Secret Message - Tumblr Posts
Bothering licence GIVEN to anyone who has that little purple mutual tag above their name and also anyone else really but moots especially
The urge to bother my mutuals
Who Are They
-I APOLOGIZE!! I know this is looooooooooong overdue, I started going through some things shortly after I posted the first chapter. The things are sorted out and now, I can try to post every other day. Thank you for your patience through this time!! Let’s get in to it!! ;)-
Summary: You’re part of a very popular family apparently. Your sister had a much better childhood than you, is there a reason why? Maybe. Is there a reason why four men seem to be following you, all confused on the fact of where they heard your name before? I don’t know, why don’t you stay and find out.
“See you later Dj,” you called as you walked down the steps.
“Really,” Dj began again, “Just let me take you home. It’s late.”
“I’LL BE FINE,” you yelled back.
-------------20 minutes later------------
“Not fine, definitely not fine,” you hissed as you ran down the pavement.
You see, it took you about fifteen minutes to find out you were being tailed by two men in suits and the man from the small restaurant with an associate of his it seemed. But, you only figured it out because someone started running and you just so happened to pass by a window. That was five minutes ago and you haven’t stopped running since. But, the thing is, you couldn’t figure out why they were chasing you in the first place. Was it because of the fake name? You had no idea.
But what you did know, you weren’t going to stick around and find-
The next thing you heard was...weird to say the least.
Wait that club music?
The sounds you heard only served to fuel your body adrenaline. But, why did it seem like the farther you ran, the closer the noises? CRASH! This made you come to an abrupt stop, as one of the suited men landed in front of you, into the lamp post. So, you ran left, the thing on your mind being: lefty loosey, righty tighty. What do you know!! It actually worked!! Now, for the home-
“PSST,” you heard, causing you to observe your surroundings.
“PSST,” you heard again.
“Come over here, quickly!! They’re coming,” someone said from an alley.
“Who? Who’s coming," you inquired.
“The suited men; They know who you are...they will KILL you,” they said again.
“How do I know YOU won’t kill me,” you asked.
“...B...Because I knew your mother,” they hesitated.
“That makes me not trust you more,” you said preparing to run.
“No!! Your REAL mother!! I- I knew your real birth mother,” he rushed.
Confused, you turn towards the alley. You always knew there was something different about you, but not THAT-
“Well, well, well,” someone chuckled from behind you, “Never thought I’d see the day where I find you agai-”
The man cuts himself off with a pained grunt when a thing slams itself into the man. Whipping your head around toward the alley, you see that the person has their hand out.
“I will explain everything to you, just come with me,” the person pleads.
Sighing, you put your hand in theirs, “Okay fine...I trust you.”
“Come,” they said stepping out of the alley, “You will be safe with me.”
Suited man #1
Growling, I watched little y/n disappear down the road with HIM.
“Well done Passione, you let her get away,” I sneered.
Narrowing their eyes, the Capo and his partner-if possible- hardened their stares on my partner and I.
“Capo,” a cold voice sounded behind us.
The Capo gave a curt nod before everything went black.
“......They found her.......”
“.......Intercepted Mission.....”
“...Capo Bucciarati.....Leone Abbacchio.....”
“......High Level Threats.....”
Sneak Peak
Sitting at her desk, the older woman sighs as she hears the commotion.
“Ma’am...he found her. He’s going to tell her everything and our asset told us that the capo and subordinate from the Don’s personal group interfered!! We- maybe we should just stop you know? Because the Don of Passione is a powerful man and let’s not get started on the capo!! That capo could bring all of down with just one word from-”
“Enough,” the lady growled, “Tell our precious subordinates to take them out.”
“The Don, his personal subordinates, HIM, and lastly Naples’ darling Capo. With them out of the way,” The woman stopped to chuckle, “the girl will be mine once more and I will get revenge on the people who took my lovers’ lives.”
Gulping the man nervously walks out the room, already dialing his contacts. Back in the office, the woman pulls out a manila folder labeled ‘Y/N PANE’.
“Carbonara, YOU, Pomodoro...the girl is going to be mine.”

Interrogating Them
Summary: From the last chapters, you were made aware of the characters and certain situation they’ve found themselves in. In this chapter, you will find out about what happened after someone-under the capo’s orders-knocked out the suited men. If you have not read ‘Who Are You’ or ‘Who Are They’ go back and read those chapters, you won’t understand some of this if you don’t.
Warning: Hint of violence
Sitting at her desk, the older woman sighs as she hears the commotion from outside of her office doors.
“Ma’am...he found her. He’s going to tell her everything and our asset told us that the capo and subordinate from the Don’s personal group interfered!! We- maybe we should just stop you know? Because the Don of Passione is a powerful man and let’s not get started on the capo!! That capo could bring all of down with just one word from-”
“Enough,” the lady growled, cutting off her subordinate's panicking, "Tell our precious subordinates to take them out.”
“The Don, his personal subordinates, HIM, and lastly Naples’ darling Capo. With them out of the way,” The woman stopped to chuckle, “the girl will be mine once more and I will get revenge on the people who took my lovers’ lives.”
Gulping the man nervously walks out the room, already dialing his contacts. Back in the office, the woman pulls out a manila folder labeled ‘Y/N PANE’.
“Carbonara, YOU, Pomodoro...the girl is going to be mine.”
Back at Passione's Headquarters, the two suited men were being interrogated. Each man in two separate rooms and two separate interrogators.
Room 1
"Look, just tell us what we wanna know-"
"Or what," the first suited man sneered, cutting off the gunslinger.
Taking a deep breath and remembering what the Don told him, the gunslinger continued, "Or I won't be so nice. Now, why were you after the girl?"
"Why are you so interested in the girl, Guido Mista?"
The gunslinger paused, a cold, deadly gleam started to present itself inside of his eyes. But, seeing as the suited man could not sense the danger, he pressed on.
"Is Don Giorno Giovanna invested in her? Or- let me guess," the suited man smirked, not knowing the monstrous rage that was about to be let upon him if he continued, "Bruno Bucciarati's trying to get you to save his precious putt-"
"Shut up," the gunslinger spat, venom lacing in the two syllables and shooting the man the shoulder.
The man’s painful yelp echoed throughout the white room. Startled, he looked up, swallowing with fear as he saw the icy glare coming from the man above him. He had previously known about the man- they all had- and the look that was being given to him at that moment did not fit the profile made about him. The look was cold-deadly even and coupled with the gunslinger’s height and clenching of his jaw, it made the suited man want to run far, far away. Realizing that he pushed the man too far, he internally cursed and tried not to alert the gunslinger of his fear.
“First, you resist, then,” the gunslinger paused, letting a deep, dark chuckle escape his throat, ”You have the nerve to let mine and Giorno’s name slip out from between those bloody lips of yours and lastly,” a sickening smile etched its way onto Mista’s face, “You tarnished Bucciarati’s name.”
The next things being heard throughout out the room were screams and cries of pain along with angered curses from the esteemed interrogator. Outside the room, Abbacchio frowns at the names that slipped from the suited man’s lips.
Grabbing a small black phone, Abbacchio presses a contact and hold it up to his ear, saying two words when the person on the other end picks up, “...codice rosso.”(code red)
Room 2
“Listen, just tell us what we wanna know,” the blonde said, a bored expression spread across his face.
With a bloodied nose, busted lip, bruised eye, and tears of embarrassment flowing down his face, the other suited fellow still refused. He refused to have his pride bruised any further than it already was. Realizing this, the boy with questionable fashion heaved a sigh before walking out. Surprised, the detained man froze, but soon let out a breathy laugh and a pained smile of relief spread across his face.
“Now, my subordinate tells me that you’re quite a tricky one,” Bucciarati stated in a low sultry tone.
Biting his lip, he failed to hide the hopeless look that flashed in his eyes as the capo crouched down in front of him. Seeing this, the capo internally smirked and knew that the man would tell him everything he needed to know- starting with him and his comrade’s names.
“Why don’t we start from the basics, hm? What’s you and your partners’ names?”
Hanging his head in shame and defeat, the man started, “My name is Exo and the man in the other room’s name is Theo. Just like you, we’re part of an that can bring Passione crumbling down.”
Pausing at his words, Bucciarati locked eye contact with his subordinate as that was the signal that was perfected for dire moments like these. ‘already on it’ the subordinate thought while dialing the same person Abbacchio did.
When the person picked up, the blond haired subordinate said the same two words that was told to them moments before, “Codice rosso.”
Sighing, another man with blond hair sat in his office, a shadow covering part of his face. Minutes apart, he had just gotten the same message from two of his trusted subordinates. ‘You were right again Bucciarati’ the man thought, shaking his head.
“Come in.”
The door opened, revealing another male with messy black hair and a back pack.
“Mission completed Don.”
“Good...look I know you’re tired...but we may have an....issue that will require all of us to fight...again,” the don stated slowly.
“Do we have a plan yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Come in.”
The door opened, revealing a frowning gunslinger, capo, hacker, and information retriever. After all of them piled into the office, the capo closed and locked the door.
“So,” the don started, “let’s begin.”


Knowing this fandom, this pile of blocks 100% have a secret message.