Roland Of Enchancia - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Am I the only person who thinks that Roland and Miranda could've Gone about their wedding and telling their kid/s about their new relationship a bit better.

Sofia: has never had a proper father figure because her birth father died when she was young, implied to having been able to take of herself since a young age, didn't know what her own room would look like, slept on her window sill for the first night because she was uncomfortable with a big bed, was surprised with a ball just for her but given no prior preparation (didn't know how to dance) and hadn't even met Roland, Amber, and James until she arrived at the palace, forced to change school's to fit in with her new royal status, isn't allowed to do things she liked to do without being ridiculed

Amber and James: their mother died from childbirth, their father spoiled them because he couldn't spend that much time with them because he's a king, didn't tell them that he was now in a relationship with someone, when they do find out they're probably also told that they were going to be living with two villagers who they must now consider family. It's unlikely that Amber took to these surprises well because of the way she reacted to Sofia, and James seemed more okay with it but I don't think he was entirely comfortable with the fact that he was being given a new mother and sister out of the blue.

Also I understand why they wouldn't tell other people about their relationship because of things like classism and accusing Miranda of being a gold digger. Also being high profile by being a noble/royal or having connections to royalty/nobility would be making it extremely likely to having painted a large "Hey I'm close with this high profile person___, who is extremely wealthy and well connected. Come get me" target on their back, but my point stands that they could've at least told their kids.

Also did Roland even tell his mother or sister or were they just as surprised?

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