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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE) G/T

part 1

yimir was the one you could call the soft and caring of the group.. altrough he didin´t really have one

he had friends from different places, and altrough his friends liked him, he hadn´t have anyone close, he would hang out with people and they could share some toughs but he didn´t really clicked with somebody, or had a best friend, or someone romantic, and he could feel an empty space of connection that he wanted to have with someone or more than one people he needed to fit in deeply and feel completely... himself in a sort of way

he didn´t share this much because he didin´t wanted to look selfish or not gratefull, but some time passed and he find a web page

“meet and bond”

he had already try many pages searching for people and conversation, but all he could find was people he would be friends with but don´t really in a close or unique way, they would have things in common and talk, but not much more, and the most people he found was the ones who where looking for romantic interest and.. sexual stuff, and those things gave him a pretty bad taste most of the time.. he wasn´t interesed in romantic stuff with someone yet and less in something sexual

but this page

was much different

it wasn´t pretty well know and never heard publicity in other places, he managed to know this page by some less famous pages he would connect, and they were discret about it, he tought it were probably marketing problems and bad organized publicity

it semmed pretty normal and surprisingly they where tons of people connected and he wondered if this was a trend he didin´t heard about

the page funcioned with video calls.. but not randonbly, it had a system of tests and asked things that you liked.. to sorta little deep/complex things that you tought and wanted for you and searched for, yimir answer the questions exited, for the new site

afther he finished it appear a tiny list of names with characteristics, that were potentiall matchs, and one name was more big

“toughfull” “caring” “carismatic” “loving” “listener”

those where some of the words that were in an specific profille, that the person who had those facts, they didin´t directly writte it, they taked the test too as him, he had similar descriptions in his profile, so he went for it and clicked the name

the name was “Crhis “

the video call didin´t started, it opened a chat box that ocupped almost the whole page

then he started talking

chris was a man too and as he said hello to him, chris responded as well, chris just by the chat point of view seemed very interesed and joyfull to met and talk with yimir, and him almost tought it was a bot

the talk went so fluently and casual, they didn´t even really talk about anything much deep or toughfull, just casual stuff.. but, they connected so well they understood echother in their way of thinking and doing stuff

they talked about a two hours before yimir had to go shoping to don´t run out of food, chris gived his number to yimir and saved eachothers accounts in the page, altrough they didin´t video call yet

they woul do it tomorrow

or better saying in the middle of the night before tomorrow because yimir and chris both connected again to talk to eachother , almost at the same time

they started talking by chat about an hour because as they talked,they almost forgot about the vidoecall, as yimir was in his bed confy , he turned on the lights and put his tablet in his desk, as chris was in his computer already in his propper desk, as the videocall connected yimir fixed his hair, starting to flush a little as he thinked about what was he doing, the videocall started, altrough as he geted to know crhis he was pretty confortable, when he started the videocall and actual talking face to face, he turned to be more shy and nervous, but not too much

as he saw Chris altrough, he flushed more intensenly

he already tought of Chris as a pretty fella, but altrough Crhis didin´t objectebly seem more pretty than he imagined... seeing him face to face (well by a screen) started to really rumble his hearth, chris had skin more close to an white tone but altrough it was night and he had the lights of his room on, one could still see his pink puffy cheeks, and his really wavy dark hair, it wasn´t long, better said short but in much cuantity of curles mess, he also used a cutie big pair of headphones with tiny cat ears on the top of a methalic black color, his nose was tiny and chubby like a piggie and his lips where not too big but with volume and pinkish, and his eyes, ironically where with almost cat form by their characteristics of their shape and a mixture of a brownish green

he flushed as he started to notice that chris was talking to him, he had a more of a low and rumbling voice of a teenager, this meaning not too low to be a grown adult but not too normal acute to be consider of the bunch

as he started to talked to talk to him, chris noticed the details that yimir does as they started to meet, as getting lost in some toughs in the middle of something, curling his hair with his fingers, blink much when he didin´t understand something or was a little scared, but altrough that stuff, it was a pretty clear thing that yimir was an tough independient man with his own complex mindset and values... as odd it sounds, chris really got charmed by this and all of the person yimir was..

they started talking almost always, as both didn´t like much compromise to stuff to people, they didin´t feel like it was some sort of obligation, they relationship they felt it so natural and with the time more close that they just enjoid it

and they soon after less than 2 weeks wanted to meet up

chris was in his first year of college and yimir was talking studies by home and working for a year, because in the last part of the year he would go to exchange for a couple of months

they had to decide where to meet up, as yimir thinked, something popped in his head..

the giant three

it was outside of town in a forbiden part and it stands out by all the normals threes, it is escentially forbiden to go out of any town of the kleine exept if your going to another leute town or sectors

yimir tried to never think that he was a kleine

yimir tried to never think that they were other races, and the kleine society does the same, by his luck

they where two human races in the planet; the kleine leute, and the riesige Leute, and 70% of the poblation was riesge....those woul get to be more than 25 times bigger than the kleine, he didn´t like at all thinking or talking about them a t a l l, he just wast glad that hey at least respected their society and didin´t have much contact with them, and more glad he was that he had never to do or think about them

or that he tought

the giant, or gigantic three was far away from the city, but really much clocer to the kleine territory than the riesge, just to say that anyone couldn´t see or had saw anithyng about the riesge, just formal stuff had been seen with them and neither of them had come close to their cities

that would just be worst, both sides agree on that

yimir hadn´t donde anything illegal ever, but he sure was determined to go there or try to,  in spite of the consecuences

as he consulted Chris he seemed surprisingly determined and exited as he was and they determined the meeting by the weekend

but neither of them expected what was going to happen

or were prepared..

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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE) G/t

Part 2

it was saturday

today yimir and chris would hang up

yimir just had begon to feel the chills yet, he was too exited by finally meeting in real life Chris, and today was more exited and thrilled than yesterday

but also a hole more nervous, specially because he tends to when yimir had been in situations like this

and now, he was doing something illegal, but altrough he didin´t fully admmit to himself

he was giving a lot more importance and joy to meet chris

when they were talking yesterday, they talked about how long they lived near the three, yimir said  45 minutes and chris one half an hour

what neither of them would know, that yimir was going by a motocycle and chris by feet

and that the distance chris would walk was far more as long than the path yimir was gona take

and that if chris hurried more the distance could fastly become a lot less

yimir had to start planning, it was already morning and he ate fastly breaktfast, he planed the night before everything he was gona do to get there, as he talked to chris yesterday he deduced that chris must live in other cercany kleine city, but he couldn´t advised him much about how to get out as that the cities had very different plans and methods of organization, he really liked that about his society most of the time, the people would go where they liked the best, and they weren´t really much limittations to getting legal money and deciding where to live

yimir lived in frei city, and he searched the web page about the city itself and searched for it sistems of security enclosures, lucky him, as many of the cityes of the kleine, they wouldn´t prest much atention to his meassures or keeping the people “in”, they had vast terreins, woods, nature sectors and recretion stuff in the cities, no one really wanted to leave the terreins, there were really vast enough for yimir too, but that three had always ment something to him since he was a child, as it is the thing you could see barely from more than one city, he didin´t really have an adventures will, he just felt a connection a pasion towards the place

and that was worth it

and a lot more as he was gona meet chris there

he had determined he will go to the right side of the city that was a little far for him so he would go in his white vespa, he would slide trough the point that a bunch of houses intersect and go out by a blind spot to the cameras (that really weren´t too much), in that place were a richer poblation and the houses and terrains were bigger, and he knew that by that zone the frontier,that was a wall most of the time, would come out as a ragged and more weak near the houses, because of the constructions and distortions they make to the wall that their houses, terrains and stuff would fit

and he did it

he was more nervous as he come near the frontier but was alright and steady most thanks to the adrenaline and eximent

he did as planned, and as he gotted closser as the ragged spots of the walls with his vespa, he started to grooping the out of place blocks that were more week as he started to make way to a hole

he started to make the hole bigger as he could feel his sweat and started to hear people between the houses and the front yard, as he hurried quicly but silently, he finished the hole big enough to just fit his vespa and him

he was too nervous to even reacomodate the blocks again as he could hear closer voices from the front yard he was really close to

he went out fastly, and as he was out with his vespa, he started to run with it, not turning it on yet, because of the stress, he diviced threes ahead and went to them, panting he runed faster with the weight of the vespa, and stopped beneath the threes, he started to look back and long ago he stoped hearing voices but he didin´t paid attention to that

he hoped they don´t notice yet

at least he was almost 75% they hadn´t saw him, but he wasn´t sure if they would see the hole

he stopped his toughts and focused on going to the big three again

to chris

He finally got on his vespa and started turning on, no longer any of the sounds he made beign heared in frei, as the vespa turned on he held the manubers with both hands and started driving between the threes, that lucky were most long pines and didin't live much leaves to storb him as he was driving

He would have to be on watch all the way in alert of random threes, and as he drived he notice that were an almost erased sort of path so he drived for that way along

As the time passed he had to be lees alart to his enviaroments thanks to the path and his toughts of Chris, he really was thrilled about it

He flushed for things that got trough him in general and with chris happend a lot, even when he didin't talked to him

He made him feel connected with himself and him

As his semi mullet flew trough the air with his brown hair with hints of gold, using no hemelt, as it was one of the few things he was reckless about, with his small freckles near his ears and eyes

He could feel the wind, smell the threes and leaves, as he had smell about before, but this smelled so different to him, refresing, new and free

He felt himself as he drove closer to the gigant three he could spot between the long pines and abeduls

The time passed and he could see the giant three metters away but it looked more gigantic and titanic as ever

It was shocking and breathtacking

As he come closer with his vespa and as he drove closer he could feel the thumping of his hearth and feel everything stopping as he made way to the colossal three

It was a lot bigger than the tallest buldings he had ever seen

And it impregned the air with more complex and strong smells that a normal tree would give

He stopped and turned off his vespa right to the side of one of the pines and started walking towards the tree

It was aprox 10 or more metters away

The leaves were falling off the tree ind that moment too, he had to look up and felt that the tree had no end and reached beyond the last of sky

One leave was falling where he was and as it was getting where he was, was getting bigger and bigger

He was lost at the sight from the leave and the lovely warm atumm colors, it also was breathtaking and hipnotic

It finally was landing just above him, and he could see that was more bigger than him and wasn't so light as he tough

As it landed on him he fell backwards and chuckled, the leave covering him more than enterely and blocking almost all light, at exeption of the light that trasspased the leave slightly

He felt shocked but also amazed and fazinated

He suddenly remembered Chris and flushed a little and inmediatly removed the leave and got his phone out

"Chris, i'm here" - yimir said "how long do you have to get here silly?" "Yo think i am gona waste my time waiting for you, >:-D"- yimir chuckled hard as he sent the last one, imitating a diva, as Chris did sometimes

He rested backwards letting the leave cover his torso and legs waiting for Chris or that his cellphone getted a message

He wasn't yet prepared for the events later to happen

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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE) G/t

Part 4

He was just in the climax of an anxiety attack as the ground trembled and shacked, he could feel even the vibrations trough the so thick three

He could feel all his body sick and sweating cold and having all his face red as he was hearing the thunderous steps

As faint tears constantly slided trough his face

as more tears started to slide and he could feel his head starting to hurt and buzz as yells were inside him

He was just practically a ball in himself right between to the giant three and a giant branch

Even his own race would miss him if they walked trough there

As all his panic and adrrnaline he sure realized..

This was a...-Ri-ri-iesige-

He muttered and instanly hugged and flinched more into himself covering more with the three

He sure wanted to get weight off him by criying or talking with himself

But his fear was lot worst than his will to do that

As the adrenaline was fully on him, the most that happend was in a slower time for him, as he thinked fastly and stressed as well

And not counting about his anxiety

He heard the enormous stomps getting to where he was.. the three

It wouldn't let much for such an enormous creature, also the main reason he started hearing it from far was indeed especialized by they not light step

And more booming firm steps or stomps against all his way

He then heard it he final three stomps steading near the three and a bunch of giant branches away, as where he was

He was so hot now

With his sweat and all his red face, felling overwhrlmed

He just felt his hearth thumping strongly against all his body with so much preasure and rapidly that he must tought that the gigantic beign could also have heard it

All of that happening as he heard it

The rushing of cloth and the thumping against a screen, acompanied with the well known sound of text writting in a cellphone... In this case louder and a lot more surroinding

Even He could swear he could hear the breath of the giant as it was at the side of him

He almost yellped and started criying of fear again as the cellphone that was in his hands between all this


He inmediatly tought


He had to escape from this and reunite with chris so he could not get close, he could get easily killed...or caught.. or played with...or kidnaped for the beign own propouces.... He just now was getting to understand why he was so against and repulsive about getting to thing about... Riesige's.... Just now as thinking about it he was getting even more chills and cringe

He inmediayly silenced his cellphone with his hands abd fingers shaking hard and flinch as his phone vibrated shortly because of this

He opened the messages app and

He had new messages of chris

He opened fastly

"don't see ya" chris seneded "come to welcome me silly ^3^ <3<3 "

Getting cold again about what he was reading yimir didin' think twice


" NNOT JOKING CHRIS PLEASE!!! ! !!" Yimir sended really fastly but still beign very concious about making the faintest sounds with his thumbs as the tears slided trough his face

He felt chills and spine of reallization and clarity trough all his spine as the being phone inmediatly


so loudly

He just wanted to take it as a coincidense and as something he was just suspecting

But he knew when he truly realized something he didin't wana accept and he was just liying to himself

It hurted him in the guts and he just felt his body sicker and him pathetic and fragile as ever

He inmediatly heard the same thumping and loud sounds, and he just didin't wana think how everithing connected as he was trembling for fear

He just faintly but foucusly unblocked his phone and check the mesages



"Are you ok? Something happened??"

 "Send me your ubication now or something!!??!"


He was just starting to tough the answer and what he was beliving or not as the being


He heard as the titan press the screen again but this time he pressed something

-yim, please what happend?!?, If you need help or something hapend to you i can inmediatly go!, this sector isn't too large, if you are in some kind of trouble i probably could know or can help you how to get out of legal stuff, we aren't tradpasing any tough law, so just let me know now please!!-

he started sobing harder

he just couldn´t process anything as the titanic louder voice surrounded him and maked him more anxious

the riesiege even yelled so loud at the end and that maked yim feel so damn scared 

he just could procees and heard his name beign said

he was fucking trembling and having snots sliding trough his nose

the beign knew his fucking name somehow, he just could process that as-

he heard thundering louder footsteps near him, getting closer to the three

he couldn´t handle to sob more and maked faint noices

but the giant didin´t even heard the faint criying as he was fastly getting closer to the three

he sat down crushing leaves as he seated and pushing his back against the three, obiously the giant three didn´t even flinch

but yimir would hear every sound of the three and the body of the beign as he crushed docens of giant leaves and squashed a thon of grass beyond his massive body and as he pushed his gigantic back he could hear the little faints sounds of the wood as the force of the back weighted the three a little

he inmediatly flinched again as he heard the movement of the resiege and the rushing of cloth messing with his hair probably, lucky the giant was resting from a part he couldn´t saw him 

for now

as yimir vision was fully blured by his tears he checked trembling his phone to  keep chris out of here 


he shocked as he saw an audio message

as he read the messages again he sended fastly his ubication for chris not to come where he was

he so fastly regreted it and realized how stupid he was

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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE) G/t part 5

chris was just so exited about he was doing just this morning

he was thrilled as he tought about meeting yimir finally

and also about hanging with someone out of his tedious city

near the kleine cities!!

he was just since a child so curious about beign a human and animals races so like his but tinier

it was just so amazing, and he was just so curious about it, he wanted  just to meet or see by his own eyes the people, the animals, the cities, everithing, he always questioned why his people was so reluclant about meeting or talking with the kleine´s

he realized as he grown up

his race had commited atrocities at wars, at different races, animals, and religions in the old times, the only reason because they would never do something against the kleine is because they never realized they existed in a part of the world they hadn´t explored until then

to.... redeem themselves they leaved alone the race in an act of peace, and to seem good people to their poblations

but in the books and articles chris read, they talked about the kleine´s as something inferior and more invaliauble

when he was 8 years a so small group of birds crossed trough his neigbourhood

he was just so amazed

he managed to catch one

a bird smaller than a fingertip

the bird trembled and had a sad look and chris didn´t knew why

he putted the bird in a transparent cage for hamsters, at starter the bird was really frenetic and chris felt pity about the so little bird

he bought food (big for the bird) so he shoped it and bring it inside the cage, the bird started to get more used to the cage as the days passed but chris didn´t like the way the bird felt and looked, he still felt pity 

he opened the cage about as week had passed bay and the bird hesitant got to the open of the cage, he then just noticed why the bird was looking sad and scared

because of him

when he loocked or had grabbed the bird, the bird trembled and looked sad

the bird fastly got out and started fliying, it  tooked him a while to get to some distance, as small he was 

chris was happhy as the bird seemed more cheerfull 

the bird was getting to the other side of the room as minutes passed

as a care taker of the orphanage opened the door

the bird inmedialy took fly strongly and fastly as where chris was, desesperatly

chris got closer to the little bird and carefully put his hands arround where the bird was 

-hello chris- said the care taker -we are about to take dinner, come down stairs in a couple of minutes- she said as chris set his hands against the back of his head

chris nooded as the care taker closed the door

chris slowly opened his hands as the tiny bird was cradled against his pinky finger

it seemed the bird closed his eyes and was  badly tense

chris felling bad, with his fingertip started so carefully petting him

his fingertip was even bigger that the bird itself, and the bird got really tense as he touched him but it soon relaxed as he petted him gentle and carerfully couple of times

the bird in one moment nudged his little head against his skin, and chris just felt so graterfull, he started walking to the other side of the room and the bird tensed hard again, but as he stopped the bird relaxed

-easy boy..- 

he said as he put the bird on the table carerfully

as he went to opened the window and passed above the bird, the bird shierked but didin´t fly away and chris was so haphy 

chris backed away and the bird fastly as he could, go near the window 

the bird saw chris again and flew away

chris never forgot the little bird as the yearsgo by

now he had 18

as he went out of the city, by a contact he had managed to find a couple of years ago, as he fantised to get close to watch the animals or the city

or even a person

he went over security by having a person on the inside that chris paied him to cover his back

he crossed a door a had gone out of the sector of his kind

the riesgies had a lot of sector and wood areas, but the area that was near the kleine city was forbiden

altrough it was far away but not too much of an hour walking

chris went there and there were no threes to see at the begining, just grass and bushes

but passed 15 minutes walking he soon saw threes


kleine´s pines

as he gotted fastly close to see them closely a thon of  little birds flew awai

it was still amazing

he wanted to grab or catch one but he prefered not to

he just followed them

he saw the threes and was amazed at the details they had and how he outpassed them

he almost seem as a giant

he laugh at the tought, as he thinked himself as the normal race, he seemed giant as he was here but he sure wasn´t

at least by his point of view

he noticed how he was  crushing little sticks from the threes as he passed by ( in reality branches ) and tried not to do it so much as he trie to see the birds as more flew by

he checked his cellphone from time to time to talk to yimir as he started visualising a normal three beyond all

“this must be the giant three” chris tought

and laughed softly to himself

and messaged yimir

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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE)  part 6

chris was starting to worry sick for yimiras a message apeared

his ubication

he pressed inmediatly and he was inmediatly both shocked and confused

it was locate right at the back of him

it even crossed his mind that yimir was playing a joke at him but it didin´t seem plausible

he crawled and got to the side of the three and he did not see a thing

he was gona crawdle back as he noticed something flinch somewhere

he loocked down beyond a branch of the three and he paused

yimir didn´t even had time to panic as he heard a sudden wasp and huming sounds and suddenly the giant started moving

as the beign it was still in his knees it also shocked the ground

and he started trembling and felling his hearth pounding fastly again

the beign was coming where he was, he could see it even by the back of his eye, he went in to a ball but couldn´t not flinch at every massive movement the giant did

he felt a pause of the beign and started trembling harder and getting more ancxious

and he suddenly felt it

someone was watching him

chris couldn´t get what it was, he just could think of an odd animal,that seemed really tense and almost suffering, he for a moment didn´t think about yimir and started grabbing the little thing that fitted perfectly beyond his thumb and index finger, as he touched it the beign started sobing hard and trembling, as chris was lifting  the little thing to an eye point of view, the beign lifted his eyes and metteed chris´s eyes

a so damn tiny


but the fact that was a tiny sobing scared person wasn´t the most shocking...

it.. had yimir´s face

or so he tought, as he inmediatly loosed the grip and completely dropped the person, shooking with the ground with a faintly thump

yimir just as he srinked more in his ball, more he trembled and sobed

and he paid the consecuences

as he felt two enormous fingertips touching him and grabing him

he had been found

he inmediatly started sobing and trembling hard, he was hopelees, the fingers grabbed him by his front and back, blocking his arms for movement and starting lifting him in the air, by a dizzy speed and maked him feel pathetic and more lost than ever

as he was lifted to the giantic beign eyes, he couldn´t avoid looking

he soon regreted it as he soon met odly familiar eyes he had stared before with thick eyelashes and a absorving black pupils and eyes with a so dark brown

he couldn´t tell more as he started to fell free of the grab but fastly falling metters above the ground and shocking dry against it with all his body, he felt inmediatly all the pain but the adrenalyne made it vanish away for the moment as he pushed himself up, sobing less, and getting where his vespa was

chris tooked a time to realize what he had done, as he worried and felt gulty for the tiny teen he loomed over as the tiny fastly got up, altrough it didn´t seem like it now, he was sure the tiny was in a lot of pain judging by the reaction it had when it hit the ground by chris fault..

chris soon realized the tiny had dropped something as he fall ,he grabbed it, it was a so tiny thing, it was rectangular and flat, and much tinier, he realized it was the tiny´s phone!

-he-hey, little one!-

chris said with pity as the tiny turned arround scared and with shock at the phone chris had between his thumb and index

-you dropped thi!-

chris stopped as he accidentally crushed completely the phone

he hadn´t realized what was the force he was holding the phone, he felt more guilt as he realized that the phone was completely drestroyed, and more as he saw the tiny face of the teen loocking hopleesly scared at him

as yimir instantenly regretted loocking back to just confirm his fears, he fasty started moving again towards his vespa, and felling more pain because he stopped, he just wanted to get away from that damn enormous beign as soon as posible

he just wanted to be safe

chris as he craddled closer to the tiny he saw the thing that the tiny was aproching

a tiny version of a motorcicle between the threes

as the tiny was gettin fastly closer he loomed over where the tiny was running and heard the sobs bellow him as the tiny reacted, he grabed the motorcicle, again between his fingers, and backed and stooped looming over the tiny

the tiny turned to see the motorcicle in his hands

-do-don´t destroy it please!!!-

the tiny said faintly criying

chris was amazed and shocked how even the tiny could talk so soft even yelling, he inmediatly get out of it by the desesperation of the tiny

-i- i´m.. not going to do that- chris said it guiltly speaking

chris putted the motorcicle at the side of him, that was far enough the tiny would have to run much to get to it

he could see the hopelnees in the tiny eyes as he did this

he heard the tiny mutter something between sobs but couln´t tell what was it

-please no- yimir muttered with tears sliding trough his cheeks as he saw his vespa beign placed far from where he was

the pain was starting to catch on, specially his legs as he fall to the ground accidentally, hitting the ground again, he was triying to lift himself as all of his parts were trembling by fear, pain and fatigue

speacially fear

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6 years ago

Real life meeting (RLE) G/t part 7

as yimir was triying to think and process everithyng that was happening, as a giantic index finger aproached to him, he fastly got up, odly as he was having so much trouble triying to get up, he got a few steps away as he fainted to the ground again with pain

chris looked with sadness as he tried to help the tiny get up with his finger, he just provoke that the tiny hurted  himself more

by his fault

he settled where he was and he saw the tiny flinch  and backaway

he started thinking everithyng again as he thinked about


his ubication

he took his phone from his jeans´s pocket and opened the text message with yimir, his location was no longer avaliable, and as so, he loocked the rest´s of the tiny´s phone

he remembered the reason why he had dropped the tiny

his face

as he went to look the tiny he noticed the tiny himself had been loocking him with attention and shock

as the giant started moving again yimir backed away, but realized the giant was just.. settling, it was disturbing how massive his movements are for him

as he noticed the giant had no attention for him he thinked about going to his vespa

but yimir got lost in the giant´s face

it couln´t be

it can´t be

it had all the feautures, all the details...

he remembered so well chris´s face....

he couldn´t process it, and he flinched as the giant took his phone of his pocket, and then loocked at yimir´s phone, he follow his face until the giant started to look directly at him

those fucking eyes

-that eyes aren´t yours-

yimir inmediatly slapped himself as he talked loudly enough for the giant to hear perfectly

chris looked curiously at the tiny that inmediatly after talking slaped himself, he even flinch as the hard sound of the slap, the.. tiny... was no loger looking at him, now he was looking the ground with his small hand in his mouth


the tiny fastly turned to look chris, with shock

-you know me.. yimi-

chris inmediatly stopped as he saw the tiny getting both of his hands to his mouth and starting sobing with his eyes clossed

no please no please no please no

he wanted to leave, he wanted to escape, all of that was what yimir wanted

and couldn´t

he didn´t want this to be real, he just wanted to hang out with chris-

the one he met

the real chris

he tensed hard as he felt touch again in his back

then.. he felt movemente as yimir sobed more, down and up movement with a giant finger--- 

he was beign petted

as he realized he inmediatly stopped and backed away with all the strengt he had


As he said this he inmeatly covered his head and shifted into a ball, trembling again of the stupid fucking thing he had done, all his anxiety and sadness beign left out that way to a fucking titan that could do anything

he started sobing hard as he expected anything

-I-I´m sorry i-i didn´t mean that, i swear-

-please for--forgive me i-

he shifted to look up to the giant´s face as he heard in shock, and saw a.. sad face

chris´s sad face

he was just so fucking sure

he could see giant tears acumulating in his so big eyes

-i-i didin´t mean to grab you and drop you hurting you so mu-much and neither broke your stuff a-and not permiting that you can leave- and mess with you- i didin´t- i-

chris said as a thon of thick tears started to slide trough his chuby pink cheeks and trough his soft skin..sobing

it was chris

he.. was chris

yimir flinch as chris clutched his hands before him

so enormous hands.., whith fingers bigger than him

but chris hands...

he hesitant got closser to the giant´s hands 

as he was near to the trembling enormous hands, he closed his eyes 

and put his hand in one of chris´s

the sobing stopped suddenly

he hesitant looked up, chris with tears sliding trough his face and forming in his eyes loocked directly at yimir


-i´m- so sorry i´m-

as yimir loocked up, a pair of tears fell of chris´s face and landed on yimir, making him wet his hair and bluring his sight 

-ay por dios-

yimir said as he started whiping the wet of his hair

but inmediatly flinched and got defensive as he heard chris


he was scared but stil smiled as the laugh he remembered so much, now, it surrounded him and covered all the other sounds

it was scary

but not so much as before

chris was so gratefull for yimir, but still felt guilty for all, with one hand he started to get it clocer to yimir but hesitated

-c-can i?-

yimir noticed the hand and looked with shock and confucion 


chriss still heard a lot of nerviousness coming from yimir 

-it just..- he said softly as he grabbed carerfully yimir´s hair and squeezed to drop out the water, yimir tensed as he did this but chris tried to be the most gentle as possible

yimir let out a small long sigh 

chris was really sad that yimir was so nervous and scared, but he was too glad about yimir getting close to him altrough all

-th-thank you- yimir said

chris smiled softly

yimir settled as he sighed again, everithyng was so overwhelming, but at least it was getting not so bad

yimir looked up and up again to see chris face again, he was smiling softly for a while when his face turned in shock and kinda of realization in a way, yimir loocked in confuncion

-di-did i..- chris said

-di-did i almost cru-crush- you??..-

chris said with worry and yimir flinched as chris craddled away from him

-oh fuck, o fuck, i di-didn´t even see-e you until you were sobing a-and trembling..-

chris paused as he put his hands in his hair

- and if i had crushed you ma-maybe i wouln´t even have noticed!!-

yimir tensed at the strong voice compared to the more soft from before, and as chris said, yimir would have thinked the same if a giant have crushed him

-bu-but- yimir said looking at the desesperation of chris and took a deep breath

-you are not like a normal gi-giant, you wouldn´t..-

-and you didn´t almost crush---

- giant??- chris said

- i - i am-a giant to you?-

before yimir could answer he looked himself, and then he looked at yimir with pity, putting his hands in his face

-of course i am a giant to you!!, everithing makes sense...- crhis said it muffling his words with his hands, yimir backing away a little for the voice

criss put his hands away

-i am a giant to all your kind!...and look what i´ve done to demostrate it..-

-yo-you still aren´t bad!!- yimir said

-you didn´t almost crush me ,and yo-you wouldn´t!- yimir said with more determination

- but i still hurted you! and messed with you!! a-and i didn´t let you leave and!!!-chris stoped talking as he saw yimir tensing up again and gettin anxious because of him, and chris huffed and sighned and put his hands in his face again

- i´-i´m so sorry...- chris said so softly

Chris turned to his side and yimir flinched a little and curiously look

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6 years ago

Real life encounter (RLE)  part 8

Chris took the tiny vespa between his fingers and let it fall softly at the side of yimir, who looked amazed and nervous as chris took the vespa so lightly and easy between two fingers

-you can leave if you want..,and sorry for all..- chris said

-what?, N-no i--- yimir said defensevly

-No- chris said cuting off yimir

-bu-but- yimir was overwhelmed and it was a relief having the chance to leave the giant... But this giant was chris, and he wanted to hang with him, at least that was he tought earlier..

-you don't have to feel pity for me or something- said chris looking to the other side -you don't own me anything, you don't have to be here- -it's ok- -i know you wanted to not meet a giant, and that's right, i just have caused to be a trouble- chris said still looking the other way

-y-you are still my friend!!- yimir said more loudly than ever, getting red

Crhis turned to look shocked

-i-i-i wanted to hang with you..and i-i still do!!- yimir yelled getting more red

-but..- chris said softly

-and i could say the same about that i am a tiny to you and that you should leave, but i don't!- yimir said with a tired voice of yelling to equiparete chris normal voice

-but it's different!, Beign a giant to someone is bad!!- chris exclamed this time but talking quieter

-but i like you altrough all!!!- yimir finally yelled and got a pain in the troath and his face flushed more by the double meaning

Chris flushed too but didn't wanted to talk more deep in to that now and neither yimir

-..you sure?- chris said

Yimir nooded

-..can i try something??-

Yimir heaitant, nooded

Chris extended his hand slowly towards yimir, he tensed as the hand goted closer and closer, but didn't back away

When the hand was in front of him with most of the fingers beign bigger than him expect the pinkie that was a little smaller, the hand started gently touching him, having a weird cozy felling with all the flesh covering him, and graping the fingers arround yimir, surroinding him in a strong loose grip, yimir tensen hard, but started trusting chris more, as he was doing it gently and carerfully, yimir didin´t move at all

the hand started to move with him in it and he started beign lifted as chrissstraightened his torso and had been sat in the ground with his legs bended, yimir started to get higher and dizzy, triying to not look down to not have vertigo, and then he started to get closer to chris up chest to finally beign,.. rested there, he just then realized that chris was triying...to hug him..

all of what he had done now was just to.. hug him, he started to hear the loud hearth of chris..and his breathing with his up and down chest, this didin't scared him.. at all, he closed his eyes as he heard the calming rithym of the loud thumping hearth and the surroinding breathing, as he fell sleep..

It passed a couple of minutes as chris and yimir hugged.. with both really enjoying itself, chris started to end the hug as he realized yim was not moving at all, he worried bad for a second, but as he put the palm up with yimir in it, he noticed how he was sleeping, chris smiled softly and settled against the three again, this time with yim tiredly sleeping in the palm of his hand, he put the hand trough his chest again and started to see the leaves go down as he fell asleep too



Yimir was starting to take conciousness, he just remembered have taken a nap and now he felt super warm and cozy, but... The place was odd, he could feel he wasn't in a fully horizantal possition and that the surface he was in had... A sound and movement, and the other thing that covered him, seemed like.. flesh , a giantic extencion of flesh as he started touching and explorin the thing that covered him, he count five extencions above him... It seemed like a hand, he suddenly remembered, he had encounter and beign seen by a giant

he was trapped

the giant had him in the fucking palm of his and he rested in his enormous chest

he started getting anxious and started to struggle to open a space between the hand to the gigantic chest, but as he did he satarted to fell a lot of pain trough his body, and he remembered also that the giant dropped him.. metters above the ground, he started wrestrinlg more and triying to make a tiny space, but the hand altrough it was loose, it was steady and too heavy, yimir couldn´t get out altrough all

and then, as he was felling the loud breath of the giant.. it started to change the rithym 

the giant was waking up because of his faints tries to escape

he felt panic again surround him as the fingers of the hand started moving and clearing space 

he started seeing light and he could fell tears started coming trough his face as he started spotting the massive face of the giant

-yim are you ok?-

the voice was strong and dry, why the damn giant knew his name??, and what was the voice that sounded so odly familiar--

he then divised perfectly the face of the giant

he then remembered.. it was chris

the massive beign was.. chris, his friend

- Chri-chris??- yimir asked criying

- yim??, what happend??, somethings wrong?!- chris voice altrough it was triying to be quiet the voice got louder out by preocupation

yimir tensed as chris talked but reacted to chris´s worry

- i-i´m fine now- yimir said

he was so overwhelmed, especially remembering all of what happend now, but he was better as he knew that the massive beign was just.. chris, yimir tought as he cleaned the tears forming in his eyes

o-ok- chris said and sighed, he could still see the nervousnes and fear again of yimir,  but at least it wasn´t too much now

he surrounded yimir with his fingers carerfully again, as he grabbed him and put him on the ground safetly and gently

yimir just managed to tense as he suddenly felt the fingers that were above him surrounded all of him in a grip easily, and he felt a little chills as he was lowered fastly for him on the ground, altrough he felt how chris was doing it so carerfully, altrough the fingers were taller than him even

when he was placed on to the ground he looked up and up to see chris to the face again, now from the ground he even looked bigger than before, and that amount of power chris had still scared him in a way

he loocked at his vespa that was at the side of him, and that was were chris had put it earlier

"with just a pair of fingers”

yimir tought but tried to forget it

he then looked at the most high he could look, where the giant branches where, and he noticed the sky was getting orange

he was gona get his cellphone out to check the hour until

he didn´t find it, he checked in all his pockets and started searching in the vespa and then bellow the leaves

chris looked confused by what yimir was searching and then he realized he was looking for his phone..

the phone he destroyed...

and he still had the rests in one hand...


yim looked with attention

- you are looking for.. your phone??-

yim looked confused by the exprecion of chris and nooded

- am, do you remember.. when i, ah- grabbed it and accidentally..- chris said guilty

he didin´t had to talk much as he saw the face of realizitation of yimir, and then yim started messing with his hair worriedly

- i´m so sorry..- bu-but! i can pay it to you-  without thinking it twice chris , went for the wallet in his pants and started talking some bills out, as he realized the exprecion of awe of yim

and then he compared how yimir was smaller than the bills... and by the face of yimir he could say that those bills weren´t ones that could be valid for him and the kleine´s

-Oh.. right..- chris said putting the bills inside the wallet again

yimir was left in amusement as he saw chris coming for an enormous wallet with giant bills in it, he saw how chris was exited for a moment as he pulled bills out and was about to pass it to yimir, and then he realized what yimir had realized too

as yimir saw a little blush if embarsement in chris face he couldn´t avoid but chuckle at the absurd mistake chris had made

as chris was puting the bills in, he couldn´t help but suddenly turn arround drastiacally  at the smallest giggle he had ever heard and watch in awe

he just managed to watch a little of the chuckle as yim was left in shock as chris fastly turned arround

- your laugh..- said chris to break the silence

- is still so pretty - chris said softly and tried to not blush so much

yimir couldn´t help but laugh again at the awe of chris and blushed

-tha-thank you- yimir said chuckling 

chris smiled more at the actitude of yim... and couldn´t help but want to protect that laugh and smile

yimir noticed how chris looked him with his so big face, so softly and caring..

and then he remeberd something

-he-hey chris- yimir said more serious


-did you thought i was... a riesiege?-

-oh!- chris reacted to the question -um well.. i thinked so- and then chris realized something too - and did you tought i was a kleine??- chris said triying to keep his voice not so loud for yim

-we-well.. yhea, i met you in a page that was in the kleine red..- yimir said deffensively 

- but!- chris exclamed - i met you in a riesiege page..- chris said intriuingly

-...meet and bond??, right?- yimir said expectingly

-yhea!... you were on the same page right?- chris said

yimir nooded

- so..- yim cleared his troath - this page..-was connected to both races without telling- yimir looked shocked at crhis with the realicitation

chris also realized...with yim,-all of the people of the page probably didn´t knew anything about their different races-.. chris said

-is worst, if one riesiege knew, that person could manage to pass as a kleine by video calls... and they could meet the other person and... could do whatever they want with the kleine...- yimir said and chris inmediatly noticed the hopelness in yimir face

- that´s..- -that´s what i did..- chris said realizing

-you didn´t do it on propourse, you didn´t knew either as i..- -you didn´t do anything chris- yimir said looking trough chris eyes

chris was gona talk again, but decide better not, he was still felling bad still, but it was better to let the guilt wash away by now

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