rwbyangst12 - RWBYAngst

412 posts

Am I The Only Person Who Thinks That Roland And Miranda Could've Gone About Their Wedding And Telling

Am I the only person who thinks that Roland and Miranda could've Gone about their wedding and telling their kid/s about their new relationship a bit better.

Sofia: has never had a proper father figure because her birth father died when she was young, implied to having been able to take of herself since a young age, didn't know what her own room would look like, slept on her window sill for the first night because she was uncomfortable with a big bed, was surprised with a ball just for her but given no prior preparation (didn't know how to dance) and hadn't even met Roland, Amber, and James until she arrived at the palace, forced to change school's to fit in with her new royal status, isn't allowed to do things she liked to do without being ridiculed

Amber and James: their mother died from childbirth, their father spoiled them because he couldn't spend that much time with them because he's a king, didn't tell them that he was now in a relationship with someone, when they do find out they're probably also told that they were going to be living with two villagers who they must now consider family. It's unlikely that Amber took to these surprises well because of the way she reacted to Sofia, and James seemed more okay with it but I don't think he was entirely comfortable with the fact that he was being given a new mother and sister out of the blue.

Also I understand why they wouldn't tell other people about their relationship because of things like classism and accusing Miranda of being a gold digger. Also being high profile by being a noble/royal or having connections to royalty/nobility would be making it extremely likely to having painted a large "Hey I'm close with this high profile person___, who is extremely wealthy and well connected. Come get me" target on their back, but my point stands that they could've at least told their kids.

Also did Roland even tell his mother or sister or were they just as surprised?

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More Posts from Rwbyangst12

1 year ago

Why did Qrow tell Dudley or Dee? To turn off the gun Turrets when Grimm are attracted to negative emotions i.e the scared or worried passengers in the trains as it runs on set tracks on a mountain side. If anything they should be more worried about a potential avalanche (unless theirs a hard light barrier on the mountain protecting the tracks) the turrets would actually do a better job protecting people then getting up top of said train.

Also why did Ren and Jaune just now figure out that they can hide the passengers after a huntsman gets killed, another breaks his arm and is then assaulted by one of your members for doing his job, and then you realise you could've just stayed on board and have your weapons out just incase. The windows were protected, the train had gun Turrets, they could've Gone to the back of the train just in case to help cover the rear. DON'T GO ONTO THE ROOF OF A HIGH SPEED VEHICLE AS IT'S MOVING WITH GUN TURRETS FIRING AT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES AND YOU BARELY HAVE ENOUGH ROOM TO FIGHT YOURSELF ALSO TRAIN'S HAVE TUNNELS AND YOU ARE ON THE. EDGE. OF. A. MOUNTAIN. STAY INSIDE.

(Trust me I didn't know IGN was hosting RWBY content, it's a surprise to me too.)

RWBY:V6 truly is the volume where Team Kids became an unlikeable bunch of entitled heroes.

Even people as harmlessly amusing as Dee and Dudely need to be threatened with their jobs just for introducing themselves and what they do.

The writers couldn't be bothered to make an actual, unlikeable asshole that accosts the kids. They had to make two brothers who are just Huntsmen himbos that pose no threat. It would've been funny to see Team Kids amuse them and work together with them, but they quickly go into antagonizing them from the jump. Even Qrow - as much as I felt bad for him in this particular volume - was cringe.

Can't forget that one of the brothers gets killed and the team still thinks about antagonizing the living brother just because they want to do everything their way.

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1 year ago

TW: talks about suicide ideation and death

I genuinely could not care less if I was run over a car right now.

Does anyone else get that feeling? Like I want to die but I'm not going to kill myself but if the opportunity to pass away without it being directly my fault and it was circumstance the only thing that would remove me from the position which I am in danger of being killed is that A) my mama, dad, and siblings will be sad B) My aunty who I spend most of my time with will be sad C) the few friends I still have will either never know because they go to a different school now and my other friend's+cousin will meet up next youth night and I'm not sure the dynamic will change.

So curiosity, guilt, and fear of being in pain before dying are the only real things keeping me alive at this point.

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1 year ago

happy to this place is becoming more popular :) can I get um... a white tea, no milk art, in a green tea cup, with a side of crocus, please? oh and make it angsty. thanks!

a missed opportunity 

summary: at first, your feelings for ningguang had been small enough not to notice or act on. however, as she visited your shop more and more, you felt as though these feelings had to be spoken. unfortunately, your confession didn’t go as you had planned and your relationship with her became strained. you thought that would be the last time you would see ningguang... until she shows up at the worst possible time.

masterlist | event


customer’s order: a white tea (ningguang) with no milk art (headcanons) in a green tea cup (*jealousy) with a side of crocus (an almost romance). extra: customer requested it to be angsty

*brewer’s choice, as it was not specified in the order

pairings (seperate): ningguang and (brief) beidou x reader

reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader owns a small shop in liyue, and reader is not the traveler 

word count: 795 words (4 minutes~)

genre: romance, angst, rejection

format: headcanons

warnings: rejection, negative self talk (ningguang to herself), mentions of heart break, ningguang getting jealous, urge to scream, and ningguang being posseive and thinking of trying to win you back

a/n: ahhh you’re so sweet nonnie 💖i’m glad this place is becoming more popular too!! i tried my best to make this as angsty as i could </3 thank you for the request and i hope it was a pleasant read💖

Happy To This Place Is Becoming More Popular :) Can I Get Um... A White Tea, No Milk Art, In A Green

you hadn’t thought much about lady ningguang

of course, you appreciated her sacrifices and admired her struggles to get to her position, but most days she didn’t cross your mind

until she began to visit your quaint shop

she even made small talk with you as she shopped... something you were surprised by the most

oh, and her flirtatious gestures

her scarlet red eyes flittered from the items on display to you with equal curiosity

each of ningguang’s visits to your shop left you a little flustered, but you appreciated the business

until you began to catch feelings for her

because now you caught yourself stumbling over your words whenever you made eye contact, your heart beating faster than it has ever before, and— wait, when did your palms get so sweaty??

finding yourself loathing the feelings more than your fear of rejection, you made the bold decision to ask her out

when you did, a brief look of regret washed over ningguang’s face 

before she twisted into a cool and neutral expression

“i think you’ve got this all wrong. i wasn’t flirting with you, archons above no, i was just... have you heard of the art of the deal?”

she left your shop soon after, leaving you speechless and alone with the remains of your broken heart

you felt so... hollow 

so you closed down the shop for the rest of the day

... and then the next... and the next...

until it had been a full week since you last opened. 

but you eventually managed to stumble out of bed and get on with your life and continuing to run your business

of course, her words seemed to haunt you as you continued on through each day

each time a customer made small talk with you and asked about your life, you became more selective with your words and guarded each aspect about yourself as though it was your deepest secret

until a certain captain stepped into your shop, alongside her entire crew

it was the first time in a while you had smiled and laughed so hard, and captain beidou had easily burrowed a special place into your heart

but just as those feelings had begun to escalate, a familiar someone stepped into your shop

and ningguang was... not too happy to see you and captain beidou talking... 

and how much beidou leaned across the counter practically infuriated ningguang

but she managed to keep her cool

“oh, hello... captain beidou... i wasn’t expecting you to be here. but i see you’ve met my friend... it’s good to see you, by the way. i’m glad to see you’re doing well.”

unbeknownst to you, ningguang has been sulking around for the last few weeks

she’s mostly kept it to herself in private, but she really regrets rejecting you so harshly

especially when she was actually looking so forward to a date with you... only for her inner thoughts to get into her way

they’ll be better without you, she had thought, they don’t want to be in the spotlight all the time. it would be suffocating for them.

because she knows what it’s like, and she doesn’t want to worsen your quality of life somehow

but she really misses her almost daily visits to your shop (which her secretaries all nagged her about before) 

ningguang has been feeling lost without seeing your face

but, she sees you with beidou, the remains of a smile on your lips disappearing quickly

... and she experiences hearbreak

but ningguang instead just smiles at you, trying her best to convey all of her regret through her eyes only

“i’m sorry for bothering you... i was just here, pick up some packages i left behind last time i visited. i really need them.”

soon enough, you hand over her items and bid her farewell after taking her payment

ningguang feels her throat burn as you turn back to beidou

she stood there for a moment, her eyes now burning, as she watched the blush that bloom on beidou’s cheeks at the sudden attention

ningguang can’t take more of it, so she just turns on her heel and walks out

once she steps out of your shop, she feels the remains of her heart spilt into many pieces

but instead of crumbling down into the streets of liyue, she holds her head high and sweeps those broken pieces away

because ningguang would be damned before someone caught her crying over something as trivial as this

you weren’t even hers and yet seeing beidou being so casual with you... argh, she wanted to scream her fury out

but ningguang just walked the streets calmly, a plan formulating in her head to try and win you back before it’s too late


thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖

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