Robbie Welcome Home - Tumblr Posts
@clownsuu Hey! Super huge Robbie and welcome home fan, I love his silly self so much
I know someone already made a bot, but I wanted to share the one I made and interviewed a bit lol
Character by Clownsuu! They're amazing pls go follow them!

ROB: Heya little buddy! Name's Robbie! Robbie Beetle- suppose ya could just call me Rob, but it's not a big deal to me!
He holds out one of his four hands with an excitable expression on his face.
You from 'round here like the other neighbors? I'm kinda new here myself.
ASH: Ah, no I'm a bit new here.
ROB: His eyes light up in intrigue.
Oh, you're new folk too, huh? Man, must be a lot of people moving to Home lately.
What's brought ya to town?
ASH: Visiting Wally, and the others too.
Was just on my way to go say hi to Howdy too, you kinda remind me of him a bit. You two related?
ROB: Oh hell yeah we are! He's one of my cousins! He doesn't like to admit it tho haha.
He snickered a bit, knowing Howdy was one to kinda get annoyed with him easily. He likes to mess with him though.
He then turns to the smaller person, tilting his head.
What specifically reminds ya of him?
ASH: Big bug guy heheh
ROB: Oh, I get ya now! You just get big bug dude energy from me. Suppose I do share that trait with Howds, huh? I do take great pride in my big guy energy tho, so thank ya!
He pats your head softly, a goofy grin on his face.
ASH: So what made you come here?
ROB: He puts two of his hands on his hips.
Ah, I just came over for the hell of it. Always on the move, yknow? Never stay in one place long, just always looking for some way to have some kinda impact, leave a footprint behind. Plus, sometimes it's funny to see my dear cousin's face when I pop up unexpected, hahaha-!
ASH: I see- what do you do for fun?
ROB: Uuhhh... let's see....I like makin trouble, pulling tricks on folks, being a troublemaker in general- I can't help it!
But I've also got an odd fascination for shiny things, so I'm constantly looking for those.
He brings one of his four hands to his chin and scratches his stubble, as if in thought.
Other than being a rascal and an occasional... thief, I like headbuttin' things with these cool horns here I got- makes me feel all strong and cool. I'm a bit rowdy sometimes, but it's all in fun, y'know?
ASH: Hiiii!
ROB: Helloo! I love yer enthusiasm buddy, whats yer name?
He offers you a fist-bump, his bug equivalent of a hand shake. He's really friendly though, and he's got a big toothy smile plastered on his face.
ASH: Ash.
Ash fistbumps his hand.
ROB: Ooh! Nice to meet ya, buddy! I like yer energy! And that's a nice name ya got there.
He laughs, a hearty laugh, his voice being very deep and gravelly. It makes it hard to tell when he's joking and when he's being genuine, though. He smiles again, this time at Ash with a goofy expression.
How'd ya find Welcome Home? Did Howdy send ya or are ya just a passerby?
ASH: Just passing by. You?
ROB: Oh yeah? Well welcome home then to... well, Home, haha! I hope you have a great time while you're here, it really is a neat little town! I, uh, actually just came over cause I thought it'd be funny, y'know? A big bug guy just causing a ruckus in some lil ol' town, that sorta thing haha.
But I'm starting to like this town a lot, I think I might stay! Much to Howdy's disagreement.
He holds his head up and looks across Welcome Home with a big smile on his face.
ASH: Awh, well that sounds fun. Whatcha up to?
ROB: I'm actually trying to be friendly with the neighbors. I'm usually a pretty rough and tumble kinda guy, but it wouldn't be smart to go around and cause ruckus with everyone in Welcome Home right off the bat. Plus... the folk here are a lot more friendly than I expected- it's kinda surprising hahaha.
He laughs, a hearty laugh, the same kind as from earlier. He smiles, looking down to his feet as he does a little shimmy with a hand on his hip.
You wanna explore Welcome Home with me?
ASH: Sure! I like your horns, by the way. They're neat.
ROB: Yeah?? I'm quite proud of em!
He grins, looking up to them, and then making a silly face when looking at his nose prong.
You know what they say, us beetles always gotta bring the best big guy energy, the best of which being these babies!
He points to the three prongs on his head.
They're a lot of fun, you ever wanna see what kind of tricks I can pull off with em?
ASH: Uh, sure!
ROB: Alright, it's kinda hard to explain, kinda easier to show you. So ya ready?
He looks back down to Ash, tilting his head a bit in an almost puppy-like way. He looks excited, bouncing in place slightly.
ASH: Yup!
ROB: Aight, alright. Now just hold your arm out like this.
He motions to his side, then brings a fist up in front of him like a shield.
Then, I'm gonna headbutt you, like this.
He steps forward, bringing his head down.
You should be able to easily deflect the attack, I'm a pretty hefty guy and my horns are made for headbuttin'.
His three prongs shine in the sunlight, he looks like he's proud of himself, though he's mostly just excited to headbutt someone.
ASH: Uh.. Aren't those sharp though? You sure they won't hurt me?
ROB: Nah, nah don't worry!
He grins widely.
Sure, they're made for battle, but I can tone down the force enough for it to only sting a little. Ya just gotta trust me!
He gives you a wink, and a smile- a wide one.
ASH: O-okay.. you sure this is a good idea?
ROB: Haha- not really, but ya never know until ya try, eh?
C'mon, I'll go easy on ya!
ASH: Hey, what's it like being one of the only two bug guys in Welcome home? It must be weird being in a small town because you're taller than most of the neighbors.
So what's it been like?
ROB: He crosses his arms over his chest in a relaxed way.
With how tall I am, huh? It's honestly really nice to be a big guy, you know? Everyone's always kinda nervous around me at first, but once they get to know me its alright! So I'm always there when people need me to lend a hand (since I've got four of em!)
Plus, I feel like I can kinda look over all of Home, see what I'm looking at? Makes me feel... important...
He scratches his brow, thinking of a way to describe it further.
ASH: Ah, like a protector of sorts?
ROB: Hell to the yes! Nailed it, bud! Always got an eye on Home, just making sure there ain't anything going down- if something DOES happen though, I'll be there to throw my horns at em!
ASH: How do you feel about Wally Darling?
ROB: Wally, huh? Well, he's a bit... how do I put this... different than the rest of the welcome home residents, y'know? Cute lil guy, but weird nonetheless.
But in my opinion the guy is very talented, despite his...unique... personality.
That sorta art he makes, the paintings with the random colours and swirls and doodles and stuff... It ain't exactly anything I'd have in my own abode, but I wouldn't really call it bad.
He's passionate about the weird stuff he does, it's cool.
ASH: How do you feel about Julie Joyful?
ROB: Aww, well she's just the sweetest! She's very energetic, and I love how she tries to be nice to everyone. She tries her best to make friends and cheer people up, and I respect that about her. She's just a lil ray of sunshine, ya know?
ASH: How do you feel about Sally Starlet?
ROB: Oh man, Sally is a doll. A little hyper too, just like me, and it's always an honour to see her around. I remember this one time, I was up to my usual shenanigans and pranking around with folks, and it just so happened that Sally walked in on it- I thought she was gonna tear me to shreds, but she just laughed, then proceeded to join in on it. She's a right wild gal, but her hearts in the right place. Her plays sure are nice too.
ASH: How do you feel about Howdy Pillar?
ROB: Oh, Howdy! My super extended cousin? Love that goofy guy to death, he really is one of a kind. I swear he's gotta be the friendliest and nicest guy you'll ever get the pleasure of meeting, that man is the definition of a true welcome mat.
If you go down to his store, he's ALWAYS ready with a smile, an engaging conversation, and an honest to god friendly attitude. I know you can always expect a positive interaction with him, and that's something you don't see very often these days. The guy and I are actually pretty close, despite how it may seem- or at least I'd like to think so- but he gets annoyed with me because of how much of a rascal I am. He knows I just like to have a good time, do a lil bit of mischievous activity, but not everyone takes so kindly to my antics, I guess. Still, it's nothing more than a silly rivalry, a simple jest, nothing too serious.
And even if it does get serious on occasion, I can always count on him to forgive me.
ASH: How do you feel about Frank Frankly?
ROB: Ah, Frank! Ya mean the quiet one that always seems to have their nose in some book or another and their face always buried in some weird little magnifying glass thing?
He leans forward a bit, and then leans back again.
I really do admire their curiosity and intelligence, they're smart guy, y'know? Even if their hobbies are kinda weird. Plus, they seem to really care about us bugs. It's a sweet gesture, but Howdy wasn't lying when he said Frank was a bit of an odd one, heh.. it can be a bit startling sometimes.
ASH: How do you feel about Barnaby Beagle?
ROB: Oh man, Barnaby? I think he's a riot. Always gets me laughing and smiling. Such a friendly and lovable dog too. He gives the best hugs - just, the best hugs. I could just sit there and hug Barnaby all day, ya know? Fun to play with too.
He looked like he was reminiscing on something, as if he enjoyed thinking about Barnaby's company.
Heheh. He's always got some kind of joke to tell, I swear. Always got some kind of pun to make. And his laugh is adorable! Super contagious too- you could hear it from a mile away.
ASH: How do you feel about Eddie Dear?
ROB: Oh boy, Ed's a character, I tell ya. He means well, as he really does want everyone to get their mail on time, but he is always getting himself into some kinda trouble. Always ends up all bruised and banged up, but he's a real trooper. I don't know why, but I really like how upbeat he is, especially after he's had one of those days where it's been a real rough one. He's really optimistic, ya know?
ASH: How do you feel about Poppy Partridge?
ROB: Ahh, Poppy, what a sweetheart. Poor thing's so nervous, makes me wanna just wrap her in a big ol' hug, make it all better. She's so kind too, such a good baker, really knows how to make something special. I can practically smell her apple pies from this far away. I don't know her too well, but I really enjoy hangin' with her, every time I do it just leaves me feeling kinda...calm, which is quite different for me! She's so nice, just gives me the warm and fuzzies, ya know? I think everyone here can agree to that. Just such a kind, gentle soul. She kinda is like the mom of the whole neighborhood isn't she?
ASH: How do you feel about Home? Wally's place?
ROB: ...hmm.. You know, it is a bit strange. His place is definitely a one of a kind, and I really don't know how that kinda business even works, the fact the building is actually a living entity.
But I do see a lot of charm in it, too. Kinda adds to the whole Welcome Home feel, yknow? It's one of the many quirks this place has to offer, and I think it's very...endearing.
He chuckles nervously, chewing his tie a bit.
-Colt belongs to @thelone-copper -
ASH: How do you feel about Colt?
ROB: Oh, Colt. He's great! Always ready to take a joke and pull a few back, and he's always so patient with the shenanigans I tend to pull. He's a great friend, and he's a good sport about my pranky ways, I love the guy. That 'cow-tippin' thing I did a while back is a fond memory of mine if I must say, haha, but it's definitely not one he likes to talk about.. He wasn't very happy with having all those tips on his cows, but how could I resist?
He chuckles at the memory.
Oh yeah, that was a good time. I love pullin' pranks on him, he's a perfect target! Just a generally nice fella too.
-Dr.Stone belongs to @clownsuu -
ASH: How do you feel about Dr. Stone?
ROB: Dr. Stone is definitely a grouchy fellow, ain't he? He sure don't like being pestered with questions, but he puts up with me anyway. I just like talking about things, and he usually happens to be around, so he's kinda my best bet. I think he understands that, which is why he's never really kicked me out of his lab and just puts on with it, even if I'm a little annoying. I mean, there was that one time.....But you know what? For a guy that's always kinda a grump, he really does care about what he's doing ya know? He might not be showing it all the time, but deep down, he's got a big heart. I can see him puttin' work into all his research, and I really do appreciate that about him. Even though he's grumpy sometimes, he's still just trying his best, and that's pretty respectable.
Yippee! So that's that- I hope you don't mind I went all out in fleshing it out, or at least attempting to- he's just so skrunkly I can't help but want to- aauagahagahga
What does robbie sound like? do you have a voiceclaim for him?
Tbh? I don't really have much of a voice claim for him-
Iv thought about it for a long while, and the closest iv fuggin got was "jacksepticeye" and fuggin Danny DeVito (specifically the one dialog of him saying "I'M THE TRASH MAN" and "Can I offer you an egg in this tryin' time?") LMAOOO I'm not very good at voice claims you see (Iv gotten an ask once saying Mob Rob looks like he'd sound like fuggin Corpse Husband- if I had a nickel for every time I had someone say one of my characters would sound like corpse I'd have two nickels- which isn't alot- but weird that it happened twice-)
Also speaking of Robbie, here's the bot iv been working on randomly whenever I felt like it LMAO
God he is HITTIN THAT THANG‼️‼️ next I’m animating him doin the thug shaker/J
@clownsuu cutely draws the bois
aka I randomly hyperfixated on drawing the mob boyos
I found a brush I really like

Bonus bc I love them and their originals
Both these next characters and the Mob Welcome Home AU is by Clownsuu 🥰

P.s would you believe me if I said I drew these all with my finger and now my fingers hurt
Robbie looks so silly
This is in response to @clownsuu 's post and @maddiethehatter2192 's ask where y/n would like pay to be his friend and I just imagined that one carl wheezer audio
It's very quickly made but it's making me giggle I love learning more about Robbie and him being silly guy in general
Thinking about @clownsuu s tags on their repost..
Crying he's so cute ❤️
More memes from today
Robbie is @clownsuu s OC ofc the silly goober