Rottmnt Kid Leo Au - Tumblr Posts

Kid Leo Au Spinoff Comic Collab 2/2
here's part 2!!! and here's all the wonderful artists that made this part:
@chaos-potat (2 panels) , @idiot-mushroom, @winkwonkblog,@smol-bean-boi13, @purple-the-turtle,@thatghoostguy,@cj-can-art,@koolaidashley,@hey-u-1233,@theartofeverything,@sad-leon,@dianagj-art,@pasteilian,@danksy-ns,@bluesgras,@heckitall,@karonkar,@teainthesnow,@bilerthetired,@allyheart707, @delicatechildwitch & @zeawesomeness collab, @delicatechildwitch
Again thank you everyone for putting up with me being bad at organizing this, I had fun meeting everyone and I hope everyone else had fun as well <333\
Also here's a link to a google slides with all the panels in their 100% glory since tumblr ate the quality on some of the gifs:

Kid Leo Masterpost | First

Kid Leo Au.
Part 2/2