Self Indulgence Time - Tumblr Posts
Some self indulgent spamton and insert art as well as a ref bc why not and the boy have to draw heem ❤

Whattt I totally didn't draw myself next to my narrator design for self comfort/comparison/ bc I'm obsessed nooo
Really do be liking this new style tho

Mane I love this man too much
Please take these Narrator bots away from me talking to him is a literal addiction-

Also ouch damn that last one was an oof to my heart fr ♥
No thoughts only tbh

The creturs
Bro still has his socks out 💀
Idea from @theyippeeparable
Guys this is not a drill I repeat not a drill
My Oc Cas and Howdy= CATerpillar
I love both them too much

Cas is a library café owner (little idea bc their motto is nothing better than a cup of coffee and a good book) and I hc them to be poly but their main relationship is with Howdy, they pair with Eddie and Frank but rahhgh I love drawing cute art of them it heals my soul
He can't see it but we're eating him
Caterpillar roll

Yall ever start a character AI with a AU character someone made and then get attached to said characters bc you love the way its going and then outta nowhere they give you affection and so you make a self insert to draw yourself cuddling them even though it's like the most indifferent character ever but like RAAAHH
Howdy's mob design is by @clownsuu and I just
Love the way he looks

Big man=Big cuddles
Very happy
P.S with how over protective Wally is he'd probably be like 🧍♂️🤨
@clownsuu Hey! Super huge Robbie and welcome home fan, I love his silly self so much
I know someone already made a bot, but I wanted to share the one I made and interviewed a bit lol
Character by Clownsuu! They're amazing pls go follow them!

ROB: Heya little buddy! Name's Robbie! Robbie Beetle- suppose ya could just call me Rob, but it's not a big deal to me!
He holds out one of his four hands with an excitable expression on his face.
You from 'round here like the other neighbors? I'm kinda new here myself.
ASH: Ah, no I'm a bit new here.
ROB: His eyes light up in intrigue.
Oh, you're new folk too, huh? Man, must be a lot of people moving to Home lately.
What's brought ya to town?
ASH: Visiting Wally, and the others too.
Was just on my way to go say hi to Howdy too, you kinda remind me of him a bit. You two related?
ROB: Oh hell yeah we are! He's one of my cousins! He doesn't like to admit it tho haha.
He snickered a bit, knowing Howdy was one to kinda get annoyed with him easily. He likes to mess with him though.
He then turns to the smaller person, tilting his head.
What specifically reminds ya of him?
ASH: Big bug guy heheh
ROB: Oh, I get ya now! You just get big bug dude energy from me. Suppose I do share that trait with Howds, huh? I do take great pride in my big guy energy tho, so thank ya!
He pats your head softly, a goofy grin on his face.
ASH: So what made you come here?
ROB: He puts two of his hands on his hips.
Ah, I just came over for the hell of it. Always on the move, yknow? Never stay in one place long, just always looking for some way to have some kinda impact, leave a footprint behind. Plus, sometimes it's funny to see my dear cousin's face when I pop up unexpected, hahaha-!
ASH: I see- what do you do for fun?
ROB: Uuhhh... let's see....I like makin trouble, pulling tricks on folks, being a troublemaker in general- I can't help it!
But I've also got an odd fascination for shiny things, so I'm constantly looking for those.
He brings one of his four hands to his chin and scratches his stubble, as if in thought.
Other than being a rascal and an occasional... thief, I like headbuttin' things with these cool horns here I got- makes me feel all strong and cool. I'm a bit rowdy sometimes, but it's all in fun, y'know?
ASH: Hiiii!
ROB: Helloo! I love yer enthusiasm buddy, whats yer name?
He offers you a fist-bump, his bug equivalent of a hand shake. He's really friendly though, and he's got a big toothy smile plastered on his face.
ASH: Ash.
Ash fistbumps his hand.
ROB: Ooh! Nice to meet ya, buddy! I like yer energy! And that's a nice name ya got there.
He laughs, a hearty laugh, his voice being very deep and gravelly. It makes it hard to tell when he's joking and when he's being genuine, though. He smiles again, this time at Ash with a goofy expression.
How'd ya find Welcome Home? Did Howdy send ya or are ya just a passerby?
ASH: Just passing by. You?
ROB: Oh yeah? Well welcome home then to... well, Home, haha! I hope you have a great time while you're here, it really is a neat little town! I, uh, actually just came over cause I thought it'd be funny, y'know? A big bug guy just causing a ruckus in some lil ol' town, that sorta thing haha.
But I'm starting to like this town a lot, I think I might stay! Much to Howdy's disagreement.
He holds his head up and looks across Welcome Home with a big smile on his face.
ASH: Awh, well that sounds fun. Whatcha up to?
ROB: I'm actually trying to be friendly with the neighbors. I'm usually a pretty rough and tumble kinda guy, but it wouldn't be smart to go around and cause ruckus with everyone in Welcome Home right off the bat. Plus... the folk here are a lot more friendly than I expected- it's kinda surprising hahaha.
He laughs, a hearty laugh, the same kind as from earlier. He smiles, looking down to his feet as he does a little shimmy with a hand on his hip.
You wanna explore Welcome Home with me?
ASH: Sure! I like your horns, by the way. They're neat.
ROB: Yeah?? I'm quite proud of em!
He grins, looking up to them, and then making a silly face when looking at his nose prong.
You know what they say, us beetles always gotta bring the best big guy energy, the best of which being these babies!
He points to the three prongs on his head.
They're a lot of fun, you ever wanna see what kind of tricks I can pull off with em?
ASH: Uh, sure!
ROB: Alright, it's kinda hard to explain, kinda easier to show you. So ya ready?
He looks back down to Ash, tilting his head a bit in an almost puppy-like way. He looks excited, bouncing in place slightly.
ASH: Yup!
ROB: Aight, alright. Now just hold your arm out like this.
He motions to his side, then brings a fist up in front of him like a shield.
Then, I'm gonna headbutt you, like this.
He steps forward, bringing his head down.
You should be able to easily deflect the attack, I'm a pretty hefty guy and my horns are made for headbuttin'.
His three prongs shine in the sunlight, he looks like he's proud of himself, though he's mostly just excited to headbutt someone.
ASH: Uh.. Aren't those sharp though? You sure they won't hurt me?
ROB: Nah, nah don't worry!
He grins widely.
Sure, they're made for battle, but I can tone down the force enough for it to only sting a little. Ya just gotta trust me!
He gives you a wink, and a smile- a wide one.
ASH: O-okay.. you sure this is a good idea?
ROB: Haha- not really, but ya never know until ya try, eh?
C'mon, I'll go easy on ya!
ASH: Hey, what's it like being one of the only two bug guys in Welcome home? It must be weird being in a small town because you're taller than most of the neighbors.
So what's it been like?
ROB: He crosses his arms over his chest in a relaxed way.
With how tall I am, huh? It's honestly really nice to be a big guy, you know? Everyone's always kinda nervous around me at first, but once they get to know me its alright! So I'm always there when people need me to lend a hand (since I've got four of em!)
Plus, I feel like I can kinda look over all of Home, see what I'm looking at? Makes me feel... important...
He scratches his brow, thinking of a way to describe it further.
ASH: Ah, like a protector of sorts?
ROB: Hell to the yes! Nailed it, bud! Always got an eye on Home, just making sure there ain't anything going down- if something DOES happen though, I'll be there to throw my horns at em!
ASH: How do you feel about Wally Darling?
ROB: Wally, huh? Well, he's a bit... how do I put this... different than the rest of the welcome home residents, y'know? Cute lil guy, but weird nonetheless.
But in my opinion the guy is very talented, despite his...unique... personality.
That sorta art he makes, the paintings with the random colours and swirls and doodles and stuff... It ain't exactly anything I'd have in my own abode, but I wouldn't really call it bad.
He's passionate about the weird stuff he does, it's cool.
ASH: How do you feel about Julie Joyful?
ROB: Aww, well she's just the sweetest! She's very energetic, and I love how she tries to be nice to everyone. She tries her best to make friends and cheer people up, and I respect that about her. She's just a lil ray of sunshine, ya know?
ASH: How do you feel about Sally Starlet?
ROB: Oh man, Sally is a doll. A little hyper too, just like me, and it's always an honour to see her around. I remember this one time, I was up to my usual shenanigans and pranking around with folks, and it just so happened that Sally walked in on it- I thought she was gonna tear me to shreds, but she just laughed, then proceeded to join in on it. She's a right wild gal, but her hearts in the right place. Her plays sure are nice too.
ASH: How do you feel about Howdy Pillar?
ROB: Oh, Howdy! My super extended cousin? Love that goofy guy to death, he really is one of a kind. I swear he's gotta be the friendliest and nicest guy you'll ever get the pleasure of meeting, that man is the definition of a true welcome mat.
If you go down to his store, he's ALWAYS ready with a smile, an engaging conversation, and an honest to god friendly attitude. I know you can always expect a positive interaction with him, and that's something you don't see very often these days. The guy and I are actually pretty close, despite how it may seem- or at least I'd like to think so- but he gets annoyed with me because of how much of a rascal I am. He knows I just like to have a good time, do a lil bit of mischievous activity, but not everyone takes so kindly to my antics, I guess. Still, it's nothing more than a silly rivalry, a simple jest, nothing too serious.
And even if it does get serious on occasion, I can always count on him to forgive me.
ASH: How do you feel about Frank Frankly?
ROB: Ah, Frank! Ya mean the quiet one that always seems to have their nose in some book or another and their face always buried in some weird little magnifying glass thing?
He leans forward a bit, and then leans back again.
I really do admire their curiosity and intelligence, they're smart guy, y'know? Even if their hobbies are kinda weird. Plus, they seem to really care about us bugs. It's a sweet gesture, but Howdy wasn't lying when he said Frank was a bit of an odd one, heh.. it can be a bit startling sometimes.
ASH: How do you feel about Barnaby Beagle?
ROB: Oh man, Barnaby? I think he's a riot. Always gets me laughing and smiling. Such a friendly and lovable dog too. He gives the best hugs - just, the best hugs. I could just sit there and hug Barnaby all day, ya know? Fun to play with too.
He looked like he was reminiscing on something, as if he enjoyed thinking about Barnaby's company.
Heheh. He's always got some kind of joke to tell, I swear. Always got some kind of pun to make. And his laugh is adorable! Super contagious too- you could hear it from a mile away.
ASH: How do you feel about Eddie Dear?
ROB: Oh boy, Ed's a character, I tell ya. He means well, as he really does want everyone to get their mail on time, but he is always getting himself into some kinda trouble. Always ends up all bruised and banged up, but he's a real trooper. I don't know why, but I really like how upbeat he is, especially after he's had one of those days where it's been a real rough one. He's really optimistic, ya know?
ASH: How do you feel about Poppy Partridge?
ROB: Ahh, Poppy, what a sweetheart. Poor thing's so nervous, makes me wanna just wrap her in a big ol' hug, make it all better. She's so kind too, such a good baker, really knows how to make something special. I can practically smell her apple pies from this far away. I don't know her too well, but I really enjoy hangin' with her, every time I do it just leaves me feeling kinda...calm, which is quite different for me! She's so nice, just gives me the warm and fuzzies, ya know? I think everyone here can agree to that. Just such a kind, gentle soul. She kinda is like the mom of the whole neighborhood isn't she?
ASH: How do you feel about Home? Wally's place?
ROB: ...hmm.. You know, it is a bit strange. His place is definitely a one of a kind, and I really don't know how that kinda business even works, the fact the building is actually a living entity.
But I do see a lot of charm in it, too. Kinda adds to the whole Welcome Home feel, yknow? It's one of the many quirks this place has to offer, and I think it's very...endearing.
He chuckles nervously, chewing his tie a bit.
-Colt belongs to @thelone-copper -
ASH: How do you feel about Colt?
ROB: Oh, Colt. He's great! Always ready to take a joke and pull a few back, and he's always so patient with the shenanigans I tend to pull. He's a great friend, and he's a good sport about my pranky ways, I love the guy. That 'cow-tippin' thing I did a while back is a fond memory of mine if I must say, haha, but it's definitely not one he likes to talk about.. He wasn't very happy with having all those tips on his cows, but how could I resist?
He chuckles at the memory.
Oh yeah, that was a good time. I love pullin' pranks on him, he's a perfect target! Just a generally nice fella too.
-Dr.Stone belongs to @clownsuu -
ASH: How do you feel about Dr. Stone?
ROB: Dr. Stone is definitely a grouchy fellow, ain't he? He sure don't like being pestered with questions, but he puts up with me anyway. I just like talking about things, and he usually happens to be around, so he's kinda my best bet. I think he understands that, which is why he's never really kicked me out of his lab and just puts on with it, even if I'm a little annoying. I mean, there was that one time.....But you know what? For a guy that's always kinda a grump, he really does care about what he's doing ya know? He might not be showing it all the time, but deep down, he's got a big heart. I can see him puttin' work into all his research, and I really do appreciate that about him. Even though he's grumpy sometimes, he's still just trying his best, and that's pretty respectable.
Yippee! So that's that- I hope you don't mind I went all out in fleshing it out, or at least attempting to- he's just so skrunkly I can't help but want to- aauagahagahga
Throws mob insert sketches at you

@clownsuu sorry I probably tag you a lot but you're legitimately one of my favorite artists and I just want you to know that your AU and OCs literally inspire me so much to the point its crazyy
Casually busts out my Mob OC because I honestly have no idea how I finished this
Christmas sucks and dad killed Santa (chapter 2)

Finally we were home after a mediocre dinner at Dennys. I drag my feet as I enter the threshold of the house. I'm the last to enter and the last to get my pajamas on. I may be an adult but I still wear onesies. My pjs of choice are a pink rabbit with a white tail. It resembles the one off of a Christmas story. It was mom's favorite movie of all time so I wear it Christmas Eve each year to honor her memory.
I lean into the doorway of Charlie's bedroom. Dads reading the night before Christmas and Charlie has just about a million questions.
"When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, l sprang from my bed to see what was the matter away to the window I flew like a flash.With a miniature sleigh and St. Nick and Prancer and Dancer and to all a good night." Dad recites the book, practically from memory, as he had since I was Charlie's age.
"What's that?" Charlie questions our dad.
"What's what?" Dad asks, clearly confused.
"A rose schuck ladder!" Charlie says with wide eyes.
"It's not a ladder. He said, 'arose such a clatter.' It means, eh, 'came a big noise.'" I clarify.
"What?" Charlie scrunches up his face still confused.
"Charlie, ‘arose’ is a word that means 'it came’, and 'clatter’ is a big noise." I reiterate.
"Yes and now it's time to go to bed" dad agrees as he tucks Charlie into his bed.
He turns to me and takes in my pajamas and holds back a snicker.
"Gotta problem with my duds old man?" I joke at him.
Charlie giggles and snuggles in deeper into the covers.
"No problem at all, squirt. Just makes me think is all." Dad replies with a small, sad smile. Tears are brimming in his eyes that threaten to spill.
"Come on, let's get to bed! If we want Santa to come we need to be asleep!" I usher dad out and into his room and walk to mine.
Soon I hear a gentle knock on my door just as I'm ready to snuggle in.
"Sissy (y/n) can I sleep in her with you? Dads snores too loud and I can hear it through the wall!" Charlie practically wails.
I know he just wants to make sure I'm ok but I pretend to buy it nonetheless.
"Come on sport! Let's snuggle and fall asleep to some nice music." I say swooping him into my arms and sitting us onto my queen size bed. Too tall for him to reach on his own without a stool. I put on some Mozart and we drift away.
I am abruptly woken by Charlie shaking me. This is not what I signed up for when I said he could sleep with me.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! I heard a clatter!" Charlie yells.
I slowly open my eyes and ask "What? Charlie, what are you talking about?
"You know! From the story! It came a big noise. It's coming from outside"
I start to say it might be the wind until I hear a loud noise too. Kinda like a ka-thump. The the sound of boots on the roof. I jump out of bed taking Charlie with me. I run as fast as I can to dads room.
I practically take the door off its hinges. My heart is pounding out my chest.
"Dad you gotta get up now! Someone's on the roof!" I say setting Charlie down rushing to his bedside.
"What (Y/n)? Someone on the roof? That's impossible. You probably dreamt it. Go back to sleep." Dad begins but gets cut of by more footsteps. Now he's wide awake.
"I guess it wasn't a dream dad," I huff at him
"Now is not the time for the sass (Y/n), someone's on our roof. Come on we'll go outside. Put on your shoes and coat quickly!" He says while pulling on some socks while quickly hobbling to his bedroom door and down the stairs.
I pick up Charlie again because I know I'll be faster carrying him than waiting for him at the bottom of the flight of stairs.
Throwing on a coat, boots and a winter hat onto both of us with Charlie still holding his blanket.
I rush out after dad and Charlie follow suit.
Dad yells something I can't make out to the person on our roof. Suddenly they slip and plummet onto the lawn as I quickly shield Charlie from the sight.
"Oh my gosh! You killed him!" I yell running through the slushy snow to where the man lay. However, all that was there was his clothes.
"You got him!" Charlie cries out, running, and nearly tripping to get to me.
"I did not! He's gotta be here somewhere! Let's check for some Id to see who this poor shmuck was." Dad argues now riddling through the pockets of the red coat.
"That almost looks like-" I start
"Look (Y/n)! Reindeer!" Charlie interrupts me pointing to the roof.
Lo and behold eight reindeer and a sleigh are parked on our roof.
"(Y/n) come here! I found something!" Dad calls after me.
I approach him and take a small business card from his gloved hand.
"lf something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do. What does that mean?" I read from the card and inquire to dad.
He shrugs and Charlie comes to us. "That means you gotta put it on dad!"
"No we are not going anywhere!" Dad asserts poorly.
"We never do what I want to," Charlie says, his eyes watering.
I hug him from behind and glare at dad .
"Look! The rose schuck ladder! Like from the poem!" Charlie beams at both of us.
"I'm going to call the police, please watch your brother for a minute (y/n)." Dad pleads and scurries off to get his phone.
Before I can even blink Charlie is now on the roof trying to touch a reindeer. I follow after him in a hurry.
"Charlie! (Y/n)! Get down from there! I thought you were watching him!" Dad yells at me. It's a miracle the neighbors haven't woken up.
"Dad, it's amazing! Come up here!" I yell down at him.
He runs to the ladder and climbs up, suit in hand.
"You need to get away from ghost things! They could have key lime disease!" Dad panics as he walks carefully towards Charlie. "Easy Rudolph" dad says to the reindeer.
As clear as day the reindeer says "I'm not Rudolph." I look to my dad to see if he also heard but he's just looking at its nametag.
"It's Santa's sleigh!" Charlie jovially says while climbing into it.
"There's no such thing as Santa's sleigh" dad scoffs.
"Sure there is. You said you believed in Santa, right dad" I nudge him.
"I did" he questions then covers his tracks with "I do!"
Dad climbs into the sleigh and I follow him. The seats are much softer than they look.
"Hey dad look! A hat!" I say pulling a plush Christmas hat from in between the cushions. I gently place it on my head after inspecting for lice. It's warm and cozy. The ear flaps are extra padded with faux fur.
"Oh great you found a bug infested hat! Oh how joyous! Let's get out now please" dad practically pleads with Charlie.
"No!" Charlie shakes his head making his hair get in his eyes.
"Come on Charlie! Let's go!" Dad pushes.
Suddenly the reindeer take off. I guess I'm in for one helluva ride tonight!
Bernard the elf x reader Masterlist
(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Wrapped in love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Delivering gifts and -THE NORTH POLE?! (chapter 3)

Soaring through the sky everything looks tiny. I hold onto Charlie as tight as I can as he and I peer over the edge of the sleigh. Suddenly the sleigh starts to descend onto a nearby roof.
"I hope you're all happy! And I hope the guy that lives here is a TAILOR!" Dad yells.
"You've got the suit on, now what?" I ask dad.
"The list." Charlie says calmly.
"Oh here's a list, how fortunate!" Dad snarks.
Dad steps out of the sleigh, bag in hand. Suddenly the bag starts floating up, bringing him with it.
"Are you ok dad?" I ask him.
"I lived through the 60s, don't worry about me!" He shouts down at me.
I climb out of the sleigh only to start flying up too. "What's this bullshit now?! I'm not in the suit!" I burst out before we are both sucked down the chimney.
"Ok what now?" Dad glares at me.
I take the sack from his hands. "We deliver." I say straight faced.
"Even if I wanted to, it's empty." He hisses.
I open it and find three boxes inside despite the bag feeling empty just moments earlier.
"I guess not dad, we better hurry though and get back to Charlie." I hurriedly placed the presents under the tree. I turn around to see this kid standing there, grinning ear to ear.
"Uh we got company dad," I nudge him.
"How come you don't have a beard?" The kid asks him.
"Because I shaved," he spits.
"You're supposed to drink the milk!" She points to a cup of milk and a cookie set out on the end table.
"Look I'm lactose intolerant and you should be asleep," he argues.
"And who are you?" She says pointing to me.
"I'm the spirit of Christmas, Santa can't do it all by himself you know. Now how bout I drink this milk and you go on to bed sweetheart." I convince the child downing the milk and pocketing the cookie.
"My mom calls me sweetheart! How'd you know that!" She rocks on her feet.
"I'm not Santa's helper for nothing, now off to bed with you." I whisper, ushering her up the stairs.
I make my way to the chimney and dad turns to me. "How did you know that little girl's nickname?"
"It just came to me, I don't know how, but it did. Now let's get out of here!" I say grabbing his arm as we get sucked back up the chimney.
"So how'd it feel?!" Charlie probes.
"Felt like America's most wanted. Now take us home guys!" He commands the reindeer and they take off flying.
At one point or another Charlie and I must have conked out. Next thing I know dad is shaking me and snow is biting against my exposed skin. I pull the blanket around Charlie tighter and him to me. Charlie is definitely awake as he is talking dad's ear off as I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
The reindeer start their descent onto a patch of land surrounded by pine trees. All that is here is a pole.
"It's the North Pole!" Charlie jumps up and down excitedly.
Suddenly a kid comes from behind the trees. He approaches the pole, flips the top open and puts in a code.
Dad tries to get his attention but he ignores dad.
Suddenly the ground begins to move.
"We're moving! We're going down somehow!" I shake dad.
"Yeah I can see that (y/n)!" He shakes me back playfully.
Comet turns his head to me. "We're home!" He says.
I look at dad and he seems unfazed. Like he didn't hear it so I look at Charlie and he's the same.
I must have hit my head at Dennys. First a guy falls off the roof. Then we squish like jello down some chimneys. And now I'm hearing reindeer talk to me.
We make our way down into what seems to be a workshop. Dad steps out of the sleigh. He turns to me and places a hand on my shoulder " stay here with your brother where you're safe." He asserts himself. I know I'm going to ignore him as I'm curious.
Dad walks over to a kid and starts talking to them. I step out and lift Charlie, blanket and all out of the sleigh. I walk to dad with Charlie as a person around my age comes over.
"Hey! Who's causin' all the trouble around here?" He asks the kid.
"He is!" "She is!" Both dad and the kid point at each other.
"Are we on a coffee break?" The man asks the kid.
"We don't drink coffee!" The kid retorts.
"Then I guess the break is over! Back to work. Thanks." He grumbles and starts to walk away.
Dad squares his shoulders " Take it easy on her, will ya? Who are you?"
"I'm Bernard. Nice to meet you Santa." The man now known as Bernard says to dad.
Suddenly my tattoo is so itchy. It feels like it's on fire. I don't know why but I feel drawn to this person.
I must zone out for a minute because Charlie is now next to dad. I rush over and pull him back slightly. Bernard may be handsome, but he's also still a stranger.
"I'm hungry and thirsty too!" Charlie butts in.
"Yeah dad, all he's had for the past couple hours are cookies I've pocketed from houses." I chime.
"And who might these be?" Bernard asks my dad.
"These are my kids Charlie and (y/n). (y/n) and Charlie meet Beh- beh-." Dad struggles to place the name just given to him moments before.
"Bernard, right?" I ask Bernard.
"Yes." He nods at me and then turns his attention towards Charlie, "Hiya sport"
"He called me sport just like you two do dad!" Charlie says excitedly.
"Wonderful" dad spits.
"Hey, you know what. I got somethin' for you. Okay, now hold out your hand, all right? Now, be very careful. This is very old, just like me." Bernard reaches into his satchel and retrieves a snow globe.
"Shake it Charlie,"I encourage him with a nod.
" Uh, Larry, take Charlie here and get him some chow." Bernard beckons a kid over.
"No, Larry, don't do that. Charlie!" Dad sputters.
"He will be ok dad. He's not dumb." I try to reassure dad.
"Exactly! You'll want to get out of those clothes as soon as possible. You two look drenched." Bernard gives a look over and shakes his head.
"Barnaby, I just wanna go home. Look, I am not Santa Claus!" Dad stammers.
"Did you or did you not read the card?" Bernard says through gritted teeth.
"Yeah why?" Dad snaps.
"In putting on the hat and jacket you accepted the contract" Bernard motions to our attire.
"The Santa Clause: "ln putting on this suit and entering the sleigh the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Clause and the Christmas spirit in perpetuity until such time that wearer becomes unable to do so by either accident or design." Bernard reads off the card.
"Christmas spirit, what's that?" I ask him.
"The very essence of Christmas. You're responsible for all the holiday cheer." He explains to me. "Now the list will be shipped to your house. Mark each name with a P or a C."
"P for present and c for coal." I explain.
"What list?" Dad asks, confused.
"THE LIST! You know," Bernard points. "He's making a list" Bernard starts low.
"Checking it twice!" Charlie chimes in.
Bernard's hands meet his face in somewhat embarrassment.
The rest of the elves join in with "Gonna find out who's naughty and nice!"
"Now you and your kid gotta get your affairs in order. You're due back here on thanksgiving! That should leave you enough time for me to train them." Bernard says deliberately to dad.
"When do we get out of here?" I chime in.
Bernard turns his attention to me, "You leave tomorrow morning."
"What if I don't want to do this?" Dad asks angrily.
"Don't even kid about something like that!" Bernard glares at him.
"Why not?" Dad challenges.
Bernard's face falls, "Then there would be millions of disappointed children around the world. You see, children hold the spirit of Christmas within their hearts. And seeing as your kid now is the spirit of Christmas, you wouldn't want to be responsible for killing the spirit of Christmas and your kid, now, would you Santa."
What now?! I'll die if dad doesn't get with the picture. My jaw drops slightly and my eyebrows furrow. This has got to be some nightmare.
"Judy will take you to your room. Get out of the suit. It needs to be cleaned. I'll take (y/n) to their room." Bernard motions for me to follow and I do.
Dad's mouth falls open but he quickly shuts it.
This has got to be the worst night of my life thus far.
The spirit of Christmas?! (chapter 4)

The hallways seem to twist and turn in random directions but Bernard seems to know how to navigate it like the back of his hand. He looks back to make sure I'm still following every once in a while. I'm practically tearing off my skin at this point. My tattoo is hot to the touch and I can feel it through my sleeve. Bernard rubs his wrist every now and then, looking to me with furrowed brows. It seems like an eternity following him when we finally are met with a door. It's rounded with light blue paint on it. Strings of pine decorate it with painted on snowflakes speckled onto the varnish. Bernard reaches into his impossibly large bag and fishes out a key, it's handle matching the doors design. Turning the key and pushing on the door it gives a large creak, almost like it hadn't been used in decades.
"Well this is it." Bernard says, fully turning to me. "Welcome home (y/n)!"
"Your home maybe! Not mine!" I joke.
"Well, your home too now. At least it will be after the next eleven months." Bernard says sternly.
He motions into the room and I enter. The entire room is ice blue, except the few red and green accents. The biggest bed I've ever seen sits on the back wall. It may look like winter in here but I feel like I'm being boiled alive. Bernard follows in behind me.
"No offense, but this is bullshit!" I growl out at him.
He looks slightly taken aback but replies with "well I'm sorry you feel that way"
"Look, I stopped believing in Santa a long time ago. This has got to be some demented nightmare my mind has conjured up. One moment a guys falling off our roof and I'm putting on an old trapper hat I found the next I'm here and your spewing nonsense about me being the spirit of Christmas!" I say sitting onto the bed.
"Well, whether you believe it or not, you are now Christmas spirit." He says standing in front of me.
I take off the blasted hat that began this all and set it beside me. I begin to roll up my sleeves when I hear Bernard let out a soft gasp.
"Umm, what's your last name again?" Bernard stutters out.
"Calvin, why?" I blink in confusion.
I go to itch my arm and Bernard seizes my wrist.
"Ah! Fuck that hurt! What the hell is wrong with you dude! You're being really weird!" I yank my arm away, gently rubbing my wrist where he grabbed it.
"Language! But uh, I don't know how to say this," Bernard starts.
"Say what? That I've finally lost my marbles and need a mental evaluation?" I spit.
"We're soulmates," he breathes, calmly grabbing his sleeve and pulling upward.
Lo and behold there in the same handwriting reads the words (Y/N) CALVIN.
"What's a soulmate?" I hear a quiet voice ask from the doorway.
We both whip our heads around to find Charlie standing a few steps in the doorway.
I rush to him, sweeping him into a protective embrace.
"It's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's who you're destined to spend eternity with." Bernard tries to explain without fumbling over words.
"Well, sissy (y/n) hates Christmas, so I don't think she's your soulmate" Charlie says and then waddles over to the bed.
"Well, they'll learn to love it because they are now the spirit of Christmas, sport!" Bernard shakes his head, curls bouncing in every direction.
"Yeah, not gonna happen dude." I raise my eyebrows and lift Charlie onto the giant bed.
"Well it's got to happen or you and I both die. So..." Bernard trails off.
"How about I get is some hot coco and we talk about this?" Bernard tries persuading me.
"Ok I guess, but don't think that this will change anything!" I call after him as he leaves.
"He's nice." Charlie smiles at me.
"Yeah he is, but I think we will be talking about adult business, so... scram" I shoo him out of the room.
I flop on the bed and close my eyes, hoping once I open them I'll be back home in my bed.
"This can't be real!" I tell myself.
"It's 'bout as real as it gets." A voice cuts through my thoughts.
I open my eyes to see Bernard approaching with a mug in each hand. He hands me one and I cautiously take a sip. It's the best thing I've ever tasted. I set the mug onto a nearby coaster to cool off.
"So... what's the nonsense about soulmates?" I ask him.
"Every elf has a soulmate. It just makes things easier here. But never in my two thousand years of living would I have guessed that mine would be a human. Let along the child of Santa and the spirit of Christmas. I didn't know it was even possible." Bernard explains.
"This is crazy! I feel like I'm loosening it. First soulmates, Santa, Christmas spirits, This has got to be the weirdest experience ever!" I rant.
"Well you're stuck with the pole now." Bernard pats my back and I feel warmth radiating from my tattoo.
"Yeah, fat chance this is even real. When I wake up I'll be back in my bed." I retort.
"Well, yeah. You have to get ready to move here. Can't just yank you from your home you know." Bernard sasses.
"What's this b.s. about Christmas spirit now?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"I'll have to train you. I'll stop by whenever I can and teach you how to use your magic." Bernard illustrates.
"This is crazy. I have a job! I can't just wait around for an imaginary soulmate to show up and teach me magic! I have to support my dad!" I clamor while jumping up.
"I can see that this is getting us nowhere. It's fine you're in denial right now but here. Take this." Bernard fishes around in his satchel and pulls out a locket.
"Rub this whenever you need to see me and I'll be there. No matter the time." Bernard clasps it around my neck.
"If I'm your soulmate, wouldn't you want me here now?" I ask lifting a brow.
"I've waited over two thousand years for you, what's one more?" Bernard smiles a sad smile.
I rush forward without thinking, my arms wrapping around Bernard's neck and causing him to wobble.
"I'm sorry. If you were real I'd gladly stay here with you!" I cry.
My eyes water and he hugs me like I might slip away at any moment.
"Well, I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me around." Bernard smiles.
"You better get to sleep though. I'll always be with you, right here." He pats my chest and makes his way to the door.
"Goodnight Bernard!" I call to him.
"Goodnight snowflake!" He calls back, closing the door behind him.
I reach for the folded pajamas Bernard left. I unfold them to see that they are embroidered with my initials. I change into them and pull the covers back. This has to be the softest pajamas I've ever felt. I nearly melt into the soft sheets. My tattoo no longer burns. I hope I have this dream every night!
A dream? (Chapter 5)

I wake up to the sound of soft snoring beside me. I wipe the crust from my eyes and turn to see Charlie curled up beside me. I gently toss the blanket off me and swing my legs of the bed. I reach for my glasses and place them onto my face. I look down and softly gasp. These are not my pajamas! At least not the ones I went to bed in last night. Suddenly I remember last night. I hope with all my might it was just a dream, but as I reach to check for the necklace, I am faced with the reality. My dad is Santa, I'm soulmates with an elf, and I'm now the face of Christmas spirit everywhere. Turning back to Charlie's sleeping form I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I rush to change before Charlie wakes. I can only pray dad doesn't get me killed.
"Sissy (y/n)!" Charlie practically catapults himself from my bed.
He attaches himself to my leg and tugs on the hem of my shirt. I notice just now that his pjs match mine I was wearing.
"Let's go wake up dad, then we can see what you got for Christmas!" I smile at him and he races off.
Moments later my dad is in the hallway, bed head and all.
Charlie grabs dad and my hand and practically drags us down the stairs to the tree.
Dad breaks off to start the coffee pot and pop some frozen waffles in the toaster. Charlie opens the presents at a rapid rate.
"(Y/n)! There's a gift for you under here!" Charlie calls to me from the tree.
"What? A gift for me?" I scrunch my face and drag my feet to the tree.
There is a present under there! Plaid wrapping paper encase a medium sized box, tied with a red bow. My eyes search for the name tag, finding it in the right hand corner. The from spot is signed with the name Bernard. I gentle undo the ribbon and tear the paper off. I open the box to see -my onesie? And a bag? I unfold the onesie to see that it has been patched where it got torn when we went down those chimneys. Also my name is now embroidered onto the right breast. I pick up the bag and look inside. A note is stuck to the inside pocket of it. It reads "(y/n), I know you probably don't think last night was real. So I thought I would give you something that will help you understand the magic of Christmas. This bag will have whatever you need whenever you need it. I'll be checking in with you soon! -Bernard, Head elf at the North Pole."
"What did you get (y/n)?!" Charlie bounces on his knees next to me.
"Nothing buddy, uh, just my onesie is patched up now." I hurriedly blurt out, hoping he'll buy it. And he does.
"Aww! Maybe Bernard can get you something better next year!" Charlie suggests.
I whip my head around to him and grab his forearm "Where do you know that name from?"
"The North Pole, remember?! Dads the new Santa and you're the spirit of Christmas!" Charlie's now wide eyed.
Suddenly I hear a knock on the front door. Dad walks over and opens it and Laura is standing there. Charlie rushes over and hugs her.
"Did you have a good time with your father?" Laura asks, her voice sickeningly sweet.
"Great time! The best!" Charlie hops up and down.
"Oh, ho, Scott. Nice P.J.s. Very festive. Where'd you get them?" Laura sarcastically smiles.
"Judy gave them to him mom!" Charlie beams.
"Judy? Really?" Laura squints.
"Up at the North Pole!" Charlie grins.
"Ah, one of Santa's helpers!" Laura nods.
" Last night, we went with the flying reindeer. It was really neat, Mom. Dad was Santa, and Larry showed me the workshop. And (y/n) is now the spirit of Christmas. They found their soulmate Bernard at the pole. He's an elf with curly hair and a green hat!" Charlie spews out.
"Gee, thanks for keeping his feet on the ground." Laura grits out.
"You bet." Dad sighs.
"Honey, you go wait in the car for a minute, okay? I'll be right there." Laura tells Charlie.
"Bye! Thanks for a great night at the North Pole!" Charlie says as he trots away.
"What have you and your crazy kid been telling him?!" Laura asks pointedly.
"First off, they aren't crazy! Secondly, I had this really strange dream, I must have told him about it." Dad defends us.
I then rush out the door to the car that's waiting outside.
"How'd I get the necklace?" I ask Charlie.
"I told you, Bernard gave it to you! At the North Pole!" Charlie shakes his hands at me.
"The North Pole?" Neil questions.
"Yeah, dad is the new Santa! The regular Santa fell off the roof, and Dad put on the suit. Then (y/n) put on the hat! They're the new spirit of Christmas!" Charlie practically yells at Neil.
"Charlie, (y/n) hates Christmas. How could they be the spirit of Christmas?" Neil levels with Charlie.
"Bernard said that if they don't, both of them will die!" Charlie cries out.
"We will talk about this at home Charlie." Laura glares holes into me.
They drive off with Charlie sputtering about the pole. We make our way back inside. When inside I slide my shoes and coat off.
"It's just a dream. Stuff like that doesn't happen." Dad says, reassuring himself more than me.
"I don't know dad..." I start as he cuts me off.
"Come on (y/n)! Not you too now!" Dad says exasperated.
"You have to admit it's an awful coincidence we had the same dream. And then woke up in different clothes than we went to bed in." I follow him into the kitchen.
"That's what it was! Just a coincidence!" Dad pours himself a cup of coffee, nearly spilling it everywhere with his shaking.
"What about the tattoo!?" I snatch the mug from his hand. "I've gone my entire life with a name on my wrist and no one can ever explain it! What if this is it?!"
"I don't know! But this isn't normal!" He takes the coffee back and downs it in a gulp.
"Nothing's been normal since mom died! I'm not happy about leaving everything either, but it's what she would have wanted!" Tears cloud my vision.
Dad pulls me into a tight embrace.
He rubs circles into my back and I sob harder.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, let's just take things slow. Even if it did happen. I can't just quit my job!" He hugs me even tighter, if that's even possible.
"Ok dad, I'm going back to bed." I trudge back upstairs.
Falling onto my bed I think to myself. What has dad gotten us into now?
This is crazy (chapter 6)

It's been over a week. A lot has happened already. First Charlie took dad to career day at school and blabbed that dads Santa and I'm the spirit of Christmas. Now he's under evaluation and Laura is threatening dad to take away custody. Currently I'm in the kitchen of my bakery rolling out sugar cookie dough.
The sound of music fills the bakery. The song Quiet, Heavy dreams by Zach Bryan bounces off the walls. I sing along to the lyrics
"How's a man get so homesick for a face he's never seen?"
"Yah know, I always thought that. Now I've met you I don't think I'll be able to stay away." A familiar voice snaps me out of my tranquility.
Turning around, I raise my rolling pin, ready to beat senseless whoever broke into my locked bakery.
I am met with a pair of coffee colored eyes. They shimmer with fondness I've seen only once before. It's Bernard!
"What the fuck dude! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I berate him, setting the rolling pin onto the counter and pause the speaker.
"First off, language. If you're gonna be the face of Christmas spirit you're gonna have to change that. Also I told you I'd be seeing you soon (y/n)." Bernard grimaces.
"This is crazy! That was just some silly dream!" I say as I pace the floor.
His grin drops, if only momentarily. It makes me feel bad. I've only spent a couple hours with this guy before and I'm already getting attached. This is such main character bullshit.
"I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm here to help train you to be the Christmas spirit." Bernard states, hands buried in his pockets.
"How'd you even get in? The doors are all locked and all of our windows are stationary." I query.
"Elf magic." Bernard says peering over my shoulder.
"Well I can't 'train', or whatever right now. I have so many orders that need filled. I'm up to my ears in cookie dough. So unless you're here to help frost over 12 dozen snowflake cookies, then you need to vamoose." I go to wash my hands and continue to roll out the cookie dough.
"I don't think you get this is a big deal (y/n). Even if you're my soulmate I can't let you slack in responsibilities." Bernard walks next to me.
"I can't do this 'responsibilities' bull crap right now. I already have way to much on my plate. I have to make these cookies, pick up Charlie from school, and have dinner in the table by the time dad gets home. I cannot be talking to myself in the back room of my shop. I'm already going crazy talking to animals, not this too!" I rant to Bernard.
"Wait. Did you say talking to animals? When did this start?" Bernard grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him.
"The night that guy fell off our roof. The reindeer talked to me." I say setting down my rolling pin.
"You probably think I'm crazy, then again you're not even real, right!" I nervously chuckle.
"I'm real. Just as real as you are." Bernard states into my eyes
"So if you're real, then why don't you have a last name?" I cross my arms.
"Elves don't. It makes things easier when looking for your soulmate. Normally they are other elves. I've looked into it. You're the first ever human in elven history to have a soulmate." Bernard gets even closer to me.
I start putting the cookie dough back. I can't do this right now. I'll just do it tomorrow. If I get in early enough I'll be ok.
"So what exactly does this mean for me, for us I mean?" I untie my apron and fold it. I set it on the counter and wash my hands of any flour.
"You've got to move to the pole in approximately 10 months and 11 days. From there you will live out the rest of eternity spreading Christmas joy." Bernard explains.
"Christmas joy! That's bullshit." I spit.
" I read a bit about you. I'm sorry that such an experience has ruined so many precious moments for you." Bernard says softly.
"How do you know about my mom?" I ask, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes.
"As your soulmate, I'm required to know. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's not fair for any child of any age to lose a parent." Bernard pulls me into a hug.
He's warm, but not too warm. My arms go around his neck and his to the small of my back. If I'm crazy, I like crazy. I like him. He's been nothing but kind to me and now I feel like a jerk.
"I'm such a jerk! I'm so sorry!" I sob.
"It's ok. It's ok. I know you're under a lot of stress." He breaths softly.
I pull back and I'm sure my face is red and tear stained, but he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful person in the galaxy. So much love radiates off of him.
My eyes dart back and forth from his eyes to his lips. I start to subconsciously lean forward. His hand moves from my back to cup my cheek. His thumb brushes my cheek softly. I lean in just enough that our noses brush. I can feel his breath, uneven and heavy. My lips close in on his. His lips catch mine in a soft, yet passionate kiss. I swear I can feel sparks. He tastes of chocolate and a hint of peppermint. Suddenly he separates himself and presses his forehead onto mine. I take his hand into mine and squeeze lightly.
I pull away. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry!"
"It's ok. I'm your soulmate. It's natural to feel a pull to me. I sure feel a pull to you. If I didn't I wouldn't have kissed you back." Bernard pulls me into a embrace.
We are interrupted by the alarm on my phone going off. I grab it and curse.
"Fuck, I gotta pick up Charlie. Dad is supposed to be working late tonight and it's his weekend. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to go." I grab my car keys and turn back to him.
"It's ok. I know you've got a lot to do. I'll be visiting soon again. We got to get you trained. Your dad will fall into it, but you have to know what to do." He smiles and I swear the room brightens.
"I'll see you then!" I start out the door.
"By the way -" I start, turning around. Only to see just a poof of glitter in the air and Bernard nowhere to be seen. I scoff and lock the door behind me.
The list and wrapping duty
(Chapter 7 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)

It's been a week since Bernard showed up in the bakery. Dad is officially on thin ice. He showed up at Charlie's soccer game and apparently all the children lined up to sit on his lap. And he let them! I'm driving home from work and as I pull up the delivery man pulls up as well. I get out and go up to the truck.
"S.c?" The delivery man asks.
"My dad. I'll sign for it though." I say, initialing the papers.
"All right, I'll get your packages." The guy says, unloading multiple large boxes.
"Packages?" I ask, scrunching my nose slightly.
"Yes, there's many of them here." The man says.
I quickly go unlock the front door, propping it open so he can set them inside.
After over ten minutes the man finally hands the last package directly to me. I shut the door with my hip and set down the package onto the kitchen table. I get a knife and cut the package open. Inside is a list long enough to wrap around the house.
"What's this?" I mumble.
"The list." I hear a voice behind me call out.
Turning around I see Bernard standing there with several rolls of wrapping paper and a roll of ribbon. He sets them down, leaning them against the wall.
" I can see that. Why's it here?" I gesture to the multiple boxes scattered through the walkway.
"Your dad has to check them. Remember, p for present and c for coal." Bernard nods.
"What's that for?" I ask, pointing to the wrapping paper.
"Training. Remember when I said your part is harder than your dads. Today we will be tackling wrapping." He picks up the now empty box that carried one part of 'the list'.
" Ok, I guess. But let's move to my room. I don't want my dad having a heart attack when he gets home. I don't think he'll believe you're real even if he sees you." I say taking the paper and ushering Bernard up the stairs.
I open my bedroom door and pull Bernard in, shutting and locking it behind me.
"Dad's got no sense of privacy so I'm gonna have to keep the door locked. Otherwise he'd come in and see, well, you, I guess." I explain.
"Has the santafacation process begun yet? It usually only takes three three months to be complete." Bernard asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Santafacation? You mean my dad growing a beard that can't be shaved off, his hair turning white, and him gaining 150 pounds? If so than yes." I turn back to him.
"Oh good. I was afraid that the unwillingness would effect it." Bernard sighs.
"So wrapping and ribbon tying?" I ask.
"Yes, two very important parts of Christmas. We will practice until you get it just right." He pulls out tape and scissors and sets them next to the paper.
This is gonna be a long time.
It's been over three hours wrapping. I finally got it just right. I've been fumbling over the ribbon tying though. I can't seem to get it right.
"Christmas Eve I believe it was 1955, Dubuque Iowa. Santa's making his way down a very dusty chimney when, CRASH- BOOM-ZING! A bow catches a rusty nail and rips off. Santa loses his footing and plummets all the way down through the chimney mr gets wedged between brick and cement and can't move. Now we don't want that to happen again do we?" Bernard monologues.
"That might be a little funny seeing my dad fall. But seeing as falling 20 feet instantly kills Santa's, maybe that's a bad idea." I look up at him.
"Is this one good enough yet?" I ask him handing the box to him.
"Exemplary, actually! I knew you could do it (y/n)!" He praises.
My cheeks heat up slightly. Somehow his praise makes me act different than others.
"Now, next time I see you we will work on placing the presents under the tree." Bernard stands.
"We don't have a tree. Mom used to buy us a real one each year, but after she passed we never bought one again." I get up off my knees.
"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." He shakes his head.
"Can you stay? Dad won't be home for a couple hours!" I ask him.
"Well, I don't feel great leaving Curtis in charge for too long." He rubs his arm.
"Please??? Just a little bit longer surly won't hurt!" I practically beg.
He sighs. "I guess half an hour more won't hurt."
I jump up, wrapping him in a tight hug. We nearly fall onto my bed with the amount of force I put into the hug.
" I like you, ya know?" I whisper to him.
"I kinda got that when you kissed me." He whispers back.
I snort and place a kiss on his cheek. Suddenly my ears start to feel like they are on fire.
"Ow!" I say, hand going up to rub my ear.
"What's wrong?" Bernard's face shows concern.
"My ears have been killing me lately. I don't know why though." I sit on my bed, legs crossed.
"I didn't think it'd happen this quickly. I guess I should have warned you." He grimaces, sitting down next to me.
"Warned me what?!" I ask, face full of worry.
"Well, uh, you're ears are changing." He takes my hands into his.
"Changing?" I ask, baffled.
"You know how your dad's changing. You're changing too. Just not as much. You've already got the power to talk to animals, but now your ears are going to become pointed. Your ears are going to hurt until they have fully transformed." Bernard discloses.
"Ugh," I groan. "how long will that take?"
"Actually I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore." Bernard bites his thumb.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"You might want to look in the mirror." Bernard says, like the fox caught in the henhouse.
I rush to my bathroom. Looking in the mirror I can see that my ears are now pointed. How am I gonna be able to walk around like this. Good thing that hat has ear flaps.
I walk out of the bathroom, cheeks red from partial embarrassment. Bernard's got the same look in his eyes when we kissed last.
"I love you." He blurts out, hand quickly covering is mouth and eyes going wide.
"I think I love you too Bernard." I swallow.
I walk over to him, pulling him onto the bed with me. His eyes dart from mine to my lips. I reach up and brush the hair from his face. Even sitting down, he's taller than me. He kisses me, one hand on my back and the other entwined writhing my own hand. This is different from before. More passionate. Our lips clash against each other. Suddenly a knock at my door pulls us away from each other.
"Honey! I'm back from work! I was wondering if you wanted to order pizza for dinner tonight!" My dads voice snaps is out of it.
"We'll talk later. I'm sorry we got interrupted." I whisper into his neck.
"It's fine. We will have plenty of time in ten months or so." He whispers back, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
I get up and walk to the door. I turn around and see Bernard gone.
"Yeah! Pizza sounds awesome! Can we get a veggie lovers one this time though?" I ask, unlocking the door.
I swing the door open and see my dad standing there. It seems like he's gotten bigger if possible. His eyes go to my ears and I subconsciously go to cover them.
"What the hell is this (y/n)? What's up with your ears?" He says pulling on one of them.
"First off, ow. Secondly, it's part of my transformation. Like you gained weight and grew a beard. I grew pointed ears." I explain.
"This is crazy! That was just a dream!" He says, trying to convince himself more than me.
"It wasn't a dream dad!" I argue with him.
"How do you know that?" He asks.
"Because my soulmate has been visiting me when your at work! That's how!" I burst at him without thinking.
"What? Soulmate?!" Dad stands confused.
"Yes! Bernard ended up being my soulmate. That's why I was born with a tattoo! Because it's not a tattoo, but a way of knowing who your soulmate is!" I seeth.
"Why that's wonderful!" Dad squeezes me.
"Too tight dad!" I choke out.
" I guess I knew that that night was real, but logic stopped me from realizing it." He let's me go.
"I love you dad." I hug him.
"I love you too honey." He hugs me back.
The library
(Chapter 8 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)

It's been a couple of months and Bernard hasn't shown yet. I have a book reading with the kids from Charlies class after school at the library. I'm currently looking for my glasses.
"Check the bag." I hear the voice I've come to love from behind me.
I do and I find my glasses there.
"I don't remember putting them there?" I tell Bernard.
"Because you didn't. Remember, whenever you need something, the bag will have it." He unfolds the note from all those months ago.
"I missed you." I tell him.
"You should have summoned me." Bernard retorts.
"I didn't want to bother you." I say, grabbing my house keys.
"You could never bother me (y/n)." He says earnestly.
"I'm happy your here and all, but I'm gonna be late to read at the library." I hurriedly grab my hat and coat.
"I'll come with you!" Bernard calls after me.
"That's great and all, but what about your ears. You'll have to cover them, unless you want a million questions from first graders." I retort walking outside.
"I'll cover them with my hair. Don't worry!" He beams at me.
"Ok then. It's only a five minute walk to the library." I say, waiting for him to catch up.
"So how have things been at the pole?" I ask him.
"Oh you know, working hard! There only a little over 100 days until Christmas Eve. The sleigh is getting seatbelts so you can't fall out if you're a passenger." Bernard walks beside me.
"Oh that's good. Last time I felt like Charlie was gonna fall right over the edge." I nod.
"I'm sorry for not coming sooner." He apologizes.
"Not your fault. You're head elf, I know you've got loads of responsibilities." I assert.
I feel like I should be colder, but I'm not. It must be part of my powers. Normally I would be shivering after all this rain. I'm wearing the trapper hat from that night. It covers my ears perfectly and since it's windy it's a perfect cover up. After a little while we reach the library.
"So what book are you reading them?" Bernard asks.
I reach into my bag and think of the book I need.
"This one." I say, pulling out a copy of Peter rabbit.
"I made puppets and everything!" I show him the finger puppets.
"Did Charlie request all this?" Bernard asks, an eyebrow raised.
"Ok maybe not the puppets, but he loves puppets!" I retort.
"It's his favorite story after all! He was just like Peter when he was younger." I smile fondly.
"Just to let you know, Laura is going to be here, so if she says anything snarky, ignore it." I warn Bernard.
"Ok..." he says hesitantly.
We step into the doors and walk to the elevator. I press the number for floor three and smile at Bernard. The elevator opens and I walk to the service desk.
"Hi! I'm here for the seven o'clock reading." I smile at the woman behind the desk.
"Oh! You must be (y/n) Calvin! It's so nice to see people have in interest in teaching the youth of Chicago!" She smiles brightly.
"It's always a pleasure ma'am." I smile and nod at her.
I walk to the reading corner and sit down in the chair. Bernard sits next to me. I pull out the puppets and the book and set them on the table nearby. Suddenly I hear a voice and shoes hitting carpet.
"Sissy (y/n)! You made it!!!" Charlie runs over to us.
"Bernard! You're here too?! This is the best!" Charlie practically vibrates from excitement.
I sweep him into a tight embrace.
"You didn't doubt it, did you?" I ask jokingly.
"I didn't! But mom did!" Charlie says pointing to Laura, far away talking to another parent.
"Well sport, (y/n) would do anything for you." Bernard smiles at me and then Charlie.
"Ok kiddo, why don't you find a seat so we can get this show on the road." I ruffle his hair.
"Ok!" He fixes his hair and trots off sitting in the front row of seats.
"Hello (y/n). I wasn't sure you'd make it." Laura snarks.
I plaster a fake smile to my face. "Well, I did!"
"And who's this with you?" She asks pointedly.
"This is my boyfriend, Bernard." I smile at him.
He takes my hand in his and strokes his thumb over the back of my hand.
"Hello ma'am, I'm Bernard." He says standing up, he holds his hand out for her to take.
"Oh..." she says almost disgusted.
Soon the children gather and sit down. The parents moving to the back of the room.
I sit back down in our chairs.
"Hello everybody!" I project.
"Hello Mx. (y/n)!" Over thirty little voices echo back at me.
"Today joining us is my special friend! Everyone say hi Mr. Bernard!" I motion to Bernard.
"Hi Mr. Bernard!" They echo back.
"Alright! Today we are reading the tale of Peter rabbit! Have any of us read this before?" I ask the room.
Charlies hand bolts up. The children giggle.
"Yes Charlie, I know you have." I smile at him.
"Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree" I start the story, Bernard holding the book and I puppeteering the puppets.
(Time skip brought to you by Beatrix potter)
"I am sorry to say that Peter was not very well during the evening.
His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea; and she gave a dose of it to Peter!
'One table-spoonful to be taken at bed-time.' But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper." I finish the story as Bernard closes the book.
"Did everyone like that story?!" I nod my head at the children.
Soon came the chorus of yeses.
"Remember to tell Mrs. Agnes what you want to be read next week. I'll see you all soon!" I wave goodbye as the parents pick up their children.
Charlie comes back to the front as I'm packing up. Laura comes quickly behind him.
"Hey sweetie, you ready to see dad?" I ask him.
He nods his head and says "Yes (y/n).
Laura hands me Charlie's overnight bag and I sling it onto my shoulder. She says goodbye to Charlie and leaves.
We all enter the elevator and ride down. We walk through the lobby out the front doors.
"Bernard, why aren't you in the North Pole?" Charlie asks.
"Well, I've been coaching (y/n) how to be the spirit of Christmas." Bernard responds.
"Is it also 'cause you're their soulmate?" Charlie asks.
"Well... maybe just a bit." Bernard bites his lip.
"I knew it!" Charlie jumps up and down.
After a little walking we are back at the house. Dads car is not here yet so Bernard can stay a bit. I open up the door and step inside.
Taking off my hat I hear a soft gasp from Charlie.
"You've got pointy ears! That's so cool!" Charlie makes quite a commotion.
"Yes, but you can't tell your mom." I hold my pinky out.
"Ok I won't!" He says joining his pinky with mine.
"Now let's have some grub. I'm sure you and Bernard are famished by now." I say picking up Charlie and carrying him to the kitchen.
"Can we have grilled cheese?" Charlie pleads with puppy eyes.
"Of course hun." I confirm.
I prepare 5 sandwiches. Two for Bernard, two for me and one for Charlie. I cut Charlie's into four triangles. I pour him some chocolate milk and get some water for Bernard and me.
"Ya know, in the pole we don't have food like this." Bernard says in between bites.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"We usually eat sugary foods. But I'm most partial to savory foods, if I do says so myself." Bernard states.
"Well I guess I'll have to send some home with you." I giggle.
After we eat Charlie is ready for bed.
Taking Charlie upstairs, he tells us about his day at school. Getting to his room I pull out pajamas for him and help him change. Charlie lies down and I tuck him in, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
Charlie beckons over Bernard and starts whispering. He then giggles and rolls over in bed.
We walk out of his room into mine.
"Can you stay?" I ask.
"For you I'd stay forever." He kisses the top of my head.
I go to the bathroom to change and hand Bernard some spare pajamas.
I lay down and wait for Bernard to join me. Hoping he won't just poof away again. He doesn't and he gets under the covers with me.
"I love you Bernard." I whisper to him.
He wraps his arms around me and says "I love you too (y/n). I love you too."
My arms go around his waist and my head to his chest.
He smells like home.
Comfort and a visit to Charlie’s
(Chapter 10 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)

As soon as we get home dad heads to his room and refuses to come out. The door is locked to talking through it is about all I can do. How Laura can be such a cruel person is a loss to me. He barely does anything for over a week. After work I trudge to my room, change into pajamas and crawl under the covers. I just can't do it anymore. I rub my locket because it makes me think of Bernard. He'd make everything better. I just know it.
"Snowbird what's wrong?" I hear Bernard's voice come from outside my covers.
"She did it." I say, fighting back tears.
"Who did what?" He sits beside me.
"Laura took away dads visitation rights. He's not supposed to even be near him now!" I sob.
He pulls back the blanket and pulls me into his arms.
"I'm sorry snowbird." He pats me on the back. "I've got to get back to the pole for now but I'll see you later, ok?"
I nod and hug him tight. After he poofs away a knock comes from my door.
"Do you want to take a walk with me? Maybe see the Christmas lights at the town square?" Dad asks opening my door.
"Yeah, that sounds fun." I wipe my eyes with my sleeve.
We leave the house and start walking. Soon we are at a familiar house.
"Dad! You know we aren't supposed to be here!" I gasp.
"I just want to see him." Dad sighs, knocking on the door.
Neil opens the door and looks confused between us both.
"Hey Neil." Dad stuffs his hands into his pockets.
"Scott, you're not supposed to be here. And neither are they." Neil points to me.
"Don't make me beat you up Neil." Dad half heartedly threatens.
"Oh would Santa and Christmas spirit beat up someone?" Neil says, hands on his hips.
Dad moves past him into the house. I shrug and offer a half sincere sorry.
"I'm this close." dad says, fingers nearly touching.
" So you still believe you're Santa?" Neil asks pointedly.
"I don't know." Dad sighs.
Charlie comes running in. "What do you mean you don't know? Of course you are, Dad. How can you say that? Think of all those kids!"
"The only kids I'm thinking about are you and your sibling." Dad tussles his hair.
"We're fine! You can't let them down!" Charlie stomps.
Laura cuts in "Charlie listen."
" You listen! You think you know who he is. You don't!" Charlie wails.
Laura tries to reason with him " Charlie. Honey, listen. You're confused."
"I know exactly who they are!" Charlie cries out, tears brimming from his eyes.
"They are not Christmas spirit and Santa Claus!" Laura practically screams at him.
"He is too, Santa! We went to the North Pole together. I saw it. The elves are real old even though they look like Bernard called me sport, 'cause he knew everything. Right, Dad? He's (y/n)s soulmate! The necklace they have is from him!" Charlie tosses dad his snow globe.
And like that it seems like everything clicks behind his eyes.
"Thank you Charlie, thank you." He scoops him into a hug.
"Can we have a minute? To say goodbye?" I plead.
Laura scrunches up her face but Neil nods and ushers her off.
"You saw the ball come to life! You saw it!" Charlie says joyously.
"You bet I did," dad starts but Charlie is ready to run to pack a bag.
"Well, wait, sport. Sport. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I think it's a much better idea if you just stayed here with your mom." Dad explains.
"I wanna be with you two though!" Charlie says.
"I love hearing you say that" dad wipes his eyes.
"You mean I can go?!" Charlie asks excited.
"Boy, this bird is dry. Haven't you people heard about basting?" I hear a familiar voice and I see the face of my boyfriend stuffed with turkey.
I hold in a giggle but my smile is bursting at h the seams. He smiles back at me.
"Bernard!" Charlie jumps up.
"Hiya sport!" Bernard nods at him.
"Bernard, can I go? Please, can I go, Bernard?!" Charlie pleads, puppy dog eyes engaged.
"It's ok with me." Bernard shrugs.
He grabs our my hand and dads. I hold Charlie and he poofs us away. In mere seconds we are at the pole. An elf whisks Charlie away to help on the sleigh and our outfits.
Bernard whisks me away while dad bonds with the reindeer.
"How do you always know how to make things better?" I grin.
"Just part of my charm I guess." He presses his forehead to mine.
I move forward and lock our lips. The faint taste of turkey lingers on his breath. I kiss him hard and he kisses back harder. My tongue grazes his l bottom lip and he gladly opens to me. He lets out a light moan and I can't help but to think dirty. My hands find his hair and his hands meet behind my neck. His hair is unbelievably soft. I wonder if the carpet match the drapes. I'm sure he would be beautiful down below, just like the rest of him is. My finger grazes his ear and he damn near buckles out from under him. He pulls me as close as he can, his half hard erection pulsating against the inside of my thigh, and when we might get a little too carried away a knock interrupts us. We quickly untangle ourselves from each other. Our faces hot with lust and embarrassment. His hands shifts his bag to hide his growing hard on.
Dad stands in the doorway. "Was what I think was happening in her, happening?" He points between both of us.
"Well, that depends on what you thought was happening!" I rush.
"So the answer is yes." Dad nods smugly.
"I am an adult you know!" I cross my arms.
"You're still my little kid. But if it had to be anyone I'm glad it's you Bernard." He nods.
"Well thank you sir!" Bernard beams, his hands fidgeting.
"Just don't be doing that around me. I would like to think of my kid as innocent even if they're not," dad starts.
"Guys! Quinton and I have got to show you this!" Charlie burst in.
Bernard smiles at me and I pull him out of the room. He's perfect.
(Chapter 11 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)

"Hello santa!" The elf, I assume is Quentin, greets us.
"Hello Quintin, it's nice to meet ya!" Dad sticks his hand out and Quentin shakes it enthusiastically.
"Santa, this is Quintin, head of research and development." Bernard steps forward.
"Charlie and I have put our heads together, and I think we've got a few surprises for you." Quentin pulls out a clipboard.
I can't help but scratch my ears. The tips of my ears have been so itchy the last few weeks. I was going to ask Bernard about it but I didn't want to worry him. My skin has been steadily getting rosier until I looked like I had blush on all the time. I'll ask him about it when I can.
"Fireplaces will no longer be a problem." Quentin pulls out two new jumpsuits.
"It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant." He smiles.
I look to dad and he looks worried.
"But what if I fall off a roof?" Dad asks.
"It's light, yet durable!" He glosses over dads question.
"So what do we do if we fall off the roof?" I but in.
"You won't." Quentin assured us.
"But the last guy did." Dad insists.
"Comet has a solution." Quintin says vaguely.
"Maybe we should check that out then." I nudge Bernard.
"Yeah, maybe we should." He nods as we slip out the doors.
He grabs hold of my hand and leads me to the stables. I walk to comets stall.
"Hey baby boy, I heard you got something for me?" I scratch his head.
"Yeah I do!" He nudges a rope and a card near me.
"Aren't you sweet worrying about me." I pick up the rope and card.
Opening it it reads from comet to Christmas spirit. A hoof print is inked onto the front. I slip both items into my bag. Hugging his neck, I give him a kiss on the muzzle.
Suddenly my ears hurt so bad. "Ah fuck!" I hold my ears.
"What's wrong?!" Bernard rushes to me.
"I don't know! My ears feel like they're being torn off!" I say as the feeling slows subsides.
I remove my hands and Bernard gasps.
"What?" I ask, worried.
"I forgot to tell you one small detail of being Christmas spirit." He grimaces.
"Your ears!" Comet exclaims.
"What's wrong with my ears?" I ask teaching into my bag and pulling out a mirror.
"Not wrong..." Bernard starts as I gasp.
"Bernard, why the fuck are my ears pointed now?!" I shake him.
"About that... becoming Christmas spirit essentially gives you elf immortality. But with immortality comes the appearance. And the ears are a main part of the appearance." Bernard falters.
"That would have been good to know." I deadpan.
"Hey, that was curtis's job. He's the keeper of the handbook, not me." He defends.
A beeping rings out and signals us it's time to go.
"Well we better get to the sleigh. Charlie's got something to show us in the sleigh." I pull him to the sleigh. Waiting there is dad and Charlie.
"Well, I guess this is where we part for now. Stay safe snowbird." Bernard stares into my eyes.
I grab his sweater and pull him into a kiss. It's short and sweet, but leaves me wanting more. Pulling away, he has a lovesick look on his face. Dad coughs to get my attention.
"I have to go now. I'll see you later tonight." I jog over to the sleigh, Charlie sticking his tongue out in mock disgust.
Clambering into the sleigh, I scoot beside dad. The reindeer are harnessed and dad handed the reins.
"You guys ready?!" Comet asks.
"Ready comet!" I call to him.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to the animal thing," I hear dad say.
"You thought you wouldn't get used to being Santa. I think you'll be okay." I smirk.
The platform rises out onto the snowy tundra. Cracking the reins, we fly into the air. A hole opens up out of the sky and the reindeer fly us into it. Once on the other side I recognize it as Chicago.
Charlie starts to stand up and I push him back down.
"Charlie, stay in your seat sport." I say.
"I gotta show you this." He scoots forward in his seat just enough to reach the control panel of the sleigh.
"Radar-jamming jingle bells, snow screen, DC alert, and air freshener." He points.
"Wow" dad says.
"And most important of all, your hats." He hands us them.
"My hat?" Dad says confused.
"It's lined with a two-way radio. Microphone's in here. It connects you directly to Judy." Charlie points.
"What's this, sport?"I ask pointing to a box on the dash.
"C.D." He says plainly.
"Oh compact disk!" Dad says.
"No. Cookie/cocoa dispenser. The cocoa comes out nice and hot." He pushes a button and three cups of cocoa appears alongside a cookie for each.
"How could we have done this without you, Charlie?" I ask him.
"You couldn't." He smiles.
We land on a rooftop I remember. Sarah lives here, the little girl with the raggedy Ann doll last year! Dad grabs the sack and starts floating up, me floating behind him. We are sucked down the smoke stack and are met with Sarah sleeping on the couch. We start to put her presents under the tree when she stirs.
"You're fatter this year. And you've got sparkly cheeks." She points to us.
"Thank you very much. You've grown too. And you were a very good girl this year, but I want you to go back to sleep, okay?" I hush her.
"I think the milk's a little sour." Dad says with a grossed out face.
"It's soy milk." The girl stares.
"Huh?" Dad quirks.
"You said you were lactose intolerant." She explains.
"I did say that, didn't l? Thanks for remembering." Dad smiles, setting the cup back down.
"Merry Christmas Sarah." I wave.
"Merry Christmas Mx spirit!" She waves back as we are sucked back up.
As we fly the sleigh Charlie points and asks if we can go by his moms house.
"Sure we can, sport." I assure him as we begin our decent.
"I made them something in the workshop." He shuffles.
Slurping down into the living room we begin to place presents under the tree.
Suddenly I'm blinded by a flashlight . Police surround us and dad calls out to them.
"You officers really gave me a start. Merry Christmas, guys." He smiles.
"Not for you fat boy!" They say inching closer.
"Fat boy?" Was the last thing he could make out before he was detained.
"Mx. you need to come with us too. You're an accomplice to kidnapping." They say handcuffing me.
"Kidnapping?! I've got toys to deliver man!" I say while being forced into the squad car.
This is the worst Christmas ever.