Salesman Barry - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago

he's such a sad little guy i love him a lot :) so funny how he immediately went from Australia's #1 most saddest soppingly wet little man you've ever seen, to blowing up a lab and stealing their assets every Tuesday morning for Shits And Giggles™
Tags :
barry steakfries
jetpack joyride
there should be a tag for salesman barry.......
salesman barry
yeah like that tag's ever gonna nail it down
imagine hearing a knock on your door and it's just this little guy with a gramophone pleading like ''pleas give me mony :(''
i would give him my whole life's savings in a heartbeat except i don't actually have money so i would just hug him
world's most absolutely pathetic sad little man in existence becomes world's most impulsive and chaotic troublemaker in 5 seconds flat
that's literally just the jetpack joyride trailer summarised
7 months ago
i think i've made like 3 posts like this already but i just love salesman barry so much. he's so sad, just so so sad. saddest man in australia. he's like a mix between a soppingly wet puppy and a single dad. i need to chew on this man like a gummy worm and crush him in my hands like a soda can

Tags :
ca n we all agree that salesman barry looks like a dad. like in another world he is absolutely someone's dad
he's a dilco: Dad I'd Like to Chew On
he looks like i'd pull him out of a hole by his neck scruff and he'd just be dripping wet with rainwater
my soppingly wet little man
i like how i keep calling sad fictional men soppingly wet it's so funny
he looks like he'd get rained on even when he's under an umbrella
siiiigh salesman barry my beloved
barry steakfries
jetpack joyride
salesman!barry steakfries
salesman barry
i'm so lala for him. just absolutely gaga weee yippee for this man