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Songs that have Fenrisulfr energy (both explainable and just.... straight up vibes). If anyone else who works with Fenrir has anything they connect to him, please add it on !!
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance
No it's not just because there's wolves in the title. It's like "Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray." And "You better run like the devil because they're never gonna leave you alone, you better hide up in the alley because they're never gonna find you a home." It just works.
Carnivore - Starset
Literally from the first lines, like "All my life they let me know, how far I would not go. But inside the beast still grows, waiting, chewing through the ropes-"
The Wolf - Phildel
Another one with wolf motifs, but again, not the whole reason. It's too long to quote but the themes of vengeance and bloodshed as retribution >>>
Glory and Gore - Lorde
Straight up vibes. Everybody wants to rule the world is also vibes.
Witch Image - Ghost
Again, no real explanation, I just end up thinking of him every time it plays and ??? Yeah, vibes.