Rowan X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hi can u please make a Rowan x gn reader but afab where reader is a new student and shy little water nymph who is part of Bianca's clique and they become friends for a while but Rowan feels he's out of their league so they reassure him and it's friends to lovers? No rush, i like reading ur stuff 💞

Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water
Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water
Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water
Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water
Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — outcast Rowan befriends a popular water nymph and accidentally develops feelings, he feels out of readers league since they are apart of a popular clique but Reader makes sure he thinks otherwise!! ( might make this a series!! )

Contains of — fluff,friends to lovers, comfort, kisses slight bullying,feeling like an outcast, negative thoughts and more!!

Babette’s note — Hi I am literally so fucking excited for this request like AAA- but tysm for requesting! At first I didn’t know what a water nymph was so I researched what it was and got an idea, I looked at some photos so please if I described or anything of the sort wrong I deeply apologize and would be more than happy to fix it! This is part one, part two is going to be full on fluff and if you want maybe some smut if you’d like :0!! Not proofread

Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water

- Going to Public school while being a nymph was extremely difficult and frustrating. Having to get up early in the morning to hide your identity from other students was such a hassle.

- Your legal guardian decided to hire a private teacher but obviously it was expensive none of the less, that is when your legal guardian came across Nevermore academy, a school for outcasts

- your legal guardian thought it was a dream come true, finally having a school suitable for you, but after so many promises and lies that your going to finally fit in somewhere

- you didn’t think that this was any different but you were grateful for how hard they were trying to find a place suitable for you. The day of going to nevermore academy was the worse, you had second thoughts and got into a argument with your legal guardian

- you just wanted a private teacher so you can stay at home, you were tired of feeling like an outcast. But at the end of the day you realized that this might be the last chance you'll have at feeling normal at a school environment or in general.

- It’s been a month since you transferred to nevermore academy, and so far it’s been a blast not having to hide who you are and having a group of peers just like you was a dream, you became great friends with Bianca,divina and Kent a group of sirens

- you also befriended a shy outcast which other people refer him as a “ freak “ , “ geek “ , “ nerd “ , “ lazy “ , “ loser “. sadly the people who referred him as that were your group of friends

- they were fun to hang out with but you have to admit, they were rude to other students although on your free time you’d hang out with Rowan in the library, which happened a lot,

- it wasn’t a surprise that you both developed feelings for each other, of course none of you made it clear that you guys were in-love, rowan was the one that had the most doubt, you being in a popular clique already Made him feel worse about himself and bring more negativity in his mind “ why would they want someone like me? “

- rowan naturally had a negative mindset since he was little, mainly about his uniqueness and interesting mindset, yet you looked past that, you thought it didn’t matter but Rowan thought otherwise

- rowan was whispering to himself in his dorm room, Xavier was out and about so he was alone, meanwhile you were walking down the dormitory hallway going to return his study book since he left it in the library

- weirdly the door was cracked open, which made you think something was up so you slowly walked to the door and putting your ear to the door you only hear soft whispering so you open the door

- you see Rowan sitting at his desk and hear him say “ would y/n ever love me back? “ you were genuinely surprised at the sudden sentence Rowan said, you were at the lost for words really.

- you wanted to say something but also stay quiet, but the quietness turned to loudness from the unexpected ring from both ends of the door.

- one from being sent and one from being received

- “ oh shit “

- the ring was a text. A text from Rowan saying “ hey are you free right now? “ thing is you know Rowan heard the ring, so obviously he looked at the door and saw a figure.

- he quickly got up and opened the door, shocked to find out it was you.

Hi Can U Please Make A Rowan X Gn Reader But Afab Where Reader Is A New Student And Shy Little Water

Hey thank you for reading!! I truly appreciate it!! Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside!! Love you so much take care part two coming up!!🫶🤍⭐️

side note Someone please write me some rocky balboa fanfics<3 mwah mwah

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1 year ago
NSFW PORN LINKS ; Wednesday Edition
NSFW PORN LINKS ; Wednesday Edition
NSFW PORN LINKS ; Wednesday Edition

NSFW PORN LINKS ; wednesday edition

a/n: this does not include anyone from the cast of wednesday who are underage such as moosa (plays as eugene ottinger!). anyways, i hope u like this as much as i do >_< if there are any other characters u would like for me to do, lmk so i can make a pt 2!!!

NSFW PORN LINKS ; Wednesday Edition


wednesday eating u out >0<

riding wednesday like ur life depends on it!!!

wednesday teasing you :(

the both of u kissing intimately, so cuteee


vibrator on both of ur clits bc it feels so fucking good!!!

double sided dildo to please each other ^ ^

what enid sent u while u were away

fucking after class (^O^) ♥︎


ajax fingering you in the car!!!

propping up your leg to let ajax fuck into you >_<

riding ajax in public, hoping u 2 don’t get caught

ajax just loves fucking into u ♥︎


first time w temperature play!!

sloppy kisses w xav as he plays with ur tits :0

xavier’s cum spilling out of you

kisses are his favorite thing to do with you ^_^


what bianca sends u when she’s needy for u :(

playing with bianca’s pussy!!! so cuteee

using her pretty face to cum ^0^

when she’s needy for u pt2 hehe


riding touchy!rowan o(>ω<)o

riding rowan’s pretty face!!!

making out with u is his fav to do :(

playing with his flushed cock ^_^

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2 years ago



pairing: rowan laslow x fem!reader warnings: blood, injuries. not gonna lie...this one gets a lil smutty. NO SPOILERS but there is some smutty content in here — THEY'RE ALSO BOTH OVER EIGHTEEN AT THIS POINT (there's nothing too serious or descriptive, but there is some mentions of doing the deed).

summary: with six days to stop the end of the world, rowan and y/n set to work. note: welcome to the longest part yet :) i really hope you guys like this one, it's been KILLING ME to get it done but i'm quite proud of it! I think there's only one more part after this and then that'll be the end, so stay tuned for our penultimate chapter...


Day one.

Rowan and Y/n met in the library that morning. It was cold, and neither of them could have ever predicted the day would come when they would face each other without the intention to kill. Still Y/n kept a knife in her sock and kept him at an arm's distance. Rowan kept his up his sleeve.

"I thought my mother was crazy when she predicted the end of the world." Y/n said as they hunched over a table at the back. "At first, she said it would end in ice. Then, fire. Then, water. She said the visions kept changing. I couldn't believe a word she said - no one could. I didn't show up in the visions until about six months ago. Needless to say, she got to work pretty quick..." she trailed off.

It was when she said things like that that Rowan felt guilt for trying to end her life. He never really cared about the whole 'You never know what someone is going through' crap, but, with her, he understood. If he had known what she had been going through for over a half a year, he would've thought twice before he picked up the knife.

"The only constant in my mother's visions was you. She never said how the world ended, just that you were at the center of it." he replied.

Y/n just laughed. "That's not a lot to go on." she said bitterly. "I would say we need to go to the source, but I'd rather jump off a cliff before making contact with mother dearest. Shadow is enough. And I don't suppose—"

"My mother is dead." Rowan said before she could finish the sentence. "Nothing there to figure out."

Y/n shut her mouth quickly, giving a nod. "Right. I'm sorry."

He just nodded in response and they put their heads back down, beginning to work.

Day two.

Rowan showed up the next morning with the picture. He set it down in front of her before she ever said a word, leading her to look up at him in confusion. "Take up drawing?"

Rowan just stared back at her. "My mother drew this when she was a student at Nevermore." he explained. "This is Joseph Crackstone, the founder of Jericho—" he pointed to a shadowy figure in the picture "—and this—" he pointed to a silhouette of a girl standing across from him, "is you."

She looked at him like he was stupid. "And you show me this now?"

He just rolled his eyes and sat down next to her.

Day three.

Rowan and Y/n met in the library once more, but they were only starting to get somewhere when Y/n paused mid-sentence, going suddenly silent. It took Rowan a second to notice, but when he finally looked up, he saw her frozen, eyes locked on something across the room. He followed her gaze and saw the slightest flicker of a black, shadowy figure darting around the stacks of books. Y/n muttered a curse under her breath and began hurriedly gathering things together. They didn't speak to each other as they did this, but both of them knew well enough what was happening: Shadow was back.

They ran across the courtyard as Y/n insisted upon peeking around each corner before actually turning directions. And Rowan just followed, knowing that she knew how to elude Shadow better than anyone.

As they ran up the staircase, a familiar face came into view — Xavier Thorpe. When he saw the two of them together, Rowan's hand locked in hers, he frowned. Rowan cursed silently.

"Hey guys," he said, stopping a couple stairs above them.

"Hi." Y/n said quickly, trying to make this conversation as short as possible.

He looked between them in confusion, sensing the urgency. "What's going on?"

"We were just heading up to my dorm—" Y/n cut herself off, realizing how that sounded only after she said it. She pursed her lips, trying hard not to cringe at her own words.

"To study." Rowan added quickly. "We're studying for the Botany test."

Again, Xavier looked confused. "That test was last week, Ro."

Y/n subtly elbowed Rowan in the ribs. "He meant math! We have a math test next class that we really need to study for, so if you could just excuse us—"

"What's going on with you two?" Xavier said, stopping Y/n's attempt to push past him. "It's like, every time I see either of you, you're together. Is there something...going on between you guys?"

"No!" Y/n shouted at the same time Rowan shouted "Yes!"

Then, to correct, they shouted again.



They paused, looking at each other with wide eyes. Then, Y/n turned back around, taking a breath. "Yes. Rowan and I are...together. Dating." she said quickly, resisting the urge to vomit.

Xavier was taken aback. He raised his eyebrows as he looked between them, seemingly in disbelief. "Wow," he said finally. "That's, um...great. Congrats?" he said.

Truly, he was just surprised that it ended up being Y/n. She was...well, to put it lightly, scary. Rowan didn't really do scary. (Or, maybe he did.)

"No congratulations necessary." Y/n said quickly, feeling like she was swallowing bile. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to"

She didn't give Xavier time to ask more questions before taking Rowan's hand again and pulling him up the stairs, moving as fast as her legs would take her.

She kept up that pace until they reached her dorm, where Rowan took out his inhaler. She pulled the pendant off from around her neck and placed it in front of the door. "Keep watch." she said.

Alethea's voice appeared in her head: Move quickly. He's coming fast.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Rowan asked as she dragged the huge mirror out of her closet.

He could've heard it wrong, but he could've sworn she let out a breathless laugh. "The one time your chivalry will get you nowhere, Rowan, is when you're dealing with a Shadow."

She surrounded the room with mirrors just as the pendant soared past Rowan's head and landed in her hand. "Come on. Go!" she shouted, pushing him through. She had stepped one foot through when a growl caught her attention. She whipped her head around and there was Shadow, standing at the front of her dorm.

There were very few things that invoked true fear in Y/n. Shadow was one of them. Which is why she shouted the mirror shattering incantation when she was only halfway through the portal.


Y/n collapsed on the other side as the mirror shattered, a scream ripping through her throat. For a second, Rowan frowned, breathless. Then he saw what it was she had to scream about.

The bottom half of her right calf was torn and bloodied beyond recognition. Just looking at him made him feel sick — he couldn't imagine how she felt.

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then Y/n took in a huge, sobbing breath and squeezed her eyes shut. Black spots danced across her vision otherwise. The pain was worse than she had ever felt, so much so that she wasn't sure she could put on a brave face. So she stayed there, her face buried in her arm, nose barely scraping the floor, breathing so heavily that it hid the sobs that tried to escape her throat.

Rowan was at her side in an instant, and that just made her feel worse. If there was one lesson her mother taught her, it was that you never let anyone see you in pain. Ever. And she was in the worst pain she had ever been in. A voice in her head cried out for her mother — or, perhaps, another version of her mother. One that would take her in her arms and tell her that the pain was temporary, but respect is nearly impossible to get back.

But instead it was Rowan that reached out to hold her. It was Rowan that she lifted her head for. Rowan that she held onto as she bit back sobs, burying her head in his shoulder to stop herself from screaming.

When the pain had subsided enough that she could talk, she pulled off her blazer and, trying not to look at the bloodied mess her leg had become, tied it around it to staunch the bleeding. "It shattered before my leg went through." she explained. "I'm lucky it's still attached."

Rowan watched her work for a moment in gruesome silence, and then, deciding that he'd prefer not to throw up right then, employed himself by brushing the hair out of her face as she tied the blazer. "Yeah, lucky." he muttered. "Can you stand?"

She blew out a breath. "Let's see."

With immense effort (from both herself and from Rowan), she pushed herself up onto one leg. A shaky smile stretched onto her lips. "Piece of cake." she muttered, and then tried to set her other foot down. The resulting pain was so blinding that she staggered, toppling sideways. Rowan caught her as she swore at the top of her lungs, wishing the whole damn thing had come off rather than this.

"That's a no on walking, then."

"Shut up, Laslow."

Rowan helped her over to her bed, where she gently rested her injured leg atop the sheets. She leaned forward to inspect it. "Definitely hurts the most of all my injuries, but it doesn't look nearly as bad as my worst."

Rowan looked at her, bewildered. "What did the worst look like?" he asked. Then, before she could answer, he put a hand up to stop her. "Wait. I don't want to know. Forget I asked."

Y/n rolled her eyes, muttering something about him being 'no fun,' and then laid down on her bed. "The first thing I learned about my powers is that mirrors are not forgiving. They show you what's truly there — nothing else. And sometimes they do their best to break it. That's why people with vitrikinesis tend to die young. It's a cruel blessing." she said. "It's the same with Seers. Visions are no joke, especially when they show you things you don't want to see." she paused, laughing slightly. "But I don't need to tell you that, do I?"

Rowan only responded by interlacing their fingers. "I always trusted my mother's visions. But right now I'm really hoping she was wrong."

"She wasn't."

"How do you know?"

"I just do, okay?" she snapped. "No use trying to convince yourself otherwise."

Rowan sighed, deciding not to fight her on that. Her head suddenly tilted to the side like she was hearing voices. "Shadow's still there. Little shit." she muttered, looking out the window. "It's dark. Maybe he's decided to have a slumber party."

"You have to get out of here." Rowan said. "You're going to bleed to death before he leaves."

"I'll be fine," she said with a wave of her hand, "I've been through much worse."

That was a lie. She had not been through worse.

"If I'm being honest, that doesn't make me feel any better."

He began to pace, leading Y/n to drop her head in exasperation. "Rowan, calm down."

"Calm down? You're bleeding out!"

"That's debatable."

"We're being hunted by your mother's henchman!"

"Not the first time."

"And we're not even close to figuring out how to stop the apocalypse!"

Y/n paused. "Okay, that I can't argue with."

"Stop it." Rowan said, pointing a finger at her. "Stop being so calm and collected about this."

She cocked her head at him, her face and voice flat and emotionless. "Would you rather I screamed and cried hysterically — would that calm you down? I can't pace because my leg's been shredded, I can't breathe unevenly because it may make me pass out, and I can't move too much or else I might disrupt the wound and bleed out at your feet. My options are very limited, Rowan. So no, I will not stop being calm. I will be very fucking calm. And I suggest you do the same unless you want me to take the last bit of my energy and use it to grab your inhaler and stomp on it with my one good foot."

That got him to shut up. For a moment he just glared at her while she looked back at him, entirely unbothered. Then, she patted a spot on the bed next to her. "Sit."

He thought about complaining, but decided against it. He sat down next to her, leaning back on the headboard. She shifted so that she was looking up at him, a small pout on her face. If he'd been out of his mind, he would've almost thought it was adorable.

Maybe I am out of my mind. Maybe we both are.

"Clock's ticking." she muttered. "My time's half up. Sure you don't want to end the party a little early?"

Rowan looked back at her. She was serious. He brushed a hand through her hair. "Not yet."

She seemed unsatisfied with that answer.

He laid down next to her and she put her head on his chest, letting him wrap an arm around her. Her leg was still pulsating with pain, but she did her best to ignore it, shutting her eyes and hoping sleep took her quickly. And, mercifully, it did. It was only when he was sure that she was sound asleep that Rowan allowed himself to close his eyes and join her.

Shadow would be gone within the hour, but Y/n and Rowan slept soundly where they were, happy to shut out the world for one night.

Day four.

The nurse looked like she'd seen a ghost when she saw Y/n's leg. Her eyes slowly trailed from the bloodied, congealed mess up to Y/n's placid face. "Can you fix it? I'd like to get to the library to study."

She emerged an hour later, limping. Her calf had been wrapped in what looked like several rolls of gauze. She smiled at Rowan when she saw him outside, waiting for her. "I negotiated my way out of going to the hospital."

Rowan just pursed his lips. "That's comforting."

Day five.

Y/n didn't show up to the library that day. He went to her dorm, he went to her classes, but she wasn't there. She had disappeared. This, of course, worried him. He wondered if she had gone ahead and offed herself like she had wanted — but, God, he really hoped she hadn't.

It wasn't until the sky had gone dark and rain started to pour from the heavens that his search came to an end. As he walked along the green, he looked up and saw a silhouette perched on the highest roof of Nevermore, looking up at the sky above them.

If anyone was stupid enough to go up there, it was Y/n.

Without a second to think about what he was doing, he went inside and climbed up the stairs to the roof. He wasn't quite sure what he'd say to her, but it was something along the lines of Get the f-ck down.

The rain was pouring by the time he emerged onto the roof, making every step more and more treacherous. She didn't hear his arrival over the thunder above them and continued to lie on her back, eyes closed, feeling the rain on her face as she let the static in her head continue to buzz.


Her eyes opened. Damn him. "What do you want, Rowan?"

"You're going to fall, Y/n. You already hurt yourself once. Get down. " he said, doing his best to keep his voice level.

"Why? If I fell now I'd be doing you a favor. I'd be doing the whole world a favor, actually." she slurred, and Rowan wondered momentarily if she had gotten drunk before she came up there. That just made this situation all the worse. What he wanted to do was go out there and get her — drag her out before she could hurt herself. They still have thirty hours left to figure all of this out, and he'd be damned if he let a second of it go to waste.

"So that's just it, then." he said, forgetting to hide the irritation in his voice. "You're giving up? Playing with your life like it's some kind of game?"

"It's been a game from the beginning, Rowan!" she shouted, still lying stock still on the roof. "From the first moment we met, it's been a game. Kill him, kill her, get the upper hand, get in a punch. And trying to act like you care is's embarrassing, Rowan. For both of us. So do me a favor and drop the act."

That stung. But right now he was focused on getting her off the roof. So he'd swallow his pride, and he'd step further onto the roof, closer to her. "It's not an act." he tried to argue.

"Everyone's acting. No one's okay." she said exaggeratedly. "Everyone acts all the time because no one wants to say what they really mean now."

She wasn't making any sense now, but he continued to take cautious steps towards her.

"We all just dance around what we really want to say, and then one day we all look back and regret it. I just hope I go before I have the time to regret it too much."

There was a pause. Y/n sat up, dangling her legs off the edge of the roof in the pouring rain, and Rowan's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. She seemed to be staring down, thinking intently to herself.

She muttered something to herself. "Better yet..."

She stood so suddenly that Rowan stumbled and nearly fell, icy cold panic rushing in for just the briefest moment. She walked over to him, seemingly without a single care at all if she slipped and fell, and still she managed not to stumble. That confused Rowan more than anything else. Suddenly she was in front of him and he saw that her face was red and tear-stained.

"This isn't a game. And it's not an act." he said quietly. "The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can actually get something done."

He expected her to snap at him then, but instead she just smirked. "I always liked your voice, Rowan." she said. "So much deeper than I expected. So calm and yet so...deadly. I couldn't get it out of my head. You would threaten me and all I'd hear is my name in your voice. You'd tell me you were going to kill me and all I could hear was you whispering in my ear. It drove me insane."

Now he was just confused. She betrayed any sense of sadness or panic with her words, leading him to wonder just how much practice she'd had at hiding what she really felt. She paused again, as if questioning if she should say what she planned to say. Then, she suddenly met his eyes. "If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?"

She stepped closer to him, and suddenly Rowan had an answer. Before he could say it, her lips were on his and she was backing him to the wall.

His hands tangled in her hair as her tongue brushed his bottom lip, and they stumbled through the door. Without a word, Y/n took his hand and pulled him down the stairs. Neither of them spoke as she dragged him through the halls, finally pulling him into her dorm and shutting the room behind them.

Her question continued to run through Rowan's head as her lips trailed down his jaw to his neck: If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?

It would be this, he thought. It would be this.

Day six.

Visions of the night before came rushing back — Rowan pulling her in closer, Rowan whispering in her ear, Rowan kissing her neck, Rowan's head between her legs.

They had both sort of fumbled through the whole thing, really. It had been a lot of accidental elbowing and awkward laughter and hasty apologies, but at the end of it all it was Rowan's hand in hers refusing to let go.

She was the first to wake up and spent a few minutes on her side, looking at Rowan's sleeping form. A little voice in her head told her to turn around and run the other way, that this was not the way things were supposed to go. But another, louder voice told her to hold tight to him and not let go — apocalypse be damned.

Okay, maybe I have really lost it now.

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