Serana X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Serana x gn reader


(Side note: so I’m trying something new! Making a couple of headcannons along with like a few actual paragraphs! Let me know what y’all think.

Serana isn’t used to comforting people to say the least

She saw so many people around her who she new were hurting, she didn’t know how to help

However her somewhat cold personality fades when she sees people she loves in pain

She’ll most likely hug them and let them know it will be okay

Despite thinking that she’s not good at comforting people she actually super good at doing so

Her voice is naturally calming so that’s a big help

As you stood on a mountain ledge you observed the world bellow you. You sighed as you continued to look. You hadn’t been feeling that great lately. Over the past few days you had a surge or negative emotions that took over. It was honestly confusing. Though you wondered if your companion Serana had noticed. As these thoughts ran through your mind you could feel her gaze. She had been staring at you for a couple of minutes instead of the world bellow. Out of no where you felt her hand touch your shoulder. It was ice cold. She sighed before pulling you closer to her side. She paused now looking at the land bellow. You noticed a small frown form on her face. As you stared into her orange eyes you wondered if you had done anything wrong. Serana looked over to you and began to speak, “’ve been acting kind of off lately. I don’t know what it’s about..but I’m here if you need to talk.” She said some what nervously. You could tell that she wasn’t used to this. You paused looking at her for a few seconds before you felt a tear run down your cheek. Serana noticed this and pulled you close to her front. She sighed hugging you tight. As you cried harder she began to stroke your hair. Her nails ran through your scalp as she tried to comfort you. “It’s okay..I got you.” She said calmly. As you began to fall to your knees she fell with you. As your arms wrapped around her tightly you felt her kiss the top of your head. She held you closer as you continued to cry. Her being there for you certainly helped with the entire situation. You had felt yourself calm down, you felt so safe in her arms.

(Anyway srry if this was short)

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3 years ago

hey! could you do headcannons for farkas, serana, and brynjolf (separate) with a s/o that starts crying/having a panic attack in front of them ?

Yea ofc! I’m not that really familiar with brnjolf so sorry if this is ooc :)


Honestly it suprises him at first, it was just pretty sudden

But he almost immediately gives you a hug and holds you close

He asks what’s the matter and he’s just really worried

He was afraid he’d be awkward with comforting you but he’s pretty good at comforting bc strong himbo gives good hugs

But after you have calmed down he definitely buys you your favorite foods and he does whatever he can to calm you down

Honestly I think he’d be pretty good at comforting

Also he would probs take you out to the woods

Just to like calm you down and embrace nature

And to pick flowers

He just wants to comfort you the best that he can

If you need space he kinda understands it

But he checks up on you pretty frequently


Honestly dosent know what to do for a good few seconds

She just stands there contemplating how to help

But she finds a way to comfort you pretty easily

She also hugs you and asks what’s wrong

You find a good place to talk and you tell her why your upset

She will try a way to fix it(if it’s a fixable issue)

But if it’s not fixable she will comfort you by giving you your needed affection

I don’t think serana would be a touchy feely person with everyone but she really cares about you

So she wants to give you your needed attention and or space

If you need space she understands and will occasionally check in on you and ask if your feeling any better


Honestly he could sense something was up

But he understands not everyone wants to talk about it

But then you start to cry

Then he’s worried and asks what’s wrong

You both sit down wherever you are and talk about it

He’s very understanding and will hold you if you want

If not he gets that and will ease up the thieving jobs

But he will give you your space and trusts you will come to him if you want

But after a day or so he’s gonna check back in and ask if you wanna do a job with him

Overall he’s very understanding and pretty good at comforting

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2 years ago
Aw Hell Yea, I Apologize That It Took Me So Long To Write This

Aw hell yea, I apologize that it took me so long to write this

Honestly he loves it

He’s soooo in favor of pisssing her off in any situation

And like he’s definitely gonna be happy he can shit talk her with you

And like he’s also so happy someone else goes by the old ways to

He’s know what shadow scales are but he’s definitely ask ab their personal experiences regarding training and etc

He’s gonna be attached to them at the hip

Like bro

He’s attached to anyone he bonds with like in general

But the fact they practice the old ways and does it despite the fact it pisses astrid off?

He definitely looses his shit over it

Like y’all will be discussing things and he’ll talk louder about it when astrid walks by

He definitely enjoys pissing her off

Ofc she dosent care that much but like she still finds it annoying

But Yknow Yall r #besites who enjoy pissing astrid off

If their the listener hed want to be there when the nightmother talks to them

Just to like

Be there??

Idk why he just wants to be there and ask about whay she’s saying

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1 year ago

Do you still do X Reader requests? If so, could I please get headcanons of Miraak, Serana, and Ulfric Stormcloak (separate) having feelings for the Dragonborn, only to realize the DB already has a significant other?

yup! I still do x reader stuff and I’m now open for fallout 4 characters now to! :D I’m using tumblr on mobile browser so sorry if the formats off but thank you for the request!


honestly accepting he had feelings for the Dragonborn was hard enough and then finding out they have a s/o? He is going through it. He’s mainly filled with anger in some sense mixed with jealousy. He’s constantly going back and forth in his mind from being mad at himself for even having these feelings to being mad at their s/o, in his eyes they will never be good enough for the Dragon born. Miraak is definitely not one to tell the Dragon born EVER though. He tries to contain his emotions so it’s not obvious but if you look hard enough it’s pretty easy to tell. He’s praying for the downfall of the relationship, but also he’s like “as long as their happy I guess but don’t settle for less.” He’s the biggest hater out there.


Serana also had a hard time accepting her feelings but for much different reasons, she didn’t want to be vulnerable in that way. She had planned on telling the dragon born but she kept on pushing it off mentally going back and forth on wether she should tell them or not. After finding out they had a s/o Serana was sad but relieved she found out before she told them. She was happy they had someone but it was still a lot to deal with. Serana will tell them eventually, but she isn’t asking them out, she just wants to communicate how she feels about them, which is still really hard but she’s less stressed than before. She has an open and honest talk and hopes the feelings go away, she does isolate herself for a bit, just so she can be alone with herself and her thoughts.


honestly I don’t know much abt ulfric but I think he’d just like accept it. He’d be upset for sure but idk I think his confidence would like prevent him from being…distraught? He’s just a little sad by it and like gives himself a pep talk like “you are strong and could have anyone you want. Do not stress.” Idk I don’t know ulfric well bc I don’t rlly talk w him in game so that’s just what I imagined.

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1 year ago

I was curious if you’d be willing to write some Skyrim Serana X Reader headcanons, where Reader is very affectionate.

Please and thank you

Sorry this took so long😭))

Serana x Affectionate!Reader Headcannons

For starters, she's hates PDA. The most she'll endure is you holding her hand. When she's in public, she would like people to only see her up front serious persona.

When you two are in the privacy of you twos bedroom, she loves to cuddle. She usually is the big spoon but also enjoys being the little spoon. Being the little spoon brings her comfort sense she has never had much her whole life.

If you ever want a hug from her in public, she'll do one of those hugs that are real quick with one arm, and she'll hope no one saw.

Her love language is words of affirmation. She'll often compliment you or applaud for something you did. For example, if you two are in a cave or a bandit camp, she'll tell you are doing well going through all the people with ease.

If you get hurt really bad, she'll give you extra affection that day. Extra kisses, extra hugs, extra cuddles, extra everything, even in public.

Also, if you are hurt, she'll heal you up with a spell and tell you did well taking a hit like that.

Overall, she's not the most affectionate unless no one is watching.

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