Aesir - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;
The Timekeeper And Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny And Squishy; Granny, The Weaver;

The Timekeeper and Miirik; Jormungandr; The Hungry Aesir; Squishy; Granny and Squishy; Granny, the Weaver; The Bellfounder; Anodo; Wolf Lord; Manatee Lord

TW sad backstories and a few nasty people, but also some nice ones!

Ancient beings! The Timekeeper, alias (or even humansona if you will...) Benjamin, and his dependant and companion Miirik the cursed backward aging bronze dragon, who he has to intensely age every day with his time patterns to keep her from regressing into nothingness. The Timekeeper is an Aesir, an elder god of concept and supreme power over a domain. Nevertheless, for a time he did not understand what he was, having lost all memory of his origins and knowing only his innate inhumaness and power. Over the course of this time his cold heartedness softened- somewhat. He was only recently freed from the enchantment that bound him to serve the Labyrinth. He was thrown from the War of the Heavens into near-Nexus orbit in Limbo, and when Operation Angler tried to study him from afar to see if they could use him, he used the opening into their world to force them to permit him entry by his own terms via an infinite time loop until they mostly lost their minds and relented. He then separated the Nexus from the rest of reality, not appreciating a world that existed to muddy the boundaries between existence. This was catastrophic, cutting off all other realms from dreaming and desynchronizing time across all of existence, as dreams were all that held the worlds of Limbo together. Weakened by the exertion, the Timekeeper was bound by the enslaved Weaver, and lost his memory serving the Labyrinth empire against the incursion of the Muffle. He only recently was helped to rediscover his past, and he doesn't like the man or god he used to be. He was freed very recently, and plans to undo the barrier diving the Nexus from the rest of reality, but is paranoid about what might happen to him when he is once again weakened. The Timekeeper looks at worlds much like naturalists look at nature; they are to be preserved and not interfered with; their occupants are like beasts in his eyes, and their individual suffering matters not. Or at least, that's how he used to think. He's conflicted now. Blame Miirik. he never meant to get attached to her.

(Trigger warning for very bad nasty creature in this paragraph). Jormungandr, Aesir of consumption and domination, rumored to have once been "only" the god of consumption in its former identity of Bleirick-plus-some-unprounceable-syllables. Blerick probably did not actually consume an Aesir of domination, as the elder gods are indestructable. It is hard to say, however, as they can be bound or morphed in moments of relative weakness or instability. Who knows, maybe the nameless conquest god dominated the consumption god, or more likely, some detestable combination of all of the above. In any case, it fell from the War of the Heavens, toyed with the water layer of the Material Plane for untold years, was opposed by the Bellfounder and the Beastlords, and split under duress into Jormungandr and the Lady of Frost and Flowers, godess of usurpation. Jormungandr takes the form of a lupine serpent covered in eyes with a head split into four jaws, each a separate cyclopean wolf face. In this form it is so large that its jaws stretch miles wide even when closed, yet its eyesight is so powerful it can see everything around it in minute detail- the better to domineer over its subjects in its dark and icy abode. Those who do not obey are imprisoned in its eyes for eternity, for nothing dies in its domain without its permission. The Bellfounder keeps it in check through Cold War-esque tactics and psychological manipulation.

Squishy (technically Dr. Squishy with a degree in economics because he felt like it) is the wordless (by choice rather than muteness) companion of Granny, the Weaver, Aesir of connections and fate. He is a giant patchwork quilted panther who can unspool thread appendages to manipulate objects, but seldom does, being a mischevious creature who prefers to startle others with the seldom used tricks up his sleeves. Granny created him to be her companion in the Nexus, but lets him do as he pleases. He pleases to be her companion. The last two are sketches of two of Marinos' Beast Lords, ancient animal spirits who guard the natural order.

Granny (aka the Weaver) is Aesir of connection and fate, on uneasy but peaceful terms with the Timekeeper and best buds with the Bellfounder. She is kind, mildly maniacle, wise, silly, and sorrowful, having lost a lot and spent a lot of time magically imprisoned before having recently been freed after the events of Marinos 1. She was unwillingly responsible for the binding on the Timekeeper, having been in a bind herself, enslaved to Operation Angler by her own power turned against her by her own design according to a twisted bargain of desperation to gain entry into Marinos from the eternal nothingness of Limbo in which she was trapped, destabilized, after falling from the War of the Heavens. She was only recently freed. Granny considers all sapient beings equals.

Arxanica was a conjuration focused arch wizard and blue dragoness responsible, along with magalomaniac sadist archwizard enchanter Wilerian Norchester from Earth, the Minotaur King Norbello of the Labyrinth (an abjuration superspecialist), and the naturally formless shapechanger transmutater now known as Twisting, among others, for Operation Angler. Angler was a secret government program aiming to study and control the fabric of reality separating worlds, fetching lost creatures, bits, and artifacts from Limbo and studying, freeing, or enslaving them as they saw fit for the dubious benefit of the Empire. Among these salavaged creatures were Kaleidoscope the Prismatic Dragon, the last heir of the legacy of the world known as the Great Geode heart of dragonkind destroyed by the Aesir the Emerger. She is the queen of the Vashan skies and lives to this day as Marinos' oldest, largest (by length), and most powerful great wyrm. Angler also introduced flumphs to Marinos (Wilerian's apprentice was one), and magically bound both Granny and the Timekeeper in moments of weakness, but not without suffering the Timekeeper's vengeance first. Arxanica escaped his time loop with a Bloodsong Wish, sacrificing dragonhood. Blindly she refused to accept this immuteable and irreversible loss and definite as the Aesir themselves, and sought paths to become what she had once been that ultimately destroyed her.

The Bellfounder is a benificent schemer, Aesir of communication, sound, waves, and vibrations, and patron of dragons, though this is by choice and association and not by innate power, other than that she resonates with their Bloodsong. She is the creator of song dragons. Until Granny and the Timekeeper were released, she was all that stood between the world and the desolations of Bleirick, the Emerger, and Elthwynae the Maddening Flame. The Emerger destroyed the Great Geode, where she'd fallen to from the War of the Heavens (along with it, apparently), but she managed to bring many refugee dragons and herself into Marinos, directing the force of nature that was the Aesir the Emerger somewhere it could cause wanton unexpected destruction without annihilating populations of millions. After warring against it with the help of the recalcitrant but ultimately desperate Beast Lords, she sealed Elthwynae in a moon of Gemwater, which unfortunately was the celestial body later magical researchers tied their lycanthropic experiements to, creating the were plague by accident. Bleirick she has never defeated, but through Cold War style threats and intense eon spanning master psychological manipulation, she has weakened it somewhat and keeps it in check. She is on good terms with a few dragons and many Beast Lords, but otherwise is fairly secretive, always scheming and in the know about almost everything imagineable, no matter how secret. The Bellfounder does not consider non-Aesir to be equals, but does find them interesting and worth protecting and helping on the down low.

Anodo is the head of Bastion Monistery, and the Reflection of the dictator of the place that's basically draconic North Korea with enforcers riding true dragons. Anodo can do nothing of his normal Reflection jobs as the dictator warded every mirror in the country. So, he helps people in the monastery, embracing the fact that he can't reincarnate until his sinisterly unaging counterpart perishes. He once survived an assasination attempt because his heart is on the wrong side of his body.

Two Beast Lords!

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Louder for the people in the back!

*sits up*

I am deeply troubled by the fandomization of deity worship on tumblr. For some reason the Æsir are perceived as villains by a lot people here??… Paganism isn’t a damn fandom yall, there’s no good guys and there’s no bad guys and there’s no martyrs. Just hundreds of years old stories we know barely a thing about, and divine presences which are neither good nor evil.

*lies back down*

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1 year ago

Oldest reference to Norse god Odin found in Danish treasure

Oldest Reference To Norse God Odin Found In Danish Treasure

Scandinavian scientists said Wednesday that they have identified the oldest-known inscription referencing the Norse god Odin on part of a gold disc unearthed in western Denmark in 2020.

Lisbeth Imer, a runologist with the National Museum in Copenhagen, said the inscription represented the first solid evidence of Odin being worshipped as early as the 5th century—at least 150 years earlier than the previous oldest known reference, which was on a brooch found in southern Germany and dated to the second half of the 6th century.

The disc discovered in Denmark was part of a trove containing about a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of gold, including large medallions the size of saucers and Roman coins made into jewelry. It was unearthed in the village of Vindelev, central Jutland, and dubbed the Vindelev Hoard. Read more.

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1 year ago
Lokis Chaotic And Weird Monster Children: *exist*Me: I Love Them, Your Honour.
Lokis Chaotic And Weird Monster Children: *exist*Me: I Love Them, Your Honour.
Lokis Chaotic And Weird Monster Children: *exist*Me: I Love Them, Your Honour.

Loki’s chaotic and weird monster children: *exist* Me: “I love them, Your Honour.”

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1 year ago

Songs that have Fenrisulfr energy (both explainable and just.... straight up vibes). If anyone else who works with Fenrir has anything they connect to him, please add it on !!

House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance

No it's not just because there's wolves in the title. It's like "Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray." And "You better run like the devil because they're never gonna leave you alone, you better hide up in the alley because they're never gonna find you a home." It just works.

Carnivore - Starset

Literally from the first lines, like "All my life they let me know, how far I would not go. But inside the beast still grows, waiting, chewing through the ropes-"

The Wolf - Phildel

Another one with wolf motifs, but again, not the whole reason. It's too long to quote but the themes of vengeance and bloodshed as retribution >>>

Glory and Gore - Lorde

Straight up vibes. Everybody wants to rule the world is also vibes.

Witch Image - Ghost

Again, no real explanation, I just end up thinking of him every time it plays and ??? Yeah, vibes.

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1 year ago


Hel: *Aggressively throws water bottles*

Sleipnir: Uh... what's up with her?

Jörmungandr: She's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.


Fenrir: *Crying* It's working.

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1 year ago
Johan Egerkrans, Ragnark, 2017. In Norse Gods, Trans. Susan Beard (B. Wahlstrms, 2017).

Johan Egerkrans, Ragnarök, 2017. In Norse Gods, trans. Susan Beard (B. Wahlströms, 2017).

__________________________________________________ Our shop:

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1 year ago
A Wild Teaser Appears!

A wild teaser appears!

Detail shot of a painting I finished recently, stay tuned for the whole thing..! Poor Fenrir…

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1 year ago

Stark: I didn’t expect Loki to be so good with kids

Thor: When we were teenagers he birthed an eight legged horse

Stark: ...

Stark: I honestly don’t know what to do with that information

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2 years ago

Magni and Modi

So if Modi and Magni were brought back, I feel like after the abuse they delt with they will have a lot to deal with but it will only come after a while of conflict. Both will regress different ways.

Magni would inherent Thor's mindset of being just a destroyer and would probably just go find a conflict or a war to be part of. This would mean that Thor would have to go find his son and bring him back. This would probably end up in a fight between father and son. However I would not see Thor actually hitting Magni at this point and just block and trying to subdue his son until he is willingly to listen.

Modi would leave instantly. Given his motif of being a "coward", I just think he both hates conflict and at some point has anxiety. He would probably inherent his father's alcoholism, to drown his past abuse. His journey for forgiveness with Thor would take way longer. I have an idea in which it would take Modi seeing his own son interact with Thor, and finally seeing how much his father has changed. In turn begrudgingly allowing his children to develop a relationship with their grandfather. Perhaps Thor could even save them, furthering Thor's role as the protective dad and finally embracing it without odin's influence.

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