Sam Fender - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
You Hurt The Ones Who Love You

you hurt the ones who love you

seventeen going under | sam fender

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3 years ago


…as long as he doesn’t get sick again.

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2 years ago

Saw Sam Fender live last night. Dreams do come true.

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10 months ago
Pairing: Sam Fender X Reader

Pairing: Sam Fender x Reader

Words: 858

Summary: You run into an old friend which leads to the truth coming out by a friend

A/N: I wrote this a few years ago but had no where to post it, with some updating I don't think it's the worst.

"y/n?" I hear someone say, I turn around to see my old friend Sam, I smile and say "Sam?" He smiles and says "Oh my god, it's been ages" he pulls me into a hug, I've missed his hugs, we move away and he says "How long has it been? Two years?" I nod and say "About that yeah"

Sam and I were very close until his music started getting recognition and tours went on more frequently, I'm very happy for him of course but I have missed him an awful lot.

He shakes his head and adds "crazy innit" I nod and say "So, how are the boys doing?" He smiles and says "They're good, I was actually on my way to meet them, are you busy?" I shake my head and he says "Come with me then, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to see you" I smile and say "Yeah, okay" he smiles again. As we begin walking, he looks over at me and says "So, how have things been?" I shrug and say "Alright I guess, what about you? Oh the album is amazing by the way" he smiles and says "Thanks, yeah things have been pretty good"

We soon get to a neighborhood that I remember, I look over at Sam and say "I thought Dean moved" He shakes his head and says "he was thinking about it but never did" I nod and say "Wow, I really am out of the loop" he smiles and says "well you can catch up now" we walk up to Dean's house, Sam knocks on the door before walking in, I follow behind him into the living room to see Dean and Joe on the floor trying to get the PS4 to work while Drew is sat on the couch shaking his head at them, I look at Sam and say "so nothing's changed" he laughs and says "no, not really" Drew looks up at the sound of my voice while Dean and Joe are oblivious, I walk over to Drew, he smiles as he stands up and pulls me into a hug before saying "it's been too long", we sit on the couch, I smile and say "I know, I'm sorry" he smiles and says "from now on you'll be around more, okay" I nod, smiling, Sam smiles and sits next to me, he looks at Drew and says "how long have they been doing this for?" He looks at his wrist that has no watch on and says probably ten minutes or so" I laugh as I get up and walk over to them, I look at Joe and say "Do you need help?" He looks up and says "y/n? When did you get here?" I shake my head and say "A few minutes ago" he gets up and hugs me while Drew smiles at me, Joe looks at the PS4 and says "I give up at this point" I laugh as I sit back down next to Sam, I smile to myself as out knees accidentally touch.

See, I've always liked Sam but whenever I'd feel ready to tell him it'd be the wrong moment, a bad time or he'd been with someone and I didn't want to ruin our friendship either.

We all talk for a while about life and how their tours have been until Joe says "So, do you have anyone special in your life?" I look at him and say "Nope" I notice him make a quick glance at Sam, I smile and say "What about you?" he shakes his head and says "No" with slight defeat in his voice, I look at the time and say "well, I guess I should get going" Sam looks at Joe as Joe says "wait" I look at him and say "what?" He looks at Sam and says "Did you ever tell her?" Sam looks panicked and says "Oh about our show" Joe shakes his head and says "I can't do this, y/n Sam has liked you for god knows how long and I know you like him too so can we get this over with you both just confess" we all look at Joe a bit shocked, I stand up and gesture to the front door to Sam, he stands up and follows me, I turn to face him and he says "I have liked you for a while when we first met I fell for you but I didn't think I'd have a chance so I stuck with the best friend label" I smile and say "well Joe is right, I do like you, I feel the same way actually" we smile at each other before I pull him by his hoodie until our lips meet but that doesn't last long as the boys start whistling, we walk outside laughing, I say "We should catch up, just us" he nods and says "yeah I agree" I smile and kiss his cheek before saying "Text me alright" he nods as I begin walking down the road.

I'm so glad I bumped into him today but this is why you don't trust Joe.

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