Sara Kujou X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hi hope it’s not to late to request , would it be alright to request Yandere (separate please ) Sara , Itto , Miko and Lumine (if not maybe Yelan instead ) with a kitsune darling Who is going through rut/heat, but instead of horny you just want rugby tackle people instead cause you want to dominate them instead . Hope this makes sense ♥️

"Oh no, you don't!"(+Art)

You are a feisty Kitsune during your rut/heat, how does your the yandere deal with you?

Note : I’m sorry if the characters doesn’t feel yandere enough ueueu—i put seperate warning on each chapters just to be safe, i made reader heavily more feral than normal fox

Kitsune!Reader , GN-Neutral, mention of fights and blood, feral and animalistic, predator-prey element, slight yandere, suggestive, non-establish relationship (but you guys are friends or acquitance), misuse vision/elemental, reader is highly feral

Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,


Mild violence, description of violence

She will be confused why are you suddenly hostile with everyone, picking fights, tackling people, and gone for the day only to return back to her covered in dirt and scratches.

Everytime she ask, you just bare your fangs to her and left, completely out of your character. So she decided to follow you to find out what's making you so worked up and upset.

Only to find out you always go to the Tenryou Camp and asking to ‘practice' fighting with the soldiers there. But it looks like you just beat Sara’s soldier for fun.

What’s wrong with you? Why are you full of rage? Until she saw wild foxes mating here and there then she realize.

“It is your mating season”

Your ears perked up at her words and scowls “Yeah,so?”. She need to approached you carefully. She knows you are full of fury and would attack her un-provoked. She knows it is your hormones acting and she knows she could easily bodyslam you .She beat a buff Oni afterall, a kitsune like you is nothing to her Tengu blood. But, hurting you would be her last last last choice.

“Don’ need to..mate?” Sara doesn’t really understand Kitsune’s culture and asking that Shrine Maiden is completely off the list. Your ears perked up and you tilted your head. “No???i just want to fight people”. Now it’s Sara’s turn to be confused, because mating season means…it is in the name. Maybe you are still at the beginning of your rut/heat, that’s why you just want to dominate everything.

But, your behavior of causing ruckus is triggering her peace-keeper attitude. Her men are struggling to keep up with you. Even with weapon, a kitsune power in rut/heat season is more powerful. So she need to takes matter to her own hands. Someone need to put you in your place, and who else better in doing that other than her?

“Fight me.”

You were just licking your wounds before you freeze and look at her. “And stop licking your wound, it will get infected” Sara’s gaze flicked towards the wound and to your face, you scowled but asked her “Why suddenly you want to fight me?” . “I’m more worthy your time.” She answered without missing a beat.

Sara knew you were caught off-guard with her statement, you are not stupid, you know a tengu who has been training as a warrior could easily pull your ears off. But you are smart, you know she can keep up with you and provide more entertaining than her men. So you accepted her offer. “My my, aren’t you a good leader~offering yourself for me?You think you can keep up with me?” You scoffed playfully.

Oh how fool you are, you should be worried if YOU can keep up with her.

So it was a deal. You sated your urge by trying to dominating this Tengu warrior in front of you. Whoever can tackle and hold the other one on the ground first,win. Code word : you TRIED. Even with your hormones going off the roof, Sara always able to trick you and hold you down with her own bare hands. Weeks gone by with you and Sara warming up with stretching and ended with you covered in dirt under Sara’s hold. Feathers and furs are everywhere. Anyone who see you both will think you guys are trying to kill each other off.

Scratches from your nails, blue and purple bruises from Sara, tuft of fur and black feathers scattered around, and bit drop of blood here and there. Sara played fair, no bow and vision, purely her raw physical self-defense. Your kitsune power is on par with her tengu power, even with your rut/heat induced mind, Sara can still keep up with you with serious face whilst you growling and hissing here and there . Oh how she wished she can make you create other noises.

This time however, your hormones have been influencing hers too. She becomes more feral with you. Instead of feeling tired after fights, her energy burst when seeing you under her. Meanwhile, you are drained, lie on your stomach and covered in scratches and dirt, soft panting can be heard between both of you. Though you never win you felt relief after fighting with her. All your pent up energy are gone. Now for a break.

“Ah another lose, alright, get off me, i need a break now”. She doesn’t budge. Your tails swishing. You hate this position, your tails flat on the ground, your whole body on the ground, a sign of submission which is exactly the opposite of your goal fighting her. Your mind just jumped to be out of her grasp. Body squirmed, hissed, tail smacking her back and feet, you tried everything. “Sara!get off!!”

“Quit it.” You heard her growl. Sara didn’t know what happen to her. Her four wings flapped around whilst she felt your puffy tails swishing between her legs. Oh you had switched something inside Sara.

You just need to be drained out of energy to calm down right? Oh she will drain you alright.


Trapping/locked up,

He would be oblivious

Until of course you keep trying to pounce him, or at least your attempt to pounce him. Everytime he looks down at you because of his height you just scowl and attempting to push him downwards. But obviously he thought you are being playful so he push you back too, only for you to fully shove him down and stomping away.

Your ears always pointing backwards, tails swishing all over the place. Itto mistook it as you being playful, reached out to pat your head only for you to bite at his hand. What has gotten into you??

He was still oblivious until he meet Yae. Yae looked around Itto, you are not anywhere near him, and smiled to him “I assume your little fox are worn out?” Itto’s face scrunch in disagreement, then he proceed to dump all information of your weird feral behavior to Yae. Your weird body language, you pounces his gang members, your rage. Yae just chuckled.

“Oh don’t you get it? It’s the season.” Itto looked at her confused “Season?what season?” Yae spotted you staring at her intently a bit away from you both. Itto is facing away from you so he didn’t notice. Yae knew exactly what will happen. “The mating season”


After a sound of broken branch, Itto spun around and he saw you dashed forward with claws ready towards Yae. He instinctively grabbed your collar. You hissed and scowl whilst trying to get Yae, what is wrong wi-oh…OHHHHH. Yae is another kitsune…are you just threatened? Itto pulled you back and Yae just chuckling “An Oni like you can handle them properly i’m sure of that.”

“LET ME GO AT HER” You yelled after Itto dragged you to his hut. “SHE OBVIOUSLY MOCKING ME” you squirm. “Heh, you sure you aren’t just threatened by her?” Itto never seen you swished your head so fast at him. Your gaze narrowing on his red orbs, full of pent up rage. “” Itto smirk. Oh how your scowling face is a new view for him. Ah-is your pheromone starting to get into him? “You.are.afraid.of her.” He said, fully intent on taunting you.

You are not the only one with pent up frustation

The hut filled with the sounds of wrestling, groans and scowls. You and Itto had a blown up fight. Whilst you try to to actively hold him down,Itto can just easily pushed you aside or pushed you back towards the other side of the room, and waiting for you to pounce at him again.

Itto let you live in his hut for “safety of arataki gang”. He will provide you the food and entertain you by ‘play fighting’ with you. Eventho you managed landing few scratches here and there, he will never touch you other than locking you in place to end the game or shoved you back. Itto can see this simple activity already draining you. You pants and sweating bullets. Have you been this attractive before? No no no, it seems you have taken toll on him.

“Enough games!!I’m out of this place!” You yelled and turned around to go out from his hut to escape. Your tails swished behind you in annoyance. Before you know it, a fist crashed into the door in front of you. Sometimes you forget that Itto’s oni power can make everything seems flimsy and breakable. “That’s right. Enough games.” You heard Itto’s low groan behind you.

Time to get into the main course of your season.


Mild Dub-con, usage of electro element, locking up

She is a sophisticated kitsune, perhaps with her taking in more mortal way of living makes her youkai side buried down.

But that doesn’t mean she can’t sense your rut/heat nor it doesn’t have any effect on her.

It’s the season, why aren’t you making nest yet?? Yae’s already provided you a private room that only you and her can enter, yet, you always left and she can hear foxes scowling and yipping around the shrine. Oh, you clearly are not horny… she doesn’t smell any arouse or lust scent on you. Well, you do lust for fight,that’s for sure.

Yae’s already dropping hints here and there, telling you how soft these fabric would be as a beddings, how wonderful the smell of sakura for bedroom, how soundproof the wall in the private room, how the food the shrine maidens brought for you are healthy to prepare little ones, how the foxes around the shrines are mating. Yet, you just ignore her and jumped down to find someone or something to fight.

Whenever you go back to the shrine, you are covered in bruises, scratch, and dirt, your hair is covered with sakura blooms and leaves. The shrine maidens were trying to clean you up but you simply scowl and just run behind the shrine to clean yourself up in the pond under the shrine.

Yae is curious with your aggressive behavior, she once found you trying to pounce a boar. As much as it is entertaining to see you become feral like this, your disobidience is not her thing. Simply little shock of electro made you whine and hesistantly followed her back to the shrine . ‘Well, that’s one way to put you in place.” She noticed your pupil become a slit, your eyes look more predatory. You huffed, not because you are tired no no, it seems you are trying to ‘calm down’. She can read your body language easily.

When she confront you about it, how you are refusing to be taken care of during rut/heat or nesting even though she provided everything, you simply answer “I don’t want to be the one caring for pups, i want to be the dominate one” and you hopping away, your puffy tails swishing behind. Hmm, it seems your maternity instinct simply isn’t showing up yet.

Oh that can be arranged, she will be the one pushing that maternal instinct out of you.

You usually slept in your fox form around the shrine, small body made fitting in any places. You often wake up by the sounds of the shrine maidens doing morning activity. After eating some snacks brought by the maidens, you ran down the shrine to sate your fighting energy. But this time…

“Ah,awake already,little one?”

That voice. “This..isn’t the stone i always slept on.” You are on a fluffy bed- is a nest. Pillows and fabric surrounding in a circle, the scent is filled with Yae, sakura petals everywhere, fried tofu in a bowl next to the nest. The room is screaming Yae’s.

“Come eat, you need energy for your body. It’s our favorite.” Yae avoided your concern of her moving you around whilst you slept. You sniffed the food, cautious. “Me putting something in the tofu is the least of your concern.” With that you jumped out the nest, dashing through her to get into the door. Escape escape escape esc-


You yelped and fell down, tails and ears twitching due to electro flowing into your body. “YOU DAMN FOX!” You turned on your side, still reviving from the shock. “My my look who’s talking.” Yae saw you softly hissing and trembling whilst trying to ground yourself from the electro power. Does she feel bad? A bit. Is she aroused? Oh hell yeah. Ah, maybe the heat season is getting into her.

“Come on now, pull yourself together, let’s get you more familiar with your new home.” She dragged you along back to the nest, you keep squirmed against her. “That’s not how you act around your mate you know?”. When she puts you back in the nest, you start biting the pillows and the sheets, showing her your aggression. Yae just chuckled “Well,i can always teach you how to make a proper nest for our little ones.”

. Both of you kitsunes are now full of hormones, and each of you trying to dominate one another. Of course a 500 years old Kitsune would be stronger than you a mere two-tailed fox. But you wouldn’t go down without a fight. Your fighting instinct is way higher than your maternal one.

Don’t worry, she will teach you how to be obedient in no time.


Locking up, gaslighting if u squint

It’s all started from Paimon screaming help to Lumine. “WAAAHHH TRAVELLER!!” She turned her head around to see you pouncing Paimon who just float higher and higher. “WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU??Traveller!Paimon was just trying to greet them but they started chasing Paimon!!”

Lumine first tried to talk to you. Her hand waving around and snapping her fingers. At that you turned your attention to her, your tails wagged and you immediately pounced her. Seeing Lumine getting smacked down Paimon floats lower to assist her only for you trying to have a go at her again. Paimon’s cry only ended when you ran to pounce a passerby, thankfully Lumine was there to get you.

You were in Lumine’s teapot, dragged by her after you start growling to anything that moves. She whipped you around to ask and she could see your pupil slitted akin to a predator. Your weird aggressive behavior was explained by yourself after you ‘calmed down’. More like when Lumine had to trap you in one of her rooms and you finished your ‘tantrum’

Lumine had to take out all animals from the teapot due to you constantly trying to pick fights. In addition, she asked anyone who has her Realm Dispatch to not visit. So she can pretend a domestic life with her kitsune.

Of course, she collects book along her journey. So, she spent a whole day to find out more about you reading through the books. She can’t let her darling friend suffering. She went as far as making a nest which basically look like adult crib with bunch of pillows and blankets.

But no no no, instead of being grateful, you always wanted to go outside the teapot and trying to pounce anyone. Being pounced by you is her dream truly, but why do you still want to go out? She has everything in her’s now you guys’ shared teapot. You live there now.

Everytime you asked to be let out, Lumine will pull out “But isn’t here nice?i did all this for you, can’t you at least stay for one more night? I will let you take a walk outside in the morning.” Oh isn’t Lumine being a good provider? Sure she might twist her words just to get you stay, sure she might have hidden your realm dispatch somewhere, yes sure she might lock the door once you inside, but it’s because the book says that during your season you need a mate as company.

She gladly be the one for you.

You are quite docile most of the time, since you let all your rage energy in the practice camp Lumine had set up in her teapot. You will went out in the morning and had to be dragged back to bed by Lumine, even then you will throw tantrum and thrash around. Oh how she loves to see that side of you in bed

Oh this golden traveller never complain, she will never complain if it is you. You are her feisty fox just need some discipline.

Until..She saw you standing before her, tails swishing all over the place, your ears flat on top of your head . Aggression, annoyance, defiant..

“This is stupid!Lumine!I wanna go out!” You scowled at her. It’s been weeks since she kept you here. Although she provided you everything, it’s not satisfying enough for your wild behaviour. You are a wild and free kitsune, you always been, spending your rut/heat tied up like this is not your thing. You reached out your hand and make grabby motion “Realm Dispatch!Let me out!” You grew more irritated when she just go back to cooking.

“This is insane!You promised me to take me a walk outside!” Lumine just scoffed “I didn’t say outside teapot.It’s just your rut/heat speaking, come sit, you need to eat for energy.” You growled “If you don’t let me out, i will ask Tubby to let me o-“


A knife swoop past you and stuck to the wall behind you. “Isn’t that not a nice thing to say to someone who is holding a kitchen knife?” Your gaze focused on the blonde in front of you,claws ready to attack. But when you jumped to pounce her, you fell.

Ah, how convinient the knife she threw towards you somehow lodged itself through your clothes and to the wall. You tried to pull your outfit but 2 feet already on each side of you.

Oh truly how patient Lumine has been. Your scratches on her, bitemarks, and pounces she took from your suppose-horny mind. Oh she never complain one bit, truly never.

But everyone has their own limit right?

She is going to make sure you paid back the scratches you have put on her.


Bonus bc i love her, leash(?), slight petplay

She knows. Oh she knows. A bit surprised you are not all over her asking to be fucked but seeing you fucking up everything that moves entertain her.

Cheeky bastard, she will use her hydro power to always make u on leash. Hell, you maybe wake up to a blue collar attached to your neck.

She will literally pull you by the leash if you run away from her to pounce at something. Though you are good in hunting Fatui down. She likes ‘walk’ you like a pet you are just to hunt Fatui.

Whenever you don’t see the blue line between your neck and her hand you just dashed off until u felt a hard tug on your neck and coughing on the ground. Invisible doesn’t mean it’s not there you know?

If she is in the mood of some loving she will tie you up using her hydro power to make sure you don’t try to claw her eyes out. She will spend the time by petting your ears and tails, trully a blessed time excluding your constant squirming and hissing.

Whenever she caught you staring dagger at her, with that beautiful predatory eyes of yours, which is hot, she always wishes how she gonna make those eyes roll back into your skull. But alas, you only take the aggression in your mating season.

Now she wondered how aggressive can you be in bed?

Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,
Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,
Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,
Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,
Hi Hope Its Not To Late To Request , Would It Be Alright To Request Yandere (separate Please ) Sara ,

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