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thoughts on futa's door and the tunnel in backdraft

boy we have got to talk about this boy
To elaborate more on what this could mean, i think it could have something to do with the fact that futa felt himself part of his friendgroup (the team) because of all the things he did with them together (playing for the team) but they never really saw him as one of them nor did they care (he was barely substitute). It makes sense even looking at his outfit, soccer /players/ don't really dress like that on the field. The substitutes on the bench do

Backdraft constantly plays into his lack of belonging, even though all of his actions come from his own sense of belonging to the group. It wasn't reciprocated
Him entering a soccer stadium in substitute-like clothing but ending up in a dangerous, dark, neverending underground tunnel just further showcases how much he was NOT meant to reach the field with the rest of the team.