Roots - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago



HEET! Dat wordt het 31 mei. Geen weersvoorspelling, maar hoge temperaturen in onze zaal. In samenwerking met Échte Liefde presenteren we Hall of Flame. DJ Sueside, Rowsu, Térence en Jaci Wodo zullen een mix van dancehall, reggae en amapiano brengen.

Van eigen grond hebben we Térence! Als getalenteerd model, acteur en danser is Terence Munzemba een geweldig multidisciplinair artiest. Als ‘Térence’ creëert hij een magische melodie, waar hiphop, afro en R&B in harmonie zijn, gecombineerd met house/elektronische beats.

DJ Sueside is al talloze jaren in de game. In 1983 kocht hij zijn eerste plaat. Nu meer dan 38 jaar later is DJ SUESIDE de Europese Hiphop/R&B DJ met de meeste internationale optredens achter zijn naam. Hij deed in meer dan 40 verschillende landen 4 wereldtours en brengt 31 mei zijn hitte naar de Hall of Flame.

DJ Rowsu, wonend in Amsterdam, is al bijna 9 jaar actief in de scène. Ze heeft niet de eerste de beste leermeester gevonden, want ze komt uit de koker van DJ Sueside. Haar carrière begon met het draaien van vinyl als resident van Le Scratch, waaruit ze is doorgegroeid en een eigen uniek geluid heeft ontwikkeld. Door gebruik van viool onderscheidt ze zich van andere en met vele gigs er al op zitten wordt het ongetwijfeld heet in de Hall of Fame.

Straight uit Tilburg hebben we Jaci Wodo! Hij is nog maar 18 jaar, maar laat ’t je niet afleiden, want hij draait als een routinier. Afkomstig uit een muzikale familie, heeft Jaci Wodo zijn passie voor muziek van kinds af aan omarmd en heeft hij zijn eigen geluid binnen de genres Afro, R&B, Hiphop en Amapiano gevormd.


Fire-starter tickets: €15,-


DEUREN: 22:00


EIND: 04:00

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2 years ago

So this is the main antagonist for Roots, The Mother

So This Is The Main Antagonist For Roots, The Mother

Around the 1800’s, the founders of the town in Roots met a creature that controlled the forest. This creature blessed them with immortality, as long as they died on the town’s grounds and stayed in the town. The catch was that if they left town, they would immediately die. The only way someone could leave the town and not die is by sacrificing a human heart.

Overtime, this became a religion in the town: at age 18, the townspeople would kill their children, and bring them to the creature- which they named The Mother- to be blessed with immortality, and then they throw a celebration. This became known as the Acceptance Ceremony. The Mother seemed to enjoy this, encouraging the ceremony, as well as offerings made to it.

No one knows why The Mother blessed the people of the town with immortality, nor why it is so insistent that at each Acceptance Ceremony the heart of the child being sacrificed is given to it. In fact, most people in the town have never even seen The Mother, and have only drawn what they imagine the creature looks like… all anyone has ever seen- or rather, heard- from The Mother is it’s calm and soothing voice that carries on the wind, or the vines that entrapped the sacrificed hearts and take them into the ground.

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2 years ago

‼️TW: GORE‼️


What a mess!

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Time With The In-laws

Time with the in-laws

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People should make more doomed by narratives siblings relationship.

Like with lovers you can just sever it and not have it related to you ever again but with siblings how could you?

You grow up with them you raise them or they raised you you both know how unforgiving the world is to both of you? You would die for them but will hate them for doing the same and yet none of you would regret it and both of you know it. They could be the person you loath the most and miss the most cause you still remember how they sneaked a candy into your hands. You can sever the tie but you can never look away at what you've lost, at whom you've lost because fate doesn't allow you to be together, eating dinners in quiet peace, if only there's another life, another time, where i can make you another plate of pancakes i would im sorry im sorry im sorry —

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‼️TW: Blood and Gore‼️

TW: Blood And Gore


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11 months ago

i love when sibling characters are fucked up from the same event but in opposite ways

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11 months ago





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4 years ago
Totally Toothular On Threadless.

Totally Toothular on Threadless.

I had a lot fun making this design, from start to finish. It was a good exercise drawing a large scale tooth with all the dissections, nerves and layers. I tried several different ways of coloring and making all the fine details on this one, learning experiences. Click the link below to rate Totally Toothular in the design challenge.

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7 years ago
Trip To The Orchid Show At The Cleveland Botanical Gardens Today. The Exhibit Ends In A Few Days So The
Trip To The Orchid Show At The Cleveland Botanical Gardens Today. The Exhibit Ends In A Few Days So The
Trip To The Orchid Show At The Cleveland Botanical Gardens Today. The Exhibit Ends In A Few Days So The
Trip To The Orchid Show At The Cleveland Botanical Gardens Today. The Exhibit Ends In A Few Days So The
Trip To The Orchid Show At The Cleveland Botanical Gardens Today. The Exhibit Ends In A Few Days So The

Trip to the Orchid show at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens today. The exhibit ends in a few days so the orchids were pretty much on their way out. However, it was my first trip to the gardens and well, plant therapy. Look how the papaya tree grows (4th photo). All the symmetry does my heart good.

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7 years ago
Part 12 #fallen #tree #roots #naturalindiana #seeyouagain (at Holliday Park - Indy Parks And Recreation)

Part 12 #fallen #tree #roots #naturalindiana #seeyouagain (at Holliday Park - Indy Parks and Recreation)

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9 years ago

The Impatience of Roots (2016) Directed/edited by Morena Sarzo Sound by Onland ( 

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6 years ago
Daily Draw #48

Daily draw #48

Wanted to take a break from doing squish drawings everyday and wanted to do a concept drawing for an environment, didn’t turn out great but I like it enough to maybe work on more intricate ideas.

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