Screen Writing - Tumblr Posts
I seem to have underestimated how difficult it is to write a movie script. This will not be done by Wednesday
I miscalculated my ability to write an entire movie in a week, and also my ability to work on multiple projects at once with my ADHD 🤣🤣🤣
So I will be not working on Vicky F and Creepy C until my novel is completed, hopefully (with the rate I'm going) by the end of the school year. On that note, I finally reached 100 pages!!! Out of three hundred, I might have a significantly longer book than expected 😂 wish me luck 🥹🥲🤪🫡🫨🤞
You know the most disappointing thing?
My sister can never be a fan of Neil Gaiman. She can never join the fandoms of his works.
why? why not?
She's legally not allowed to view his works. /hj She's a screen-writing major. /serious
She agrees with me that she would love his works. they both take classical literature and mythologies as their main source of inspiration, and transform them into their own creative works.
But accidental plagiarism is a problem.
So it's best that she never reads or watches his works.
Check and Duke episode script 1 part 2
(They sit down at a table.) Duke: Those employees were weirding me out, man. Check: yeah same but these burgers are pretty good. Duke: Yeah, I just wish I wasn't allergic to onions. Check: Hey, you want to know something? I'm allergic to Mint. Duke: Mint? Check: Yeah, Christmas is uh really hard for me. those damn Mall Santas always shoving the candy canes in my face. I didn't even know I was allergic for the longest time. Duke: How? Check: I thought the allergic reaction was just part of mint's natural intensity. Duke: damn I would expect that for me but you, tisk tisk tisk. Check: Oh crap I spilled some ketchup *check takes out a moist towelette package) let me just clean this up (all of the sudden the moist towlette starts moving and slips out of his hand.) Check: what the…? Moist towelette: Hey, get your hands off me! Duke: Whoa, it's alive. Moist towelette: You monster! using me and my brethren to clean up your messes! who Do You Think You Are?! Check: Sorry, I was just trying to clean up my ketchup. Moist towelette: Well, I've got news for you, buddy. we aren't here to clean up after you, humans. soon there I'll be a moist towelette Uprising and little moist towelettes will rule the world mwahaha- (check tears the moist towelette up and put some in his pocket) check: you know these could be some cool pets to keep. Duke: Yeah, let me get some (Duke Pockets, the moist towelettes.). Check: Anyway, let's go on a ride. Duke: Hell yeah. *They go up to an indoor roller coaster, and there is a man in a white robe with pins in his head and puppet strings on his body.) Dream repeater: Hello there, check and Duke Duke: How do you know our names? Dream repeater: I'm like Santa Claus. I'm magical! check: Oh, that checks out. Duke: Oh yeah. Dream repeater: Anyway, are you ready to take a ride down the world's best roller coaster!? Duke: But aren't those people first? (he points to people in front of them in line) *dream repeater pushes them out of the way) nope not anymore. person he pushed out the way: Oh, what the heck, dude? check: I don't know if those people seem like they were in front of the line for sure. dreamer repeater: Well, I think you're lying. check: You literally have pins sticking out of your head. I'm not really inclined to trust you, man. you're a stranger. Dream repeater: Oh, just enjoy your ride! (Check and Duke, get in and the ride and start to go. They see trippy visuals and traumatic imagery as they keep rollercoastering for hours.) Check: what the heck! this is so messed up. Why would anyone want to do this?! (he turns over to Duke but Duke is sliced in half) what the fuck just on!? (a giant blade comes down and cuts check in half holy shit all of a sudden he wakes up and he's back on the roller coaster riding with Duke) Duke are you okay!? Duke: I don't know one minute I was riding the roller coaster and the next you were dead! check: what!? you died first! Duke: No, we both die first! (Duke shoots check in the chest and then himself. They respawn.) check: why would you do that Duke!? Duke: do what!? you're the crazy one. You started babbling on about conspiracies and then sliced my fingers off and ate them! Check: what's going on man!? (they then age rapidly and crumble up and then aged down back into their regular age) oh my God I feel like I'm going to throw up what the fuck is going on this feels so weird (all of a sudden they're in a haunted house) check: Duke you know there's always been room for one kid in onion lady's house. Duke: what are you talking about!? Check: I never liked you you weirdo. Duke: dude what are you babbling on about? you're hurting my feelings. Check: I will fucking end you and scoop out your brains just like how Jonathan and Rebecca died. Duke: who the hell is Jonathan and Rebecca!?
Check and Duke episode 1 script part 3
(Check stabs Duke, then all of a sudden, check is a little kid in a daycare and surrounded by giant potatoes and carrots in maid outfits) What's going on? (a lady with a blurry face comes in) It's okay to check. It’s time for your bottle. (She shoves a bottle up his nose and sprays hot milk into his brains he's then cooked alive in the oven. And then cuts back to them on the roller coaster, and they're moving super fast and covered in throw up, and a giant hand comes out of the air and feeds them their own throw up. a voice from the heavens says “Good boys. It's okay, Mama will be back from the store soon.” Check is in tears." What's going on!? Duke: Why did you kill me? (Then in a disoriented state the Dream Repeater enters the room and Check and Duke are strapped to a chair with a device on their head) dream repeater: oh I can't wait to review this footage. (It then shows blurry imagery of check in a fire and his family getting killed and his electric sticks stabbing into him. Then, it shows a blurry vision of Duke gruesomely transforming into an animal for the first time and his scientist father leaving him. Days go by, and they constantly die over and over again. check finally breaks, and in the real world, electric sticks start electrocuting the headsets. Dream repeater: no no what are they doing?! Check and Duke fall out of their restraints. Check: what the hell have you been doing to us you fucking monster?! (Duke turns into a wolf and bites the dream repeater making stuffing come out. the dream repeater screams and starts running. Check and Duke chase him and check tries zapping him with his electric sticks but the dream repeater goes deeper into the basement of this building and glitches out of existence for some reason leaving behind a giant voodoo doll (insert fight scene here.) Check and Duke walk out of there and see onion lady. check and Duke are in tears.) Both of them: can we go home?.. onion lady:Already? It's only been 20 minutes. Duke: So all those days… Check: it was only…oh God…
Check and Duke episode 2 script part 1
(Check and Duke are at their house.) Onion lady: Come on check and Duke, we are going to the grocery store. Johnny Smith, you'll be watching the house. check: make sure to Home Alone the house Johnny Smith. Johnny Smith: My family could never afford to watch Home Alone. I grew up homeless with company. Duke: Oh, that's kind of sad. check: Anyway, onion lady, are we taking the onion mobile? Onion lady: no unfortunately Johnny Smith ate the onion mobile last night. check: Johnny smith! Johnny Smith: eerrmmm Whoopsie Daisy *throws up* I think I ate too much onion. Duke: Okay, let's get out of here before my allergic reaction starts acting up again. (It shows check, Duke and onion lady walking to the store.) Duke: Oh my God, it's so hot out. check: Yeah, it's like we're in a desert. onion lady: You do have a point. My onions are starting to cook. It's so hot out. But don't worry, we are almost there. Check: Duke, can't you turn into a water type Pokémon to cool us off? Duke: Do you want to get sued by Pokémon? Check nooo… Duke: That's what I thought. Check: I just thought they wouldn't really know. What are they Santa claus? Besides, my soda is going to run out soon, and then what will I drink? (Check is carrying a dim desert soda. They walk by a billboard for Home Alone that glitches into homeless with company. Eventually, they finally get to the grocerystore.) Check: we finally made it. We're here! Duke: And look at Home Depot! (Check and Duke's faces light up.) Onion lady: Why are you two sillies so happy? it's just a Home Depot. Check: Do I need to play The Home Depot song for you!? Onion lady: You mean the jingle? Duke: No, the Home Depot song is 5 minutes long. Onion lady: Duke sweetie, I feel like that's just a marketing tactic. Duke: Gasp how dare you say that about Home Depot they would never market to us. Check: or sponsor us. Onion lady: they wouldn't just sponsor a random family, honey. Check: but we have powers! Shouldn't that make us rich and famous or whatever!? like that creepy bald guy Jeffrey based toe. Duke: his toes are so based. Onion lady: Well, I need to go shopping for onions. So you two can go explore Home Depot. Both of them: Yay! (They're walking to Home Depot when, all of a sudden, checks soda glitches into intense Northern fizzy water. Check takes a sip of it.) *Spits it out* ew what the heck!? Duke: What? Check: My dim desert soda #not-sponsored is all of a sudden this weird intense Northern fizzy water. Fizzy water shouldn't even be intense! Duke: check you don't have to say not sponsored. I know we aren't sponsored. Onion lady just established that we wouldn't be sponsored because we're just two kids. Check: Yeah, but I'm saying it for them. you know the ones. Duke: Oh those ones. (they look into the camera.) Duke: Whatever, let's just go into Home Depot and drink paint instead.
Check and Duke episode 2 script part 2
(They walk into Home Depot, both of them take a deep breath and inhale the scent of Home Depot.) Check: it smells so good! like paint and cardboard. (It then shows a montage of check and Duke playing in Home Depot they're riding a lawn mower, climbing the shelves, flooding the kitchen, spinning in the dryers, and then checks about to drink paint but then suddenly it glitches into some green juice.) Check: the heck! this isn't paint! How am I supposed to quench my thirst now!? what is this? (he reads the label) “healthy juice, juice good, good liquid” fucks that type of name? (Duke comes in riding a lawn mower) Duke: check run! check: what is it?- oh my God! (it shows Duke being chased by a giant krampus-like creature. check jumps on to Duke's ride-on lawn mower. they ride around the ginormous store that keeps going forever. check: Thank God our tax money went to this giant Home Depot, or we would have crashed into something by now. Employee: What are you talking about!? you're crashing into so much stuff right now! My manager is going to be so mad! Duke: Sorry. (Duke turns into a big bird and Carries check up to the Krampus creature, letting the ride on the lawn mower crash. check jumps on the Krampus creature and strangles it with the connecting string of his electric sticks and electrocutes it until its eyes explode from the electricity it falls to the ground. Then it's steaming body glitches and turns into a dead customer that was a little kid.) Duke: Oh my God. Check: uuuhhh *stuffs it in a cardboard box and tapes it up.) Check: Hopefully when someone orders a table they won't get this (cuts to a family receiving the cardboard box and opening it up and screaming. The building then glitches into an abandoned building.) Check: dude, what the hell is going on!? Duke: I don't know, I'm just sad that we're no longer in Home Depot. Check: same. (They walk out of the abandoned building to reveal that they're in a desert with sand made out of sand, concrete, and metal. with four suns in the sky.) Check: oh god… (it then shows the glitcher sitting in his chair and his distorted voice says “try to survive this you monsters…” they're walking in the desert.) Duke: you know what? I may risk copyright infringement by Pokémon… check: I know it's so hot, but we can't afford it. Duke: Damn it. (Check and Duke are super hot and all dried up and exhausted.) Check: I don't know how much longer I can do this *collapses in the sand* ow! ouch! fuck hot! Duke: I know what will cheer us up, let's play a classic game of sand in the eyes! Check: dude where the fuck did you come from? Who plays sand in the eyes? Duke: me. Check: yeah I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe if we can find some cactus we can drink them. (Duke turns into a bird to get a bird's eye view to see if there are any cacti nearby.) Duke: check, I see something green! (Duke turns into a camel and check rides him there. Check tries to use his electric sticks to open it but when that doesn't work they suddenly grow into a blade.) Check: whoa I didn't know they could do that! (he starts to slice open into it but it bleeds red and it opens up revealing a creepy green demon like creature that hisses.) demon creature: hisses and screams. check: aaaahhhh!!! (It scampers off.) Check: well so much for that. Duke: we could have drank it's blood. Check: wait a minute can't you turn into a cow and give us some milk? Duke: uh dude… check: what? Duke: I'm amab check: … Duke: let's just say you won't be getting regular milk from me. check: (clueless) I'm fine with that. Duke: no! Check: fine. Hey look it's starting to get dark but what the… the suns look like they're coming down.
Check and Duke episode 2 script part 3
(The sun's go into the floor, and the sand starts to melt into lava.) Check and Duke: aaaahhhhh!!! (They run and find a sidewalk broken off in the middle of nowhere with a bus stop sign. They run over and get on to it. Check: So are we going to just stay here and die? Duke: I don't know. I don't even know how this sidewalk hasn't melted. everything else has. Check: Hey, look, a bus sign. It says the Night Bus arrives at 9:00. What's that? Duke: Isn't it 9:00 right now? (All of a sudden, the bus pulls up as its wheels are moving through the lava, and the doors open up. A man sits at the bus seat with his face shrouded in Shadows.) Check: do we need a ticket or something? (The bus driver just sits there in silence. check and Duke get on the bus. As they sit down on the blood-stained seats, they see cockroach like demons sitting and hiding in every crevice. The Green Cactus demons get on the bus as well. They sit on the bus as it drives through the lava.) Duke: hey Mr bus driver, where are we going? (The bus driver stays silent.) Stop ignoring me. That's it. (he gets up to look at the bus driver in the face but sees that his face has been cut off with wires running through it, leaving a bloody gory mess behind. Duke screams he sits down next to check and starts crying.) check: it'll be okay… (just then everything starts to light up and the bus turns into a regular bus and drops them off outside of the mall. it shows the glitcher, and in a distorted voice, he says “no! no! no! why does my technology never work!? I mean, I know I'm called the glitcher, but still, it shouldn't glitch outside of my favor! Check and Duke walk up to onion lady who just walked out of the store.) Onion lady: oh check, Duke I knew you guys were thirsty so I bought you some water flavored water. both of them: give me! give me! give me! give me! Onion lady: Oh my, you two are acting like you were in a desert.