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5 years ago
Hmmm..? Now This Was Curious, A Servant He Did Not Recognise. Did She Belong To Hakunon? He Doubted His

“Hmmm..?” Now this was curious, a servant he did not recognise. Did she belong to Hakunon? He doubted his sister would have summoned someone like this without tell him. Of course there was always the possibility of a rogue servant, which only put the master even more on guard.

“Yes I am He, well...only part of the combo anyway, my name is Hakuno Kishinami, may I ask what class you are servant?” 

@extellamaster​ liked for a starter!

@extellamaster Liked For A Starter!

⚔ - Masked Saber

“So… You’re the sole survivor of the Moon Cell’s Holy Grail War… Am I to believe that you are he?”

The masked Saber looked at the human. Her face was emotionless, as more than half of her face was covered by her butterfly mask. “I must admit, I congratulate you on your bravery.” 

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5 years ago



⚔ - Masked Saber

“Primary class is ‘Saber’.” She told the other. She did not make any motion to threaten the other. She was just summoned, and hadn’t had a clue as to why. “Hakuno Kishinami.. Very well.” The woman’s deep voice soften. She would tap the bridge of her mask. It disappeared into sparkles, her hair unfolding and flowed behind her. She let’s out a soft sigh.


“I am Lucina. A rogue servant. Summoned by SE.RA.PH.” She explained. “I must confess to you, I may be someone you don’t recognize from history of your world.”


Wait, primary class?! so in theory this servant, Saber, could be summoned under more the one class...this, did make sense, after all Nero was supposed to be summoned as a Rider. Though it did make the NPC curious as to just now many possible classes she would be summoned under.


However for now a soft smile spread across his face. “Alright Lucina, welcome...I admit I do not recognise you, however I do also question why the Moon Cell would summon you, is there another threat?”

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5 years ago



⚔ - Masked Saber

“I have searched my immediate summoning area, and found no threats that would cause a servant to be summoned unexpectedly.” She told the other master. She gently crossed her arms, putting a hand to her chin to think.

“Outside of a few Risen that almost attacked me, but those are pretty weak. Especially compared to other ‘viruses’.. Am I saying that correctly? But still. why would Risen suddenly appear in this.. utopia?” She questioned aloud.

“I am still trying to wrap my head around that we are in Naga’s iris’. The Moon herself.” She lets out a rather sheepish smile. “If I had told any of my allies from back then whats in here.. They’d dethrone me.” She let’s out a laugh. 


Risen huh? Now that was a name he had never heard, mostly the viruses or rogue servants would be causing issues up here, not so much these ‘Risen’, this Saber claims that they are weak but it still concerned him greatly. 

“Yes you are saying that quite correctly Lucina, however I am concerned. this place may seem like a Utopia, but like the Moon itself, there is always a dark side.” He spoke almost poetically, it seems that Nero had indeed rubbed off on him just a little bit....nor did he want to tell her the wholr truth, that they were inside a giant Super Computer, the Moon Cell. That might blow her mind.

“Can you tell me a little about these ‘Risen’ you spoke of?”

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5 years ago



⚔ - Masked Saber

“Risen’s are… odd creatures. They’re made of dead warriors, yet upon slaying them, they turn into dark mist. They are.. somewhat akin to zombies if I had to compare the two. Risen’s are called what they are because dark magic rises them up from the ground. Unoriginal, I am aware. But the name stuck.” She would let out a small shrug. “They are slow, but do hit hard. They are a non-threat if herded correctly.” She commented. “If you wish to see them, I can show you.” She offered. “But if you are weaponless, I advise against it.” She told the Master. 


“Interesting...the living dead, here on the Moon Cell...and here I thought...” There was a pause before he shook his head, he couldn’t say there was no living things here but, there were certainly few.  

“You seem to be a capable enough servant, maybe we should form a temporary contract and then you can show them to me, I trust your skills since you seem like a capable servant!”

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5 years ago

@sabre-masquee​ messaged:  “Hot chocolate will be provided right?”


@sabre-masquee Messaged: Hot Chocolate Will Be Provided Right?

“Oh, yes most definitely, I’ve seen that Hot Chocolate booth around here somewhere, so all you need to do is find it Saber, want me to take you there?”

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