Sam Witwicky - Tumblr Posts

Can't believe Earthspark came out a year ago huh
I just made a bull horn laugh at this.
It’s so insanely funny to me how Sam Witwicky was killed off-screen by a fucking TORNADO.
Let's be honest. Michael Bay is the type of guy who would say you have to treat a car like you treat women and
We all saw how Sam treated bee ( not very good), so all I'm saying is that I'm not surprised he lost Michaela cause he did nothing but treat bee like his personal guard dog and would yell and bitch at him I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same with Michaela

Hello Tumblr! This is me posting on why is Mikaela a better option of protagonist than Sam.
I know the reason why Sam is the way it is, it's because they wanted people to feel identified by a character that's an average and simple person, I guess that's an interesting idea, however, Sam wasn't a very good example of this, they want to show a guy who is nice and find himself being brave at some point. But when I see the movie, I just see a horny teenager who did what he did just because he was involved in it, and to impress a gal, cause there wasn't an option, you can put make up on it by adding those scenes of him saying badass stuff... But that's not enough for me, the character itself seems as a lazy example of what they wanted to show, there's no flavor in it.
And then they made Mikaela as his romantic interest and it's crazy how she's better constructed than he is.
Her past is very interesting, let's start with that. She was considered a criminal at some point, but she had her reason. Then all the school looked as her just as a "sexy and privileged girl who is the gf of the popular guy", they saw her just as their "hot classmate", and not by what she actually is, and this is probably because she didn't wanted them to know the truth, because it's dangerous for her future.
Now, they could've used this to make the kind of character that did something wrong, but then risks it all to save the world, find her place and gain the forgiveness from her crimes.
She is a mechanic, what made her really interesting as a TF human protagonist, similar as Charlie, this ability of her is very useful for her alien comrades.
She is also brave, mature, and responsible.
She had her doubts at the beginning when she first saw Bumblebee, Sam convinced her in that part, but as he did it so easily, I think, without Sam there, a little chat with Bee would've been enough to make her change her mind. Even after that, she didn't questioned to keep helping the Autobots every time she could during the movie, not because she just had to be there, but because she actually wanted to help, she saw Bumblebee more as an individual than as an object, feeling bad for him when he got hurt (Sam kept calling him "my car" as if he was some pet or something that he own, he kept this behavior the next movies)
The reason why we couldn't see more of her interacting with the bots is because she wasn't the protagonist, even in the next movie, her role was mostly secondary, and all her relevance there was to add some drama to the relationship... The rest is just Sam doing his stuff (zzzz) they just throw most of the character to the trash, her only purpose was to be the badie of the movie, what's a shame, since it could've been more interesting.
Her character in the first movie felt more real than her boyfriend, more organic, she had problems, she wasn't perfect, and she had more feelings than being horny and trying to make the other character fell in love with her.
She was witty when she had to take actions.
I mean, is sad how they just putted her in the hot girl place, while giving her an interesting personality and background, jut to throw that, because they were more interested in taking shoots of the actress being sexy, and all of what surrounds her is just the fetish of someone who wanted a "bad girl", that's also smart and brave to fell in love with him, it's unfair. Meanwhile they gave us sam who is less interesting and irritating... Like, do you have a brain that works? The movie is very interesting, I think, it could've worked better for me with a better human protagonist.
Right!!! Like when I was little, I loved the Bayverse, but growing up now and watching it later, it's just like, wow! ( I still love it now, but I'm not afraid to admit it definitely! Not perfect, and those jokes are not! Ok!) Also, Sam couldn't make up his mind about bee in the first movie there, so-called "friends" in the second movie, he yells at bee for being around too much! And that he needs space and then! In the third movie, he yells at bee again for not! Being around and telling him he is a bad friend like sam! Make up your freaked mind. Do you want him there or not! And don't even get me started when they kicked out Megan fox! Fuck Michal bay for that and Sam new girlfriend sucked she didn't do anything and we all knew she doesn't like the Autobots or bee for that matter I could tell from the one scene from when she saw bee that bee already knew to leave and that probably why he stopped coming around Carly looks like she would get jealous of a car and tell him to leave so I think Michaela should have tooken bee when she broke up with Sam and I mean Sam took her dog so it's fair I mean Sam treated bee like a dog anyway
Let's be honest. Michael Bay is the type of guy who would say you have to treat a car like you treat women and
We all saw how Sam treated bee ( not very good), so all I'm saying is that I'm not surprised he lost Michaela cause he did nothing but treat bee like his personal guard dog and would yell and bitch at him
To Be a Father
A/N: I am pleasantly surprised at how well this turned out, and I must say I believe it to be one of the best that I’ve written! Hopefully you’ll think the same, haha.
Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there. You rock. <3

Title: To Be a Father
Summary: Optimus spends the day with you by the lake.
Words: 3048

It wasn’t often that Optimus Prime got a day off from his duties, but when he did, each time was more likely than not going to be spent with you. In previous years it had proved quite difficult to do so, as you had school to attend and lived with your family in an entirely different state, but as soon as you turned eighteen you took up an apprenticeship at NEST. Your brother, Sam, had also been offered one, but apparently he much preferred the quiet life as opposed to you, who took up the aspiration to somehow be involved in the military as soon as all things Cybertron came to Earth. Of course, Optimus adored the extra time he got to have with you, but he vaulted straight into what Will and Epps had dubbed his ‘Daddy Mode’ any time something even partially dangerous cropped up and completely refused when you asked to join him. You still shivered at how mad he’d been that one time when he’d discovered how you’d sneaked out of the Base to follow him and the other ‘Bots… granted, he’d only discovered you because a Decepticon had somehow managed to slice through your upper arm, and that was most likely the reason why he’d been so mad and refused even more from thereon after… but, still. You’d joined for the whole military experience, and that certainly wasn’t what you were receiving.
It had come as somewhat of a shock at the beginning when Optimus began to act as though he were your father. After all, who could get used to seeing a robot look after a human as though she were his own? Nevertheless, that shock had subsided almost five years ago. Now, it would be a surprise if the alien Commander didn’t treat you as he did. Everyone had accepted it, and it was practically custom at the Base to expect nothing less than Optimus being the one they go to when something concerned you.
He was your guardian, no doubts about it, and neither of you would have it any different.

“I can’t throw this to you!”
Lake Chelan was beautiful on a summer’s day. The cool, blue-grey water glistened in the evening sun, dancing on the the small ripples of waves as they glossed over the surface. The trees surrounding it rustled in the warm breeze, leaves toppling off and floating down to the grassy ground where they lay surrounded by wild flowers and mounds of dew-dropped blades of emerald.
Both you and Optimus had first visited it when exploring the new Headquarter’s surroundings in Washington. Thankfully, it had been winter at the time, so the place had been empty enough that nobody noticed the thirty-two foot alien robot trekking through the trees with a human sitting on his right shoulder, and the two of you had been able to explore as thoroughly as possible. It must have been on the third trip to the lake that you’d stumbled - and quite literally at that. Optimus had tripped over a fallen log and barrelled straight through a rather large canopy of trees and bushes - across what you’d since dubbed your ‘secret hideaway’. It was a beautiful area of the lake which had seemed pretty undisturbed, housing all sorts of creatures that unfortunately ran as soon as Optimus came crashing through their home. It was overgrown, dotted with flowers which were all the colours of the rainbow, right next to the glittering lake, and it was utterly beautiful. Optimus had done his best to arrange all the trees and such back into the places they had previously been so that it would remain a secret to everybody but the both of you, and, so far, even after four or so years, neither of you had encountered anyone else in that part of the lake.
Today was one of those rare days in which the Prime has been given a day off, along with many other men at NEST. It was what the humans called ‘Father’s Day’, and those who had children to return home to had been granted permission to do so. Optimus was no exception. He had bustled you into his truck and sped off towards Lake Chelan with absolutely no sign of hesitation, and the two of you had been there for six hours, now. The sun was beginning to set, casting a magnificent glow over the shining lake and painting a gorgeous canvas of reds and oranges and yellows in the clear sky. He doubted the both of you would get home at all tonight, if your complete lack of boredom had anything to say about it, but he couldn’t admit that he cared that much. He did not mind where he was, as long as he was with you, and you were happy. The moment he returned home, work and his duties would slap him right back in the face.
“Of course you can.”
“No, I can’t. This is Will’s ball, and I’m not gonna return it to him, completely squashed, with a crappy explanation like ‘I threw it to Optimus and he burst it’.” You gave the ‘Bot a look, hugging the blue blow-up ball to your chest, and Optimus chuckled. He was sat on the ground, one leg stretched out in front of him while the other was bent at the knee, and both arms braced on the grass behind him. He was the most relaxed he’d been in quite a while, and most stoic generals who marvelled at the Autobots every time they visited NEST would more than likely feel faint at one sight of the position the stern and battle-ready robot was currently in.
He shook his head. “You over-estimate my strength,” he told you, and you scoffed.
“Nobody can over-estimate your strength.” You turned and threw the ball in the air. “We’ll have to find a bigger ball.”
“One that is not plastic.”
“And one that won’t burst at a slight touch of your finger.”
Optimus smiled. “We best get to searching once we return, then.”
You mirrored his smile, throwing the ball once again. A bird flew over you, followed by a couple of what you supposed to be its babies, and you couldn’t help but laugh as Optimus immediately moved his head, not fancying another case in which birds attempted to nest on him. Waking up with an itching feeling and reaching his hand up only to pull back in surprise when the ruffle of feathers and cacophony of chirping reached his audio receptors was not something he wanted to experience again. You had not stopped laughing for at least half an hour after while he sat, back resting against a tree, arms crossed over his chest and the most ill-tempered look on his face.
You threw the ball up once again and quickly clasped your hands together, bouncing it on your fists when gravity pulled it down. One of those hands immediately came up to clap over your mouth as the ball flew straight towards the Prime and hit him right in the optic. He made a shout of both surprise and discomfort, one of his flapping arms covering where it had hit. “Ow…”
“Optimus, I am soho sorry,” you apologised, though the giggles spilling from your mouth did not aid at all in moving that apology along the right path. “I didn’t- Ihihi didn’t mean to do thahat.”
Optimus grumbled something in Cybertronian under his breath. “When do you ever…” he muttered.
You shrugged. “At least it wasn’t the birds.”
The ‘Bot narrowed his optics and immediately made to leap up after you, causing you to squeal, turn around and dive into the water. Optimus’s mood changed immediately and he frantically shook his head, leaning forward and making a grab for you, but you were already completely submerged. “Those are the only clothes we have with us, Y/N,” he lightly scolded as you reached the surface and gasped for air, hair plastered over your grinning face.
“I don’t care! The water’s warm!”
“That is what you said the last time before you proceeded to come down with the influenza.” He heaved a sigh and leaned back, seeing that there was nothing he could do now. If you suffered through another nasty sickness, then he couldn’t say he hadn’t tried to stop you.
“I’m gonna swim to the other side,” you told him, and he rose an optic ridge.
“Are you, now?”
Biting your lip, you swam up to the edge of the lake and crossed your arms over on the grass, resting your chin on top of them. “Optimus,” you said, gaining a very sweet smile, “can I swim to the other side of the lake? Pretty please?”
The Prime smiled. “Yes, but be careful out there. If you drown, do not expect me to save you.” He winked, cobalt optics twinkling mischievously, and you laughed.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Before the Prime could question what exactly that meant, you were off. He shook his head fondly and gazed out across the lake, marvelling at the mountains in the distance as the slight wind breezed over him. His silent peace was swiftly interrupted, however, as he noticed an incoming call. Frowning, he accepted it quickly. “Optimus Prime,” he said as way of greeting, sitting up.
“Optimus, hi. It’s Ron. Ron Witwicky.” The ‘Bot visibly relaxed at that, having previously been worried that it may have been Ratchet or somebody back at Base, telling him he needed to return due to an emergency.
“Good evening, Mister Witwicky,” he said. “How may I help you?”
“Ah, I was just wondering if Y/N was anywhere nearby? I tried calling her mobile but she won’t answer.” Optimus glanced over at the backpack you’d thrown by a tree a little way off. No doubt your phone had been going off in there for a while, but when you were faced with nature - especially when you were with him - electronics no longer became a thing of existence to you.
“Yes, she is here, though…” He turned his head slightly, noticing how you were still splashing through the water. “I am afraid she is quite far out in the lake as of now.”
He heard Ron chuckle. “At Lake Chelan, are you?”
“We are, yes.”
“Typical. Said she’d ring me this afternoon to wish me a Happy Father’s Day and it’s, what? Six pm, now?” He breathed a laugh, and Optimus could imagine him shaking his head fondly. “That girl, Optimus, I swear to God.”
The Prime smiled. “I apologise on her behalf, Mister Witwicky,” he said. “I shall remind her to call you once she gets back.”
“Yes, you do that, big guy. Tell her her dad’s been spending the day drinking beer and watching her mom’s channels on TV. Make her feel guilty.”
Optimus threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, I will,” he said. “Where’s Sam?”
“With his girlfriend, I expect. He called in this morning, which was great, but it’s pretty tough not having a Father’s Day hug from my little girl for the first time ever.” Ron’s voice drifted off a little, and Optimus nodded to himself, completely understanding. You were, after all, his only daughter and youngest child. To have you living hours away from him must be extremely trying, for both you and your parents - and Sam, at that. Primus knew how difficult it was for him to cope when you had to leave to go back home and he knew that he would not see you for another few months. He could only imagine how your family felt.
“Of course,” he said understandingly, “though she will be visiting fairly soon, remember that. She misses you and her mother, also, as she does Sam. I am sorry it is proving hard for you.”
“Oh, don’t be sorry. She’s eighteen - I sometimes forget that’s how old she is - and she’s gotta go out and make her own way at some point, right? I’m damn happy she has you with her. If she didn’t… let me tell you, Optimus, both Judy and I would be worried sick. But the simple fact that you’re keeping an eye on her means the world to us.”
The Autobot smiled. “I assure you, Mister Witwicky, I am keeping both eyes on her. She is safe, and I’m sure it will give you great relief to know that she is very happy. She gets on tremendously well with the rest of the men, and, as you know, my ‘Bots are every bit as much her protectors as I am.”
“That means a lot, pal, thank you. It really does.”
“Hey, Optimus! There’re fish out here!” The Autobot glanced up as your voice echoed around the lake, and he smiled when he saw you out in the middle, treading water while you spun around, seemingly following the fish beneath you.
“See if you are quick enough to catch one for your dinner!” he called back, and if he was close enough he was positive he would have seen you roll your eyes. He heard chuckling on the other end of the line. “I assume you heard that?” he asked, and Ron’s laughter grew.
“I did, indeed. You wouldn’t think she was eighteen, would you?”
“No. She still has that flare of innocence and complete youthfulness that I remember seeing in her all those years ago.”
It was silent for a moment before the man spoke again. “We did good with her, didn’t we?” he said, and though Optimus sub-consciously frowned for a moment, wondering what he meant by ‘we’, he nodded.
“Yes,” he replied, “I believe we did.”
“You know, this is as much your Father’s Day as it is mine, Optimus.”
Ah. That must have been what he meant. Optics widening the smallest bit, he opened his mouth to speak before shutting it again and waiting a moment. “It… is?”
“Yeah, pal, of course. You’ve known her for as long as she can remember! You’re her guardian, her protector… she considers you her family. Hell, we all do. That kid wouldn’t be half the person she is today without your help, Optimus. You keep her out of trouble, both when she’s with you and when she’s here at home.” He paused for a second. “Do you remember that time she got so moody just because she missed you? She was fourteen, then.”
Optimus’s face softened as he immediately plunged back into some of the sweetest memories of his life. “I do,” he said. “Sam called me up and asked me to talk some sense into her, and I told her not to be upset on my account and to simply think about the fun we would have when she came to visit in the summer.”
“And she cheered right up,” Ron said, smile evident in his voice.
Optimus weakly shrugged. “Patience is not one of her strong suits.”
“Yeah, definitely not,” the man said with a laugh. “Look, what I’m trying to say here is… you are a father to her. Whether you like it or not, whether you meant for it to happen or not, you are, and you’re a pretty amazing one at that. I’m thankful for you, Optimus, really, I am. You’ve shone a light on our girl’s life that I would never have been able to put there alone. You devote a lot of your own life to her, even though you’re busy as hell, you reprimand her, praise her, look after her when she’s sick, teach her what’s right and wrong… sometimes I’m learning from you. You are what it means to be a father.”
Optimus was, quite honestly, a little lost for words. Of course, he had always seen himself as some sort of father-figure to you, but to hear your actual father say it himself meant more to him than he could ever have imagined. He’d always worried about it - about how much time he was spending with you compared to how much you were spending with Ron. Would he ever be jealous? Upset? Angry, even? That someone else had stepped into your life and was now sharing his role as father? He would never wish to take that away from either of you, but to completely give up this role would have been torture for him, so he hadn’t. And yet that thought had always been nagging in the back of his mind. Nevertheless, to hear that your father was, in fact, one hundred percent grateful and, in actuality, relieved for the support in raising you gave peace to his entire being.
A smile spread across his face, and he couldn’t help but sigh in what could only be relief. “I cannot explain in words what that means to me, Mister Witwicky. I hold what you have said very close to my spark, and I can only say that it is my absolute honour to be able to share this with you. I love helping in looking after your daughter, and I love her. More than I will ever be able to say. Thank you.”
“It’s nothing but my pleasure, Optimus, honestly. Who else can say they share fathering duties with an alien robot, huh?”
Optimus chuckled, turning his head to gaze out at the lake yet again and easily catching sight of you continuously diving under the water and resurfacing seconds later, apparently trying your luck at catching a fish. His smile widened. “Not many people, I would assume,” he said.
“She still swimming?”
“Yes, though I can call her back if you wish to speak with her now?”
“Oh, no, no. I want her to spend this day with at least one of her dads. I’ll call her later.”
The Prime nodded. “Alright. It was nice speaking with you.”
“And you. Happy Father’s Day, Optimus.”
Looking back across the lake once more, Optimus was surprised, to say the least, when he saw you splashing around in the water, a fish struggling in your hands. He rose an optic ridge, lost for words for a brief moment, before he blinked and shook his head, breathing a soft laugh.
Ah, the joys of fatherhood.
“Happy Father’s Day, Ron.”