Sakamoto Tatsuma - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
I Really Cant Wait For This Arc To Be Animated!!

I really can’t wait for this arc to be animated!!

PS: I tried cleaning it as much as i could (too lazy to finish it) so we can now clearly see Zura’s face :D

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3 years ago

Hana ichi monme (Hanna ichi monme)

Oou muzamuza kirarete tamaru ka

Kakugo wa ii ka?

Yumeyume hanasu na sono te o yume o kokoro o

Gintama ED 29

Hana Ichi Monme

Gintama ED 29

So either I love gintama that much or I was really bored—I strongly suspect it's the former—to try and identify the hands shown in this panel. I guessed based on the weapon, order, hand shape and clothing—I might be wrong but it was fun...

Gintama ED 29
Gintama ED 29
Gintama ED 29

Thank you @suchira for the correction...

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3 years ago
From One Of The Character Books. The Relationships Between The Men

from one of the character books. “the relationships between the men”

Gintoki -> Shinpachi: stop ruining my jokes Shinpachi -> Gintoki: please raise my pay

Gintoki -> Hijikata: Mayo (laughs) Hijikata -> Gintoki: Sweet tooth (laughs)

Gintoki -> Shogun: SHOGUNNNNNN!! Shinpachi -> Shogun:  SHOGUNNNNNN!! Matsudaira <-> Shogun: drinking buddies

Gintoki <-> Kintoki: I am better! Shinpachi -> Kintoki: better than expected

Gintoki -> Obi Hajime: boss! Obi Hajime -> Gintoki: I leave everyone in your care Shinpachi -> Obi Hajime: I’m not crying anymore! Obi Hajime -> Shinpachi: You got so strong!

Yamazaki <-> Shinpachi: I’m the most plain one! Hijikata -> Yamazaki: badminton Sougo -> Yamazaki: badminton

Hijikata <-> Kondo: mutual trust Sougo <-> Kondo: mutual trust Hijikata -> Sougo: someday I’ll strangle you! Sougo -> Hijikata: wants to be on a higher position Sougo -> Ginotoki: Danna~

Matsudaira -> Kondo: do it better maybe? Kondo -> Matsudaira: I know, Pops…

Kondo -> Shinpachi: brother-in-law! Hijikata <-> Shinpachi: but aren’t we both suffering

Gintoki -> Sasaki: annoying af Sasaki -> Gintoki: text buddy Hijikata -> Sasaki: shady bastard Sasaki -> Hijikata: I’m a fan Sasaki -> Sougo: Please don’t bully Nobume-san

Takasugi <-> Gintoki: next time expect no mercy! Takasugi <-> Katsura: next time I’ll cut you down! Takasugi <-> Sasaki: plotting a conspiracy? Takasugi <-> Kamui: alliance? Takasugi <-> Bansai <-> Henpeita: Kiheitai

Bansai -> Shinpachi: secretly thinks of him as a valuable customer

Gintoki -> Shouyo: ? Katsura -> Shouyo: looks up to him Takasugi -> Shouyo: you gave me a world to live in… Oboro -> Shouyo: ?

Takasugi -> Oboro: I’ll destroy you one day Oboro <-> Gintoki: connected by common past

Gintoki -> Hasegawa: go work Hasegawa -> Gintoki: treat me to a drink Hasegawa <-> Katsura: are getting along well?

Gintoki -> Katsura: so what’s up with the Joui… Katsura -> We’re on standby!

Katsura <-> Elizabeth: strong bond

Katsura <-> Sakamoto: still friends Sakamoto -> Gintoki: Kintoki, you’re so cold! Gintoki -> Sakamoto: I don’t remember being named Kintoki?

Kamui -> Abuto: I count on you Abuto -> Kamui: whatever…

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2 years ago

Zura and tatsuma joined the game! Zura (ravenclaw) tatsuma (hufflepuff)

Zura And Tatsuma Joined The Game! Zura (ravenclaw) Tatsuma (hufflepuff)
Zura And Tatsuma Joined The Game! Zura (ravenclaw) Tatsuma (hufflepuff)

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2 years ago


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A small handful of random shitty sleep deprived headcanons. I said i might write a story, but once i opened the doc i realized how lazy i was so yeet.

Anyways this goes to the thirsty meme god themself, the sexy creator of gojomoto @goldenlaquer

The two dorks met when they where kids, satoru just kinda left the gojo residence since he was tired of dealing with the elders when he ran into tatsuma

The brown fluffball was just leaning face first against the glass and inside the building was a bunch of tv’s showing cartoons

“What are you looking at? Those creatures look like the things i see running around town” gojo asks and while sakamoto was confused he said it was pokemon 

They just kinda chatted for a while and when he first laughed Satoru had no idea what to think of his laugh

He didn’t know if it was funny or annoying

They kept meeting up on accident and i like to think gojo was a sheltered child and then sakamoto just kinda introduces a bunch of stuff to the silver child

While satoru did get in trouble for leaving the house so much he could honestly care less

Definitely has snuck tatsuma over a bunch of times

Kinda just gradually introduced the cursed world to him, he didn’t mean to but did literally nothing to stop or think of his actions

Gojo got him his sunglasses that lets him see curses and from then on sakamoto was like ‘aight im helping people now. Idc if i have no cursed power or whatever but i will help’

By the time they where in jujutsu high(stfu ik thats not the name but fjdknz) sakamoto was pretty good at using cursed weapons

These two definitely flirt with each other all the time but if anyone comments on it their like ‘wtf thats gross’ and proceed to slap/grab the others ass

When satoru became friends with geto, tatsuma was like “how could you replace me?” and gojo would get waaaaaay close to his face and be like “no one could ever replace you”

Tatsuma probably doesn’t care that satoru is insanely strong, but what he is jealous of is all the girls he gets

Like they both wear sunglasses! Why isn’t he getting all the ladies??

These two are constantly doing dumb pranks and shoko and getou are just tired of it

Probably have compared dick sizes just gotta throw that in there

You know those swan paddle boats? Satoru and tatsuma went on one and when they were in the middle of the lake was when they realized that tatsuma got seasick easily

“TSUMA YOU BETTER NOT THROW UP ON ME” “D-Don’t worry, you think a little rocking is gonna get me sick? Ahahahaha--bluerggfg”

Tatsuma being the smart person he was didn’t face away and instead faced inside the two seater and made gojo flip out as he threw up

With gojo’s flailing the swan managed to get flipped over and the two almost drowned lmao

Tatsuma has called satoru kintoki once or twice

Lots of late night deep convos

But they also joke around a lot as well

Tatsuma definitely has snuck in sake for the two of them in the dorms 

They thought they were slick but the next day they have massive hangovers and getou has a bunch of embarrassing photos

“Its not gay to kiss your homies goodnight” 

Idk if tatsuma would also be a teacher but he definitely visits enough that the students consider him...something

Played hide n seek in the city but both forgot who was it and both got lost

they just kinda casually hold hands sometimes

if the two go out for food, definitely pretends to be together for the couples discount

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3 years ago

Sakamoto: Are you mad? 

Mutsu: No. 

Sakamoto: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?

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3 years ago

Sakamoto: I'm an idiot.






Takasugi: If you're waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.

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