The oldest note in the book. Tickling.” She answered proudly. Somehow there faces were merely inches away now. Her eyes looking at his lips now.

He gasped. Not just at how close their faces were. But she was laying on top of him right now. How in titans name did they get here. He kicked her several times at least! She didn’t feel heavy at all. Just warm and cozy. But titan he had never been this close to anyone before. He felt like he could’ve stopped working- nope too late. Already did. All thoughts on her now.

“What did you mean, Hunter?” She asked softly. Voice low, sounding so soothing and compelling. Perfect just like she was. He loved hearing her say that name. HIS name.

Titan this girl would be the death of him.

“I… I really feel strongly about you. Romantically.” He said honestly. He didn’t know how but the words came out his mouth. Something lifted off his chest. Something freeing.

She smiled softly. “I know. I just wanted to hear you say it. I like you too.”

She then leaned down and closed the gap between their lips. It felt electric. Perfect. Amazing. Sweet. He didn’t know how to describe it with one word. He felt himself lean up into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her subconsciously, whining as she pulled her lips away from his. She smiled and kissed his nose.

“I liked that.” He stated.

She giggled. “Oh really?”

He nodded. “Can we… do that again?”

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2 years ago

No bc just imagine you’re Belos trying to be a scary genocidal maniac, and you possess the kid you abused into unquestioningly following you and having no personal interests other then listening to authority and following rules.

Then you get there and he’s wearing the nerdiest lil sci-fi cosplay ever but you’re puritan so you can’t just have your host running around naked. He at least has an undershirt, so you can lose half the getup and not look COMPLETELY ridiculous while carrying out your villainous schemes. But then you unzip the onesie (because of course he was running around in a hand sewn ugly yellow onesie ffs) to reveal the most cringe fail diy wolf shirt you’ve ever seen in your life

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2 years ago
I Know The American Healthcare System Is Already A Joke But This Is To Funny
I Know The American Healthcare System Is Already A Joke But This Is To Funny

I know the American healthcare system is already a joke but this is to funny

2 years ago

My old account got deleted, so I’m starting over here