Rvb Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

"Sarge wanted to die in a blaze of glory so him going out that way would be appropriate" sorry?? I get nobody wants to take his character seriously but like. Sarge is a mentally ill old man who's dehumanized himself to the point of only thinking he's an item for war and battle and you wanna prove him right??? You think that's a satisfying end for him?? Explode.

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10 months ago

Finally watched rvb restoration.

I don’t want to say goodbye to this.

I’ve been here for almost three months. Red vs Blue is stitched into the projects I made while watching it and deep into my heart.

this show I’ve both hated and adored for as long as I’ve watched.

somehow Tucker turned out to be a character I actually like. Caboose is more wise than anyone gives him credit for. I don’t give a crap what rt says grimmons is absolutely cannon they are so in love dude. wash and carolina are going to be okay. sarge went out fighting a blue.

I still really like season 15. It can live in tandem with restoration.

This may be the end of rooster teeth RvB, but I know tumblr has my back.

time to start my wash recovery one cosplay, my suit and tie Felix cosplay, and my rewatch of the series.

It’s been a wild ride.

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10 months ago
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally
Guys I Cant Believe This Was The Real Ending To Rvb Restoration Isnt It Awesome That Grimmons Finally

guys i can’t believe this was the real ending to rvb restoration isn’t it awesome that grimmons finally became canon after 21 years of queerbaiting !

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10 months ago


Crisis averted everyone! I have remade RvB restoration from the ground up and it is 100% better! Enjoy!

(also if the audio is loud as fuck I'm sorry)

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10 months ago


(They're under the cut)

Okay! So I just watched it and while I have many thoughts (both happy and unhappy) I mainly have one question.

Did Tucker kill Donut offscreen before the season started because WHERE THE FUCK WAS HE?

So, in Epsilons animated YouTube bit, there's a segment where mega Tucker runs past two people, one in yellow, one in a weird magenta, and leaves bombs in their hands right? Was that magenta supposed to be Donut!?

ALSO does this mean he killed Kaikana at the retro convention because, uh, WHAT?

And going back to Donut, when we very first see red team, they do a head count and say that all THREE red team members are present (which doesn't count Lopez either for some reason) so does this mean they know what happened to him?

I was also expecting him to show up when they needed to throw the epsilon unit (which, he kinda did, but that whole vision is a whole other thing) but nope, it was Simmons character development (which, was not unwelcome btw, I was totally living for him this season), I just couldn't get over the fact that Donut being missing wasn't pointed out or even addressed.

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