Self Ship Ask Game - Tumblr Posts
(This is my first time making an ask game so bear with me. Divider creds: @tsunami-of-tears )
This can be based on canon or headcanons
THIS IS MEANT TO BE FUN AND IF ANY OF THE QUESTIONS SEEM TOO PERSONAL DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED TO ANSWER THEM! I just wanted to make an ask game for fun and I DO NOT intend to harm anyone with this game.

SEND A NUMBER AND AN F/O!!! (Or say "Your Preference" or something similar.)
1. Is your F/O apart of the LGBTQ+ Community? If so what are their labels? (Unless their unlabeled)
2. How open is your F/O about their sexuality/gender identity?
3. Does your F/O like attending Pride Festivals or Parades?
4. How does your F/O celebrate Pride Month?
5. Who did your F/O come out to first? Are they out at all?
6. Has your F/O always been aware of their sexuality/gender identity? Or did it take time for them to figure it out?
7. Does your f/o wear anything to show their pride? (Bracelets, Pins, Hats, etc.)
8. Are there any Pride decorations in your F/O's bedroom? (Flag, Poster, Decorative Pillow, etc.)
9. If you're F/O isn't Cis, what gives them the most gender euphoria?
10. For this year's Pride Month, do you and your F/O have any plans on activities? (Can be as simple as supporting your favorite LGBTQ+ owned business or as big as attending the Pride Parade.)


🍰 Cake Shop Asks 🍰
Cheesecake: What is your favourite sweet treat?
Pound Cake: A picnic on a summer’s day with all your favourite treats or a rainy day in a cozy coffee shop with a book?
Chocolate Fudge Cake: What song can always make you dance/feel good?
Strawberry Shortcake: Name five of your favourite fictional characters.
Vanilla Cake: How do you spend a lazy, rainy day?
Coconut Cake: A lazy, beautiful tropical paradise or a busy, wondrous city?
Angelfood Cake: Tell us a cringey childhood story.
Chocolate Cake: What was the last movie you saw? Did you enjoy it? Why?
Red Velvet Cake: Name your ultimate guilty pleasure.
Ice-cream Cake: What is your go-to ice-cream order (toppings included!)?
Princess Cake: Name some of the things you wanted to be when you grew up.
Fairy Cake: If you could live in one imaginative land (eg: from a book, movie, etc), where would it be and why?
Mooncake: What is your Chinese zodiac sign (eg: Year of the Rooster, etc)?
Carrot Cake: What does someone have to do to get you to be their friend?
Birthday Cake: What is on your birthday wishlist?
Victorian Sponge Cake: You are at a shop that sells body lotions, soaps, shower gel, etc in lots of different smells. What scented lotion do you get?
Lemon Cake: What/who makes you smile the most?
Coffee Cake: How do you usually take your coffee/tea?
Italian Cream Cake: Name five of your top travel destinations.
selfship ask game ₊˚⊹⋆
wanted to celebrate hitting 300 followers so i thought i'd make an ask game!!! <3 please practice reblog karma if possible and have fun!!! feel free to answer these for yourself or a s/i, whichever is most comfortable 💌

🍬 - if you were in canon, what would the fanbase for your ship be like?
🧁 - your f/o is planning a surprise date for you two! what do they choose?
🍵 - do you have any pets with your f/o? if not, what kind would you like to adopt? how do they act around animals?
🍓 - what's a bad habit your f/o has?
🍦 - what's your f/o's favorite way to show affection? are there any little things they do to indicate their appreciation for you?
🥥 - talk about a memorable moment in your relationship.
🍾 - who confessed first, and how did it happen?
🍧 - which of you is the better chef? what's their favorite thing to make for the other?
🍒 - what is your f/o's love language, and how do they express it with you?
🥞 - who spoils the other more?
🍮 - what's something you do that always makes your f/o smile, and/or vice versa?
🫐 - what's your sleeping arrangement with your f/o like? do you share a bed? do they cuddle you, or talk in their sleep?
🍩 - what are some irl things that remind you of your f/o?

proship/comship + variants do not interact
selfship ask game : interview edition.
where asks should be answered in character as your self-insert / oc and/or canon character, like an on camera interview !! send an ask and put someone’s selfship in the hot seat !! questions should work with poly relationships too. feel free to reblog :DD

📞 — you’re stuck in the woods alone and at night & have enough battery to make one last short phone call to your partner/s. what are you saying to them?
📼 — what is a favourite memory you guys share? least favourite?
📸 — who is the most into pda? the least? who flirts more in public?
📺 — your partner/s is/are on the news! what are they being broadcasted for?
📻 — the world is ending. you’ve got one last full day with your partner/s before it does. what are you doing?
🎞️ — you’re all staring in a new upcoming film that’s said to be the next biggest thing. what is it about?
📽️ — if you had a book written about your relationship, what would the title be and why? what about a tv show?
🎙️— what’s a song you’re picking to serenade your partner/s with during karaoke?
🗞️ — quick! you’re getting put as the headline for a newspaper! what type of relationship do you want to be known as? (flirty, high school sweethearts, etc)
🗣️ — were there any rumours about your relationship before you went public? are there any current ones still? how do you / did you deal with them?

Self Ship Meme- Falling In Love
1. When was the moment that you realized that you were in love with your f/o? When did they realize they were in love with you?
2. How did you react to realizing that you were in love? Were you happy? Nervous? How about your f/o? How did they react to finding out they’re in love with you?
3. Who was the first to fall in love? You or your f/o?
4. Once you encountered your f/o again, how do you act around them? Were you nervous around them once you’ve realized you’ve fallen in love, or do you manage to keep calm? Vice versa?
5. Are either of you afraid of falling in love?
6. Does the feeling make either of you blush intensely? Your heart beat fast?
7. Did you tell anyone (platonic/familial f/os) about you falling in love with your f/o? If so, how did they react? How about your f/o? Did they tell anyone?
8. Is this your first time falling in love? How about your f/o? Was it their first time falling in love?
9. Do you try to bond more with them, or do you start to become more distant with each other?
10. How long did it take for you to fall in love with your f/o? Did it happen fast, or did it take a lot of time? Vice versa? Were you dating already when you officially fell in love with them, or were you not dating yet at the time?
11. How would you describe the feeling of being in love. How would your f/o describe the feeling? Or are either of you unable to explain it?
12. Do you see yourself having a future with your f/o? Do they see themselves having a future with you?
13. Did you want to tell your f/o you love them right away, or did it take a long time for you to tell them? Vice versa?
14. What song makes you think of your love for each other?
15. Did you plan out a special way to tell them, or did you tell them spontaneously? Were either of you nervous?
16. Did either of you give each other gifts on the day you told each other “I love you”?
17. Where were you when this all took place? Was it on a date? Were you guys on a mission? Anywhere else?
18. How did it all go? Describe the scenario.
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Asks

✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?