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I Saw Alien Romulus Last Night.

I saw Alien Romulus last night.

I saw it with my boyfriend (twas a date). While it's not my kinda genre I still really liked it from a production standpoint. Personally I think it's better than most non-animated movies that have come in the past few years.

I think it fits cohesively with the already given story of the first and second Alien movies as, timeline wise, it falls between the two. I also love that it starts off in a peaceful way and then later on that's when shit hits the fan.

This is a good quality movie. Am I a fan of horror? No. Was I scared shitless by the end? Yes. 10/10 I would recommend.

Spoilers below the cut. You have been warned.

So on a different not this movie played with a few of my fears actually.

1. Birth/pregnancy

2. Weird lanky freak monsters that are human but also not

No the birth is not in reference to the chest bursters. There is an actual baby born and it's kinda fucked out how it comes out cause it's graphic. Made me feel queezy.

NOW the thing that really fucked me up was the hybrid bady! That thing grew up so fast and ended up looking like my worst fear! I absolutely dread and fear that one day I'll roll over in my sleep, open my eyes and see something like that in the room with me or right in my face and that scares the hell out of me. I actually cried on the way home thinking about it it shook me up that bad. What was funny was that thing was in the background of a scene in some stairs, sneaking up and the theater was really quite and I was the only one who audibly said "Ew". I had my eyes closed for most of the scenes with this monster.

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