Westley Speaks - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

banger of a sentence I read in a qsmp fanfic. like , holy shit!

"You’ve given me tears, now take my blood."

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1 year ago

ok… I didn’t know if I wanted to make such a post but this happened. And might as well add to it.

I had came across a few FitPac fanfics that portray them as “hard tough man and uwu soft boy” dynamic. I had read “the man kissed the boy” and “the Brazilian boy blushed at the American man” in a fanfic. It weirded me out. They’re both grown men. Yea, there is an age gap. Yea, Pac is mostly family friendly while Fit swears with no shame. But they’re grown men.

Pac talking about how the fandom always calls him a wife, get their asses Pac. The weird forced gender norms fandoms do to MLM pairs (and sometimes to WLW pairs, if they even pay attention to them) is so frickin weird. There's no "man of the relationship" or "woman of the relationship" its just the whole uke seme thing all over again

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1 year ago

Who in the qsmp fits this iconic Disney trio?

Who In The Qsmp Fits This Iconic Disney Trio?

An American duck in a sailor outfit, a Mexican rooster cowboy, and a Brazilian (Carioca) parrot magician.

For those unfamiliar: the duck is Donald Duck. the parrot is José "Zé" Carioca. and the rooster has a few different names. Including Panchito Pistolas and Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III. These new characters (and this scene) were featured in Disney's The Three Caballeros (1944).

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1 year ago

I found Look Away (2018) film. I read synopsis. I watch trailer.

It is same plot as “Her Evil Twin (Poison Apple #6)” by Mimi McCoy and “Zero” the creepypasta by ZombiePunkRat on DeviantArt (now deactivated).

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1 year ago

cc!ForeverPlayer was kicked from QSMP. Karine Favilla has deactivated her social medias.

No matter how scornful the deeds, heinous the actions, strong the disapproval from peers, nobody deserves death threats. Or any threats of harm and/ or violence. update: Karine came back a while ago. Please remain respectful and kind.

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1 year ago

Embarrassing moment for me. When I didn’t realize a certain actor was in Netflix’s adaptation of The Sandman.

Ferdinand Kingsley.

I knew him as Mr. Francatelli from ITV’s Victoria.

So that episode. (Episode 6: The Sound of Her Wings)

My sister pointed out that Hob Gadling's face looks familiar. huh? maybe...

Then 1700 era hits, and we're both "IT'S HIM! I KNEW IT". Then the 1800 era hits, and we're both "THAT'S HIM! THAT'S FRANCATELLI!" (The sideburns and mustache help.)

But I was still following him on Instagram. Still following since ITV's Victoria first aired on Masterpiece PBS. Yea, Insta algorithms get weird and I was not that active in the cast's social media presence bc of other things... I saw Jenna Coleman's face in The Sandman trailer. But clearly, I missed all Sandman-related advertising from Kingsley.

So now, I feel stupid for realizing too late.

At least it was a delight to see Jenna Coleman and Ferdinand Kingsley share the same screen again.

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1 year ago

My thoughts on American Born Chinese (TV series)

My sister and I recently finished American Born Chinese, the TV series. Now I share my thoughts. I'll try to keep them in chronological order.



After watching the first 2 episodes, my dad believed that the writers were racist towards Caucasians because the principal character mispronounced the 2 Chinese characters' names.

Note: My family is Asian. Both of my parents are born and raised in Vietnam.

I think the principal character was just clueless.

We accidentally watched Episode 2 and 3 out of order.

we get a flashback of Guanyin and Wei-Chen in Magic China. The trees are red, people are flying, you would think that you're watching the wrong show... If you had no idea what the show was about.

Flying people feels familiar nostalgic

Soccer team party and ... I'm pretty sure that's hazing

as long as nobody gets hurt

There's a lot yellow lighting. idk y

Sun Wukong hiding the staff in his ear is purely Chinese drama/TV only. according to my sister. Who read the novel? can they confirm?

Majority of episode 4 is a flashback in a style of an old Chinese Drama

it looks like something my parents would watch when I was small child age

You have no idea how many adaptations of Journey to the West there is. The original Classic novel is really old.


Even the editing and CGI is low-budget. The way how the staff floats in the air, as if it's on a string. I love it. Very 1 on 1 with what I grew up with.


Kế Huy Quan has a very Viet spelling of a name, but he's of a ethnic minority. My dad reads his name and knows Quan is Chinese.

(I'm still waiting for Wikipedia to fix the IPA pronunciation guide of his name. It's "Kay", like okay and hay. Not "kee", like Key or tree. )

His character, Jamie Yao, is very meta. I can tell the writers wrote him as someone who took on cardboard POC characters of the past. The writers and actors are using Jamie as that outlet to tell us what they always want to tell everybody from the beginning.

on to the next episodes...

transformations are never on screen. just off screen. play with cuts, lighting/ flashes, and other things. budget of this show went towards more important things.

Why is the dog in Ep 6 a yorkie? idk... I think they should've gone for another breed.

Episode 7: so... Did the Principal assumed Jin's mom as a tiger mom?

And shouldn't Jin's mom be using her maiden name? Or did Jin's parents got too assimilated in the American/ Western culture?

their names are Christine and Simon.

actually, they let Jin try out sports, go out with friends, and have a birthday party. With curfew.

They let him have a life!!

I wish my paretns are like that. >:(

I declined a birthday party invitation in 3rd grade because I was too afraid to ask my parents. I was so sure they would say no. They always say no to cousins sleepovers. (it's a sleepover of just the cousins.)

Episode 8: so the season finale ...

Jin's parents were fighting, now making up. There was no kissing. Thank you. Asian parents don't kiss. or people of that generation don't kiss. No kissing in East Asia.

flying people is normal. welcome to wuxia and xianxia. Let's GO!!!

Jin is so awkward. His kiss with Amelia is awkward. I appreciate. It's not a full on make out, like Hollywood rom-com. It's an awkward kiss done by awkward kids. Very real and in-character.

was that monologue about himself, Jin?

Very realistic ending. Very HISHE- moment. Jin asking for repeat and slower, because his Chinese isn't very good. Mood. Big Mood.

Where's Sun Wukong's monkey accent? Every CH drama has him in monkey accent. Including VN dubbing? (I'm talking about present day. I'm not talking about the Ep 4 flashback. idr if he spoke with monkey accent in the flashback.) Did he got too tired + stressed from parenthood that he turned super serious?

Sandy is now a woman

My dad explained this show to his sister as Sun Wukong but for kids of the 21st century. (She was staying over for a few nights and only watched like... 1 or 2 episodes.)

he is not wrong

occasionally, he explains the characters' Vietnamese names to me and my sister. The translation is still the same. Sounds are similar, because Vietnamese borrows a lot from Chinese.

Mom be walking in on the Mandarin-speaking scenes and asking what we're watching. Because we rarely watch films and shows in Chinese. It's either in English or Japanese (anime).

Imagine trying to explain Sun Wukong to your parents, who know the stories very well. But the catch is the language translation.

It's not Sun Wukong to my parents, It's now Tôn Ngộ Không (Tone Ng-oh Kh-ong).

Dad not understanding why Michelle Yeoh/ Dương Tử Quỳnh is returning to Hollywood because of her age.

I can not tell if he's being negative or positive or just plain confused. Or maybe he's confused on why his kids are watching her and not someone younger?

all story arcs get tied together in the very end. that's the point of drama writing. but there are few loose ends that bother me. like the pendant being lost forever.

This is a story about an immigrant family, written by immigrant families for immigrant families.

This is a story about being Asian, American, Asian-American, Asian in America, immigrants, and a child of immigrants.

Written by those people for those people


It has come to my attention that there were on-screen transformations with special effects and CGI for the first few episodes

I guess the budget sorta ran out for the final episode??

I am disappointed in the cancellation of the show. Disney didn't advertise it well enough.

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1 year ago

So I came across something called My Little Pony: Infection World or AU or whatever it's called.

What i gathered is that it starts as a TikTok trend, but i dont have tiktok. It bleeds into Instagram and YouTube, both of which I have.

And this MLP fanfic is essentially a zombie apocalypse.

I told my sister about this thing.

As veterans of the brony/pegasister fandom, we realized something. Actually, it was her who realized it. said it. My mind immediately blanks when I see or hear the word TikTok.

Why now?

What took them so long? Why not have the zombie apocalypse story earlier in the height of the brony fandom? Why now?

I mean, the zombies story idea is timeless. It's been around for such a long time. What MLP horror/ creepypastas did we had back then?Well..... the internet of 2010s loves slashers and monsters. So we got Rainbow Factory, Pinkamena, the Luna Game... ... Slashers and monsters were trendy for 2010s. (I'm also in the creepypasta fandom. I noticed the trends. BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Slenderman.) How is it still possible that we never did a zombie apocalypse story for MLP?? until now?

Anyways, have fun you bronies and pegasisters and all lovers of horror. And stay safe out there.

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1 year ago

If Jacksepticeye was part of qsmp, if he had accepted and stayed for the qsmp launch, IF HE WAS A MEMBER SINCE DAY 1.....

we wouldn't be ready for his interaction with Acau and Chunsik. Even if some of us already knew of his basic Korean skills, we still wouldn't be ready.

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11 months ago

it's been a full year since i last read the The Sandman fanfic that I lost. (Dreamling ship). No, I still haven't found it.

I made a long post describing the fic before.

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11 months ago

You know the most disappointing thing?

My sister can never be a fan of Neil Gaiman. She can never join the fandoms of his works.

why? why not?

She's legally not allowed to view his works. /hj She's a screen-writing major. /serious

She agrees with me that she would love his works. they both take classical literature and mythologies as their main source of inspiration, and transform them into their own creative works.

But accidental plagiarism is a problem.

So it's best that she never reads or watches his works.

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11 months ago

today I went to TF Con with a few friends.

we couldn't get into the QnA panel with Peter Cullen and Frank Welker. But we managed to say hi to them as they walked pass us, as they left the panel.

kudos to the staff for silently and quickly escorting them. barely nobody noticed them entering and leaving the panel.

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11 months ago

Doctor Who "The Giggle" spoilers below.


You know that bigeneration scene? the Doctor literally split into 2 people? and the clothes got split sorta evenly between them?

Doctor Who "The Giggle" Spoilers Below.

The 14th Doctor was running around commando in that scene.

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11 months ago

Years ago, my sister and I read a Black Butler x Hetalia crossover fanfic. We didn’t like it. It had flaws, like every fanfic.

some years later, we jokingly, half not jokingly, rewrote it. By rewriting, we just verbally brainstormed ideas together. As we kept going, we end up writing an Asakiku ship fic. Sorta? The genre was more mystery and drama.

like… the ship was subtle at first. Hinting and jokes. Teasing here and there. It was not important to the plot tho. Then after… idk. 1 season later? They revealed themselves as a (secretly) married couple. And the other characters are like, “We know. It was obvious.”


If you’re curious, here were some cute hints.

the group of countries plan their fake roles. England decides that he and Japan shall be the heads of 1 house. They are business partners who happen to live together.

the others tease him. “You make it look like you 2 are married.”

Japan hooks his arm with England’s arm. He teases him, “England. You forget yourself.”

England gets flustered and confused.

I will not explain context.

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11 months ago

Can people of the internet, especially music people on YT, learn the definition of daycore and nightcore???

All those edited music videos with "slowed and reverb" in their title. There is a word for that style: DAYCORE.

Nightcore: high pitched and sped up.

Daycore: low pitched and slowed down.

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10 months ago

I'm noticing a thing with Tumblr now. And it's annoying me. I be searching for things inside my blog, with my search engine. I type the tags used, keywords.. But nothing shows up. or the post i wanted doesn't exists, according to my blog's search results.

And I wonder if it has something to do with how often or how recent I used the tag.

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10 months ago

Transformers One will feature Hollywood actors with screen experience as voice providers of animated characters.

I get that it's a risk but...

When will Hollywood understand that it's a hit or miss decision?

They will either be terrible at voice acting for a cartoon character or the very best at it. Not that the chosen cast are terrible choices, they usually don't have lots of experience in voice acting. And that lack of experience might be obvious in the final product.

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10 months ago

You know that deleted scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron where Natasha asked Wanda about her jacket?

Remember the scene of Steve telling everybody to suit up and Pietro puts on shoes and a different shirt?

Yea, he definitely stole some clothes and shoes for himself. It's canon. Both of the twins stole clothes for their battle gear.

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8 months ago

Remember the bi-regeneration scene from The Giggle, Doctor Who.

Remember The Bi-regeneration Scene From The Giggle, Doctor Who.

So.. obviously, David Tennant is too much of a slut to risk having him walk around in a waistcoat and no shirt. They had to give him a long sleeve undershirt.

But this also means that 14th wore his trousers commando. 15th took the underwear.

He (David) is still a slut.

For legal reasons, I am joking the entire time.

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8 months ago

I think about that time I came across somebody on the internet complaining about the casting and costuming choices, and was it a good idea to have Ncuti run around in his underwear, blah blah blah. (I'm pretty sure they just don't like the idea of a queer POC was casted as the next Doctor. but idk.)

I want to troll them and reply with a "What? Would you rather have David Tennant run around in his underwear?"

Remember the bi-regeneration scene from The Giggle, Doctor Who.

Remember The Bi-regeneration Scene From The Giggle, Doctor Who.

So.. obviously, David Tennant is too much of a slut to risk having him walk around in a waistcoat and no shirt. They had to give him a long sleeve undershirt.

But this also means that 14th wore his trousers commando. 15th took the underwear.

He (David) is still a slut.

For legal reasons, I am joking the entire time.

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