Scholarships - Tumblr Posts
Scholarship applications: Give us your addreSS, your phOnE nuMBeR, your crEDIT caRD NumBER... give us the socIAL SECUrity, we see you hAVE iT give IT GIVE IT
What are you supposed to do in this godforsaken country if you need a life saving procedure that costs TWO. MILLION. DOLLARS. Where are you suppose to get that money.
Genuinely asking. What are you supposed to do.
What am I supposed to do for my friend??? Watch him die???
Is Gofundme the only option? To extort money from my other friends and loved ones? To sing and dance for strangers, and hope his story is more marketable than someone else’s?
If any knows any resources for sickle cell patients in Virginia please please send them to me.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
Praying that $1500 randomly comes to you when you need it the most this year.
stalking my roommates on the scholarship website like an extremely normal person
when I did the fafsa it was like "now you can also fill out your state scholarship form!" and I was like yes I am a fan of scholarships so I did but then I finished and it was like "here's this chart. you're eligible for every scholarship with an x in its column" but here's the thing there were no xs. but I continued reading the instructions anyway and they were like "now you can submit your application!" so I did and guess what you guys I guess this means I just submitted a scholarship application for no scholarships
(via UP Scholarship - Last Date Extended, Complete List, Eligibility, Application)
Man oh man do I enjoy applying for scholarships... entering in the same information over and over again...