Ryuukotsusei - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Lord Ryuukotsusei Of The East.
Lord Ryuukotsusei Of The East.

Lord Ryuukotsusei of the East.

For those of you Inuyasha fans confused, I’ll explain. Yes, this is the same dragon demon that Inu Taisho fought against.

For starters, I absolutely hated the way he was dealt with story wise. This was the guy who was able to go toe to toe with the Great Dog Demon General! And he’s just reduced to a one episode enemy? Hell no! Absolutely not! We fixing that shit. That shit blew me away and not in a good way. Wtf?

Secondly, while his design in the anime is...decent, his design in the manga is GOD AWFUL! It’s so bad and....cute. It looks like a Disney dragon. So expect a redesign of his dragon form soon.

Thirdly, Why a human form? Because he needs it for my story, and I assume all Daiyoukais (which he is classified to be) can shapeshift into humanoid forms.

Why he is dark skin? Because I said so.

I tried to draw him back in early 2019 But it didn't turn out well and I gave up for a while. It was during this month that I redesigned him. I love seeing the huge difference and improvement I made.

Keep an eye out for him in the story and more art of him. He's very important to the plot. Since SOMEONE *coughrumikocough* didn't know how to use him properly and invest in his potential, I will.

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